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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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We need to start up those speed run competitions...I doubt we will have enough people like we used to.

Speaking of which, we haven't had a real guild event for a while. Last one I can remember was the jumping puzzle at the beginning of November. That speed run on CM was fun as hell and wish we could do that again with other dungeons.

Rawk Hawk

Speaking of which, we haven't had a real guild event for a while. Last one I can remember was the jumping puzzle at the beginning of November. That speed run on CM was fun as hell and wish we could do that again with other dungeons.

Believe there is one this weekend, another Jumping Puzzle night put on by Keoni.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Speaking of which, we haven't had a real guild event for a while. Last one I can remember was the jumping puzzle at the beginning of November. That speed run on CM was fun as hell and wish we could do that again with other dungeons.
Well, we did AC, CM, and SE, and they were all pretty successful.

I do want to have more events, but the chain of patches and real holidays has been pretty intense and we wanted to let people take the new content at their own pace while it was going on. Actually, maybe this weekend would be good (the one after is the start of Wintersday) for the Fractal race I want to try.

Basically I want to do a 1+2 race- first group to beat Jade Maw wins. A good opportunity for anyone in the guild who hasn't done any fractals yet, or for Alts to get a couple levels in.

Maybe Sunday, Dec. 9th, during the afternoon sometime? What say you?

edit: Oh woops, checking for overlap with Keoni's event.

edit again: Sweet, that's the 8th.

Rawk Hawk

Well, we did AC, CM, and SE, and they were all pretty successful.

I do want to have more events, but the chain of patches and real holidays has been pretty intense and we wanted to let people take the new content at their own pace while it was going on. Actually, maybe this weekend would be good (the one after is the start of Wintersday) for the Fractal race I want to try.

Basically I want to do a 1+2 race- first group to beat Jade Maw wins. A good opportunity for anyone in the guild who hasn't done any fractals yet, or for Alts to get a couple levels in.

Maybe Sunday, Dec. 9th, during the afternoon sometime? What say you?

edit: Oh woops, checking for overlap with Keoni's event.

edit again: Sweet, that's the 8th.

That's a pretty cool idea, I wouldn't mind taking some alts through (although I'll be out of town this weekend..). But racing through FotM could be pretty fun, with the randomness of it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You could reset if you got a fractal that you didn't like for the first one, but would it be worth the lost time? So many variables <3
I'd be down for a Fractals race, but I don't want to take up a spot for someone who hasn't done 1/2 before.
This shouldn't be a factor, I think anyone who wants to participate will be able to find a spot, and we'll make sure it's not all newbies or all veterans on any given team.


Ha. That would be pretty fun. I wonder how much we'd see of "You got easier fractals than us!" or "You got to do the wisp one with mesmers, unfair!!"


Grank Kaar is one of the few Charr my krewe counts among its allies. What has befallen him? D:

Haha, Grank Kaar got kicked from guild. It's a lonely place out there. I haven't been on because I got invaded from some odd martian virus. I blame kids...


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nooo! That was an Acksy Dent. Message someone to get back in, we need you!

Grats to ANet on the well-deserved GOTY nom :)


Just started playing, lvl 12 at the moment and I have two questions:

I'm a Charr Thief, and there's an F1 skill that seems to switch to a different skill every time I use it. It appears to rotate between two-four skills. What is this, and how does it work?

Is there any way to change my 1-5 skills? I want my #2 on #3 instead, but I can't figure out how the heck to change it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Teehee, a baby thief! Awww!

F1 is our unique class mechanic- Steal. When you use it, you teleport to and are granted a single-use item stolen from your target. There are actually 9 different stolen skills, and what you get is based on the nature of your target. You'll have to learn to use all of them in time. Stealing can also later on be used to provide innumerable other advantages.

The order of the main 1-5 skills is not configurable. There are a lot of reasons for this (for one, the #3 skill for thieves is partially determined by your #4 and #5 skill), but over time the skill bar will become very second-nature as a result.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have, and take the game slow! It's meant to be enjoyed and you're supposed to get lost. ;)


I wanted to vote GW2 GotY guys, I really did.


Seriously though, I've never understood the "all or nothing" approach to MMOs. You can play and even enjoy other games, you know.. even other MMOs. I can understand if your gaming budget was tight and you needed to justify $15 a month, but that's certainly not the case with Guild Wars 2.

For example, whenever Starbound is released, you will see much much less of Retro.


It's not meeting just a consensual circle jerk.


Nothing fancy, we just like to get together regularly to discuss guild 'stuff'. One week we even had an open meeting where everyone could get on and hear our little pow-wow and ask questions.

This week's topics include "What kind of events can we start doing", "How can we handle guild culling so nobody feels rejected" and "How can we handle guild buffs better?".

All quality of life stuff that makes being in GAFGuild better.

Edit: I have never heard of a non-consensual circle jerk.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think we'll also discuss guild hazing policies!

Stuck helping out a friend, I really hope to be able to come online for at least a CM run or two tonight still...


Another topic you may want to cover is the Guild Bank - namely who has access to it and what function should it serve.

Another GAFfer (Zinotaur? Zino-something) was concerned when Chelmo (Jira) cleared out a lot of items in the bank.

Personally, I've used it as a temporary container to pass items among characters since my bank space is full. The first time I did it I placed a stack of 250 copper ore in the first guild bank slot (The Stash?) and found that I couldn't withdraw it later. I've been sticking mainly to the second slot - the one reserved for mats and whatnot.

A bit more clarity on its intended function would be a topic worth covering, me thinks.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hopefully the slots are labelled correctly in-game "Officer Stash," etc., but for clarity:

The first slot "The Stash" is officers-only in terms of withdrawal. Valuable things that you may want later access to someday in the future, or things you want given to someone who desperately needs it, can go there. People can message officers to withdraw things from the stash.

The other two bank slots are a bit of a free for all. Anyone can deposit and withdraw. They essentially become a bit of a trash dump for extra items people want to get rid of. Anything you deposit into those slots should be considered communal and up for grabs, but you can typically reliably use it to swap items between alts. Thus you've been using it correctly, except for that first time- sorry about the copper ore if you lost it for good :(

Every so often, an officer will consolidate and sell off the items in these large slots to convert to silver and then deposit bank into the bank for members to use (edit: or, to purchase needed Influence, which powers buffs- per below :p) if they are in need. Jira (an officer, of course) was probably doing exactly this whenever Zinotaru was voicing his concern.


Another topic you may want to cover is the Guild Bank - namely who has access to it and what function should it serve.

Yeah, that's on our list (actually, a standardized list of guild policies is). As for that particular instance, the guild bank was sort of a dumping ground, so Jira cleaned it out and used the proceeds to buy Influence for the guild.

I actually like the idea of people donating unused goods to help boost influence or to fund prizes for guild events, though.


Yeah, if you're selling off those items for silver / gold, then that money should probably be spent on Guild buffs / upgrades. I think any sort of monetary loan system (meaning a system where members have access to that money) will eventually lead to drama.

To be honest, I don't use it that often. I think when I get a character up to 80, I'll probably do some charity work and throw some stuff in there for first-timers or people leveling alts. Just something I thought I'd bring up as Zino was pretty passionate about it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Maybe a designated time once per week could be set to do the clean-out; that way, you'd know how much time you had if you wanted to use it for transferring items or storing things temporarily, but we'd get a weekly influence boost from the remainder.

se path 1 official word:
Braxxis is correct. The Golem boss is more of a &#8220;mini-boss&#8221; and it is by design that you fight him while the waves are coming.
Guys, knowing this is intended I say we run a strike team and just see how it goes. I can get us to the ledge easily with shadow refuge.


Found a real good pug for Fractals today. One of the guys had Bifrost so there were rainbows everywhere. Almost to 20.


I should probably get back to Fractals. I am only at the sixith tier of fractals.

I have actually gone back to exploring the game world and really enjoying it. I went through Fireheart Rise and stumbled into some cool stuff. I then sought out some jumping puzzles and mini dungeons. These are the adventures that lead into the moments of awe in the game. Fawley's Revenge and the moment where you
manage your way through the maze of tunnels, down the water trickling over the rocks and out into the hidden bay with the pirate ship
is =O

After the PVP patch, they need an open world patch to start pushing folks back out into the leveling zones.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Stopped playing for a bit because I haven't had much time after getting into a relationship. Then started again this week and my frame rate was at about 24ish during WvW, something I never had a problem before. Had a feeling I should defrag my drive and after doing so the frame rate shot up to a stable 60. Something to think about for those who have that issue!

In other news - what are the odds anyone else is at Fractal 2? :-|
In other news - what are the odds anyone else is at Fractal 2? :-|

Probably not many but don't sorry because there is a daily acheivement for doing fractal 2,4,6 or 8 so a lot of people do 2 because its same reward.

You going to have more trouble at 3.


Good runs last night. We knocked out CoE and HotW story mode.....needed to be done and was quite painless. I managed to get a corrupted core last night, which I immediately sold....not sure what I am going for now on my main ranger, may just level my guardian for a while.

Rawk Hawk

Stopped playing for a bit because I haven't had much time after getting into a relationship. Then started again this week and my frame rate was at about 24ish during WvW, something I never had a problem before. Had a feeling I should defrag my drive and after doing so the frame rate shot up to a stable 60. Something to think about for those who have that issue!

In other news - what are the odds anyone else is at Fractal 2? :-|

I'm only at level 3 with my Guardian.. my Necro is almost 80 and I'd actually love to start it up on FotM soon as well... so I'm down for some low level stuff when I'm around.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Good runs last night. We knocked out CoE and HotW story mode.....needed to be done and was quite painless. I managed to get a corrupted core last night, which I immediately sold....not sure what I am going for now on my main ranger, may just level my guardian for a while.
HotW story was a solid run, we just had trouble with Lani and his adds but really smoked the rest of it.

People should be aware that Story runs are totally lucrative and worthwhile post-patch. I wish the bags gave you tokens in them too, just as like an incentive for more casual players to actually go and try and find explorable groups.
Ah I wasn't aware there was an event this weekend, I should check the guild site more. And Fractal speed runs would be fantastic! The randomness of it makes it even better. Plus we're not a try-hard guild =P.

As for the guild blank, I'm all for clearing it out as long as it's on a regular basis and we know when it will be cleared (like weekly or every other week right before the weekend). I have enough bank space, so I mainly just use the guild bank to put items that can't really be sold/vendored but are still somewhat useful like potions, tonics, dyes, etc.


There really isn't that much worth putting in the Gbank in the first place. Storage space doesn't seem anywhere near as limited as other MMOs feature, especially with the collectables tab. Low level weapons seem pointless to put on there since the TP prices are pretty low. Food just seems to clutter up the whole thing.

In other MMOs, most of the stuff in our GBank was crafting mats.
I was going to put something extremely valuable in it, but the officer-only bank is (was?) cluttered by black lion chests and other items/junk that could have easily been stacked or be in the main bank. I could have whispered an officer to fix that, but meh wasn't a big deal for me at the time.


I was going to put something extremely valuable in it, but the officer-only bank is (was?) cluttered by black lion chests and other items/junk that could have easily been stacked or be in the main bank. I could have whispered an officer to fix that, but meh wasn't a big deal for me at the time.
Last time I looked it was clean. Was it recently?


In other news - what are the odds anyone else is at Fractal 2? :-|

I'm still on level 2 on two different characters. I'd be willing to do it with you but i kinda have a set time, i only do Fractals late at night, PST. I'm too busy during the day.

Anyways, looking forward to Wintersday next week!


That sounds quite awesome. In my old GW1 guild, two people met online and actually got married eventually. In addition to the real thing, the whole guild had an "in-game" wedding at the guild hall. IIRC this was around when the wedding attire costumes went up on the gw1 store so a couple of people bought those for the event.

It may sound really lame but it was, in fact, really cool.
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