I don't mind the Ghost Eater fight when it works. I was in a PUG where it just bugged out to crap on us last night. The traps got stuck at full charge and even if Ghost Eater stood on top of them his shield wouldn't drop. We became invulnerable as well. It happened once, we tried a respwan and got him down to 25% hp then it happened again. At least I got 6 tears out of my time there.
I've heard of this as well, and I hope you reported it in-game. Funny, because the original Ghost Eater had its own propensity to bug and that was fixed, and history repeats!
The fight itself is quite frankly awesome. Once teams are altogether competent at it, it actually won't be any tougher than before, but way more fun. The feeling when you get a trap off and GE becomes damagable is really satisfying. I can tell this is much closer to what they wanted the fight to be originally (the description at the path selection is "trap and kill the Ghost Eater," which I certainly didn't feel like we were doing before). The ghostbusters aspect is just so damn grin-worthy, plus it actually
eats ghosts now! How hard was that!
Meanwhile, Paths 1 and 3 accomplished the seemingly impossible feat of getting me to not completely hate every single dungeon NPC in the game.
For those that haven't done the fights (or didn't "get them" while trying):
-In Path 3, Warmaster Grast pops a big ol' Sanctuary bubble whenever Colossus Rumblus does his falling rocks attack, which has been tweaked to cover like every damn inch of the room. Dive into the bubble when you see it, and you can both attack Colossus unperturbed during that, and get a few seconds after when Colossus can't get through to you. Plus Grast is kind of a tanky badass during that fight altogether, he can even hold aggro for a while.
-In Path 1, Hodgins proves why he is the only one to get the privilege of dual-wielding scepters. The Howling King summons adds; lots of adds. It's ridiculous to focus fire on any of them, even the dangerous ones like the new Stalker. But throughout the fight Hodgins is using the flaming scepters to make AoE rings of fire on the ground throughout the room. So far as I can tell, this is a new kind of AoE with an
orange indicator ring on the ground (neutral?). If you stand in them, you take burning damage, but if gravelings run into them, they instantly die. So you want to kite them around and into the rings throughout the fight, but spend as little time as possible within them yourself. This is also awesome because the entire premise of the path is that Hodgins is putting together these scepters to be able to take him on (whereas before he spent the fight on the ground).
It just seems like the paths were altered to make them match up with what the path descriptions tell you your objectives are. For my part, I cannot wait for them to apply this design methodology to the rest of the dungeons.