Loved listening to this on my way to work, a bit late but still good. All your predictions for feb 26th came true. Almost like you have insider info!
That's happened to me before, especially if I disconnect headset and reconnect it sometimes it tries to output to some random internal speaker.Saturday night I found out, at the end of the night, that I had my Mumble output settings wrong. For the last two months I thought you guys were going on Mumble and just not talking. Turns out I just couldn't hear you!
Edit: Top of page tip: Master Maintenance Oils are you friend when you are outfitted in low hp/higher-ish dps armor as a Guardian.
Hope you can as well! It's great seeing the swarms of gold names... especially at Grenth last night, it felt (placebo or not) like you could really see the impact GAF was having compared to the rest of the crowd. Great stuffHoping to have some time tonight to hop around with you guys and do Meta-events. Have to go yell at the USPS about my second 670 gtx not being shipped to me correctly.
I gotta do it, just out of curiosity.We did it yesterday. We had to repeat Protect Bill and Hekja as they clear Risen from the area three times before they left the island, at which point Lionscout Jenny was lying dead somewhere and had to be ressed before she would leave too. Then after about 15-20 minutes, the pre-events for Taidha finally started.
Fun Stuff
I thought it sounded familiar but someone in Map Chat said it was just added in the recent patch and I bought it lol
Yeah, I was positive I fought her back when my Ele was in the zone but she came up constantly so didn't think it was hard to trigger. Honestly, I don't know how you trigger any of the metas in the game. I just know if you're in the area of a big boss at the right time, it will open up a pre-event you can do to get them to come out like the portals for shadow behemoth. I don't think there's anything you can do to get the portals to come out though, right? It's just time based and triggers when the window opens?
No, just do the Arah dungeon story mode.
Well Arah does have to be open for that...
Usually certain other (unrelated or not-really-related) events can't be up at the same time.
Like for the Behemoth, the champ oakheart has to die since some of the pre-event portals spawn in the same place. For the pirate one, there's an event with helping 2 npcs on the island that can't be up for the meta chain to start. But yeah, other than that it's an element of time..
Damn that's ambitious.We want to be able to have teams that are literally developing new, innovative features that change the way that you play our game and grow that experience so it literally feels like you dont leave Guild Wars 2; Guild Wars 2 becomes Guild Wars 2.5 or Guild Wars 3 and it continues to grow
I like it. Decide what you want your character to be- your Thief can be the perfect Havoc squad leader, your Engi the guy you call for anti-siege demolition. I wonder how deep the specialization goes.Dev said:WvW ranks & abilities are character based. The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.
I know a handful of guildies at least know what this means...
Damn that's ambitious.
Last I heard the team was split in half, one for a expansion another to work on GW2...they were also hiring for the expansion...
Speaking of WvW:
I like it. Decide what you want your character to be- your Thief can be the perfect Havoc squad leader, your Engi the guy you call for anti-siege demolition. I wonder how deep the specialization goes.
I know going into wvwvw upscales, but will I even be able to contribute? I wanted to try it, didn't know if equipment/stats would just make it to where I would just be useless. I just broke into my 30's and was thinking of going into it maybe tonight.
So am I the only one in the Guild that runs primarily ranger?![]()
Wallach! He gets super into other games, but yeah. Sentenza's the man.So am I the only one in the Guild that runs primarily ranger?![]()
In Flame and Frost: The Razing youll meet the norn Braham and Rox the charr, two Tyrians who fervently believe in doing whats right, no matter the risk. Join Braham and Rox in a desperate battle to defend their homelands from annihilation in the third installment in this four-part series!
Look, I've been enjoying each update, but honestly, I have to agree with the people that don't see much potential in the Flame and Frost arc. They said the first part was just a "prelude", but I feel like the "second act" had even less content than the first. I really didn't pay it much attention. But I kept reading what Anet was saying in that it's going to improve and build up, so I was like "whatever".
But now that I'm realizing that we're already approaching act three of four, I'm wondering how this is going to build into anything actually interesting. They keep saying that there's all this desolation in the north, but no one really sees it. All we really saw was some portals with charr and dredge and that was about it. In my opinion, the living story has been the least interesting part of both updates so far. It's by no means a game killer, and there's always a chance they could really blow out some amazing content in the next update, but for now it just seems like a lot of hooplah over nothing.
Thanks for the idea, can't believe how easy it is to grab stuff unperturbed right now :OAlso a psa about world completion. We are dominating t5 right now so it is a good time to get all those vistas/poi/skill challenges before the reset on friday. Finished both DR and EB tonight so I would definitely not pass up this chance for that map completion
Stormbluff Isle
Look, I've been enjoying each update, but honestly, I have to agree with the people that don't see much potential in the Flame and Frost arc. They said the first part was just a "prelude", but I feel like the "second act" had even less content than the first. I really didn't pay it much attention. But I kept reading what Anet was saying in that it's going to improve and build up, so I was like "whatever".
But now that I'm realizing that we're already approaching act three of four, I'm wondering how this is going to build into anything actually interesting. They keep saying that there's all this desolation in the north, but no one really sees it. All we really saw was some portals with charr and dredge and that was about it. In my opinion, the living story has been the least interesting part of both updates so far. It's by no means a game killer, and there's always a chance they could really blow out some amazing content in the next update, but for now it just seems like a lot of hooplah over nothing.
Both sound great! I'd actually expect both to occur, to tell different stories, in future Living Story arcs.Thoughts on employing either of those methods? I know a few will defend them saying they are supposed to be a slow burn, etc. I hope I conveyed I understand that but why I still take issue with how it was deployed.
Flame & Frost is, in my eyes, a prototype of Living Story content to come. It will start out being very small in scale, gradually ramp up for some time, expand in scope and progress in storyline, and eventually change the world in a permanent way. As live content, it's the antithesis of a one-time event like the Lost Shores invasion. I would go as far as to say it shouldn't even be considered limited-time in the sense of Holiday events- which is why they haven't named a "cutoff date" of any sort yet.
Living Story events are the answer to "what's going on at the moment?" when you log in. They're meant to be things you stumble onto, or get pointed toward by a herald, or overhear being discussed in guild chat. ArenaNet's approach and desire is that, eventually, when the execution is refined enough, there should always be something new, something you haven't seen yet, going on somewhere in the world. If they can pull this off, it will be unprecedented in the MMO space, and ultimately force other games to adopt more "living, breathing worlds" themselves. As unimpressive as the simple refugee trail in wayfarer might seem right now, that which it represents will be an overwhelmingly positive step forward for online gaming if it succeeds.
I like the slow burn. I don't get to play nearly as much as I'd like and I can go several days at a time when I can't even log in. I only have the current living story about half done, my wife is in the same situation. I can understand those who play daily wanting it to come faster but you're still able to play in the same manner as before this patch went in at all. Don't be in such a rush to eat through content as quickly as possible. Once the full event hits you'll be sitting here waiting around for new stuff to hit again.