This is a guide to Legion builds that might have some helpful tips! But I definitely agree regarding developing your own setup and playstyle.
Let's decide on a Guild Bounty event time. I'd prefer Sat. but if everybody wants to do it tomorrow I can probably be there![]()
Thanks for the invite! Had a blast tonight just learning the game. I really can't wait to really get into it.
So sad that much of the Charr cultural stuff is so meh. I'd rank the cultural items:
1. Norn
2. Asura
3. Sylvari
4. Human
5. Charr
The Charr weapons need some spell effects or something. It's like here's a bolt and some metal, congrats.
Willickers. It's almost as though a certain near-constant percentage of the vocal playerbase will be discontent no matter what occurs!Is this really what was intended? Pre-patch I was happy whenever I got the occasional rare, which was actually just that – RARE. Now – I’m just hoping for more than one rare. Seriously, WAY too many rares are being generated in the game now.
I don't really mind there being a big bandwagony zerg going between all the "easy events" if that's what they want to do, but I wouldn't mind their difficulty being scaled up with huge numbers either.I do kinda wish the rares were being thrown off for harder events at least. As it is everything just gets demolished by a huge Zerg in no time at all, everyone loots their box and moves off the next one. Don't really seem like epic events at that point.
I do kinda wish the rares were being thrown off for harder events at least. As it is everything just gets demolished by a huge Zerg in no time at all, everyone loots their box and moves off the next one. Don't really seem like epic events at that point.
Sylvari cultural is >
Well, I really think Grenth (which was totally redone in the Jan patch) is a big step in the right direction. Requires much more coordination, and can actually get substantially harder with a bigger group than with a smaller one. Can hilariously wipe out even big zergs, but not too time-consuming or annoying to retry if you fail. Just GREAT open-world endgame content right there IMO, I hope it's used as a model for the future. I had a lot of fun doing Dwayna yesterday too even though that fight's basically the same, it was always pretty well-designed. Lyssa, also, has a pretty unique mechanic.Wish there were interactive World Events like the new and improved Ghost Eater. That would make it less mindless.
It's the fact that any meta event chain (except the megadestroyer apparently) have the new rewards which combined with the one-per-day thing make all of them more desirable in total to run. It just feels a lot more satisfying to complete (and heartbreaking to fail) any meta event now. And of course if they made the big world events harder there'd be a new stream of complaints about the rare faucet being turned off.
I sold the mad moon for ~15g, though I am not too upset about that because it was the quick cash I needed to afford The Lover to make The Dreamer, which was at a low price due to Karka event.
I wish I invested in those forge node things, ha
The only solution; make new meta events with bigger, nastier encounters and leave the current ones in as 'easy'. Personally, I'd move the Shatterer out of there and replace him with a lesser dragon. For lore reasons, the Shatterer should be harder to kill (he is Kralkatorrik's champion, after all), so move him out and replace him with a lieutenant or something.
The Shatterer fight would be much more entertaining if they made him circle around that crater, moving quickly on all fours or just leaping across. He looks built like a jungle cat but he stands like a statue. If he was prowling around the edges of that depression with the Vigil forces at the center? That'd be badass.
Living Story
Fixed a bug where invasion portals remained after the event ends.
Ascalonian Catacombs
Colossus Rumbluss Cave In Shout can now be interrupted.
Dethas Path: Fixed an issue with the Ghost Eater encounter where the Ghost Eater would sometimes get stuck in the trap. We also fixed an issue causing the traps to sometimes not fire and break, blocking the fight.
Fixed a bug with the chests that spawn for The Claw of Jormag, The Fire Elemental, and the Volcano Destroyer Boss. They are lootable once a day per character as intended.
Fixed a bug where Daily Rewards were sometimes not being granted after completing five daily achievements.
Fixed a recently introduced performance issue.
Fixed various crash bugs.
Fixed a bug that caused the Legendary Warhorn Howler to become soul bound without equipping it.
Returned The Predators sound effect to its former glory.
Evasive Strike: This ability is now able to strike enemies.
The Prestige: This ability will now go on full recharge each time when activated.
Mesmer clones in WvW once again display their weapons.
The Prestige: This ability will now go on full recharge each time when activated.
I bet the performance fix is the graveling burrows. Those things were killing my fps when we tried AC the other night.
Damn. That is literally everything I noticed or heard of.They just fixed all of the bugs that were bothering me from the patch, GJ ANet.
Fixed a bug where Daily Rewards were sometimes not being granted after completing five daily achievements.
I hope so! You folk were punished for achieving too fast!This happened to me on Wednesday; wonder if I'll get it once I login this afternoon or if it has been lost forever.
Hey that's my card.Guys I need your help.
I just updated my video card from a 560ti to a hd7950 but now whenever I load Guild Wars 2 it just stops at Downloading 0Kbs and it doesn't do anything?
It wont even load? Anyone have this problem before?
Delete sweetFX.
Man the Pact can't hold any outposts in Orr. Couple days ago I quit near the Wren WP: lots of Pact around, looks solid.
I login last night and they're all dead and the area is crawling with Veteran Risen. I revive a few and retake the WP. I head off to do the PS quest, come back and the Risen control the WP again. >_>
Biggest GW2 gaffes?
The largest one I can think of right now is selling the Madking's shield when it dropped for me for 9g (I didn't start on my warrior at the time). It's worth three times that right now.
That's like 10 EDT, right? I can do it. Just ask in guild chat when you need it. Someone will undoubtedly oblige.
Kos, does the card have trouble with other games?