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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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So I just remembered that I have 100%'d WvW exploration. This means all I have to do is finish up the in-game world and I have my exploration gifts. It will feel good having the star man.

good luck, i got kind of bored half way through running from heart to heart. tho seeing some zones i never did was kinda cool.

also found this very useful: http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/interactive-maps/

great for when you're missing those 1 or 2 POIs and cant find them at all.


New Interview with Colin Johanson on future content;

We had a huge Halloween update in October, we just had a big one in November, we have a giant Christmas update coming in December, and all of those have gone over really well, and I think in December people are going to be really excited. But January and February are actually are biggest updates to date. They’re even bigger than all the stuff we did in October, November and December. And I think that when people see how much stuff they’re gonna get for no monthly fee in January and February, they’re probably going to be blown away. These two months combined are basically an expansion’s worth of content for free.

More Highlights:

Our last big November weekend- at the high point in the weekend, we were using about 90% of our total server bandwidth for the demand of all the players logging in. And that was just awesome to see. It’s not something that we necessarily expected to be quite so big and we’re continuing to grow.


I must say this is the hardest mmo i ever played, especially the story quests. It's almost impossible to complete these quest without dying at least 2-3 times, there is no way i can fight 3 mobs at same time as elementalist. They just do too much damage, i can't keep up with it. But i see some other classes like warriors who seem to have a much easier time clearing quest, it just looks unfair. Maybe im just too bad, i don't know...

Yeah, some of them needed to be tuned when I was doing them. There were a couple times I saw that they were adjusted in the patch notes (after I'd finished by the skin of my teeth).

I didn't know, but you just told me and all I got to say is that's hot!
Also now I know how one becomes an officer in the GAFGuild.

I'm privy to secret information that the process also involves something called a "Hobbit Slam."

Not referring to the food.


lol, alrighty
Healing is something else.
I'm so used to being able to shrug off conditions as my Necro, I feel so squishy with my Mesmer.

Staff will give your survival. The Feigned Escape or whatever gets you out of harms way, and Chaos Shield is Protection on demand. Your best defense are the clones drawing aggro and toggling aggro.

Your best condition removal is Null Field. The Mesmer can't shed conditions in the way some other classes can. Certain classes have weapon skills that clear conditions or a lot of condition clearing via heal skills or utility. Mesmer has three utilities to clear conditions and that's pretty much it. Null Field is like a massive condition removal and boon removal for an entire area, but going from mob to mob you won't be wiping yourself clean.


Dancing on my thief alt.


I'm amazed at how much screen tearing is reduced in windowed fullscreen mode without vsync compared to fullscreen without vsync. Now I don't have to make a choice between the SMAA injector and D3DOverrider w/ triple buffering.


I'm amazed at how much screen tearing is reduced in windowed fullscreen mode without vsync compared to fullscreen without vsync. Now I don't have to make a choice between the SMAA injector and D3DOverrider w/ triple buffering.

I'm not well versed in this, but why can't you just use an injector, play in full screen, and use the in game v-sync? That's how I have things set and at least I think it's working.


New Interview with Colin Johanson on future content;

More Highlights:

Pretty crazy how it appears to be getting much more extensive updates than fucking WoW of all things, then again Blizzard whole design formula is not really conductive to frequent content updates like Guild Wars 2.


Pretty crazy how it appears to be getting much more extensive updates than fucking WoW of all things, then again Blizzard whole design formula is not really conductive to frequent content updates like Guild Wars 2.

Yeah, hopefully this patch won't add another gear level and more bullshit dungeon grinds. How about some non-party/world content or wvw or maybe some real dynamic events that aren't one time.

Sorry, I'm still just disillusioned about how gear focused this game (the guild wars franchise as a whole I mean) has become. Right now the game reminds me very much of wow 1.0, in that everyone is running the latest dungeon over and over playing loot slot machine. Also, in the same way as wow I felt like the game just changes at endgame. The entire leveling process is big outside group events with no partying needed, just a big sense of everyone in the game world cooperating without even trying. Now it's back to cliques and gear grinds. It's just disappointing to me personally. I'm sure most of you disagree, but it's one of the reasons I was looking forward to the game (the distinct lack of these things) and it's been a real let down.
Yeah, hopefully this patch won't add another gear level and more bullshit dungeon grinds. How about some non-party/world content or wvw or maybe some real dynamic events that aren't one time.

Sorry, I'm still just disillusioned about how gear focused this game (the guild wars franchise as a whole I mean) has become. Right now the game reminds me very much of wow 1.0, in that everyone is running the latest dungeon over and over playing loot slot machine. Also, in the same way as wow I felt like the game just changes at endgame. The entire leveling process is big outside group events with no partying needed, just a big sense of everyone in the game world cooperating without even trying. Now it's back to cliques and gear grinds. It's just disappointing to me personally. I'm sure most of you disagree, but it's one of the reasons I was looking forward to the game (the distinct lack of these things) and it's been a real let down.

You can see the dungeon grind's influence on the rest of the world. It seems really sparsely populated now, with everyone stuck in various Lion Arch shards getting groups.


I must say this is the hardest mmo i ever played, especially the story quests. It's almost impossible to complete these quest without dying at least 2-3 times, there is no way i can fight 3 mobs at same time as elementalist. They just do too much damage, i can't keep up with it. But i see some other classes like warriors who seem to have a much easier time clearing quest, it just looks unfair. Maybe im just too bad, i don't know...

If you're at a low level (< 30), you will find that elementalist takes a lot of effort to play and survive. This is pretty much true for some of the other squishier classes like mesmer as well since you don't have access to all your utility skills that will bolster your survivability a good bit.

Keep at it though and you will eventually find elementalist to be one of the most powerful classes in the game with the right build and gear. I won't lie and say everyone comes to this conclusion as elementalist is also the most complex class to play with one of the highest skill ceilings in the game; however, I personally find it to be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful class at the moment.

Hit me up if you have any questions or want any tips around the ele, my game ID is Brototype.3705


Pretty crazy how it appears to be getting much more extensive updates than fucking WoW of all things, then again Blizzard whole design formula is not really conductive to frequent content updates like Guild Wars 2.

I can't say what Blizzard's design formula is, but it certainly hasn't ever been monthly targets. They added a dungeon (Maraudon) a month after release, but then it was another 3 months (Dire Maul), then Battlegrounds 3 months after that (yes, it took them 7 months to get any kind of structured PVP in, despite it being mentioned in the manual that shipped with the game). I'm also pretty sure that Mara wasn't new, but something they weren't able to finish before launch. By comparison, the Lost Isles and Fractals were both developed by the live team post-launch. Comparing post-launch windows, Blizzard and ArenaNet seem to be on equal footing ~3 months in; one dungeon and a holiday.

Edit: Derp, GW2 also added a new zone, forgot about Lost Isles. Still, it's kinda small so I dunno if it counts as a full zone. /shrug.

As time went on they slowed down content pushes. For example, the content gap between Ice Crown Citadel (Patch 3.3.0 on December 8th 2009) and Cataclysm (December 7th, 2010) was a year with no new content releases. The gap between the last Cataclysm content patch (4.3.0 on November 29th 2011) and the release of Pandaria (September 25th, 2012) was 10 months. Hopefully ArenaNet doesn't put everything on hold when ramping up for expansions. Their policy seems to be built around regular updates though;

Colin Johanson said:
I think we would rather focus on doing monthly live updates with which we can specifically go after parts of the game that we know we need to make better, and yes, the big expansions will on slightly longer of a time range. To expand the game out larger from there. But we definitely will do paid expansions down the road.

We're still very early in GW2, so who knows what the future will bring. Still, exciting times.

Yeah, hopefully this patch won't add another gear level and more bullshit dungeon grinds. How about some non-party/world content or wvw or maybe some real dynamic events that aren't one time.

If you read the interview, you'd see that a big WvW update is slated for February;

Colin Johanson said:
And actually, in February, we&#8217;re going to do a whole bunch of expansions on top of that world vs world area, to make that experience even more uniquely Guild Wars.

The AMA with Chris Whiteside made it pretty clear that there won't be new gear levels.

I would imagine we'll see lots of non-group/world content in the January and February patches. If you look at the in-game map, there's a lot of places labelled, but not filled in;
  • Magumma Falls and Wastes (north of Rata Sum)
  • Verdant Cascades (north of Divinity's Reach)
  • Far Shiverpeaks (north of Frostgorge Sound)
  • Crystal Desert, Elon River and Scavenger's (far east of the map, south of Ebonhawk)
  • Deldrimor Front (south of the Black Citadel)
  • Blazeridge Mountains and Blood Legion Homelands (North of Blazeridge Steppes)
  • Ring of Fire (south of Rata Sum)

There's also a few gaps in the midst of the current zones; The Dominion of Wind (east of Caledon Forest) and D'Alessio Seaboard (west of Lion's arch). Not sure what's going to happen with these two zones, as the Tengu in Lion's Arch (Shuttered Gate POI) refers to the area beyond that gate as The Dominion of Winds. But looking at the map, if that whole area is the Dominion, then it also would include the Wizard's Castle in Kessex and Claw island. The layout doesn't make sense so we'll see what their plan is.

There's also more islands in the Sea of Sorrows to fill in, potentially.

Doubt we'll see Crystal Desert until right before a potential Elona expansion.
Anyone know any good tips for engineers? I'm currently level 20 and there's so many options that I can't figure out how I should go forward.

Dual Pistols, Elixir U and Elixir B, and Utility Skill 3 of your choice and once you get to 30 get Supply Drop Elite.

Enjoy destroying everything.


There's also a few gaps in the midst of the current zones; The Dominion of Wind (east of Caledon Forest) and D'Alessio Seaboard (west of Lion's arch). Not sure what's going to happen with these two zones, as the Tengu in Lion's Arch (Shuttered Gate POI) refers to the area beyond that gate as The Dominion of Winds. But looking at the map, if that whole area is the Dominion, then it also would include the Wizard's Castle in Kessex and Claw island. The layout doesn't make sense so we'll see what their plan is.

The Dominion of Winds is the tengu city.

GW2 Wiki said:
The Dominion of Winds is a walled-off tengu city on an island chain south of Kryta, built atop the island formerly known as Sanctum Cay. The tengu from across the world immigrated and established the Dominion of Winds after the Great Tsunami, making it the last completely tengu-controlled area in the world. Due to their history with other races, the tengu have isolated themselves within the city, not allowing any other race inside.

Two trading outposts have been settled just outside the Dominion of Winds, Tanto Trading Post and Ireko Tradecamp, in order to trade with the other races. Recently, destroyers have begun appearing on both sides of the wall surrounding the Dominion of Winds.

So everything behind the walls is the Dominion. The wizards tower and what not isn't included. I'd imagine the wall is along all four sides of the city, not just the sections you can see in Kessex Hills and Caledon Forest. It seems pretty massive overall. I think the part in LA guarded by the tengu is just a gate, because the wall stretching all the way over there doesn't make sense.


The Dominion of Winds is the tengu city.

So everything behind the walls is the Dominion. The wizards tower and what not isn't included. I'd imagine the wall is along all four sides of the city, not just the sections you can see in Kessex Hills, Caledon Forest, and Lion's Arch. It seems pretty massive overall.

Right, but if you look at the map there's no way those walls line up without doing weird crap all over the place; Red walls exist in the game, green walls are implied.


Ah, you edited your post:
I think the part in LA guarded by the tengu is just a gate, because the wall stretching all the way over there doesn't make sense.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting at, there's no way the Dominion of Winds stretches all over that area. The Tengu's dialogue kind of implies it's right on the other side though;

What is this place?
"This is our dwelling, the Dominion of Winds. We keep watch from this perch as power shifts and the world is transformed. We must soon determine with whom we will fight and with whom we will ally."

So either the Dominion of Winds is next to Caledon Forest (but why is there a gate leading into the zone west of LA if it is?), is next to Lion's Arch (why the wall in Caledon?) or there are two walled areas, but the whole area they encompass is considered their "Dominion", even though they are almost completely disconnected.

Wonder how it will play out.


Right, but if you look at the map there's no way those walls line up without doing weird crap all over the place;


The Tengu's dialogue kind of implies it's right on the other side;

I know. I'm pretty sure it's just the island or two there for the city. I have no idea what's going on with the gate in LA, it doesn't make sense to me either unless the area to the west of LA is Tengu controlled as well. Perhaps if Tengu become playable it'll be a starting zone outside their city or something. They are extremely disconnected, I agree. That's what confuses me the most about it. I doubt the Wizards tower is a part of it.

Or maybe it is. Maybe the Wizard was a Tengu all along. The tengu you quoted does say "We keep watch from this perch..." :p

We'll just have to wait and see what ANet comes up with to explain it I guess.


I know. I'm pretty sure it's just the island or two there for the city. I have no idea what's going on with the gate in LA, it doesn't make sense to me either unless the area to the west of LA is Tengu controlled as well. Perhaps if Tengu become playable it'll be a starting zone outside their city or something. They are extremely disconnected, I agree. That's what confuses me the most about it. I doubt the Wizards tower is a part of it.

Or maybe it is. Maybe the Wizard was a Tengu all along. The tengu you quoted does say "We keep watch from this perch..." :p

We'll just have to wait and see what ANet comes up with to explain it I guess.

Yeah, I doubt the Wizard's Tower has any Tengu connections. I just don't get where the Tengu Gate in LA goes, there's no land connection between it and the area east of Caledon, unless they have some long causeway or something.

We'll just have to wait and see.


I would love the Wizard's tower to be a new dungeon. There's all kinds of crazy shit going on in there.

Agreed, GW2 doesn't really have a "Castle" instance yet; Caudecus' Manor is probably the closest but it doesn't really have the same feel. Karazhan and Shadowfang Keep were two of my favorite instances in WoW, so I'd like to see what ArenaNet could do.

Plus, I really like the town of Garenhoff, perched up on those cliffs, built around that little harbor. Would love to see it turned into a hub city and maybe expanded a little.


A good goal would be to have every single zone get a full or mini dungeon. Kessex Hills and most of the starting zones are definitely missing this...


A good goal would be to have every single zone get a full or mini dungeon. Kessex Hills and most of the starting zones are definitely missing this...

That would actually be fantastic, though some of the zones overlap so much it would be tough to have unique themes. For example, I can't see them having anything in Harathi Hinterlands that doesn't involve centaurs. They are nicely distributed around the map though; http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:DungeonLocations.jpg

Mini-Dungeons, on the other hand, would be GREAT. Font of Rhand is a really slick area.


Canadians burned my passport
I made a spreadsheet for fractal levels, so people can add their toons and what level they are at so we can better organize runs and find people at the same level.

Fractal List


Any good crafting guides/tutorials out there? I haven't even begun crafting, but would like to get some more backround info before diving in.


That would actually be fantastic, though some of the zones overlap so much it would be tough to have unique themes. For example, I can't see them having anything in Harathi Hinterlands that doesn't involve centaurs. They are nicely distributed around the map though; http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:DungeonLocations.jpg

Mini-Dungeons, on the other hand, would be GREAT. Font of Rhand is a really slick area.

They could probably do something with the ruins of Demetra. Maybe get some ghost mursaat going.


Dual Pistols, Elixir U and Elixir B, and Utility Skill 3 of your choice and once you get to 30 get Supply Drop Elite.

Enjoy destroying everything.
I'm just starting an engineer too. I'm level 20. You're saying I should use pistols and no kits?

I've had a real hard time as engineer so far. Everything I do just seems super weak.


get the grenade kit.

Go bonkers.

I like the tool kit as well if only so I can switch between range and melee for variety sake.


I've tried rifle, pistols, bomb, grenade, flamethrower. I haven't tried tool kit or elixir gun yet (haven't unlocked either). Bombs are ok, but the range is garbage and I die super quick when attacked by even 2 mobs. Right now I'm doing rifle and grenades, but aiming the grenades is a huge pain. I don't know if I can kite mobs with grenades for 60 more levels.

I can kill vets my own level no problem. But if I need to kill 3 or 4 guys with a veteran thrown in, I have zero chance. I die at skill point challenges all the time (when they spawn 3 mobs or have a particularly tough vet)


They could probably do something with the ruins of Demetra. Maybe get some ghost mursaat going.

Good point, I always forget that's over there. Would be an interesting prelude to the return of Lazarus the Dire and the White Mantle again. Could tie in well with the Bloodstones in the Magumma Jungle too.

Ascended Armor / Agony might even be a prelude to that.


I'm just starting an engineer too. I'm level 20. You're saying I should use pistols and no kits?

I've had a real hard time as engineer so far. Everything I do just seems super weak.

I leveled with rifle, med kit, grenade, tool kit, exilir R or S, supply drop.

Learn to mouse turn while aiming grenades and kill mobs. Get to 60 and get the grenadier trait and destroy mobs.

Tool kit is useful for gear shield and magnet. But the really nice thing is the toolbelt skill power wrench. Trait into Static Discharge and it can do some serious damage.


If mini-dungeons take too much work, I'd at least like to see more reworking of event chains. Every area seems to have chains that lead up to a big boss and a nice group event. But there are too many event chains that can be solo'd all the way up to a champion, at which point the event is just stuck there as there's no loss condition to reset it. Since event-chains are designed to funnel people together, without loss conditions and harder events certain areas eventually just get filled with a bunch of champions, and you have to hope there are enough people in the area to call for help in map chat.

This really ticked me off in Brisban Wildlands this past week.

A good example of funneling enough people to ensure that it's not impossible to fight would be the events leading up to the big bosses in each of the starting areas' back halves.

Bad examples include the Champion Flame Legion boss in Plains of Ashford (at least they try to draw players there with the voiceover), the random champion Largos and Hylek in Brisban Wildlands, almost all the champion krait or shark bosses across the game...

Basically, the game is just too soloable so much of the time, but they really want you in groups of at least two people. Mini-dungeons like Fort of Rhand at least open up from people pushing an event chain, and then stay open with a broadcast across the area to encourage more people to come in and work together. Full on dungeons require people to group up, and are often placed near major meta-event areas. If someone calls in map chat, there's help on the way.

And to top off my post that suddenly became a rambling rant, I'd like it if there weren't so many bosses on timers. Rather, event-chains that lead to the boss were either easily repeatable or were themselves on timers. I'm mostly looking at the Dragon Champions when I say this.


Another pet peeve: Every class has traits that follow a distribution of one direct damage line, one alternate damage or control line, one survival line, one support line, and a class specific line. This means that out of the five, two tend to be offensive, while two defensive. I hate, hate, hate the fact that for a lot of classes, it's been more effective to build for either both offensive lines or both defensive lines, rather than one of each.


Any good crafting guides/tutorials out there? I haven't even begun crafting, but would like to get some more backround info before diving in.

Reddit/gw2wiz(as mentioned above), but I would suggest that you gather instead of buy atm(economy is pretty whack for some of the higher tier mats). Cooking/Artificer were the cheapest when I partially leveled my alt thru crafting; don't know how they compare now though.


What the heck is going on with the market?

I check the AH this morning and gold &#8594; gems is still 200g for 100 gems. Copper ore is sitting at 13 - 10 and some dye prices have fell over 20 silver? :p Other basic t1 mats are down except for Jute which is still in the low 20s?

Are people just not crafting or are there a shpoop load of new players? Damn! Start feeling like I'm getting a hang of the TP and the whole thing turns upside down overnight. Sticks of butter at 13c? WTF?
Reddit/gw2wiz(as mentioned above), but I would suggest that you gather instead of buy atm(economy is pretty whack for some of the higher tier mats). Cooking/Artificer were the cheapest when I partially leveled my alt thru crafting; don't know how they compare now though.
Not too terrible right now. The T5 and T6 fine materials, lodestones, and ectos are what have really gone through the roof.

What the heck is going on with the market?

I check the AH this morning and gold &#8594; gems is still 200g for 100 gems. Copper ore is sitting at 13 - 10 and some dye prices have fell over 20 silver? :p Other basic t1 mats are down except for Jute which is still in the low 20s?

Are people just not crafting or are there a shpoop load of new players? Damn! Start feeling like I'm getting a hang of the TP and the whole thing turns upside down overnight. Sticks of butter at 13c? WTF?
Some of this was a predictable response to ascended item recipes being introduced and rares (supposedly) brekaing down into ectos less often. Other parts were less predictable, like butter going up in price fifteen fold.
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