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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Level 55, have about 4 gold. When I play, I usually do the Daily achievements so that gives me some coins. Haven't done much crafting though (I think the highest I've gotten is 50 in Tailor).

Have yet to buy my 2nd trait book since I'm not sure what to spec. So I currently have almost 10 in everything. Haha.

That sounds about right, actually. If I didn't get into crafting, I'd have a TON more money! For my next alt, I'll just wait to craft until level 60 or so. That way, I'll be able to save up a ton of crafting material and burn through the last 20 levels with crafting. :D

Edit: Any GAF guilds on Tarnished Coast? I'd like an invite if so! ANet: DeejayKnight.6570


Has anyone extracted anything out our ANET mole regarding when this Jan update will hit. I really want something new to explore...

I've heard the 20th tossed around. But they said the January patch won't be HUGE, so... I know this is hilarious coming from me, but.... keep your expectations in check.

Been pretty dead in the Guild lately.

I've been sick since Thursday, and was almost better but had to put up with a ton of shit and stress yesterday and it wore me down again. Hawkian and Keoni have also been sick.

And we're in that grey area where there's nothing new to get people on. MMOs sort of have lulls like that. It's just lucky for us that instead of 6-8 months (or a year) like a certain MMO, ArenaNet does pretty significant monthly content updates.

fractals is pretty much what I want dungeons to be. a mix of puzzle like stuff combined with boss fights that require more than stand there and cycle through 1-5 on your keyboard.

Agreed, though I want all of the puzzle-like elements to fit along a theme that matches the dungeon. Fractals all have a specific theme and the things you do there all tie into it. The Blizzard fractal has you fighting to stay warm for the first part, melting an icewall in the second, defeating an elemental that keeps causing white outs, and finally picking your way through a dark forest. All of it involves using torches in different ways. The Colossus fractal makes heavy use of carrying and using the Hammer (why that hammer is not a weapon skin that drops in there, I will never know).

I want to see that sort of stuff played up with the actual dungeons, with either the whole dungeon or each path having a 'theme' around which the action takes place. For example, Ghost Eater. The theme of the whole path should be 'traps'. Maybe you're going into the deepest, darkest part of the catacombs where most of the traps are at. But really, only one fight features them (the Breeder). So off the top of my head;

The Spider Queen fight changes, so that she now charges like crazy between a bunch of statues in the room, leaving thick strands of web behind her. Trying to move through these stands cripples you as long as you're in contact with them. So as she's weaving her web, you can get stuck in her path and destroyed quickly. She will also, after spinning a set amount of web, climb back up to the ceiling and start dropping egg sacs which spawn a ton of spiders that quickly overwhelm, unless you destroy them first.

At the center of the room is a rotating statue that shoots jets of flames which burns away the webbing instantly. This statue is turned by attacking two target-able parts of it (say, a shield and a mace) that rotate it clockwise or counter clockwise based on how much damage is being done. The flame jet itself is activated by floor panels positioned around the room. Care must be taken to not accidentally activate the statue when it is pointed at a player, and burning the Queen Spider herself causes her to accelerate (making her harder to dodge and shortening the time before she drops eggs).

So while she's laying web, you have everyone damaging her or using their skills to slow her down (cripples and such would make the fight easier if you can maintain them). While doing so, you also want everyone trying to get this statue turning as quickly as possible (all targeting the right object to turn it the right way) and trying to stay reasonably near a switch to activate it, but also avoiding a huge spider charging around the room, so that when the eggs start to fall, the room is as web-free as possible so everyone can stomp them before they hatch. You'd have to coordinate which direction to turn it, when to hit the switch, and constantly watch for the Queen bearing down on you.

Sounds like a blast, and it fits the theme of using traps against the enemy.

Ghost Eater deserves a similar fight, beyond the goofy Mortars (Detha even calls them traps though). Likewise, with Kholer.

curious we haven't heard much word about the dungeons rework. surely they have at least 1 planned out by now. been a few months.

Yeah, but it's been a few months since an ANet staffer said it's 'on their list', not even 'in the works'. I'm hoping it's going to be soon though, hopefully the big Preview is coming in the next week.

People maybe on but they're aren't chatting, and it's harder to form groups. I probably run dungeons groups more than anyone else in the Guild and it's certainly harder to form anything that isn't AC or CoF. Not saying it isn't going to happen, but it's harder. Much less chatter as well.

I tend to be quiet because I've been told I talk too much.

Any GAF guilds on Tarnished Coast? I'd like an invite if so! ANet: DeejayKnight.6570

There aren't GAF Guilds, because there is only one (well, there's the Overflow guild, but that should be empty...) needed. Guilds are cross server, though only people on Stormbluff Isle can do WvW/PvE together (until guesting is implemented, which they want to be in the next update). You also won't be able to utilize the Influence, though we've created a rank in the guild for people to spend the influence they're generating on non SBI-servers.

I will hop on and invite you momentarily. Invite sent.


Ascalonian Catacombs...oh my god, I've never felt so incompetent at a game in my entire life. That lovers something or other fight...unbelievable. Everyone in my party sat back and pot shotted them with rifles while I was the only person with a sword. The guy that was supposed to throw rocks failed miserably. Incompetence all around. Can't believe we passed that place lmao.

Someone tell me the dungeons get better. Please.


Ascalonian Catacombs...oh my god, I've never felt so incompetent at a game in my entire life. That lovers something or other fight...unbelievable. Everyone in my party sat back and pot shotted them with rifles while I was the only person with a sword. The guy that was supposed to throw rocks failed miserably. Incompetence all around. Can't believe we passed that place lmao.

Someone tell me the dungeons get better. Please.

AC story mode, for whatever reason, is probably the most difficult in the game. Explorer mode is easier. By a lot.

Also, you need more people on Boulder duty, they interrupt and knockback so definitely do not take them for granite.

Start running dungeons with GAFGuild, unless you're on an EU server.

Otherwise, yes, they get better. Much better.

That sounds awesome.

Just so nobody reads what I said and thinks I'm giving a preview, that Spider Queen stuff is all made up, just me tossing an idea out.

And she has to BUILD them herself.



Ascalonian Catacombs...oh my god, I've never felt so incompetent at a game in my entire life. That lovers something or other fight...unbelievable. Everyone in my party sat back and pot shotted them with rifles while I was the only person with a sword. The guy that was supposed to throw rocks failed miserably. Incompetence all around. Can't believe we passed that place lmao.

Someone tell me the dungeons get better. Please.

They do get better. Ideally you'd want to ask for help in guild as people tend to have a better idea of/know what to do. If you're grouping with randoms... they're called that for a reason.
They do get better. Ideally you'd want to ask for help in guild as people tend to have a better idea of/know what to do. If you're grouping with randoms... they're called that for a reason.

AC story mode, for whatever reason, is probably the most difficult in the game. Explorer mode is easier. By a lot.

Also, you need more people on Boulder duty, they interrupt and knockback so definitely do not take them for granite.

Start running dungeons with GAFGuild, unless you're on an EU server.

Otherwise, yes, they get better. Much better.

This stuff is really good to hear. In my limited experience of only doing AC Story (and CM once with an awful group), I thought the dungeons have been the weakest part of the game so far. Nice to know Fractals is pretty good too.


I was actually sick too a couple of days ago. Weird.

I'm tellin' ya, there's a conspiracy afoot.

That, or it's just that time of the year and there's a nasty bug going around in addition to the flu that's killing people in Florida and Michigan and such.
Now that my account finally got activated after a couple months haha, just wanted to stop by and say hello. I've got this game a couple months back and rolled an engi sylvari lvl 33ish and was able to get on stormbluff after being on ferguson's.

I wasn't planning on joining the gaf guild since I am still in school and don't want to keep on reapplying into it.

I was hoping to get some help in understanding how the game really works like dungeons since I haven't done one yet since I heard people will randomly kick you out or something for better loot... idk. Pretty much wanted to say hello, my in game name is firetross


Now that my account finally got activated after a couple months haha, just wanted to stop by and say hello. I've got this game a couple months back and rolled an engi sylvari lvl 33ish and was able to get on stormbluff after being on ferguson's.

I wasn't planning on joining the gaf guild since I am still in school and don't want to keep on reapplying into it.

I was hoping to get some help in understanding how the game really works like dungeons since I haven't done one yet since I heard people will randomly kick you out or something for better loot... idk. Pretty much wanted to say hello, my in game name is firetross

We won't be doing a culling for a while, so you might as well get an invite. Especially since all of those things you mentioned about dungeons only happens if you run them with random assholes. Better to run with assholes you know, amirite?
We won't be doing a culling for a while, so you might as well get an invite. Especially since all of those things you mentioned about dungeons only happens if you run them with random assholes. Better to run with assholes you know, amirite?

cool, Yea I won't be on for long each week due to master/phd. hopefully I'll be on enough to actually make significant progress haha


I picked this up while it was on sale over the holidays and have been really enjoying it. Started out with a warrior and decided it was a bit on the boring side (at least leveling with the signet/crit build that was suggested to me) so I rerolled as a mesmer and have been really enjoying the class once I got over the initial hump of doing pathetic damage. Up to 63 now and have barely explored much of the game world.


The Cryptarch's Bane
AC story mode, for whatever reason, is probably the most difficult in the game. Explorer mode is easier. By a lot.
Tooooootally disagree.

AC Story mode is quite difficult, even brutally difficult, as an introductory dungeon, being done around level 30 when you've JUST unlocked your first elite skill. You don't even have your second trait book let alone a finalized build. That makes it possibly the hardest dungeon to experience for the first time, and possibly the hardest story mode dungeon (CM being sort of laughably easy, TA being at least objectively easier than AC, and the others happening when you're much closer to max level. It's also one of the hardest dungeons in the game to do with an uncoordinated group, because at that level there's little in the way of armor or weapons to compensate for lack of knowledge and skill.

But just about any explorable mode dungeon in the game is objectively more difficult than AC Story, including the AC exp paths. They're almost all better than AC Story, but that's a different point. The mobs are tougher. Bosses have mechanics that can decimate new teams. Waypoints are far more unforgiving. There are individual rooms that are tougher to figure out and complete than the entirety of AC Story was.

You need to think back on what it was like trying explorable mode dungeons for the first time, when no one in the team knew what they were doing. It took immense skill and communication and lots of time (ghost eater which is like one of the laughably easiest runs for all now took us almost 3 hours the first time, wiping hard many times to Kholer and trying a ton of different strategies in the spike trap room). Now they're fast and easy because we know everything; we even know how to skip entire sections of dungeons that cut us up the first time.

I don't know if you've replayed AC Story with a full group of 80s, but it's basically a complete joke except for the lovers. If you have someone halfway decent on boulder patrol, it's a joke including the lovers and something far more hilarious than a joke after the lovers (hint: you can keep using the boulders after that fight).

AC Story, for a first dungeon, is tough as all hell. But looking back (having done literally hundreds of runs now), I'm glad it was. It gives you a sample of what's to come and the level of skill that will be demanded of you. I do think it might be a little too tough re: the lovers, because a group of random players all doing it for the first time at level 30, not communicating well, will get completely eaten alive. But it's definitely not the hardest in the game by any stretch.

Anyway, group with GAF and we'll show you what's what. :)
I picked this up while it was on sale over the holidays and have been really enjoying it. Started out with a warrior and decided it was a bit on the boring side (at least leveling with the signet/crit build that was suggested to me) so I rerolled as a mesmer and have been really enjoying the class once I got over the initial hump of doing pathetic damage. Up to 63 now and have barely explored much of the game world.
Hehe, warrior is literally the only class that doesn't appeal to me at all. Welcome to club mesmer! It really opens up in the level range you're at and especially when you get your final trait point at 80 and can redistribute everything.

edit: Wait how the heck do you get better loot by kicking someone out of a dungeon?
I picked this up while it was on sale over the holidays and have been really enjoying it. Started out with a warrior and decided it was a bit on the boring side (at least leveling with the signet/crit build that was suggested to me) so I rerolled as a mesmer and have been really enjoying the class once I got over the initial hump of doing pathetic damage. Up to 63 now and have barely explored much of the game world.

Signet/crit builds are boring and for lazy people. Never play them. That's not to say you shouldn't use signets, but a build based around not using your utilities is a bad build.
Tooooootally disagree.
edit: Wait how the heck do you get better loot by kicking someone out of a dungeon?

Actually I don't think it was that. I really don't remember what I read since it was on reddit a while back. It couldve been that they would kick people out of the group right before it ended to let their friends join or something, and as retro said why run with random assholes
Signet/crit builds are boring and for lazy people. Never play them. That's not to say you shouldn't use signets, but a build based around not using your utilities is a bad build.



No, there's a consistent variety of mob types throughout the game, as follows (ascending order of difficulty):

Normals (no border around icon)
Veterans (bronze ring around icon, Veteran name)
Silvers (silver ring around icon, no special name for... whatever reason. This is the "standard" dungeon mob)
Champions (gold ring with crossed swords, Champion name)
Boss (crazy purple spiky ring with crossed swords; unique name, often a proper noun)

In fractals at least up to the level I've done, the majority of mobs are normals and veterans.

Haven't been on the last couple days. Wanted to at least chime in on this since I want my personal naming convention to catch on:

Normal -> Regular, like Regular mobs, heh.
Bronze -> Veterans, already named.
Silver -> Elites, they pack enough of a punch to deserve the title, I think.
Gold -> Champions, already named.
Purple -> Legendary. Legendary weapons are also colored purple, and every member of Destiny's Edge (along with some other NPCs) are Legendary level in terms of lore.


Starting to feel the boredom man :/

Hopefully the contents of the Jan patch would be interesting enough to recapture my attention.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haven't been on the last couple days. Wanted to at least chime in on this since I want my personal naming convention to catch on:

Normal -> Regular, like Regular mobs, heh.
Bronze -> Veterans, already named.
Silver -> Elites, they pack enough of a punch to deserve the title, I think.
Gold -> Champions, already named.
Purple -> Legendary. Legendary weapons are also colored purple, and every member of Destiny's Edge (along with some other NPCs) are Legendary level in terms of lore.
Yeah sounds good. Silvers not having a name is weird. I wonder if they did at any point in the dev cycle.
Starting to feel the boredom man :/

Hopefully the contents of the Jan patch would be interesting enough to recapture my attention.
Whazz your /age, Finn?
So, stumbled into a room in AC Path 3 that should be a jumping puzzle, but there's nothing in there at all. Confused.
You can access it on Path 1 as well. Enjoy the confusion for now, nobody knows.

Really excellent runs last night guys. Sorry I started feeling too tired/ill to stick around. Ended up having a ton of trouble falling asleep too, bah :( Our dps was superb though.
Starting to feel the boredom man :/

Hopefully the contents of the Jan patch would be interesting enough to recapture my attention.
It will be much easier to do Fractals hopefully but I doubt they will add any new ones.

After the update from Colin Johanson about Jan update just setting stage for more bigger updates in Feb and March, I feel like Jan will just be a big "bug" fix update, and have nothing new to do just stuff that's already available will work better.

I really hope I'm wrong.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I doubt there will be much in the way of new content in this month's patch too, but my silly Hawkian instincts do sense new events and items, for whatever reason.


Just saw that TERA went F2P this morning, here's the GAF thread; http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=507511

No one posting in here should be surprised. That's not a jab at TERA, more at the subscription-based model that we know is quickly (and rightfully) dying. The only two sub-based MMOs I can think of are Rift (it's still sub-based, right?) and WoW. I can't see either of them holding out another 6-months, WoW might for a year just because their fanbase is deeply loyal. But if ArenaNet keeps pumping out content through the year, even the die-hards and try-hards are going to have a rough time justifying sub fees during the huge gaps in content that WoW is notorious for (6-8 months, but they've also gone up to 12).

Let's just hope TERA's transition to F2P goes smoother than TORtanic's. That game deals with more giant chunks of ice than a Tauntaun on Hoth.

I doubt there will be much in the way of new content in this month's patch too, but my silly Hawkian instincts do sense new events and items, for whatever reason.

At the very least, they might clean up some of the lingering issues. If this next update is meant to set up the larger updates in February and March, hopefully it adds in features to support that content. Fractal changes should definitely be in, but stuff like guesting, previewing from the TP, guild management (still hoping we get a "last played" sort option), dungeon token storage and all the quality of life improvements, for example. So that when the content really drops in heavy, the game's framework is already improved to meet it.
In that Lincoln Cast (Giantbomb Community GW2 Podcast), the ANET employee, Josh Foreman said that he was working on a really difficult jumping puzzle which will actually have 3 different difficulty levels, and that he was no longer in the Holiday Event team and that he moved to another team, so for all we know that jumping puzzle and whatever it is part of will be coming this month.

Being so close to my legendary but not having as much time to play and when I play not getting a chance to do any dungeon (make quick money) sucks because all I need is those ectos and my rest of T6 mats.

As soon as I finish legendary I'll continue with my Norn's story mission. I really enjoyed how different it was from the human one, and I look forward to doing the story missions for other races as well.
Just saw that TERA went F2P this morning, here's the GAF thread; http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=507511

No one posting in here should be surprised. That's not a jab at TERA, more at the subscription-based model that we know is quickly (and rightfully) dying. The only two sub-based MMOs I can think of are Rift (it's still sub-based, right?) and WoW. I can't see either of them holding out another 6-months, WoW might for a year just because their fanbase is deeply loyal. But if ArenaNet keeps pumping out content through the year, even the die-hards and try-hards are going to have a rough time justifying sub fees during the huge gaps in content that WoW is notorious for (6-8 months, but they've also gone up to 12).

Let's just hope TERA's transition to F2P goes smoother than TORtanic's. That game deals with more giant chunks of ice than a Tauntaun on Hoth.

At the very least, they might clean up some of the lingering issues. If this next update is meant to set up the larger updates in February and March, hopefully it adds in features to support that content. Fractal changes should definitely be in, but stuff like guesting, previewing from the TP, guild management (still hoping we get a "last played" sort option), dungeon token storage and all the quality of life improvements, for example. So that when the content really drops in heavy, the game's framework is already improved to meet it.

I don't understand why more devs don't do the Buy to Play with Microtransactions model more often. It seems to work the best. Devs make income from the cash shop, but, since they sell the game as well, they can afford to make the cash shop filled with more cosmetic items rather than force people to use it with Pay-to-Win Items.

TOR's F2P conversion was a disaster because of the sheer amount of things you needed to pay for. I don't know if it's the same nowadays. I still maintain that TOR would have been pretty okay if the combat wasn't so blatantly copied from WoW. Nothing about it was really *bad*, it was all just powerfully mediocre. May have to give TERA a shot. Been interested in it for a while.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Heyyy now I can try TERA and lament how awesome the combat is at the expense of everything else.

By the way: to say I "saw this coming" following the release of GW2 is a bit of an understatement (I would gladly have placed large quantities of money on its occurrence if such a thing were given odds in Star City), but I am surprised at the speed with which it has taken place.

TOR has been out for just over a year. TERA and The Secret World have been out for less than a year apiece. TSW in particular has seen the writing on the wall and just skipped altogether the awkward "but-you-really-still-should-subscribe" F2P vision that so many others are adopting.

On the anniversary of GW2's release, in August of this year- when GW2 is still going strong, ArenaNet still turning a profit- I don't know how any publisher will be able to continue justify a traditional subscription model.

Even if you absolutely loathe the game and every component within it, there's no scoffing at that.


May have to give TERA a shot. Been interested in it for a while.

It is the definitive pedotastic slutty cat girl simulator.

Nah, I'll probably try it too, I've heard the combat is sort of action-y, but that you aren't able to move when you attack, so it's kind of a blend between real-time combat with the usual MMO "trading blows" combat. Beyond that, standard MMO Questing and a technically superior but artistically inferior world (all power, no style).

It's free, so it can't hurt to give it a look.
TERA's combat is halfway there but it still requires a trinity. It's in the PSO vein of "you can kill anything if you're good enough" versus the wow style of "more than 3 levels above you? well this fucker is going to demolish you with unavoidable white crits".

I'll be there for PSO2 US release though. It'll be the only thing to cut into my GW2 time.
Just saw that TERA went F2P this morning, here's the GAF thread; http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=507511

No one posting in here should be surprised. That's not a jab at TERA, more at the subscription-based model that we know is quickly (and rightfully) dying. The only two sub-based MMOs I can think of are Rift (it's still sub-based, right?) and WoW. I can't see either of them holding out another 6-months, WoW might for a year just because their fanbase is deeply loyal. But if ArenaNet keeps pumping out content through the year, even the die-hards and try-hards are going to have a rough time justifying sub fees during the huge gaps in content that WoW is notorious for (6-8 months, but they've also gone up to 12).

Let's just hope TERA's transition to F2P goes smoother than TORtanic's. That game deals with more giant chunks of ice than a Tauntaun on Hoth.

You forgot EVE Online which I don't really see dying any time soon. Though it is migated that the monthly fee could be waived by in-game money and that it's a one of a kind MMO.

And oh yeah PSO2. I've put in hundreds of hours into that game before the lack of english finally got to me. I know there's a translation patch but I hated waiting every so often after an update for a fix. I was thinking of getting back into it, but the english release isn't too far. Both PSO2 and TERA have great controller support by the way (something GW2 should have had *hint**hint*).


Ah yeah, I always forget EVE just because it is so non-traditional.

Also, what is PSO2's payment model? Haven't heard anything. I would look, but I'm on my phone. Surely not a $15 hunter's license like back in the day.


The "cool" thing about buying EVE online game-time (PLEX) with in game currency is that someone had to purchase the game-time with real money from CCP (developer), which they can then turn around and sell for in-game currency. In essence, every EVE player is actually operating on a paid subscription, it's just that some have bought that sub with in-game currency that was originally paid for with real money and others simply pay a sub.
There will be a blog post in around week or so that summarizes the high level plan for the first 6 months of 2013 for Gw2.
Then each of the individual releases for January, February, etc. will have their own release pages on our website, as well as blog posts describing specific important new features where appropriate.
More info coming in about a week once it’s all edited and localized!

Blah. Another week of absolutely nothing.
PSO 2, if I remember right, charges for mostly cosmetic stuff and character slots. You only get one character slot at the beginning, but you can freely switch between classes, so it's not the worst thing in the world. It's a pretty damn good game, too.

So, I've noticed a small hatedom for GW2 growing over on the gaming side. In a lot of MMO threads, there's a lot of "GW2 is casualized and horrible" and "GW2 has nothing I love from GW1".

If Guild Wars 2 is a casualized MMO, then I want more MMOs to become casualized. I'm just saying.

EDIT: On a random note, has there been any talk about the possibility of new weapon types being added into the game? I'd love to see fist weapons added.


If Guild Wars 2 is a casualized MMO, then I want more MMOs to become casualized. I'm just saying.

EDIT: On a random note, has there been any talk about the possibility of new weapon types being added into the game? I'd love to see fist weapons added.

IIRC, in GW1, the Factions expansion added daggers for assassins, and Nightfall added scythes (Dervish) and spears (Paragon).

So my hunch is we'll only see new weapons with the introduction of new classes. We'll, it can either be that or better.


Just saw that TERA went F2P this morning, here's the GAF thread; http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=507511

No one posting in here should be surprised. That's not a jab at TERA, more at the subscription-based model that we know is quickly (and rightfully) dying. The only two sub-based MMOs I can think of are Rift (it's still sub-based, right?) and WoW. I can't see either of them holding out another 6-months, WoW might for a year just because their fanbase is deeply loyal. But if ArenaNet keeps pumping out content through the year, even the die-hards and try-hards are going to have a rough time justifying sub fees during the huge gaps in content that WoW is notorious for (6-8 months, but they've also gone up to 12).

Let's just hope TERA's transition to F2P goes smoother than TORtanic's. That game deals with more giant chunks of ice than a Tauntaun on Hoth.

At the very least, they might clean up some of the lingering issues. If this next update is meant to set up the larger updates in February and March, hopefully it adds in features to support that content. Fractal changes should definitely be in, but stuff like guesting, previewing from the TP, guild management (still hoping we get a "last played" sort option), dungeon token storage and all the quality of life improvements, for example. So that when the content really drops in heavy, the game's framework is already improved to meet it.


All I have to say about that


GAF parliamentarian
This thread gets weirdly aggressive, comparative and chest-thumpy from time to time, doesn't it.
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