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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Thanks Keoni. Looks like there were only 3-4 per expansion if I'm reading that right?

Yep. Some classes and specs (enh shaman, feral/guardian druids, tanks) have never had any viable legendary.

This expansion you have a legendary gem that you can socket to a special weapon. If you decide to respec or get a new weapon Wrathion will sell you a new gem for the princely sum of 10,000 gold. For reference an LFR boss kill will net you 28.5g (because loot never drops from LFR, right?).


Since they fixed the graphic and effect on t3 Asuran Cult Sword, I picked it up and bought a Pearl Exotic to transmute stats onto it. I now have three swords and only two hands.



The Cryptarch's Bane
Since they fixed the graphic and effect on t3 Asuran Cult Sword, I picked it up and bought a Pearl Exotic to transmute stats onto it. I now have three swords and only two hands.

Are you a Mesmer? Cause...

Actually that looks DAMN perfect for at least one of my mesmer sets. Thank you kindly for the pic, Zebes


Indeed, that does look nice. I'm not a huge fan of how it's shaped like a cleaver though. Welcome to the three sword club?

I still support the guy on reddit who was talking about how we should be able to display/see our secondary weapon sets on our characters.
DAMN! was going on vacation to visit family and decided to order a video card and get it shipped to there place and save myself 19 bucks on shipping. Slight delay with shipping thanks to black Friday and cyber Monday ( really should have thought about that! ) and had to leave yesterday late late night, 6 hour drive home, got a call 2 hours later that my video card showed up...

40 dollars to ship it to me at home, thus negating my original idea and black friday savings practically, or wait another month for Christmas and grab it when we go back.

Damn you cruel gods!

I've been putting off playing recently because I was waiting for the video card.

In case anyone missed Ulfrik The Viking and his anchor of doom!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Indeed, that does look nice. I'm not a huge fan of how it's shaped like a cleaver though. Welcome to the three sword club?

I still support the guy on reddit who was talking about how we should be able to display/see our secondary weapon sets on our characters.
But but how would like Greatsword/Staff work? :p

I have missed you Ulfrik.


The Cryptarch's Bane
haha oh man, the amount of salt in the Arah farm thread on the official forums is HILARIOUS:

Personally I think it's pretty awesome that they can not only view all of that stuff in real-time but also hot-fix it.
Oh man, wow.


edit: I think my favorite part is "constant need" for 250 of each t6 mat as though his account will be deleted if he stops collecting Elaborate Totems


Yes get salty. The ultimate rewards in this game need to be grindy. Then you would have no reason to play otherwise.

In other news. Passion Flower.




I managed to transfer to na server where gaf is. It's not totally smooth as it was on eu but works fine so whom can i whisper now for gaf guild? Also i must say this is the hardest mmo i ever played. I died more times in gw2 then in others mmo i combined on low levels... Sometimes 3 or 4 enemies come together and i cant manage to kill them, besides those lvl 15 monster like etians are hard to kill 1v1 let alone 3v1.

Yeah, a lot of enemies have "tells" that show when they're going to unleash a particularly nasty attack. It's really frustrating in the beginning not knowing what they are and just getting bulldozed but once you get the hang of it, it's really satisfying.

I'm not a very good player in terms of eye-hand coordination. I can only manage about 1 jumping puzzle / week or so before my nerves give out. Still, fighting monsters like those Oakheart Veterans (or whatever those giant treefolk are) is just a lot of fun, especially when you see other players nearby eating their immobilize attack. Each Krait Witch and the final boss in Ascalon are a lot more bearable once you learn the tells. Just takes practice but I feel it makes combat a lot more fun.


Same here, any game I use something like mumble on I usually play muted.
How do people even play like that? At the very least, leave the sound effects on. You can specify which things you want to mute in the game.

It's an action game. The more reflexes required in any game the more you need sound. You need sound to catch a thief trying to run away by listening for his stealth/de-stealth animations. You need sound to help differentiate whether a Mesmer teleported or stealthed in front of you. Hell, I'm playing Guardian right now and trying out this trait that burns foes around you when you reach 25% health. There's a ding that sounds when it activates, reminding you to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE FIRE AND HEAL.

Rawk Hawk

How do people even play like that? At the very least, leave the sound effects on. You can specify which things you want to mute in the game.

It's an action game. The more reflexes required in any game the more you need sound. You need sound to catch a thief trying to run away by listening for his stealth/de-stealth animations. You need sound to help differentiate whether a Mesmer teleported or stealthed in front of you. Hell, I'm playing Guardian right now and trying out this trait that burns foes around you when you reach 25% health. There's a ding that sounds when it activates, reminding you to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE FIRE AND HEAL.

I guess it's just an acquired style of play, I played Battlefield like that too and didn't really have too many problems, certainly you get ambushed once in a while from something you would have heard coming.

I use a turtle beach headset, and have to keep speakers muted so the Mrs can watch her shows (urgh), so having game sound and GAF voices coming through the head phones I guess confuses me more than just turning the sound off completely. Certainly would be better to play with sound on, just a trade off for listening to all your beautiful voices.

The one thing I don't do, and honestly I don't know why I don't, but if no one is on mumble, or I'm not even on mumble.. I leave the sound off. I have to get in the habit of flipping it back on when I'm not going to use mumble.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Someone help me espouse the greatness of Guild Wars 2's animation in this thread.

Seriously, it's like no one else in there has played GW2... it's annoying me.
As far as character animation, it outclasses every other MMO I've seen. It's really an accomplishment. My favorite animation is the Asura "suddenly stop running forward" bit. Feels so great. Still, plenty of single-player games outclass it in terms of animation, so it'll get drowned out. :(
haha oh man, the amount of salt in the Arah farm thread on the official forums is HILARIOUS:

Personally I think it's pretty awesome that they can not only view all of that stuff in real-time but also hot-fix it.

It's all metrics, metrics, metrics for them. If they can measure it, measure it. If you figure out the significance of a metric weeks down the track and have the data you can fix stuff so much faster.

Also it's impressive how frank and transparent they're being. Too many people farming, too attractive, nerf it.


I guess it's just an acquired style of play, I played Battlefield like that too and didn't really have too many problems, certainly you get ambushed once in a while from something you would have heard coming.

I use a turtle beach headset, and have to keep speakers muted so the Mrs can watch her shows (urgh), so having game sound and GAF voices coming through the head phones I guess confuses me more than just turning the sound off completely. Certainly would be better to play with sound on, just a trade off for listening to all your beautiful voices.

The one thing I don't do, and honestly I don't know why I don't, but if no one is on mumble, or I'm not even on mumble.. I leave the sound off. I have to get in the habit of flipping it back on when I'm not going to use mumble.

I eventually get in a habit of doing that too once I'm familiar with a game. Sound is important to a certain degree, but once you've been playing a specific game(or even type of game) for a long enough period of time..it really doesn't make a whole lot of difference. ex: CoD/BF/CS where knowing the map/flow of the game is arguably more important than sound(outside of maybe searchNdestroy).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yes get salty. The ultimate rewards in this game need to be grindy.
I don't even accept the premise that it IS grindy. I keep this to myself most of the time because I don't enjoy being flamed all that much, but I think that ArenaNet and I have a significantly different definition of what grind is, in RPG terms, than the vocal community does.

I won't get much into it, but just to clarify very quickly- I believe that Guild Wars 2 does contain the potential for what I'd actually consider "grind," and I heard more than one of my friends run into it. I didn't personally, but looking back now I see that it was more or less a coincidence. If you were just trying to go through the personal story, and the upcoming quest outleveled you, you had to just go back and do some crap you didn't want to do or kill monsters with an xp booster to level up to that quest. So at that moment you're just barred from the content by your level and you have to level up. It reminds me of a lot of moments in singleplayer RPGs when I hit a boss I obviously wasn't high enough for. I guess I had a bad habit of doing that in FF games. So then I just had to go back and kill stuff for a long time to level up and then go forward. It wastes your time.

But I wouldn't really consider farming for materials at 80 that same kind of grind. I mean everybody doing it is trying to get something, eventually, right?

Like... there's no area of the game that exists right now that I can't play because I'm literally level- or power-gated from participating. Of course Agony is crazy tough to deal with at higher level fractals, but you need to start gearing for survivability more in the high level fractals no matter what.

Whatever. Anyway, you can get to level 80 and "reach endgame" whether or not there is one or whatever the hell you want to say about the stuff you do when you log on without there being any "grind." There wasn't for me, and that was awesome.

Rawk Hawk

I liked Chris' response in the AMA about the definition of grind, something to the effect of repetitive tasks that are not fun. I think too often repetitive tasks is all that is used by some people to define a grind.

I eventually get in a habit of doing that too once I'm familiar with a game. Sound is important to a certain degree, but once you've been playing a specific game(or even type of game) for a long enough period of time..it really doesn't make a whole lot of difference. ex: CoD/BF/CS where knowing the map/flow of the game is arguably more important than sound(outside of maybe searchNdestroy).

Yea I agree for FPS or WvW in GW2. Although for GW2, I haven't played sPvP, so it's very possible it's more important there.
Visiting the GW2 official forums for all the salty tears...prepare for hell if you plan to respond in there. I still don't get why many of them think they're entitled to some part of the game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I liked Chris' response in the AMA about the definition of grind, something to the effect of repetitive tasks that are not fun. I think too often repetitive tasks is all that is used by some people to define a grind.
Yes, that made me very happy. A short and sweet "repetitive gameplay that is not fun" is a very good single-phrase summary of the concept, while not 100% specific.

Essentially, it's a ludicrous premise to expect there to be nothing repetitive in (at the very least) any multiplayer game- in order to keep people playing with each other, you have to account for the fact that there will constantly be people doing things for the first time. Thus designing content to be repeatable is innately more valuable than designing one-off content, exciting as it may be from time to time. Fun repeatable content is essentially the best thing an MMO can have. It is what a good MMO is, really, once you get past the initial experience of plot and power-progression with your character.

And as I noted, even though we almost always discuss grind in terms of MMOs, quiiiiiite a few singleplayer games throw in heaping mounds of grind to pad their lengths. This is a problem that literally goes back to the early days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Castlevania II requires you to buy plot-advancing items with hearts collected from enemies. If you reach a point in the progression where you don't have the necessary hearts, or- god forbid- have to use a continue, losing your entire stock of hearts- you just have to go find enemies and kill them and get enough hearts and go back to town and buy the item. It is incredibly manipulative design, and I really feel like GW2 did a remarkable job of avoiding it altogether.

People are mixing up having a personal goal they want to achieve (say, getting an Ascended back piece or a legendary weapon) and the requirements for that goal being extremely hard to attain, with the kind of grind that literally prevents you from progressing forward unless you do things you don't want to do. It's a matter of perspective, sure, but if you're going after a Legendary or other difficult goals that require (or almost certainly require) you to repeat content, such as a full dungeon gear set, or a full set of T3 cultural armor, you are doing what you want to do. At this point, any complaining about grind is a tacit admission that you just want whatever you're going after to be easier to achieve. And I can understand that. Plenty of the time it's a reasonable thing to bring up, and I'm all for balancing mat requirements and adding additional avenues to obtaining special items and yadda yadda yadda- hell, I'll probably be glad to never see a skelk again when I finally get my quiver.

I just don't think it's quite intellectually honest to call it grind; or, to be less inflammatory, I just think we're using the word very differently.


Fun is very different from person to person. For example, you could take an activity that is normally really enjoyable (like running a well-designed dungeon) and then if you force them to do it 12 times to get their gear, they will hate it simply because they're being "forced" to do it to get what they want.

I think when people complain about things being grindy, it's fair to assume they're probably not enjoying their grind.

Rawk Hawk

Visiting the GW2 official forums for all the salty tears...prepare for hell if you plan to respond in there. I still don't get why many of them think they're entitled to some part of the game.

My favorite is the Account Issue section, so many people seem to be banned completely at random and they have all seem to have spent thousands of dollars on gems, so Anet needs to reinstate them now before they lose more money.


Saint Nic
Woooo! Not GW2 related, but I'm getting married tomorrow! Once I return from honeymoon, I promise I'll be on more regularly again, haha.
Yes, that made me very happy. A short and sweet "repetitive gameplay that is not fun" is a very good single-phrase summary of the concept, while not 100% specific.
I just don't think it's quite intellectually honest to call it grind; or, to be less inflammatory, I just think we're using the word very differently.
I think when people complain about things being grindy, it's fair to assume they're probably not enjoying their grind.
...Pretty much that.

I don't like how people often use 'grindy' to describe 'anything at all that's repetitive', but you have to realize that they are definitely NOT enjoying themselves if they're describing it that way.

It's still rather silly when they say 'it's grindy' when what they really mean is 'I don't actually enjoy this game all that much'.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Fun is very different from person to person. For example, you could take an activity that is normally really enjoyable (like running a well-designed dungeon) and then if you force them to do it 12 times to get their gear, they will hate it simply because they're being "forced" to do it to get what they want.
I think I completely agree with this, but maybe you could clarify how you're defining the word "forced" as you put it there?

Again, I don't think that "repetitive game play that is not fun" is a perfect definition- it's a little more complex than that. I do think that's a nice way of summing it up, but to me it's more a question of three factors:

1) Fun
2) Repetition
3) Requirement to progress

For example, when you say they are "forced to do something 12 times to get their gear"- By what are they forced? What do they wish to obtain it for? Is what they are working toward completely unique, unique only in appearance, statistically more powerful, required to progress?

These questions are incredibly key to my experience. And it's difficult for me to relate to someone who doesn't consider them- resulting in (as some in this and the original OT have claimed on multiple occasions) the perception that everything in the game is grind.

I just think it's an important distinction to draw- if you're forced to do something repetitive in order to be able to even access another area of the game, that is pure, 100% grind. If you're "forced" to do something repetitive (often, a number of things that can be chosen from) to get a piece of gear that you think looks particularly nice, has sentimental/rarity value to you, gives you either a horizontal advantage for your character or, in the case of Agony resistance, the ability to withstand very specific encounters more easily (I reallly realllllllly reallllllllllllllly want to stress how bad an idea it is to chase ascended gear for the almost wholly negligible base stat boost at this point in time).

I suppose to put it simply I'd say there's a marked, clear distinction between self-imposed grind and developer-required grind. The latter is what I believe ArenaNet attempted to eliminate as much as possible from their game top to bottom; the former is kind of crucial to the success of any game without an "end."

I think when people complain about things being grindy, it's fair to assume they're probably not enjoying their grind.
I'd just say that, depending on what they're complaining about, they may not really be grinding at all.

edit: And again, I think it's wholly reasonable to complain about the requirements for gear acquisition being too high, drop rates being too low, whatever bugs you and causes you to have less fun. The only point I mean to make is that there's a difference between complaining about that (which is essentially saying that you want something you desire to be easier to get) and complaining about True Grind: LA.


The Cryptarch's Bane
yeah :'[ I could essentially buy my quiver outright with dat profit

Whatevs, it'll feel all the sweeter when I finally get it :D


What's the reward for the pvp daily/monthly? Maybe I should start doing that one. spvp is pretty fun (not a big fan of wvw though)
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