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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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The Cryptarch's Bane
FINALLY got my Juggernaut the other day! Couldn't be more happy, thing is a beast and the effects it gets from various environments are amazing, especially on T3 Sylvari armor.


If you're a Warrior or Guardian on the fence about what legendary to go for, your search is over.
Holy fuck that is glorious.
I was looking at the different armor sets and if not my math is completely off, I have to run a dungeon a minimal of 23 times in order to get a full dungeon armor set. While I know this is quite little compared to other MMOs (hint-hint), I still get exhausted at the thought of running through the same dungeon 23 times over and over. :/

I am absolutely terrible with money so I would most likely just loose money playing the market. So I would have to do 300 dungeon runs to get a legendary weapon. Well, I guess I am done with Guild Wars 2 then. Reached lvl 80, I won I think.
Ookee, a couple things :)

1. You're done with the game if you don't want to play it anymore! If you still do, there are plenty of goals you can set for yourself that you can strive toward just by doing what you want to do when you log on. If there's nothing you want to do when you log on, you've got your answer :D

2. You might be looking at it a little bit the wrong way with regard to armor... there's no need to get a full set of armor all from the same dungeon, nor do you need to get all, or any, of your armor pieces from dungeons. You can mix and match, and you can always transmute or put different rune sets in later. Depending on what you want it could be, 3 runs of this dungeon, 6 runs of that one, this piece from the TP, this skin from my Order armor merchant, this piece from Orr, this one from Crafting, etc.

Even if you decide that is what you want (a complete set of one dungeon's armor), thinking of it as "23 times til you're done" is asking too much of yourself! "1 run a day for 23 days, over the course of 30 days," might make it seem more realistic. Or better yet, "4 runs til my next piece!" You probably know this already, but there are multiple paths per dungeon, so it's extremely unlikely that you would be completing literally the same thing 23 times if you decided you wanted that.

Personally, I have 3 full exotic armor sets on my thief and one on my mesmer- no invidual set is composed entirely of armor from one dungeon.

Don't forget you can get weapons from dungeons too. Maybe you'd prefer to do dungeons for your weapons but get your armor with karma or gold.

Finally, don't forget the big picture- if you did dungeons to go after the tokens for armor or weapons, you'd simultaneously be earning bunches of gold every step of the way. It's not in a vacuum. :)

3. 300 dungeon runs wouldn't get you a legendary. You can't just buy them. It's much more involved than that, requiring all kinds of items that require gameplay in basically every aspect of the game except SPVP. They should be considered verrrrry long-term goals for most people. There are still tons of other weapons available to go for in the meantime.


Ultimately it's just a question of deciding whether or not you want to keep playing. There's certainly nothing to be scoffed at about considering yourself "done" once you reach level 80 if you have no desire to keep playing. Certainly you've got your money's worth already.
FINALLY got my Juggernaut the other day! Couldn't be more happy, thing is a beast and the effects it gets from various environments are amazing, especially on T3 Sylvari armor.


If you're a Warrior or Guardian on the fence about what legendary to go for, your search is over.

That looks pretty awesome man. Congarts.
Damn, I am so far from my little legendary pistol!!!!


Ultimately it's just a question of deciding whether or not you want to keep playing. There's certainly nothing to be scoffed at about considering yourself "done" once you reach level 80 if you have no desire to keep playing. Certainly you've got your money's worth already.

Problem for me is that most of my will to play have been lost, it has all gone back to the usual situation with me and MMOs, I end up playing them alone. The friends I used to play with suddenly quit playing a while back and I just cant tolerate dungeon runs with random people. EU GAF is basically dead now. I am thinking about making a jump to the US server to join with US GAF but at the same time there are a few friends I would like to play with but they are spread across 5-6 other servers.

There was a promised feature, server guesting, that I think would have solved a lot of this but ArenaNet have yet to actually implement it for some mysterious reason. Will see what happens.
Bow to your new god.



Just a heads up, Jira and I are projecting this weekend to be when they finally pull back the veil on the patch at the end of the month...


Junior Member
Ok GW Gaf, I'm thinking of coming back to GW2 - but first, let me ask: how are the necromancers? Because they seemed a bit lackluster shortly after launch.


Just a heads up, Jira and I are projecting this weekend to be when they finally pull back the veil on the patch at the end of the month...

Do you think its going to be a big one? Why would they unveil it on a weekend? I guess i dont know i havent followed gw2 news since it came out


Been away from my PC all damn day, so I'm playing catch-up. Sorry for the Mega Post.

Hmm, disappointed on the monsters. The scale of them was so amazing at times for me in GW (Frost Wyrms and stuff). If I can hook her on combat (my biggest worry), everything else should be easier.

Gonna have to disagree with Arcteryx on this one.


Meet the Shadow Behemoth. He spawns in Queensdale, the human starting zone, in a sub-zone for level 15 characters. He's big. The chest he drops is the size of a mini-van.

He's also not alone. There are three dragons that swoop in every now and then (actually, ArenaNet made the poor decision to put them on timers, so they're kind of easy to farm, sadly), quite a few large, regular mobs running around, and the usual nasties to be found in dungeons. Since these have all proven to be really popular, I'm thinking when ArenaNet revamps the current zones in the next few months, we'll see even more cool events like these.

Gotcha, that shouldn't be an issue for us ... of course I'll have to initiate all of that. She's a great teammate and would be awesome in a guild but damn, she hates talking to randoms. Weird as Hell.

Guilds in GW2 are not exclusive, so you can both belong to GAFGuild and receive all of the influence bonuses a large group like ours is able to utilize. You can also form a private guild for yourselves and friends, and be part of both at once (you can only represent one at a time, however).

I never seem to have much trouble getting a group together from the guild, and I'm seeing people ask for / start up groups all the time. We're not randoms, at least.

Exploring we both love, puzzles she's not a huge fan of. But in the GW universe I think she can be sold on it, I'll have to find an example of one on YouTube.

Jumping puzzles aren't 'puzzles' so much than a complex series of platforming challenges. The rarely anything to solve beyond 'where do I jump next?", though sometimes they add extra stuff to it. All completely optional (even for the monthly achievement this month, you only need to find them, not finish them).

The only areas that have puzzles are dungeons (and they're pretty basic) and the Mini-dungeon, the Font of Rand (which I would say is Zelda-like in execution). Maybe a couple areas out in the wilderness.

Is there any mechanic new to GW2 that you guys feel was complicated at first glance, like say crafting? Because that's what I'll probably send her a few notes on as well just so she's up to speed.

Crafting is pretty simple; it gives you a few basic recipes and from that you can extrapolate how further recipes can be discovered (for example, if you need one Tier 1 material and 5 thingamabobs, you can quickly discover recipes for the other Tier 1 materials). Not the best crafting I've seen (Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is still the record holder), but good.

The most complex things are, as Arcteryx mentioned, the ones that aren't really well documented. For example, all of the crafting materials have their own storage space in your bank (Collectables Tab), and you can deposit those materials to that tab from anywhere by selecting "Deposit all collectables" from a menu on your inventory. Brilliant, insanely useful, but not immediately apparent. The game is full of really clever stuff that isn't immediately apparent or explained.

I'm actually not in the guild yet. I keep meaning to send out a piece of mail and then getting distracted. SHould do that today if I get a chance to get on.
Gotcha. Here's the armor I'm wearing here;

PM me your account name (name.####) and you'll be invited the instant I see it.

Nothing in GW2 is better than the original Guild Wars. Well, the graphics.

I'm gonna have to echo Hawkian here and say that this is terribly misleading, though probably not intentionally. There's a lot going for GW2 and to say "It looks prettier" just doesn't do it justice. From the quiet partnerships you and a couple strangers form when suddenly a champion Cave Troll appears and starts stomping all of you, to the way events flow into each other and tell you the 'story' of the zone through actions rather than words. From the streamlined character building (admittedly at the cost of some customization) to the simple joy of finding a new dye (much easier to manage than GW1, at least). From the way the cities feel properly sized and, more importantly, properly populated, to the little surprises hidden off the beaten path. There's a lot in there than 'better graphics'.

This is one of the reasons I love this game. We're both going for similar build ideas, but the game is flexible enough that I can go for a Axe/Shield setup (focusing more on defense and stacking vulnerability while maintaining some damage), and not feel like I'm some noob with a shitty build who will never be useful in a group.

My build is oriented towards stacking a lot of bleeds and making them last longer, something you won't get with axe/shield. Perhaps putting less points in Arms and more in something like Discipline. A cursory glance shows me a build focused on building adrenaline (On weapon swap, which you can reduce by half, and on crits with an axe) and stacking might (on weapon swap and when you block) and then unleashing it with faster or cheaper (probably faster since you can always kick up adrenaline with Healing Surge).

I'd have to dig in, but you MIGHT be able to go Mace / Shield and Axe / Shield and benefit from a heavy stun build too. Threw this together, untested and really not tweaked, but hopefully you can see what I'm getting at; Warrior Build. . Might switch some things around, you can pull even more vulnerability down with a trait in Arms (rending Strikes) rather than the 50% crit against stunned goes (which is there because Shield Bash + Skull Crack gives you two stuns, especially with you pounding out Burst Skills, and you'd be lacking the crit from a full 30 in Arms).

/shrug. So much room. Kinda want to try this on my warrior now too. The high crit and bleed is cool, but it's one condition that is easily cleared and only stacks up to 25 (and in my group, we usually hit it on most bosses).

I am absolutely terrible with money so I would most likely just loose money playing the market. So I would have to do 300 dungeon runs to get a legendary weapon. Well, I guess I am done with Guild Wars 2 then. Reached lvl 80, I won I think.

I've same up maybe a tenth of that just by doing dungeon runs. Also, keep in mind, Legendary Weapons are meant to be something cool. A lot of the people in the guild who play a shitload still don't have one. A lot of it is luck, a LOT of it is work. Luckily, ArenaNet has been talking about changing how Legendaries are obtained, something more akin to a scavenger hunt. If it cuts down on the need for a lot of expensive materials, that's a lot of the money right there.

There was a promised feature, server guesting, that I think would have solved a lot of this but ArenaNet have yet to actually implement it for some mysterious reason. Will see what happens.

You can join GAFGuild regardless of server, so at least the chat will make it a little less lonely. You can also guest for dungeons, just not PVE yet. ArenaNet has said that the January / Feburary patch will add a ton of new features, and I'm hoping Guesting is one of them. We should be getting a preview in the next week or so.

Alright, caught up. What a day.

Edit: Congrats on the Juggernaut, Araman.

Edit 2:
Ok GW Gaf, I'm thinking of coming back to GW2 - but first, let me ask: how are the necromancers? Because they seemed a bit lackluster shortly after launch.
Much improved, but not 'there' yet.

Edit 3:
Do you think its going to be a big one? Why would they unveil it on a weekend? I guess i dont know i havent followed gw2 news since it came out

January is supposed to set the stage for large content pushes in February and March. Originally, January and February combined were supposed to be 'expansion sized', but they've since said that they were referring to the amount of new features they will be adding. February was also supposed to be a big WvW / PVP update, but given that the January patch is now being called 'smaller', I think that may be pushed back to March.

Either way, they've said that in a couple of weeks, they will be putting out a "Early 2013 preview" where they want to be very clear and give us a high-level overview of what's to come.

/whew. That's it for me, I'm going to bed. What a day.


Jesus retro lol. I cant imagine your mental state after writing all that lol

Edit: fuck top of the page...um what should i say? Ah go read retros post on the last page...um buy gems with gold! Or not....see i can give good advice :/


Jesus retro lol. I cant imagine your mental state after writing all that lol

Edit: fuck top of the page...um what should i say? Ah go read retros post on the last page...um buy gems with gold! Or not....see i can give good advice :/

Dude, I was driving my mother-in-law (who shouldn't be driving for health reasons) to appointments and errands non-stop from 10am to 4pm, at which point we picked up my wife and went to the hospital (I hate hospitals) to visit her dad (nothing serious, just keeping an eye on him while waiting for tests). Without eating, while still getting over a nasty bug that wiped me out all weekend.. Didn't get home until after 7.

Also, it's only the top of a new page if you're not using 100ppp GAFGold. =p
Just hit level 30 on my elementalist and decided to go with the conjured greatsword for my elite. It's great fun killing regular enemies by the boatloads, but I'm not sure how it'll do in pvp.

Excited to do the first dungeon!


Shout outs to

(hope I get these right)

Nomine, Kos, Turore, and..Kahvi (I think, it's late ;-;) for going against the grain and doing CoE 3 with me today!

Now the only dungeons I still need to see are the Arah paths other than 3...gaf only ever does 3 :(

Just hit level 30 on my elementalist and decided to go with the conjured greatsword for my elite. It's great fun killing regular enemies by the boatloads, but I'm not sure how it'll do in pvp.

Excited to do the first dungeon!

The first dungeon's a doozy, good luck!

You might be able to get some GAF 80's in there if you are in the guild, may help things go more smoothly.


So I hit lvl 32 today, making some pretty good progress just wandering around with my friend doing heart quests, events, and generally just exploring, but one things been bothering me...

How come I still have (basically) the same armor I started the game with? I'm getting tired of looking at my character and I feel like I should have something better by now.

What gives?

Oh and also, screw the Brisban Wildlands. The place is gorgeous but horribly designed. Waypoints are too spread out, the enemies are annoying and too strong, and there's almost no one on the map (I wonder why) to help with events. Never again.


So I hit lvl 32 today, making some pretty good progress just wandering around with my friend doing heart quests, events, and generally just exploring, but one things been bothering me...

How come I still have (basically) the same armor I started the game with? I'm getting tired of looking at my character and I feel like I should have something better by now.

What profession are you playing? I know that Warriors and Guardians really don't get much in the way of variety for a while, the majority of it being mail or, if you're lucky, scale armor. You will get some eventually,

If all else fails, you can transmute some high-level stuff to low-level armor. Crafted sets especially tend to run cheap.

Oh and also, screw the Brisban Wildlands. The place is gorgeous but horribly designed. Waypoints are too spread out, the enemies are annoying and too strong, and there's almost no one on the map (I wonder why) to help with events. Never again.

Brisban may be the only zone I've never 100% on any character, and certainly the only one on that side of the map I haven't done. It seems like a really cool place, but there's just too much that's 'off' with it.


What profession are you playing? I know that Warriors and Guardians really don't get much in the way of variety for a while, the majority of it being mail or, if you're lucky, scale armor. You will get some eventually,

If all else fails, you can transmute some high-level stuff to low-level armor. Crafted sets especially tend to run cheap.

Brisban may be the only zone I've never 100% on any character, and certainly the only one on that side of the map I haven't done. It seems like a really cool place, but there's just too much that's 'off' with it.

I'm Guardian, and you are dead on, the only variety I've had with armor are Scale pieces.

Still really enjoying this game so far though besides Brisban. I suppose it's probably that "first MMO" magic that most people got all those years ago with WoW and such, but I can't get enough of this game. If I keep at this rate I'll see you all at level 80 in no time :)


I'm Guardian, and you are dead on, the only variety I've had with armor are Scale pieces.

Still really enjoying this game so far though besides Brisban. I suppose it's probably that "first MMO" magic that most people got all those years ago with WoW and such, but I can't get enough of this game. If I keep at this rate I'll see you all at level 80 in no time :)

Enjoy the journey, Level 80 holds no magical benefit other than just having all of the content open (which, even at level 32, is already happening for you as the first dungeon is level 30-ish).

There's an okay set of armor coming your way in the 40s, "Heavy Plate"; http://www.gw2armor.com/human/female/k4/heavy/display_looks.php

It can also be crafted, so maybe transmute some of it now if you're eager for a change.
I'm hoping for some 'clever' bosses at some point. Granted I haven't played all the dungeons yet, so there could very well be some 'clever' bosses, but at the moment every boss seems to be a really long tank and spank... minus the tank.


You can join GAFGuild regardless of server, so at least the chat will make it a little less lonely. You can also guest for dungeons, just not PVE yet. ArenaNet has said that the January / Feburary patch will add a ton of new features, and I'm hoping Guesting is one of them. We should be getting a preview in the next week or so.

I know, but being able to also play with the people I talk with feels important. Made the transfer this morning and sent in a message asking to join.

For me the server guesting feature was one of the top reasons I was looking forward to Guild Wars 2 as my friends are always split onto several different servers and I hoped GW2 would solve the problem of trying to play with them, maybe not instantly at release but I was hoping shortly after.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This was told to me vocally so I have no source to cite but Guesting is at least intended to be a part of this month's patch, so cross your fingers!

Bleh, I'm sick. Pretty much got in bed immediately after getting home from work last night.

There's plenty of armor variety available even at low levels- the issue is that I don't really think it's worth using transmutation stones at low levels, so it's tough to get compatible stuff. I basically just suffered with crappy-looking but adequate armor that didn't really look the way I wanted until level 70, at which point I started looking into what my sets (I have/want multiple full armor sets with different looks and effects for each character) would be. On the one hand, it's kind of cool in that it always feels like my character "ascends" upon getting his first exotic set that looks the way I want.

I really like the southern half of Brisban Wildlands, and I have 100%ed it btw (I have for every area we've done a mobbing event in). I'm trying to remember if I thought the enemies there were too strong or not for the appropriate level... I do remember it has a lot. Beyond the wildlife there are centaurs, Inquest, bandits, and the Nightmare Court all trying to compete for land, which can make it feel a bit haphazard.
Just hit level 30 on my elementalist and decided to go with the conjured greatsword for my elite. It's great fun killing regular enemies by the boatloads, but I'm not sure how it'll do in pvp.

Excited to do the first dungeon!
Most likely you know this, but you can eventually buy all the elites of course, and switch between them any time you're out of combat :)


So, just a heads up: I sent out guild invites to Keasar, Humenkind and Spehornoob like 4 minutes ago. Welcome to the guild.

Thank you so much! I looked so hard for this song.

It just wasn't on the OST, and luckily it was pretty early on that guy's playlist. I'm wondering where he got it, because the one I have is the 'official' OST (even signed by Soule).

I'm hoping for some 'clever' bosses at some point. Granted I haven't played all the dungeons yet, so there could very well be some 'clever' bosses, but at the moment every boss seems to be a really long tank and spank... minus the tank.

I'm hoping so too. There's too many bosses that just soak up damage and take too long to kill. Ginva in HotW is the worst, and most of the time we just burn him down while only keeping his Protection totem shattered. The makings are there for an interesting fight (shatter the totems to keep him from being too strong), but it just goes on too long and the totems don't have that much effect. Likewise for a few other bosses; the mechanics seem to be there, but they have such absurdly high health pools that doing the fight the 'right way' extends well past the point of "Learning the fight" and well into boredom, sometimes even on the first time you fight them.

I thought the Power Suit/Ice Elemental fight in the Dredge Fractal was pretty fun, but I don't know that I'd go so far as to call it Clever. Certain thrilling when we went in blind (though we figured it out pretty quick... pulling it off, however, was a different story).

In a perfect world, a boss fight would only go on a little past the point where everyone 'gets it'. I'd settle for less health sponges, at least. Hopefully the dungeon revamp in the future (and hopefully the near future) gives us more interesting bosses.

This was told to me vocally so I have no source to cite but Guesting is at least intended to be a part of this month's patch, so cross your fingers!

I can say with 100% certainty that ArenaNet has been the most open and transparent developer in MMO history, if only because they will actually talk to us with an alarming degree of frequency considering NeoGAF's reputation. Only other person I know of who talks to GAF more often is Frank O'Connor.

Bleh, I'm sick. Pretty much got in bed immediately after getting home from work last night.

It is going around. First Keoni, then me, now you. Someone is infecting GAFGuild's leadership, possibly in an attempt to seize control for themselves!
I think my favourite boss encounter so far is the Giant in one of the Fractals. The one with the Twilight Hammer and Seals. That's interesting and 'clever' to a point, certainly needs a little bit more teamwork.


I think my favourite boss encounter so far is the Giant in one of the Fractals. The one with the Twilight Hammer and Seals. That's interesting and 'clever' to a point, certainly needs a little bit more teamwork.

Yeah, I think the Fractals is a taste of things to come in terms of dungeon content, and hopefully they were using that as a sort of test bed for the dungeon overhaul.

One of my favorites is the first part of the Dredge fractal, with the group having to split up to operate the switches and then work together to keep the control panel clear. It's not quite as tedious and unforgiving as the Swamp, but it still requires some degree of communication; I will go here, you go there, wait for my signal, etc. I'd like to see more stuff like that; groups having to split up and take different routes at the same time, or handle two completely different situations independently.

I think there's a lot that could be done to improve a lot of the fights, and as I said there's some bosses that sort of have the framework for an interesting fight, but it just doesn't come together. Even Ghost Eater is easier to burn down than use the Mortars, they're absolutely useless. I wish the fight incorporated them because then it'd be something to do other than burn him down.
Do trash mobs still soak up a ton of damage in Fractals? I don't mind difficulty, but trash mobs in AC at least are really tedious to kill just because they take so long.


I think my favourite boss encounter so far is the Giant in one of the Fractals. The one with the Twilight Hammer and Seals. That's interesting and 'clever' to a point, certainly needs a little bit more teamwork.

I agree! That one is really cool with the way it finishes. I am always happy to do that particular fractal.

I also like the dredge one. Hate the swamp.

As far as other bosses, I think the various dragon encounters are neat in their design but they become so easy with a zerg that the fights seem trivial. They could be improved in my opinion by variance in the attack location and maybe slightly less frequent events. It is a balancing act, you want everyone to be able to access the content but also keep it feeling like a thrill when it happens. The same easy fight every hour and a half to two hours (as an example timeframe) does not seem as compelling to me as slightly harder but less frequent encounters.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Do trash mobs still soak up a ton of damage in Fractals? I don't mind difficulty, but trash mobs in AC at least are really tedious to kill just because they take so long.
No, there's a consistent variety of mob types throughout the game, as follows (ascending order of difficulty):

Normals (no border around icon)
Veterans (bronze ring around icon, Veteran name)
Silvers (silver ring around icon, no special name for... whatever reason. This is the "standard" dungeon mob)
Champions (gold ring with crossed swords, Champion name)
Boss (crazy purple spiky ring with crossed swords; unique name, often a proper noun)

In fractals at least up to the level I've done, the majority of mobs are normals and veterans.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just the fact that you can solo Lupicus at all, though... ridiculous

Really REALLY want to play a bunch tonight. I was looking forward to it after getting in a nap last night feeling all sick and then I just never got out of bed.

I'd like to get my Ele at least to level 20 and finally craft a couple exotic accessories for my Mes.

That's if I can resist logging in with The Arbiter... after two Asura and one skinny-ass Sylvari it's pretty goddamn fun playing with the largest possible character model :p

edit: I keep forgetting to get a solid answer on this... anybody know, can you do dungeon runs with people in other regions?
Well I guess I royally screwed my quest line without realizing it. Friend wanted both of us to have the same quests and stuff to go on, and because I'm at a part where I meet with some order of whispers he's gotten all upset and is saying that now he has to do single player catch up just to be at the part I'm at, keep in mind we're both the same race, and 3 levels apart. I don't think I've even gotten to pick the final decision yet because another friend of mine says you get a choice to pick one of the three at the level 30 story arc part.


The Cryptarch's Bane
A group of us tried it last week and no dice unfortunately.
Bummer. I really hope that doesn't mean you'll be prevented from Guesting cross-region :-/
Watching Lupicus get solo'd inspires me to do Arah again!
Same, bring it on Lupi!
Well I guess I royally screwed my quest line without realizing it. Friend wanted both of us to have the same quests and stuff to go on, and because I'm at a part where I meet with some order of whispers he's gotten all upset and is saying that now he has to do single player catch up just to be at the part I'm at, keep in mind we're both the same race, and 3 levels apart. I don't think I've even gotten to pick the final decision yet because another friend of mine says you get a choice to pick one of the three at the level 30 story arc part.

I er. What. That... doesn't sound... right. There are a few quests with each order before you make your final decision on an order. Furthermore you can't "screw up" your questline unless there's a bug or something. I don't entirely understand what your friend's complaint is- was he on the same quest as you or not? If he's not you can still join each other's quests to help out.
Been pretty dead in the Guild lately.
Really? I was on Friday and Sunday and there were 30+ online at any given time. That's a pity though. Let's do an event this weekend :D


Yeah, I think the Fractals is a taste of things to come in terms of dungeon content, and hopefully they were using that as a sort of test bed for the dungeon overhaul.

One of my favorites is the first part of the Dredge fractal, with the group having to split up to operate the switches and then work together to keep the control panel clear. It's not quite as tedious and unforgiving as the Swamp, but it still requires some degree of communication; I will go here, you go there, wait for my signal, etc. I'd like to see more stuff like that; groups having to split up and take different routes at the same time, or handle two completely different situations independently.

I think there's a lot that could be done to improve a lot of the fights, and as I said there's some bosses that sort of have the framework for an interesting fight, but it just doesn't come together. Even Ghost Eater is easier to burn down than use the Mortars, they're absolutely useless. I wish the fight incorporated them because then it'd be something to do other than burn him down.

fractals is pretty much what I want dungeons to be. a mix of puzzle like stuff combined with boss fights that require more than stand there and cycle through 1-5 on your keyboard.

curious we haven't heard much word about the dungeons rework. surely they have at least 1 planned out by now. been a few months.
I er. What. That... doesn't sound... right. There are a few quests with each order before you make your final decision on an order. Furthermore you can't "screw up" your questline unless there's a bug or something. I don't entirely understand what your friend's complaint is- was he on the same quest as you or not? If he's not you can still join each other's quests to help out.
Yeah...not sure what my friend was on about. I think he was just in a bad mood last night, a few other friends confirmed the same thing, I'm just on the first sample quest of the whispers, because I make the final decision at level 30.


People maybe on but they're aren't chatting, and it's harder to form groups. I probably run dungeons groups more than anyone else in the Guild and it's certainly harder to form anything that isn't AC or CoF. Not saying it isn't going to happen, but it's harder. Much less chatter as well.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Bah! Be more chatty then! Poke people!

Didn't we just do a CoE run of the least common path (Front Door) together a couple days ago? Were you not in that group? :-x
curious we haven't heard much word about the dungeons rework. surely they have at least 1 planned out by now. been a few months.
Maybe I misinterpreted, but that whole post on dungeons I took to mean that there would be a big "dungeon rework" patch all at once, not that they'd roll out the individual dungeons one by one. I wonder how far along they are too, though. Some of the paths don't actually need much more than a few tweaks to become vastly better. Still can't say I understand why the SE path 2 boss was made tougher when it was already the longest path. Hmmm.

edit: Wtf there's a "Seda" on Neogaf too??
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