i can't wait til my ele's dungeonable. Got to 22 from 19 in our shenanigans today.
Hey I just came back to this game (I left for a bit after I was kicked out of GAFguild probably for inactivity. The Wii U just came out.) and I've been trying to get a re-invite but I can't seem to make contact with any admin, as I keep getting this invalid email error message whenever I type in Hawkian's or Ash's names into the Whisper bar.
Have their names changed in-game or something? I can't tell what's going on.
Send an in-game mail to Professor Retro, or post a character or account (name.####) here and we'll get you squared away.
Whispers only work if they're online at the moment you hit enter- in-game mail you can send and they'll get it next time they sign on.
*yawn* Damnit. Conked out for the night right after work again last night. Monday and I really don't get along..
Monday is terrible, until you realize you have 4 more exact same days coming up!
Hey don't ever hesitate to set something like this up! I'd certainly support it.ANybody else read the release from Colin? Looks like certain areas of the world are going to be explored, as well as a reward system for achievements. Sounds good to me.
On an unrelated note, I've been perusing other guild forums, and I was thinking, what if we setup a day, say like Sunday, to do Fractals? All levels, newbies and experienced, and just dedicated that day to fractals. Then mayhaps we can expand it to include certain days for Arah, CoE, etc. Just a thought I was having.
Ahh, you're in for a treat man. They're 9 new mini-dungeons, all completely different, and they have their own level progression with a lot of ways to get really good loot from doing them regularly.I'm up for fractals too, stopped playing b4 it came out. Not even sure what it is.
I want Chauncey von Snuffles III!
Also, well add a new motivation to the WvW domain that goes beyond the overall weekly score to give more short term reasons to be winning in WvW as well.
Elite on scroll wheel! That radical.
I wouldn't have brought it up except it meant I didn't get to play yesterday.
But- long day at work today and I'm gonna play a bunch tonight for sure. I'm supposed to try TERA, so I'll probably get to level 5 in that or something, at least see if I want to come bcak when it's free.
Anybody interested in leveling a 20-30 character and/or doing some dungeons tonight arouuuund like 8-9PM est?
Woohoo, 100% map completion.
Woohoo, 100% map completion.
Woohoo, 100% map completion.
Blogpost was pretty non-specific. I'm just glad to see possible WvW reward overhaul. Sitting on a ton of badges at the moment. I wonder if they'll do anything to fix the economy. There's some huge wealth disparity in the player base but they might be okay with it since it pushes the poorer people to buy gems.
Please for the love of god, do not go in this thread Guild Wars 2 has sold over 3 million copies since August, 2013 content plans outlined let it die a quick death.
I'm so sorry.
Most of those people responding to that thread don't even play anymore. Even if they were to come back, most wouldn't join the GAFGuild because we're all "fanboys."
Sorry, the game has been out a short time and still has its fair share of bugs and such. Other MMOs have been around longer and have been in development for a long, long time.
Granted I don't need to hear their complaints in guild chat because it just becomes attention-whoring and obnoxious, where I simply turn off guild chat. That's another reason why people who are inactive were kicked because they do not actively contribute to earning guild influence, when we can get in new folks.
Thread about a game's sales figures hijacked and converted into a Moderator-sanctioned hate thread.
Welcome to NeoGAF.
Let that thread die.
Discounting peoples opinions because they don't play the game anymore is pretty shortsighted. If someone stops playing a game they bought there is generally a reason whether it is opinion based or not that they did so.
The idea that you would kick people out of a guild for complaints or not playing as much as other people is pretty unfortunate as well. The game has its issues just like any other game and discouraging discussion isn't doing anyone any favors.
Please for the love of god, do not go in this thread Guild Wars 2 has sold over 3 million copies since August, 2013 content plans outlined let it die a quick death.
Thread about a game's sales figures hijacked and converted into a Moderator-sanctioned hate thread.
Welcome to NeoGAF.
Let that thread die.
This thread is more insular than the Vita thread, which is incredibly bizarre. I complain and argue over game mechanics a lot in Guild Chat, so feel free to use the ignore feature if you'd like.Most of those people responding to that thread don't even play anymore. Even if they were to come back, most wouldn't join the GAFGuild because we're all "fanboys."
Sorry, the game has been out a short time and still has its fair share of bugs and such. Other MMOs have been around longer and have been in development for a long, long time.
Granted I don't need to hear their complaints in guild chat because it just becomes attention-whoring and obnoxious, where I simply turn off guild chat. That's another reason why people who are inactive were kicked because they do not actively contribute to earning guild influence, when we can get in new folks.
Please state where I kick people out for complaining? We only remove people for being inactive for a long time in the guild. I turn off guild chat from my own perspective which does nothing to the guild at all.
Inactives take up space in the past before and people from the overflow couldn't get in at all. So for those that stopped playing, it made sense to remove them because Anet decided not to give guild management tools.
This thread is more insular than the Vita thread, which is incredibly bizarre. I complain and argue over game mechanics a lot in Guild Chat, so feel free to use the ignore feature if you'd like.
Discounting peoples opinions because they don't play the game anymore is pretty shortsighted. If someone stops playing a game they bought there is generally a reason whether it is opinion based or not that they did so.
The idea that you would kick people out of a guild for complaints or not playing as much as other people is pretty unfortunate as well. The game has its issues just like any other game and discouraging discussion isn't doing anyone any favors.
"Granted I don't need to hear their complaints in guild chat because it just becomes attention-whoring and obnoxious, where I simply turn off guild chat. That's another reason why people who are inactive were kicked because they do not actively contribute to earning guild influence, when we can get in new folks".
That reads like you don't want people in the guild that are complaining and following it up with That's another reason why people who are inactive were kicked because they do not actively contribute to earning guild influence, when we can get in new folks can be interpreted pretty easily that way.
If that wasn't what you meant then that is fine but it still seems needlessly agressive against anyone that has any issues with the game.
Really I took more issue with the fact that peoples opinions were being dismissed than anything else.
It does me no good if you can't suggest anything to remedy the situation.
Make a list of complaints, figure out what you'd do to fix/eliminate the problem. I don't care if you complain in guild chat, but it is MY decision to turn it off when I want to enjoy my own gameplay. I think every person has a right to ignore someone and since it's the internet, it's easy to do.
I have no issue with you ignoring complaints, but people were dismissing the entire thread and you brought up that most of the people in there don't even play anymore like it has any significance when it comes to there opinion.
All negativity doesn't come with malice against the game, when I buy something I don't want to hate it. I go in wanting to like it as much as possible and discussion is what leads to ideas to actually implement fixes into the game like you want.
What am I looking at?![]()
I want Chauncey von Snuffles III!
One of our focuses is expanding and leveraging our achievement system. The concept behind this is to allow players to earn new rewards for achievements, as well as progressing down achievement paths that take advantage of the open world experience. We’ll add tokens for your achievement you can turn in to select from a list of rewards, including new reward types like ascended gear and infusions. We’ll add support so daily achievements will be different each day of the week, which will help drive players to different areas of the world and play together. Later, we’ll also be adding a system that lets you complete a subgroup of achievements to fulfill your daily. For example, if there are 6 daily achievements available, you’ll only need to do 4 of the 6. So you can choose the achievements that you’re most interested in.
One of my goals is to run Arah paths 1,2, and 4 despite 3 being easiest and the only one the guild seems to form.
Any like minded people want tosufferenjoy the other paths with me?
The simple reality is that GW2 really does need lots of work if they want it to last like the first game has, and listening to some of the criticisms of players who liked it but couldn't find motivation beyond level cap/100% world completion is definitely a good idea. I don't see any point to blowing off their complaints.
I know it's annoying if you disagree with them and you're enjoying the game and all, but you can just tune them out (it's what I tend to do with PSO2, where the complaints are... considerably less reasonable, IMO).