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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Just a few things from last night -

Took my hard-earned experience back into AsCat story mode last night and the whole thing went very smoothly. Only one other person there had any experience with the dungeon. Things of note and lessons learned -

1) Thief Scorpion Wire is under-appreciated. Our thief was pulling
Ascalonian Rangers
with it and it looks like aggro is calculated after the pull resolves. The other surrounding
Rangers / Necromancers
didn't notice a thing. So awesome because fighting three
at once is a real headache.

The Lovers are
still a pain in the butt even when you know what you're doing. Confusion and reflect projectiles is so hard core when you're playing an Engineer. The fight is getting a lot easier but it's still probably the hardest in the dungeon. I imagine
Spectral Grasp, Scorpion Wire, and Magnet
probably make the fight easier.

3) We carried
from the
fight back to the battle with the
. Not sure if it's worth it. The time spend throwing them in battle could be better spent burning him down. Still, we didn't wipe, so maybe it was worth it.

Traited out my Engineer a bit different this time. Pistol / Shield, Healing Turret, Elixir Gun, and Grenades / Bombs / Flame Thrower. I goofed around a lot with the last utility slot and swapped between Rocket Boots for the Blast Finisher, Elixir S for invulnerability during rezs, and Prayer to Kormir for conditions.

I started with bombs and slowly made the transition to Grenades. I want to like bombs, but getting close enough to mobs to plant them was quite risky. It was a LOT easier to blast finish bombs though since I was already there. Spam bombs → Rocket Boots was extremely good for this, but I felt like it took me out of the battle too often (about 2-3 seconds) to really be worth it. The REAL find was the Bomb Kit Tool Belt skill Big Ol Bomb. Good damage, blowout, and combo finisher on a 30-second cooldown. Gatdamn!

Elixir S is pretty good for rezzing teammates. I don't have Elixir R and would hate the long cooldown even if I did, so I opted for the 3-4 seconds of invulnerability instead. It's not a guaranteed rez, but it gets me most of the way through.

My basic "rotation" went something like Grenades / Bombs, Blast Finisher (via Shield or Rocket Boots), Elixir Gun 2 > Elixir Gun 3 > Elixir Gun 5 > Optional Blast, Pistol 2 > Pistol 3 > Grenades repeat.

Healing Turret, Elixir Gun 5 + Tool Belt meant a lot of heals and regens for my team and Elixir Gun 3 was pretty amazing during fights with
Necros and Rangers

All in all, a very positive experience for my Engineer. I'm definitely feeling the class a bit more now. After my disappointing experience with my Necromancer and Fractal 2
and that legendary power-suit boss
(sorry for bailing out on your guys) yesterday, I'm tempted to keep running with my Engineer. I feel like the battle for main has come down to those two classes. Both have bugs and issues, but both are a lot of fun. Seems like Engineer is the better implemented class out of the two.

Which brings me to

Sentenza's donezo, baby. Level 80 number two. Time to slather him in exotics to go with his shiny new ascended quiver. Thank god for crafting and account bound tokens.

Which character did you max, your necro? How are you liking it at 80? Do your options increase? Do you have access to a number of entertaining builds? What's it like and how does it compare with your engineer?

Also -

Some of you know what this for...


Awesome;D Do you already have one or is one on the way? Or what, you're not buying those to do character sketches, are you? :p

Sorry to post so much subjective stuff - writing it all out helps me reflect on what worked and what didn't. Hopefully, my experiences will help out some fellow Engineer noob. :/
Hah! You know you've got problems when you say you have to revamp all the dungeons. Hoo, boy!

But at least I'm glad they've acknowledged the problem. But forgive me if I don't show faith in their ability to deliver...


Saint Nic
Also -

Awesome;D Do you already have one or is one on the way? Or what, you're not buying those to do character sketches, are you? :p

Nah, we are getting married in 10 days though! We were having a chat in Mumble about mega packs of crayons.

People should join in Mumble more - so much fun times haha


Hah! You know you've got problems when you say you have to revamp all the dungeons. Hoo, boy!

But at least I'm glad they've acknowledged the problem. But forgive me if I don't show faith in their ability to deliver...

Zyr, man, you raise some good points sometimes, but you really seem like a "glass-is-half-empty" kind of dood.

To be honest, I didn't think anything of that particular statement. Maybe it's because I'm in game development where "iteration" is the law of the land. No matter how many times you redo something, you're never going to get it completely right. All you can do is just get more feedback / sample data from your players and then try to tweak or adjust the experience. That's what I got from the statement.

Having said that, I think you're expecting a lot if you think they should get it "right" (whatever that means) on the first pass. That's the cool (sometimes frustrating) part about playing a game since launch - you get to be there to see the game in its infant stages and watch it grow into something better.

Nah, we are getting married in 10 days though! We were having a chat in Mumble about mega packs of crayons.

People should join in Mumble more - so much fun times haha

Yeah, I'd love to jump on but probably never well. The only two times I can play are a work during my lunch break or at home after my son goes to sleep. We have a baby monitor up and I've got to keep an ear open so Mumble is pretty much out of the question. Actually makes grouping in general pretty tough but, what can you do?:D

Congrats on the marriage!
Zyr, man, you raise some good points sometimes, but you really seem like a "glass-is-half-empty" kind of dood.

To be honest, I didn't think anything of that particular statement. Maybe it's because I'm in game development where "iteration" is the law of the land. No matter how many times you redo something, you're never going to get it completely right. All you can do is just get more feedback / sample data from your players and then try to tweak or adjust the experience. That's what I got from the statement.

Having said that, I think you're expecting a lot if you think they should get it "right" (whatever that means) on the first pass. That's the cool (sometimes frustrating) part about playing a game since launch - you get to be there to see the game in its infant stages and watch it grow into something better.
Okay, but I think the dungeons are horrible and should never have been released in the state they were in. After all, you're supposed to be getting it to the point where it's "fun" before the game hits the shelves (and let's be honest here, the practice of releasing a game unfinished to patch it post-launch does no one any favors).

You can't expect me to believe they didn't have the opportunity to test their own content and find a good sweet spot between 'soul-crushingly unfair' and 'tit-suckingly easy'. Iteration is one thing, but revamping is another thing entirely. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the revamped dungeons hardly bore any resemblance to their old selves (and that would be a very, very good thing, mind you).

But of course, there's the caveat that undoubtedly some folks disagree entirely and like the fact that... no I can't even finish this sentence with a straight face, if you think the dungeons in the game are good as they are, you've never played a game with good dungeons before. Honestly, there's no measure by which GW2 dungeons don't end up looking sub-par, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


The Cryptarch's Bane
if you think the dungeons in the game are good as they are, you've never played a game with good dungeons before.
Please don't do this. You don't like them, that's not the same as them being bad. I think they are enormously fun, especially after having mastered them. Some paths could use a lot of work; others are legitimately broken. Some are in great shape and fun enough that I literally run them once a day. Obviously that means to you that I am a masochist or something, and that's fine. Just don't state anything like that as objective fact, it can't be proven, and while I'm curious which paths you've done and what kind of group you had, the sort of tone you're striking makes me just not want to talk about it because I don't think it'll be productive.

That said, I'd like them to prioritize, in descending order: actually broken paths, then weak/too long/too easy/too boring paths; then add NEW paths. Lots of encounters could be cleaned up with simple numerical alterations. Significantly changing the existing paths that are good to run to appeal to the players who currently don't like them at all doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Of course, if they did do so I'd eagerly embrace the tweaks as a new set of challenges.

I will say that my prediction is that you will be incredibly disappointed with the revamping of the paths that does come to pass. I believe that you'll most likely not find it to be revolutionary enough and the dungeons too similar to their old selves; the second most likely scenario being that despite signifcant changes you still don't find them fun. I'd recommend you temper your expectations. I'd love to be wrong about this but that's my prediction.


You can't expect me to believe they didn't have the opportunity to test their own content and find a good sweet spot between 'soul-crushingly unfair' and 'tit-suckingly easy'.

I'm sure they've done testing, but running tests with your own in-house team and then releasing said content to a community of 100,000 + players is not the same thing. Also, when you look at your community, I think you'll find there's a pretty big split between your casual player and your hardcore dungeon runner. I think it's a pretty big challenge to provide something that works for both on your first run.

Having said all of that, there are apparently a large number of glaring bugs, not just in dungeons but in world and heart events as well. I'd like to say that you'll never get them all before release, but some of the more visible bugs are pretty bad. I can only imagine what their 100+ member team is prioritizing over those bugs.

Iteration is one thing, but revamping is another thing entirely. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the revamped dungeons hardly bore any resemblance to their old selves (and that would be a very, very good thing, mind you).

We'll have to see what changes.

you've never played a game with good dungeons before. Honestly, there's no measure by which GW2 dungeons don't end up looking sub-par, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

Maybe. I'm more of an explorer type and tend to move at my own pace. I also tend to judge dungeons on more than one criteria - environment, mood, layout, and gameplay are all big factors for me. I'm not looking to convince you, but I'll say that the first time I ran AsCat story - I had a lot of fun with the experience. Same with paths 1 and 3 in EXP mode. Some parts are poorly designed - as an intro dungeon they really throw you in the deep end asking a level of cooperation that simply isn't present in any pre-dungeon content. The Lovers being the example that stands out most in my mind. Still, learning the dungeon, how to handle each situation, then getting better at it, and finally leading parties of my own has been immensely satisfying AND fun. Could the dungeons be better? Sure. Do I believe they're making progress on that front? Yes.

Just so I can get an idea of where you are coming from, what are some examples of dungeons that are well-designed in your book and what made them so enjoyable?


Saint Nic
E: Zyr. You have so many issues with the game, just take a break for about a year when the game is in a state that may be more up to your standards.


Yeah, I don't think he's venting if he honestly believes what he believes and can back up his statements with examples. We need people with different perspectives, especially if the game is going to grow. That doesn't make his statement about dungeons (or some of his more extreme statements) valid, but his feelings as a player are.

Agree, disagree, ignore - the choice is yours. No reason to go all crazy (not saying that you are) on the dood for taking the time to write.

As long as he isn't actively trying to piss everyone off or detract from our fun, I'm fine with anything he has to say about GW2.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire"

edit: My most positive dungeon experience in GW2 so far has been the Blizzard / Forest fractal. I love that place;D


I rather like the dungeons. My faves are CoE and SE. The Fractals are some of their best stuff. I only found the dungeons to be unfairly hard on my first couple of trips, but then I learned the dungeons and improved at them.

Overall, there needs to be tuning work and such. They tend to overdo the health bars. The Karka mobs had this problem as well.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I rather like the dungeons. My faves are CoE and SE. The Fractals are some of their best stuff. I only found the dungeons to be unfairly hard on my first couple of trips, but then I learned the dungeons and improved at them.

Overall, there needs to be tuning work and such. They tend to overdo the health bars. The Karka mobs had this problem as well.
Yup, lots of fights with great mechanics are plagued by this. The HP pools must be insane on some mobs


Saint Nic

But of course, there's the caveat that undoubtedly some folks disagree entirely and like the fact that... no I can't even finish this sentence with a straight face, if you think the dungeons in the game are good as they are, you've never played a game with good dungeons
before. Honestly, there's no measure by which GW2 dungeons don't end up looking sub-par, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

I do want to comment on two things here, and in a relatively civil manner.

First, the bolded statement is entirely unnecessary and only makes you come off as a dick. I'm sorry, but these sorts of things are not needed and insanely childish blanket statements.

Second, I love dungeons. I do not think they are perfect, but I think they're done incredibly well, especially within the constraints of the GW2 system (and lack of holy trinity).

And for the record, the best dungeon I've ever run in any game I've ever played is Heroic 25-man Ulduar back when the content was relevant.


Even though the pvp side of things seem to be on the backburner, the PVP squad seem better at communicating. Sharp and Peters are pretty active and often do Q&A in the Mists. Sharp just cleared up the bit about "we only have two guys on balance", saying that they have multiple people in balance meetings, but putting the fixes they decide on in game is done by the couple people associated with that segment of the game. So it's not just two people figuring out how to balance all the classes.

I guess I should copy pasta the whole thing

A while ago Jon Peters said something that has been taken out of context. He said that only two people were working on the things he was working on (which was true – but he meant it differently than how it was received) and people have taken that to mean that we only have 2 people working on balance, or PvP, or both (at this point it’s morphed into different things in different threads).

Based on what was said, I understand how it could have been construed, so I wanted to be as transparent as I can be, so that you know what’s happening inside the studio.

On the PvP team we have programmers, designers, QA and an environment artist (Darrin Claypool – he’s the guy who just finished making Temple of the Silent Storm). Many PvP features need all members of the team, but some are programmer intensive, or art intensive. For example, while we’re still working on custom arenas and other core features (which involve server programmers, UI programmers and gameplay programmers), designers and artists were able to build the recently released “Temple of the Silent Storm”. Because the map required no code, we simply worked with art, design and sound in order to support this map’s needs. Work on custom arenas requires zero environment art, so those two features (custom arenas and a new map) don’t impact one another greatly, as far as work flow goes.

For WvW, we have a similar setup. We have designers, QA, programmers and environment artists. WvW is a massive piece of the GW2 pie, and the WvW team is able to focus on WvW needs. While many of us in the company may give feedback/ideas/suggestions to the WvW team, they are the ones who actually implement and carry out those changes.

When it comes to balance, we have multiple people who give feedback/guidance/suggestions, even though a smaller subset actually implement those changes (which is what Jon was saying in his post). After we have balance meetings, a few of the designers implement the changes. If it’s a WvW change, the WvW designer will implement that change. If it’s a PvP change, one of the PvP designers implements it (again, this is what Jon was saying). If it’s strictly a balance change, then we have a designer do it that has the bandwidth (sometimes it’s me, sometime it’s even Izzy, but usually it’s Karl or Peters). Currently, when we have balance meetings, the following people are present in various combinations, depending on the topic:
Jon Peters – game designer
Karl McLain – game designer
Representatives from the WvW team, including QA and design
Representatives from the dungeon teams, including another game designer
Representatives from the live response team, including QA guys who play ALL aspects of the game A LOT
Other representatives from the PvP team, like Tyler Bearce (designer) and Roy Cronacher (QA)
Izzy – lead designer
Myself – game designer

When we’re in those meetings, we’ll talk about hot topics, and issues that are currently a big issue for a certain piece of content. We also listen to high level players, we read the forums (sometimes we even take the best-written posts, print out 10 copies, and bring them to a balance meeting), and we play the game to get a feel for ourselves. Just because you don’t see a change that YOU want, keep in mind that someone else may disagree. Just because we don’t do every single change YOU want, doesn’t mean we don’t care about you or the game. We just try to make the best changes for the greatest number of players.

I just wanted to clear this up to let you guys know a little bit more of what happens here inside the studio so you understand more of what Peters was trying to say. He’s just as busy as we all are, and with a lot of us gone for Thanksgiving (he’s not here right now), I just took it upon myself to try to clear this up a little.


I can't wait to start hitting the Sylvari-themed dungeon. All that Nightmare loot will be miiiiine!

Yup, lots of fights with great mechanics are plagued by this. The HP pools must be insane on some mobs

The fractal with the
giant legendary powersuit
boss comes to mind. Soooo much health.

Even though the pvp side of things seem to be on the backburner, the PVP squad seem better at communicating. Sharp and Peters are pretty active and often do Q&A in the Mists. Sharp just cleared up the bit about "we only have two guys on balance", saying that they have multiple people in balance meetings, but putting the fixes they decide on in game is done by the couple people associated with that segment of the game. So it's not just two people figuring out how to balance all the classes.

I guess I should copy pasta the whole thing

Feel bad for the devs here. Most of this is common sense stuff, but people get worked up so easily. I'm thinking they need to really get a good Community Manager / Relations team and just leave everything up to them. I appreciate the chance to interact directly with the devs, but I'd rather they work on the game then have to defend everything they say to general masses.

Like when Peters said big changes were coming to Engineer and Ranger. I could tell he just wanted to get everyone excited and make them happy. Then when expectations weren't met - the internets imploded and people were clamoring to sacrifice Peters's firstborn. It's easy to think that direct interaction → happy fans and great service, but I think ANet is finding out the hard way that this isn't necessarily so. Poor bastards.


Assuming you're doing that fight right, he's actually one of the shorter ones. :p

Yeah, I wasn't doing it correctly. I was actually hurting my team of fellow GAFfers by kiting away from the group. I just didn't know what was going on - it was my first run. Sorry GAF.

That, coupled with his regeneration, really gave me the impression that he had a metric TON of life. Could just be my scrubbage showing.


Which character did you max, your necro? How are you liking it at 80? Do your options increase? Do you have access to a number of entertaining builds? What's it like and how does it compare with your engineer?

Sorry I didn't get back to you in time in-game, but yeah I leveled my ranger instead of my necromancer.

I'm not as experienced with the class yet as I am my engineer, but so far I enjoy the general flow of combat a lot more. Especially having normalized access to all three utility slots, it feels like the number of builds I can create on a ranger is quite a bit more, even though the utilities themselves are slightly narrower in scope.

Pets are proving a little difficult to manage in explorables; not impossible but seems unnecessarily micro-intensive when they are so vulnerable. The brown bear seems to handle himself fine but just about anything else needs to be controlled closely. Because both the brown and black bears have good group-based F2 skills (area condition cleanse and area weakness) I will probably run both bears in dungeons until pets are buffed for PvE purposes.

Ranger weapon skills are pretty fantastic, I find myself switching around between GS, sword & warhorn, longbow regularly. The sword auto-attack needs to be fixed so it can be properly interrupted - currently you can't even dodge out of the second or third strikes - and I do hope they allow full movement during the 1 chain in the future. That and the longbow 1 are the weakest skills of the stuff I normally run; in the longbow's case it's just the damage and projectile speed that need adjusted. Or they could keep the damage and increase the firing speed or something.

I'd heard a lot of negative things about rangers' contribution to explorable groups, but my experience so far doesn't really seem to show them in a bad light at least compared to the engineer (who I have quite a lot of dungeon experience with). My most common setup is something like this:


I like the trait setup because it allows you to switch between GS + Longbow, Longbow + S/H, and GS + S/H without wasting any trait slots. It's actually not terrible to stick to melee range sometimes (especially if you have a heavy guardian/warrior outfit) so I'll slot Spotter in for Eagle Eye. With some Pow/Tough/Vit stuff mixed with Pow/Pre/Crit% I've had no issue staying alive in melee. Especially not once you start consistently landing Hornet/Serpent (S) or Counters (GS).

It's also got all kinds of group utility - lots of group Fury/Swiftness uptime (and permanent self-Fury), an awesome instant-cast full party condition wipe, S&R for rezzing while you kite, another group condition wipe + 15 second water field on our heal, and the typical quickness utility (whether used for damage, dungeon channeling or rezzing). I'll just as often have Muddy Terrain up in place of S&R or SoRenewal since it is such a good general kiting tool.

What's nice is that this same set can basically just be major trait flipped into a condition damage build should you build your gear that way. Switch to more traps for additional combo fields, axe over sword and potentially torch over warhorn for more fire uptime (though it's hard to beat group Fury) and you've got a really strong condition build. Coming from the engineer who didn't really have that much flexibility in-build just with major trait flips, it's pretty cool.

What not nice is that it is pretty clear that spirits (minus the elite Spirit of Renewal) are supposed to be very group-oriented skills for the class and they are all unambiguously garbage. They look neat on paper, but are completely hobbled by a grip of issues; they are completely stationary without a grandmaster trait, get instantly wrecked by any form of AoE and die, and have a horrible 10 second internal cooldown each time a player receives one of their benefits. The three factors combine to form a complete non-starter - this area of the class very much needs attention.

All told, I am enjoying the class more than my engineer.


the biggest issue with dungeons I have are HP sponges and the bosses are just mash your hotbar. At least in the ones I've done. Fotm is different luckily. Actually fotm would be the ideal dungeon, but it's about 20-30 mins too long i feel. after the 2nd and into the 3rd I'm starting to get bored and just want it to end.

I totally see where he is coming from. some dungeons are just wtf in their design. Like TA. the hell is up with those flowers? what purpose do they serve other than to piss you off? It's not fun spamming your range weapon while running. It's not fun only being able to dodge forward because the FOV sucks so bad you can't see shit. And some of the champ mobs are just booooorrring. Just hit your attack and tab out til they die.

and they really, really need a dungeon finder system. something that can link all servers with a nice pool of lfg. i don't care what you guys thinking this ruined wow, it didn't. but something is needed. there's very little reason for me to sign on at 2 or 3am when there's 10 people on and no one wants to run. I'm not spamming la for 2 hours because by that time I'm going to pass out. also, this isn't 19 fucking 90. not to mention the game supports this already. all we need now is a group browser that works connecting everyone.

this game is far from perfect in many areas. from class bugs to skills to wvw design and pve/events issues and design. not to mention just straight up broken code with culling.


Ranger gold

Wow, thanks for getting back to me!

Yeah, Necro and Ranger (along with Engineer) are on my shortlist for a main right now. After unlocking Elixir Gun, Rocket Turret, and Tool Kit, I'm kind of in a honeymoon phase with my Engineer right now, but I'm eager to get back to my baby ranger.

I've noticed some of the same things you have - specifically rigidity within the Sword 1 attack chain and the overall poor state of Spirits. The Sun Spirit was the FIRST utility I took because I thought they were visually very appealing and meshed with my idea of Lady of the Grove (my character). Unfortunately, they were hard to use in PvE. The stationary bit wasn't so bad but the internal cooldown is terribad.

Otherwise, the weapon skills are fun. Greatsword is surprisingly mobile, which makes the Sword 1 chain even more odd. I feel like offhand weapons could use a bit more balance. The benefits of using Horn seem to outweigh those gained by using Torch, Dagger, Axe. Torch is pretty good and Axe gives you a Whirl finisher, but Dagger needs more love.

Personally, I'd like to see Sword more mobile. My first image of Lady was to use Longbow & Sword / Dagger. Shortbow seems to be the better weapon, but I'm not ready to give up my dreams of Kudzu on my Sylvari Ranger.

What I especially like about most of the traits are their ease of use and overall synergy. You have one trait that lowers cooldown on both ranged weapons, and another trait that reduces cooldown on all your off-hand weapons. Damn, that's nice!

Anyways, thanks for the input. I'm getting the impression that we have similar tastes, at least in class choice, so I'll be waiting further posts with baited breath! (gross)


Sonic handles my blue balls
Revamping all of our existing dungeons (Story and Explorable versions) through rebalance and overhauled encounters.

Here's hoping that they realize that boss fights where the boss just does the same thing over and over, and has a ton of hp, is boring. Either make the high-HP boss fight more dynamic and exciting or lower his HP and add more mob ecounters leading to that fight, to offset the shortened boss encounter. (in order to keep player time spent the same)


Here's hoping that they realize that boss fights where the boss just does the same thing over and over, and has a ton of hp, is boring. Either make the high-HP boss fight more dynamic and exciting or lower his HP and add more mob ecounters leading to that fight, to offset the shortened boss encounter. (in order to keep player time spent the same)

Talking to Kristen she made mention that the dungeon team has set the bar really high with fractals and want to extend that kind of "arcadey" awesome feel to the original dungeons so they don't feel like a slow plodding experience.


Canadians burned my passport
I just hope they get rid of all the "LOL AREA OHKO" boss moves. Those are so shitty and super not fun.


After hanging out with another guild for the past week, I'm convinced Fractal progression is character bound instead of account bound for two reasons:

1. Having multiple characters you need to do it with from level 1 means you always have a character falling behind you can swap to for a day and run the Fractals with others.

2. A final plea to the community to learn how to be a bro, or get into a guild full of bros.

I need to do some dungeon runs with GAF.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Talking to Kristen she made mention that the dungeon team has set the bar really high with fractals and want to extend that kind of "arcadey" awesome feel to the original dungeons so they don't feel like a slow plodding experience.

That sounds great, and "arcadey" is probably the best way to describe Fractals and honestly, I feel make the most enjoyable kind of video games.


Talking to Kristen she made mention that the dungeon team has set the bar really high with fractals and want to extend that kind of "arcadey" awesome feel to the original dungeons so they don't feel like a slow plodding experience.

I had a feeling this was going to be the case, especially when they were seeing the overall love for Fractals. Good to hear they are doing this.
Did my first set of fractals last night thanks to the hospitality of 4 guildies...it was pretty fun, but was hard to tell how much I was contributing. cant remember everyones name but killiminjaro ill or something was the kid who led the charge and he gave us concise and useful directives the whole way. Thanks 4 tha intro



Basically, people like one time events, they just want them to work. Then lists some things they will be adding to the game or working on. Totally avoids the Ascended gear issue.

I hate one time events. Other games have tried and failed, but whatever if they want to give it a shot then by all means.

However the first bullet point should of been fix all the class bugs and broken skills. That will kill the game faster than anything else. And yes I'm sure they are working on it. But it needs to be the #1 priority and have more than 2 devs doing it.


Saint Nic
Did my first set of fractals last night thanks to the hospitality of 4 guildies...it was pretty fun, but was hard to tell how much I was contributing. cant remember everyones name but killiminjaro ill or something was the kid who led the charge and he gave us concise and useful directives the whole way. Thanks 4 tha intro

Kirito Ill is fun to run with - glad you had a successful first run!


Oh I didn't even place that killiminjaro ill => kirito. lolol

I couuuld play today but I'm having some fun playing Wii and lego-type games with the family. Probably will just take a break for the weekend.


I hate one time events. Other games have tried and failed, but whatever if they want to give it a shot then by all means.

However the first bullet point should of been fix all the class bugs and broken skills. That will kill the game faster than anything else. And yes I'm sure they are working on it. But it needs to be the #1 priority and have more than 2 devs doing it.

They don't want the game turning into Flavor of the Month style rotations like other MMOs have when balance changes come down. So they're being slow about it. I talked with Jonathan Sharp in the mists yesterday and said more balance changes are confirmed for the wintersday patch. It's ongoing.

I don't like people like you who think that just because they're working on events and stuff like that the other parts of the game are neglected. there are teams for EVERYTHING in the game, and they work on stuff like anyone else. You need time.


Saint Nic
Oh I didn't even place that killiminjaro ill => kirito. lolol

I couuuld play today but I'm having some fun playing Wii and lego-type games with the family. Probably will just take a break for the weekend.

I'm doing the same (taking a break), but only because I have no way to play. I guess that means I'll just come back ready for more!

Happy Thanksgiving all!


Talking to Kristen she made mention that the dungeon team has set the bar really high with fractals and want to extend that kind of "arcadey" awesome feel to the original dungeons so they don't feel like a slow plodding experience.

I kind of want an experience, not necessarily a dungeon, that feels like you are deep within an enemy's lair for an extended period of time. Orr doesn't quite capture that feeling, I'm talking something that gives you a Angband (the location, not the game) or Moria (ditto) vibe. Where you feel like you've been underground for days exploring endless antechambers and vaults.

Blackrock Depths sort of had this, and Ajzol Nerub had the potential to (huge underground civilization; let's make it just two short instances), but so far nothing captures it. Dark Souls has it in spades. I kind of want a 'slow, plodding experience' if it feels like danger is right around the corner and retreat is impossible.

I'd say a whole underground zone (which they seem to have designed for, as the world map has an Upper Level and Underground tab on it) or an open-world dungeon would work.

I need to do some dungeon runs with GAF.

Ask in Guild Chat. If I have the time, I will usually go along with anybody, anywhere. The only dungeons I don't care for are CM and TA. If you see a dungeon group forming, offer to come along. If anyone complains that you've never done the content before, you can tell them I said they're acting like dicks.

That sounds great, and "arcadey" is probably the best way to describe Fractals and honestly, I feel make the most enjoyable kind of video games.

Definitely "Arcade-y". As soon as you start to get tired of one theme, you're already on to the next. I don't want ALL dungeons to feel like that (I do like the dungeons they have now, save a few encounters), but it definitely feels like a nice change of pace.
E: Zyr. You have so many issues with the game, just take a break for about a year when the game is in a state that may be more up to your standards.
Oh, please, give me a break. The devs outright admitted the dungeons need lots of work. How could I possibly pass up the chance to comment on it?

And the dungeons (and one-time events) are not "the game". I don't know why you would think that, unless those are the only things you play the game for.

I had a lengthy (700-word) reply here regarding the dungeons, but let's be honest here - I despise the bloody things, and I already know you guys really don't want to hear it. Feels like I'm a minority here anyways. Every time dungeons are so much as mentioned, I just want to rant about it... but that's not very constructive, so I'm just gonna go do things that are actually fun.


They don't want the game turning into Flavor of the Month style rotations like other MMOs have when balance changes come down. So they're being slow about it. I talked with Jonathan Sharp in the mists yesterday and said more balance changes are confirmed for the wintersday patch. It's ongoing.

I don't like people like you who think that just because they're working on events and stuff like that the other parts of the game are neglected. there are teams for EVERYTHING in the game, and they work on stuff like anyone else. You need time.

lol no shit they have separate teams, but if you think 2 devs are good enough for class balance and fixes then you have no clue.

And I don't like people who think a company can't do anything wrong or improve.


Saint Nic
lol no shit they have separate teams, but if you think 2 devs are good enough for class balance and fixes then you have no clue.

And I don't like people who think a company can't do anything wrong or improve.

But I think a lot of us have already stated that we know the game isn't perfect. We just choose to look at things from a glass half-full perspective.


lol no shit they have separate teams, but if you think 2 devs are good enough for class balance and fixes then you have no clue.

And I don't like people who think a company can't do anything wrong or improve.

Read the post by Jonathon Sharp I posted last page. It explains the 2 devs on balance misnomer.
Oh, please, give me a break. The devs outright admitted the dungeons need lots of work. How could I possibly pass up the chance to comment on it?

And the dungeons (and one-time events) are not "the game". I don't know why you would think that, unless those are the only things you play the game for.

I had a lengthy (700-word) reply here regarding the dungeons, but let's be honest here - I despise the bloody things, and I already know you guys really don't want to hear it. Feels like I'm a minority here anyways. Every time dungeons are so much as mentioned, I just want to rant about it... but that's not very constructive, so I'm just gonna go do things that are actually fun.

Why don't you like them?
Yeah, I lost interest in WvW when it became clear it was just going to be Zerg Wars. Sometimes get a group of friends and do little 4/5 man raids on Supply Camps, which is usually fun, but for the most part it's not really that fun.
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