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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Oh wow, do they? Are you totally positive none exist in-game? Can you preview this in-game code when you get a chance? [&AgESewAA]

It's just called "Gladius"- if it's not available on the TP then that's definitely an oversight of some kind! Also try searching "Warrior Sword" by the way.

A search for Gladius on the TP yields nothing. I've tried that. There's a PvP Gladius in the PvP locker, but it doesn't have particle effects in preview (things don't as far as I can tell) so I can't see if this is meant to be Firebringer or some other more obtainable sword. I'll try the code tonight.

At least one of the NPCs in Overlook has a gladius (I recognise the hilt, burned into my mind from an early age).

You'd think that with all the Charr legions running about they'd be insanely common (but they all seem to have gear-festooned swords!).

Warrior sword has the right model. If it's findable, you've made my week.

I agree 100% that the rewards for someone who solely wants to play WvW are totally inadequate. It seems that ArenaNet didn't expect there to be so many people who desired to do this- the game really compels you to do a mix of as many types of content as possible to succeed and not everybody wants to play that way.

I believe in January or February, some significant changes are supposedly coming toward this end.

Seriously excited.

That's what I meant, I suppose, although to an extent I'd say that doing more difficult content is a faster way to get to your goal than doing easier content- so it's related (I'll clarify this within my list of way to earn gold).

Ah. Now I understand.

I'm still just so confused on this point, it's the only bit I don't understand. ... (lots of detail)

I'm pretty sure I made some major wrong turns along the way. Things like "I need armour and weapons. I'll take both! WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?". My armoursmithing is at 400 and I have a full set of crafted yellow armour.

Aww. I love seeing legendaries out in the world!

I do too. But I'm also jealous. Mostly of the footprints, if I'm honest.

Well, maybe the problem then is that you set a quite staggering goal as your "first" one? (more detail)

Yup. Definitely. My only defense is that I assumed that the cost was achievable based on other games. Which was dumb. This game is completely unlike previous MMOs in all other respects. Not sure why I expected this to be the same.

I think I should probably aim to get my weapon-smithing to 400. That seems doable, and then gear up from there.

Thanks for the advice btw :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yup. Definitely. My only defense is that I assumed that the cost was achievable based on other games. Which was dumb. This game is completely unlike previous MMOs in all other respects. Not sure why I expected this to be the same.
That absolutely makes sense to me. I have no real experience with MMOs aside from Gw1 and free-to-play games (a huge number of which wound up being literally pay to win. Not even just the best-stat items- I'm talking things like arcade-style "continues" needed to make it through tougher content, uugh).

I think I should probably aim to get my weapon-smithing to 400. That seems doable, and then gear up from there.
Really good short term goal! :D

Thanks for the advice btw :)
Jeez, no problem. I love talking about this stuff. Thanks for reacting so civilly, you've made my day.

Rawk Hawk

I'm uh... on another server for various reasons. And in the EU. I've not fought Gandara-GAF though - where are you guys?

I'll bear the grouping up thing in mind though.

Aw that's too bad, we are on Stormbluff. If you ever find yourself seeking a new server, I do believe some of EU GAF has transferred without too many lag issues. Might want to talk to one of them to get an idea of how good or bad it really is.

Good luck in WvW, unless of course you are facing SBI, in which case I WILL CRUSH YOUR SOUL! (Or more likely die and someone else will before raising me...)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Follower, I think I may have some good news. There's a forged exotic item with the skin you want called Honor of Humanity (damn, that's a cool name for a sword btw). Please search on the TP when you can and let me know what you find. I searched for Honor of Humanity on gw2spidy.com and, bizarrely, this is what came up:

There's good news and bad news here. The bad news is, it might not be the sword and just have some other skin. However, look at the icon it has (which I didn't recognize from anything else I'd seen) and compare:

So I'd first search for Honor of Humanity; failing that, I'd search for swords "of bloodlust" (sword through item filter, type "of bloodlust" into TP search) and look for that icon- might just be what you want.

The good news is that sword appears to sell for under 5g.

edit: Spidy says there's a supply of 54 of whatever-the-hell-the-sword-you-want-is-called available ingame... godspeed!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Outside of that last bit, it's a legitimately great dungeon isn't it? God I wish they'd completely overhaul that :(


Outside of that last bit, it's a legitimately great dungeon isn't it? God I wish they'd completely overhaul that :(

It really is awesome (aside from the last grindy part).

I did it this past week with 1 Gaffer and the rest randoms, and we had a blast. Took like 2 hours, but was totally worth it.

If you remember, it was me (Brock Doombringer) on guild chat talking about the weapons that you can get from the reward for finishing personal story. I picked the greatsword.

But yea, thoroughly enjoyable dungeon.


This aspect of the problem (my desire for shiny Roman-looking things) is entirely of my own making. But then there's the fact that this skin would be relatively easy to obtain in an sPvP context if sPvP wasn't so skull-wrenchingly boring. Really, a Gladius shouldn't be a rare skin. Add a non fiery Gladius ArenaNet! NPCs have them.

What's your character name? You can PM me if you prefer.
Aw that's too bad, we are on Stormbluff. If you ever find yourself seeking a new server, I do believe some of EU GAF has transferred without too many lag issues. Might want to talk to one of them to get an idea of how good or bad it really is.

Good luck in WvW, unless of course you are facing SBI, in which case I WILL CRUSH YOUR SOUL! (Or more likely die and someone else will before raising me...)

Basically a bunch of the people I used to PvP with in other games ended up on Seafarer's Rest at launch so when I got the game a week in and found EU-GAF's server full I decided to go there. WvW was tough for a while (med pop) but now we are doing well the server is full of new big guilds who've transferred for EZ-MODEto help. It's easier but less fun. Looking forward to getting our asses kicked in EU tier 1 so they leave tbh.

Follower, I think I may have some good news. There's a forged exotic item with the skin you want called Honor of Humanity (damn, that's a cool name for a sword btw). Please search on the TP when you can and let me know what you find. I searched for Honor of Humanity on gw2spidy.com and, bizarrely, this is what came up:

There's good news and bad news here. The bad news is, it might not be the sword and just have some other skin. However, look at the icon it has (which I didn't recognize from anything else I'd seen) and compare:

So I'd first search for Honor of Humanity; failing that, I'd search for swords "of bloodlust" (sword through item filter, type "of bloodlust" into TP search) and look for that icon- might just be what you want.

The good news is that sword appears to sell for under 5g.

edit: Spidy says there's a supply of 54 of whatever-the-hell-the-sword-you-want-is-called available ingame... godspeed!

Sweet. I'll take a look when I get home.

Retro: My main's character name is Gwendolyn Masterson (yes I'm a guy with a female character *insert snarky remark here*). Why?

Again - thanks for the help everyone!


The Cryptarch's Bane
sn1pes, I do remember that! Enjoy your Pact Avenger :D

Hey guys, I wanted to share something I've noticed becoming more and more common on the official forums!



1. How- how- have these people deluded themselves into believing that they'd have no complaints, fewer complaints, or even different complaints if they were paying a monthly fee? D:

2. If any of you guys were wondering, this- deciding to make Guild Wars 2 a subscription-based game- this is what would turn me from the loyal and contented fan I am into a hateful, vitriolic troll. There are a lot of things that ANet could do that would make me quit and just not look back- this is the only think I could imagine them doing that would actually influence me to start being a total and complete prick to them in return. Markot's last days in this thread would be the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade compared to what you'd see from me if a subscription were ever added to this game.

Just sayin'

Hmm? Noooooooo reason...


2. If any of you guys were wondering, this- deciding to make Guild Wars 2 a subscription-based game- this is what would turn me from the loyal and contented fan I am into a hateful, vitriolic troll. There are a lot of things that ANet could do that would make me quit and just not look back- this is the only think I could imagine them doing that would actually influence me to start being a total and complete prick to them in return. Markot's last days in this thread would be the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade compared to what you'd see from me if a subscription were ever added to this game.

There are not enough facepalm.jpgs in the universe to express how those kind of comments make me feel.

I don't think there's any way ArenaNet will switch to a subscription fee now that the game has launched, nor do I think they'll have a LotRO-like subscription system where you pay to be a Premium Member and get a steady supply of Turbine points each month, even though I think that might be kinda cool (I buy gems pretty regularly now, so automating the process wouldn't bother me much).

I have to say that if GW2 launched with a sub though, I don't think I'd mind. I'm used to subbing for MMOs, and in this case I would actually feel like I'm getting my money's worth. As it is, I'm happy to support the game with my gem purchases. And Collector's Edition, but I feel like I won out with that too.


People just want it all. I can't say that I haven't had that feeling but it's forgotten over time simply because I value the time spent with the friends I've made here more.

I guess people only wanted the "dynamic" world to move on without them when nothing interesting happens.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't think there's any chance of it happening at all either. It's just funny to me how capable of convicing themselves these people are- "if only I could pay every month, all of these problems would go away!"

It's like the complete opposite of hedging your bets- saying you'd rather pay more money even though people have been making the same sorts of complaints- with the same degree of vocal intensity- of subscription based MMOs for years. What if nothing got better, or some things got better but other things still made you equally unhappy? You'd have gained no tangible satisfactory result but would also be paying for the privilege.
I have to say that if GW2 launched with a sub though, I don't think I'd mind. I'm used to subbing for MMOs, and in this case I would actually feel like I'm getting my money's worth. As it is, I'm happy to support the game with my gem purchases.
Yeah, we're just different kinds of gamers.

No subscription fee was the genesis of my infatuation with this game, not just one aspect of it. I can't do subscription fees. I just can't. I'd start calculating all kinds of depressing shit like how much time I need to play per month/week to make the investment worth the money; I'd feel guilty if I couldn't play during a given period of time, too. I'm also not really big on paid DLC that is significantly less than an "expansion's worth," and paying money for in-game currency (gems). It's just not my style, but I totally support and encourage people to pursue their own!

I will say, these recent comments I've been seeing have done more to make me consider buying gems than anything the Black Lion folk have for sale.


I don't really understand the want for a sub, either. If the complaints are about the gem store, just spend $10 a month and get 800 gems every month. Treat that like a sub, but one where you can stop when you want or when you don't have the spare cash for it and not really lose anything from it.

Personally, I've been more unhappy with my sub MMOs in the past than I am with GW2. I always felt like I should have been getting more out of the game for my sub, especially in cases like WoW where they started to add extra cash shop items like mounts and pets. Plus the fact that I always felt like I needed to play them to get my monthly fee worth generally led me to be unhappy with them.


Personally, I don't want to lose one-time events. When a new area opens up, it should come with some event showing that the rest of the world recognizes it. If I miss some (and I know I'm going to miss a bunch after New Years) so what? I still come back to a richer world, with more places to explore and more things to do.

Basically, I don't want this game to feel static. That's what will make me leave this game, or just only do WvW/PvP.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Personally, I don't want to lose one-time events. When a new area opens up, it should come with some event showing that the rest of the world recognizes it. If I miss some (and I know I'm going to miss a bunch after New Years) so what? I still come back to a richer world, with more places to explore and more things to do.

Basically, I don't want this game to feel static. That's what will make me leave this game, or just only do WvW/PvP.
Agreed 100%+ personally. I do support, say two-time events- for Adriaaa and his funny-talkin' compatriots- but not the notion of "no one should be able to miss anything."

Actually, somebody popped into LA the other night and was getting all excited on map chat- they'd been gone for over a month. "What happened to lighthouse? Why are there so many people down here (Claw Island Portage)?" I told them about Southsun Cove and they were pretty genuinely excited there was a new zone to check out. I also gave them a rough idea of where Stepping Stones (the JP) was and may have told them it was easy :-x It's cool to think that if I ever did take a long break, there'd be a bunch of new stuff waiting for me because of what I missed.

By the way, I want to ask again: what's another example of a game that lets you buy character slots with in-game gold?


That's always going to be the dilemma; people want MMOs to be these cool, persistent worlds in which their actions have consequence and impact, and things are always changing and evolving. But they don't want any of that to happen unless they're online for it.

I'm all for one-time events, but I think they need to space the community out a bit more so everyone isn't crowded into the same zone, causing lag issues. Maybe have events take place in different locations simultaneously (multiple cities get attacked, for example) or just double down and overflow the shit out of the area in question, so each overflow only has 30-50 people on it at once.


The Cryptarch's Bane
have events take place in different locations simultaneously (multiple cities get attacked, for example)
So down with this. Force people to make the choice of what they want to see, knowing that they can't feasibly see it all. Might actually encourage people to role-play a little bit (in a role-playing game, the horror).


I also gave them a rough idea of where Stepping Stones (the JP) was and may have told them it was easy :-x

You monster.

By the way, I want to ask again: what's another example of a game that lets you buy character slots with in-game gold?

Lord of the Rings Online let you buy more slots, and the number you had depended on your account type (Free players started with 2, premium with 3, VIP with 5).

So down with this. Force people to make the choice of what they want to see, knowing that they can't feasibly see it all. Might actually encourage people to role-play a little bit (in a role-playing game, the horror).

Likewise, I would be very interested in seeing each server take different routes based on the population. For example, if there are attacks on Divinity's Reach and The Grove happening at the same time, depending on where Stormbluff Isle players head the most determines which one is 'saved' and which one is 'lost'.

Not sure if that's possible, but it might be cool to have different outcomes for each server based on participation.


So down with this. Force people to make the choice of what they want to see, knowing that they can't feasibly see it all. Might actually encourage people to role-play a little bit (in a role-playing game, the horror).

HUGE amounts of people would bitch at that. Seriously they would. I want to be able to see it ALL arenanet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you don't pay for anything. So no, you don't get to.
People will always bitch. There is nothing you can do about it.

I don't get how people in the official forum think that if there was a subscription you would spend less time getting the better items...

If they really want a sub, they should buy gems. They could see it as, getting to play and getting a bonus (gems) for paying a sub.
No monthly fee, 3 months in, saved $45 already, people should be happy Anet gave you the chance to buy Gems with Gold, GW1 CS was cash only, I have bought 3 extra character slots, 2 bank, and a character bag slot, all with GOLD...


The Cryptarch's Bane
HUGE amounts of people would bitch at that. Seriously they would. I want to be able to see it ALL arenanet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you don't pay for anything. So no, you don't get to.
I can imagine that, yeah, but I think really risky design choices like that could pay off via word-of-mouth. People talking to each other about what "happened" from their perspective of an event, how their experience was different from someone else's, could be really cool in terms of attracting new players.
Nemesis said:
I have bought 3 extra character slots, 2 bank, and a character bag slot, all with GOLD...
2 bag slots, 1 bank, and the Warlock Costume for me :D Definitely going to be character slots eventually, too.

Really, can no one name a single other game that allows you to buy character slots with in-game currency? I think that would be pretty remarkable, and not something people have really acknowledged.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You got a gladius! :D

127G long-term goal crisis averted!

edit: SotW looks boss with aegis stacked on top of it.


What is it what is it tell us tell us!

I told him he had to post screenshots, so you'll see soon enough.

Edit: Sooner than I thought!

HUGE amounts of people would bitch at that. Seriously they would. I want to be able to see it ALL arenanet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you don't pay for anything. So no, you don't get to.

Well, it would be the exact same event, just in multiple locations. The Karka invasion, for example, just in multiple locations rather than in LA.

2 bag slots, 1 bank, and the Warlock Costume for me :D Definitely going to be character slots eventually, too.

Let's see... 1 character slot, all but three bank slots, one bag slot on my main, a couple dye packs, two of the halloween mini-pet packs (I wanted the Chainsaw skeleton). 10 pack of Consortium chests, and a makeover kit.

Really, can no one name a single other game that allows you to buy character slots with in-game currency? I think that would be pretty remarkable, and not something people have really acknowledged.

There's lots of pretty remarkable things that aren't acknowledged about the game. Most of them, like being able to buy gems with in-game gold, are just small little features that make a world of difference.

Looks fantastic, you also made the right call with that shield; the rivets match up with the fishnet pattern on your arms and legs as well as the rivets on your boots.

Very nice.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This often means that I'll blow almost everything I have down to 2-3 gold, but so what? I mean that's the whole point of having gold in the first place. It's not like I need to keep a savings going in case of an emergency.
I find myself thinking this exact thing SO OFTEN on the official forums! Or to put it another way, with anything people want and think they have to spent too much time getting:
Hawkian's Brain said:
What do you want it FOR?
Be it gold itself, a legendary, a super-pricey exotic skin, or ascended gear. As I see it, there is currently one answer to this question that makes sense to me: I want to participate in very high-level fractals. In this regard, getting infused ascended gear makes a very tangible impact on gameplay. Some of the ascended gear is quite tough to get (the pricier-mat-req back pieces, and RNG-factor of rings). Thus, participating in very high-level fractals is a bit of a privilege right now and dependent to a degree on getting hard-to-get gear. This is a legitimate concern and if I were to believe it would always be as difficult to obtain agony resistance as it is right now, I'd be very concerned for the "regular" player. However, to those actively worrying about it, I just call on Game of Thrones for some assistance:

Now if gem prices truly got out of hand, that'd be problematic. But they've never been completely out of bounds so far, just inching towards being expensive.
They still fluctuate quite a bit over the course of any given day. Definitely worth check multiple times.


Anyone think they should have release FotM and have it go up to level 10 and held back ascended gear until they could implement all of their intended attainment methods?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Actually, not really, no.

I like how, with regard to the rings in fractals, you are essentially rewarded with resistance to agony by proving that you don't need it- a reinforcement technique that worked really well in Demon's Souls.

I also like that the back pieces offer some new unique skins to go for, and I think the quivers look quite cool. I don't really have any issues thus far with agony, resistance or infusions as far as fractals go - except that you should really be able to buy an offensive or defensive infusion for the same price.

What I think they should have done is not included any stat boost (superficial as it may be) to the ascended items they did release. I'm not familiar at all with the attitudes of these people (MMOs besides GW1 are generally opaque to me), but they appear to have been whipped into a frenzy due to this raising of the "stat ceiling," and that was avoidable with a better rollout of the gear. But I totally get why ANet thought the rings/back pieces/infusions and the fractals themselves were "ready," if considered in a bubble.


Who can guess what this thread on the official forums is about? :D
I came on here to happily share that I finally got my reward from the Karka event and...what's this about the subs? I know ANet will never do it but, the level of stupidity people show sometimes still amazes me. It's infinite in it's reach.


The Cryptarch's Bane
What'd you get?

Didn't think about the fact that precursor prices have probably all sunk a bit again. Something to consider if you're going for a legendary out there, GAF!
Outside of that last bit, it's a legitimately great dungeon isn't it? God I wish they'd completely overhaul that :(

Yea I really liked the dungeon. Ive liked all the story mode dungeons tbh especially because the majority of which I've run them with people also in them for the first time so there was a cool, joint sense of exploration.


Hmm? Noooooooo reason...

Really generous of you sir!

AFollowerNotALeader said:
Retro wanted some pics:

Your character looks awesome.
It's always easy to complain about stuff which is why I try to stay away from the official forums.

Why do I love this game?

1) World PvE is awesome.

Originally, I planned to spend all my time in sPvP because that mirrors other MMOs I've played. For various reasons that didn't work out.

Which was when I discovered how good the PvE is in this game. Before you get jaded by playing MMOs, you have an imagined idea of how they will work. Players will help each other and band together against impossible odds. Your character will pick up a weapon and head off into the hills and have adventures. Grizzled old heroes will take new ones under their wing (a staple of so many fantasy stories).

Then you pick up an MMO and are shepherded from ! to ! Other players are competition, an annoyance. High level characters can't quest with new ones because of content level.

Guild Wars 2 delivers on how you originally thought an MMO should work. It is as far as I am aware unique in this regard. The best PvE experiences I've had have all been in this game.

The way scaling works is also important to me. My little sister moved to the US a number of years ago and we stay in touch by playing MMOs together at the weekends (when we can both be up at the same time). Because her main poison is Everquest (which she plays with her husband) her characters in whatever we are playing have always been lower than mine. Guild Wars 2 is the first MMO where our mains can play together. This is huge and I love the game for that.

2) WvWvW

Until GW2, my favourite PvP experience was old vanilla Alterac Valley. WvWvW is that turned up to the max. I've always been a fan of huge battles over arenas (the focus on the latter in WoW's later patches is the direct cause if me quitting that game) even though they are zergy because they feel epic.

I love dropping into a battle after a hard day at work. I love how the server vs server system fosters a server community. I love running supplies, manning siege and holding towers. I would happily pay a subscription for just this part of the game, and yet I don't have to - all this awesome is FREE.

3) The combat.

I won't lie, I was nervous about this at first and I took a while to get used to it (dodging particularly) but now it's second nature. I love all the classes (I have one of each). I particularly love the Guardian class, playing in a support role with a staff and a DPS weapon set to switch to when I have to kill something. I love the reflection spells and the control spells (line of warding). And this is not the only class that's fun. Every single one is.

4) It doesn't take itself too seriously.

Circus. That is all without spoilers.

5) It's so damn pretty.

Particularly after the dull cartoon stylings of SWTOR. Shiny metal is a revelation.
What I think they should have done is not included any stat boost (superficial as it may be) to the ascended items they did release. I'm not familiar at all with the attitudes of these people (MMOs besides GW1 are generally opaque to me), but they appear to have been whipped into a frenzy due to this raising of the "stat ceiling," and that was avoidable with a better rollout of the gear. But I totally get why ANet thought the rings/back pieces/infusions and the fractals themselves were "ready," if considered in a bubble.

This. Small vertical progression inside large amounts of horizontal progression.


The vertical v horizontal problem or debate would be improved if they IMPROVED TRAITS.

PVP-wise, too many classes are settling into roles with little room to roam outside of those roles. In sPVP, this is because of the map rules, but in the game overall its because traits aren't doing their job.


The vertical v horizontal problem or debate would be improved if they IMPROVED TRAITS.

PVP-wise, too many classes are settling into roles with little room to roam outside of those roles. In sPVP, this is because of the map rules, but in the game overall its because traits aren't doing their job.

I have to agree. Roles are getting settled in part because not all classes can perform at all roles. A number of builds need to get buffed on almost every class.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh you mean a baked in one, I see now
For the matchup starting on December 7th we’ll be testing out a new culling methodology. This is an interim change to the system which is intended improve player experience while we work on a more comprehensive solution. Under this new, interim system we handle culling of allies and enemies separately which should cut down on the instances of running into a group of completely invisible enemies. This is accomplished at the cost of having a lower maximum on the number of allies that players can see.

Again, this is an interim solution while we work on a longer term change. We’ll be trying out the new system for the duration of the matchup starting on December 7th and then evaluating whether we want to keep it in place until our more comprehensive solution is in place or roll back to the existing behavior. Toward that end we’re very interested in your feedback about the experience of playing with the interim system.
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