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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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So being as new as I am I have no clue what would make a viable build, especially to help you all out once I get high enough to run dungeons with you. I have a Ranger, Mesmer, and Warrior that I am splitting my time in. I saw that there are builds in the site that Retro linked but honestly I can't say which would be a better build over others. Any help on builds would be appreciated.

I will try to help with Mesmer builds.

My Phantasm build:


You can swap Greatsword for Staff if you want to add a bit more group support. Most like Ether Feast as a heal, but I've grown fond of Mirror for the reflect and low CD. If you're running Staff, then Chaos Armor + Activating Signet of Inspiration gives your group protection plus whatever else you have on. You will constantly have Vigor on you as well. The key is using your reflect skills well and rotating your Phantasms in after a window to shatter them.

Basic Shatter Build:


You can swap Focus in for Pistol if you like or need the speed boost. This build is all about shattering and doing so most commonly with a shatter combo. Generally, you always open with Diversion shatter with 3 illusions up, then follow with either Decoy, Mirror Images, and Mind Wrack Shatter when up close or iLeap, Mirror Images shatter up close. Always shatter up close to the target to get the 4x shatter effect, and save Mirror Images for the follow Mind Wrack Shatter. If you use Mirror Blade to create an Illusion for your first Diversion Shatter, you can easily have full vulnerability stacks on your target and 6-8 stacks of might on your Mind Wrack followup Shatter.

The Shatter build takes some quick input to do effectively. It can kill targets very fast, but you need to do five or six inputs quickly in succession. Say you open up with an iDuelist and iBerserker on your target. You toss a Mirror Blade at your target and start running towards it. When you are in melee range of your target, you switch to MH Sword/Pistol, hit F3, hit 8, hit 9, hit F1, and follow with 2 for added damage. It's best if you snare your target, so to do that you would toss the mirror blade, run in to get into melee range, tidle to switch weapons, hit F3, hit 3, hit 3 again to swap and snare, hit 9, hit F1 and hit 2 for Blurred Frenzy.


So being as new as I am I have no clue what would make a viable build, especially to help you all out once I get high enough to run dungeons with you. I have a Ranger, Mesmer, and Warrior that I am splitting my time in. I saw that there are builds in the site that Retro linked but honestly I can't say which would be a better build over others. Any help on builds would be appreciated.

If you just started playing, there's no need to worry about builds at all yet. There are leveling builds (just google your profession and 'leveling build' and you'll find plenty), but I'd recommend just playing how you want and then finding a build that revolves around that later. Most of it is common sense stuff (i.e. I like sword and rifle, both cause bleed, so a bleed build fits those nicely) you'll learn along the way.

It also depends heavily on what you want to do. I do a lot of PVE and dungeons, but a WvW build would focus more on burst damage and mobility. Different weapon sets there too (Greatsword and Longbow, maybe... haven't done a WvW-centric build beyond modifying the one I have slightly).

On that note, I wish ArenaNet would let us save builds on our character panel. I wouldn't mind still being charged to swap between them if it was handled directly through the interface.
etiolate I will look into those and Retro thanks for the suggestion about leveling builds. I do love the Mesmer with greatsword, it is quite fun to play and throw clones everywhere.


etiolate I will look into those and Retro thanks for the suggestion about leveling builds. I do love the Mesmer with greatsword, it is quite fun to play and throw clones everywhere.

My wife mains a Mesmer, so I get plenty of opportunities to glance over her shoulder and see her kicking all kinds of ass with a Greatsword. I love the idea of a huge, honkin' melee weapon being used as a focus for spells, ANet kicked the cool factor of the profession up a metric ton on that alone.
I will try to help with Mesmer builds.

My Phantasm build:


You can swap Greatsword for Staff if you want to add a bit more group support. Most like Ether Feast as a heal, but I've grown fond of Mirror for the reflect and low CD. If you're running Staff, then Chaos Armor + Activating Signet of Inspiration gives your group protection plus whatever else you have on. You will constantly have Vigor on you as well. The key is using your reflect skills well and rotating your Phantasms in after a window to shatter them.

Ha! That's the exact setup for all my trait points too. I'm only lvl 73 I think so don't yet have Illusion at 20 but it's headed there. Only difference is I have the major trait for granting illusions (or was it just phantasms?) more health instead of medic feedback or whatever it's called. I currently have signet of illusions for even more health on my illusions but may change that eventually. I still have mirror images because regular clones are still really useful both for taking off heat, but also because I use Staff and that's an awesome weapon for standard clones to use because it causes conditions and with one or two regular clones on top of myself blasting constant conditions, they really stack. I rotate the other utility between feedback and blink depending on the situation.

I use Staff and Sword/Focus with the intention of going Torch when in dungeons for an extra aoe Chaos Armor :D I'm trying to remember what trait line the Torch major trait is in because being able to switch over to that for dungeons would be awesome as well, all torch skills removing conditions. I'd like to use the pistol more as that duelist phantasm can stack bleeds like crazy but the focus is just too damn useful. I initially was only using it to get around maps faster but having the trait to cast reflection with all focus skills is amazing when you learn how to use it and the pull that Curtain can do can be really useful when applied correctly. Also love the Warden, hard to give him up. With all the health boosts I have on phantasms, it's hard to kill him and he just wails away on all foes around him. My job is to try and keep them within his proximity. For longer battles against a champion, toss three Wardens around it for the lulz. Also great placing him in a Chaos Storm to fling confusions balls everywhere. I can't wait for the phantasm haste trait! That's going to be amazing! Well, I don't know how much it truly speeds them up translated in seconds, do you notice a big difference? I'm going to time it once I get Illusions to 20 to make sure it's worth it, only reason I'm pouring more than 5 pts into Illusions, otherwise those pts will be respeced to go elsewhere.

Edit: Other reason it's important to stack conditions with the help of clones is the iWarlock does more damage the more conditions a foe has on them so I can easily create more iWarlocks when the conditions are built up to do serious damage and they automatically replace the clones which is convenient.


Yep, BG got a fair number of guilds from SoS. Supposedly, a couple of the larger(Oceanic) guilds on Kaineng are going to jump to SoR.

tl;dr: removing free xfers really didn't change anything, just requires "dat money" to do it now

Only huge guilds can do these kids of things. It's an effective system because not just anyone can bandwagon - at least not without a healthy payment to godfather Anet.
My wife mains a Mesmer, so I get plenty of opportunities to glance over her shoulder and see her kicking all kinds of ass with a Greatsword. I love the idea of a huge, honkin' melee weapon being used as a focus for spells, ANet kicked the cool factor of the profession up a metric ton on that alone.

They really did. In GW1 I didn't give the Mesmer a second look, I was all about the Ranger but once I saw the Mesmer could use greatswords I had to try it. And I fell in love with the idea and profession.


And Claw of Jormag, if the cursing coming from the other side of the room is any indication.

We were so close.



Could be worse. Could've been that moment where he goes down and the chest spawns causing everyone to run at the chest... but no one makes it.


Starting Sunday March 10th we’re going to start a Guild Lottery. Here’s how it works:

  • Each player who wants to participate can deposit 20 silver into the Guild Bank.
  • You can obtain one “ticket” for every 20 silver deposited for a maximum of 5 tickets to increase your chance to win.
  • Each lottery will run for two weeks where you’ll be able to deposit coin during that time.
  • Every other Sunday we’ll randomly generate a number and announce a winner.
  • The winner gets 50% of the total jackpot.
  • The number will be drawn from www.random.org and will be streamed via Twitch.tv or something similar so you can see that there’s no favoritism.
  • We’ll be keeping track of your donations and your number on a spreedsheet via googledocs that people can view from a link, but not edit.
  • If you win you won't be able to win again for 1 month so we can at least guarantee a different winner every lottery drawing.
You can start buying tickets on March 10th. First drawing will be March 24th and we’ll let you know when you can start buying tickets for the next raffle within 1-2 days from the drawing.

I'll be editing the post with the spreadsheet once I make it.
As much as I want to join on these new guild shenanigans, I'm gonna take a hiatus for a while. New job + GW2 fatigue has burned me out. Plus Bioshock Infinite is coming out this month and I'm so fucking hyped for that. Seda Khold will have to find another person for a revive banner =P

So being as new as I am I have no clue what would make a viable build, especially to help you all out once I get high enough to run dungeons with you. I have a Ranger, Mesmer, and Warrior that I am splitting my time in. I saw that there are builds in the site that Retro linked but honestly I can't say which would be a better build over others. Any help on builds would be appreciated.

The biggest hurdle with regards to builds imo, is that there's no quick and easy way to switch to another build should you decide to go a different direction. It costs money to retrait and you have to carry another set of gear as well. I opted for a more balanced build instead of something specialized as a result (because I'm cheap as fuck).

I actually run a similar warrior build to Retro's, though mine is more tailored towards offense. My build is all about increasing + sustaining critical hits/damage. Goal was to hit 50+% critical chance with 50+% critical damage unbuffed while still not being a glass cannon. Had to do some min-maxing plus gold to make it work but I haven't had any issues with it so far. And plus it lets me drop On My Mark for Banner of Discipline (dat AOE swiftness).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haven't played since Christmas, but reading Hawkian's post a few pages back, really makes me want to come back :eek:
Things really have picked up since the patch, and less than 3 weeks to the next one, which by all rights is gonna be pretty darn big. :)


If you stopped playing before the Feb. patch, you owe it to yourself to try it again. Game feels better, more cooperative, and varied than ever before. With just a few tweaks, Anet changed a lot of where people spend most of their time, helping to ensure there will most likely be people to help you at events and other in-world activities. People still run dungeons, but I feel like dungeons are no longer the main course, rather, a more refined, instanced area to test your mettle with a team.

This is why I'm fine with dungeons getting more difficult over time, because Anet essentially expanded the viability of spending more time in the open world. This is how it always should have been.


My favorite part about the new patch is that gaffers will have the initiative to start an event chain (Melandru, Lyssa, Zho'qafa) and by the time the chain reaches its climax/big big boss there will be dozens of other players that have joined in.


I think we're just gonna do a Tier 1 Bounty today to get people their commendations and then attempt a tier 3 tomorrow to try to get those extra merits. At least that's what I was told.


Oh right. Yeah Bounty. I don't think we will have Trek available before the reset, but maybe. The prerequisite Economy upgrade should finish tonight and then 12 hours (I think) to unlock the mission type, then to start one. So we probably could squeeze one in before the reset unless I'm underthinking something.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If you stopped playing before the Feb. patch, you owe it to yourself to try it again. Game feels better, more cooperative, and varied than ever before. With just a few tweaks, Anet changed a lot of where people spend most of their time, helping to ensure there will most likely be people to help you at events and other in-world activities. People still run dungeons, but I feel like dungeons are no longer the main course, rather, a more refined, instanced area to test your mettle with a team.

This is why I'm fine with dungeons getting more difficult over time, because Anet essentially expanded the viability of spending more time in the open world. This is how it always should have been.
What a great way of putting it. I have noticed, the last few times I've run dungeons, how they feel almost better than before simply because they now represent a change of pace- while there's seemingly always something "going on" to do in the open world now that you can miss, dungeons are a self-contained adventure where your team sets its own speed. I'm getting better at AC every time I do it, and it's SO much more rewarding than it was to do so than since before this patch, and especially since before the patch to remove waypoints.

And as far as your final comment, I absolutely agree though I want to note one thing. I'm fine with the explorable mode dungeons getting tougher, introducing more mechanics, and requiring more skill and coordination than ever before- because story modes are going to be easy as hell from now on. Seriously, if you guys haven't tried the new AC Story, give it a run. A shadow of its former self.
My favorite part about the new patch is that gaffers and only gaffers (at least on SBI) will have the initiative to start an event chain (Melandru, Lyssa, Zho'qafa) and by the time the chain reaches its climax/big big boss there will be dozens of other players that have joined in.
I love that you can feel the impact we have as a group, when you can tell that we made the diference between victory and defeat, and that a failure state on any of these big chains really is more than ever a matter of working out what went wrong and just doing better than last time. It feels like legitimate top-tier challenging open world content and when we can run the table in Orr it's incredibly satisfying, even when we doing complete a chain on the first try.

Okay well except Balthazar. God. Damn. Morale.

edit: Guys, we won't have Treks open this weekend without a lot more influence. Economy level 5 is about to finish, but the Guild Treks unlock is a 1 week timer itself; 120,000 to complete immediately. We're close to that, but none of us want to bankrupt the guild. I have a work conference next week in Vegas so I'd really love to get Treks unlocked and try out our first one by the end of the weekend, and we'll be keeping up the +influence buffs regularly, but we could really use whatever influence or straight gold you can spare!

Note: members on other servers who cannot access the bank can donate to an officer directly (thanks Elazul!). With the patch fix, it's now in everyone's best interest to do so!


I would love it if Southsun had a growing community that changed with player decisions. Maybe there are two different mission chains, say, one focusing on the technological growth of the island, and the other on the natural, magic growth of the island. You can only choose one of these paths, and by the next patch, anet looks at which one was chosen most by the player base, and updates the island to reflect that in the next patch.

Perhaps a little more refined than that, but the general idea of a city that grows based on the decisions of the player base would be really fascinating to me. Heck, even if you had a city being built there little by little with every patch, independent from player choices, even THAT would be pretty neat.


I feel like I haven't needed or wanted to visit any city other than LA for the longest time. Wonder what they could do about that.


The home cities are weird to me, because there's so much "stuff" that's there, but people rarely go to any of it, other than to get world completion. Why spend so much time on an area if it's barely used?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well for the record I do all my serious business in Rata Sum, because it was designed by Asura and thus unbelievably logical and well-organized in comparison to the haphazard wayward pirate stall-fest that is the Trader's Forum in LA. Wish it had a cube-shaped mystic forge.


Can I please get an invite back to the guild? I was a member of the guild at launch and loved the game, but stopped for a while. I am playing the game again, however, and enjoying it. I plan on being as active as possible. Love the changes!

My ID is Soktos.8519



The Cryptarch's Bane
nope too late

I can't add you til I get home from work, but another officer might be on!

Also welcome back!

Hey Eles,

I am a moron and just realized Dragon's Tooth is a blast finisher, adding yet another to my arsenal. It needs a target though, right? Can it just be soft-aimed at all?
I used to WP back to Rata Sum exclusively while leveling.. but once I started playing in higher level zones it was more cost and time effective to go back to LA. I think free WP back to your Home City would be great actually. I really enjoy Rata Sum. Divinity's Reach is absolutely gorgeous, even if most of it is useless space. I haven't seen much of the other capitals tbh but they look impressively complex to navigate. Not looking forward to doing them for World Completion.


I love Hoelbrak from a lore standpoint, but since its main design choice is "everything is big", the distance between everything is a pain.
They should add a similarly rewarding world event to Southsun.

Put a dragon there: BAM instant population. That said, people would still only go there for dragon event and then leave. What they need to do is make it a true zone, add SP's, more poi's, and vistas and provide a clear map chest. Who wouldn't want another lvl 80 reward chest? Instant exotics :) They already did all the hard work of creating the island, I wonder how hard this would really be to implement.
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