There really isn't a way to know how much you have done in the living story, unless you are just going by how many of the living story achievements you have completed.
I guess ANET keeps popping those invader events to just show how relentless they are, but the story seems to show that they are winning so far but every time the show up the players destroy them really quick.
Both sound great! I'd actually expect both to occur, to tell different stories, in future Living Story arcs.
Just to be clear, of course I'd have preferred more content that was more exciting more quickly. But there are a couple things to keep in mind, beyond justifying it as a slow burn in terms of the story itself:
1) As an ongoing content release not tied to any particular holiday or one-time even, an extended length and slow ramp-up benefits people who don't play every day like, you know, us. It makes it easier to get up to speed. Compromising between this benefit and feedback telling them that the rollout has been too slow to hold players' attention will be ArenaNet's main task for the next Living Story release.
2) Beyond being the first story they're telling in this manner, Flame & Frost is a test case for the Living Story technology itself. I'm sure it all looks simplistic from the perspective of an individual player but I can state with some certainty that they're trying out some very versatile tech to extend the capabilities of the game with this content, and they're doing it very gradually on purpose. That sucks for us, to be sure, but from their perspective I have no doubt it's a necessarily evil.
I don't know what's coming, but I do bet even the most ardently disappointed among you will still want to check out The Razing. At the very least it'll be fascinating to see how people look back on Flame & Frost in total when it's done with.
It's a very difficult goal they've started on the path toward- creating a world that actually changes over time instead of just purporting to. Just to use a quote from my big post on the Jan patch:
I like the slow burn. I don't get to play nearly as much as I'd like and I can go several days at a time when I can't even log in. I only have the current living story about half done, my wife is in the same situation. I can understand those who play daily wanting it to come faster but you're still able to play in the same manner as before this patch went in at all. Don't be in such a rush to eat through content as quickly as possible. Once the full event hits you'll be sitting here waiting around for new stuff to hit again.
Well, we know at least that the Consortium is planning to construct a refuge in Southsun Cove for the fleeing residents of the Shiverpeaks. In terms of game content I imagine this is a clever excuse to permanently fill up a largely empty expanse of the gameworld with new events and things to do.Is it really going to create a big change in the world, permanently?
What's funny about this complaint is that actual refugee situations in real life really can take months, with more camps slowly being established to hold growing numbers before they find a permanent home. I mean, really, it's not that the scenario unfolding in-game isn't realistic, it's that it's too realistic!You can't necessarily repeat everything you do today, tomorrow in real life, things are always changing. If you have the past stages all running at the same time, that doesn't feel living to me at all!
I think what you mean is that the weekly additions have been too subtle, right? out with an installment each week is consistent enough to keep people interested while still providing enough time for most people to play each portion. Updating it by the week makes it feel like it's breathing and there is constant change. I'm under the impression that's what they are going for, no?
If you refer to my comment about a living quest constantly updating, just because it's a week later for us gamers, doesn't mean it's only been one week in the game. The next weeks content could be months later after refugees have been relocated, for instance. Or, the razing will be so severe that refugee traffic will end because of it. There are multiple ways they can take it.Well, we know at least that the Consortium is planning to construct a refuge in Southsun Cove for the fleeing residents of the Shiverpeaks. In terms of game content I imagine this is a clever excuse to permanently fill up a largely empty expanse of the gameworld with new events and things to do.
What's funny about this complaint is that actual refugee situations in real life really can take months, with more camps slowly being established to hold growing numbers before they find a permanent home. I mean, really, it's not that the scenario unfolding in-game isn't realistic, it's that it's too realistic!They're not going to be there forever. Someone who starts playing the game in May won't have ever seen the refugee trail in Wayfarer or the Camp Coordinator in Lion's Arch.
I think what you mean is that the weekly additions have been too subtle, right?
I can understand that, and on the one hand it would be nice if each week there was a bit more of a nudge toward what has changed. On the other hand, I did like being rewarded for seeking out the additions and piecing together scraps of the story myself.
edit: Kos, it's "Razing," meaning "to completely destroy," not "raising," hehe.
Whoa, I don't really like that, at least not without some kind of in-universe explanation for the time-skips. I definitely like thinking that everything that has occurred so far was more or less in real time.If you refer to my comment about a living quest constantly updating, just because it's a week later for us gamers, doesn't mean it's only been one week in the game. The next weeks content could be months later after refugees have been relocated, for instance. Or, the razing will be so severe that refugee traffic will end because of it. There are multiple ways they can take it.
Whoa, I don't really like that, at least not without some kind of in-universe explanation for the time-skips. I definitely like thinking that everything that has occurred so far was more or less in real time.
Oh, hell yeah.... that makes perfect sense. A sense of urgency is exactly what I'm hoping for most in the next update- the difference between "Gathering Storm" and "STORM TIME" as it were.
Is there a go to place to level in your mid 30's? I rarely see people in the zones I was in yesterday, makes some events pretty difficult. I did try out some wvwvw yesterday, was pretty fun. I just followed random people and did alright. Ran across Hawkian randomly too.
This I totally get. It seems like they've made a very conscious decision to give each patch a title that refers to the story content in that patch, even if it isn't close to the primary aspect of that patch. In November, by far the most significant addition to the game was Fractals of the Mists- yet the update was named after Lost Shores, which referred only to a one-time event that occured over 3 days out of the whole month, and a largely unpopulated new zone in the days thereafter.All I'm saying is, it's the headline of each update, however, when I load up the game it's something I think about for 2 seconds and forget about shortly after.
I think the problem is that they have all these refugees, but we have no idea where they're even coming from. North of wayfarer and diessa is Frostgorge and Fireheart, and nothing's going on in those zones. I dunno, it just seems really obvious what they're doing and doesn't feel quite "real" yet.
Which one were you?
WvW was crazily last night. I was fending off packs of 3 or more DR invaders on my own. They just seemed so demoralized...
This I totally get. It seems like they've made a very conscious decision to give each patch a title that refers to the story content in that patch, even if it isn't close to the primary aspect of that patch. In November, by far the most significant addition to the game was Fractals of the Mists- yet the update was named after Lost Shores, which referred only to a one-time event that occured over 3 days out of the whole month, and a largely unpopulated new zone in the days thereafter.
It gives us a nice way to refer to which updates certain aspects were in (So glad we're not talking about build 10.4.2 D, but it definitely has the effect of "this is the Flame and Frost patch?"
I'm trying to level my Guardian, but I've lost interest in it. I am finding I prefer playing my Ranger and Necro more. I want a Heavy Armor class though, just to doll up my dude.
I think my troubles with my Guardian are that they feel less active to play and that I haven't found a nice weapon combo that doesn't involve Greatsword. I played a build in sPVP that was Hammer/Scepter, but it doesn't really work without all the traits.
On the WvWvW Front:
Guilds are starting to transfer over to SBI since it became more widely known that we're #2 rank.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. There are plenty of times where I get instant queues and can go right into a Borderlands. I also don't want the server to become fat on people just looking to be higher ranked. It also means future drama.
I'm trying to level my Guardian, but I've lost interest in it. I am finding I prefer playing my Ranger and Necro more. I want a Heavy Armor class though, just to doll up my dude.
I think my troubles with my Guardian are that they feel less active to play and that I haven't found a nice weapon combo that doesn't involve Greatsword. I played a build in sPVP that was Hammer/Scepter, but it doesn't really work without all the traits.
Vengeance: Controlling a turret while using this ability will no longer prevent camera reset on death.
Which one were you?
WvW was crazily last night. I was fending off packs of 3 or more DR invaders on my own. They just seemed so demoralized...
I know nothing of Rangers. Mine doesn't even have all his weapon skills unlocked D:
From what I've heard, the "don't have a lot of time or patience for theory" classes are Warriors and *ahem* Thieves (D/D, anyway).
You can join a guild from any server, but influence and everything like that is on a per-server basis. You're correct about dungeon runs.Just to be clear. You can't join a guild when you're guesting on another server right? But you can do dungeon runs with people on different servers?
I'm assuming the guild isn't full any more. Can an officer send me an invite? My username is Shambles.6015
So that's why the charr plush is 30 bucks, that thing is massive
Sea of sorrows was always number 3, but people got sick of it and lots of guilds transfered and now we are in free fall. ..
I'm trying to level my Guardian, but I've lost interest in it. I am finding I prefer playing my Ranger and Necro more. I want a Heavy Armor class though, just to doll up my dude.
I think my troubles with my Guardian are that they feel less active to play and that I haven't found a nice weapon combo that doesn't involve Greatsword. I played a build in sPVP that was Hammer/Scepter, but it doesn't really work without all the traits.
Warrior. Tons of weapons to mix up your playstyle, very nice control / support / damage options across the board, and the class is really nicely balanced, as we rarely get nerfed or buffed (but when changes are made, they tend to be small buffs). I was on the fence between Warrior and Guardian early on, but after Beta I was ready to go full Warrior. My poor Guardian gets neglected
Do eet.
can I add someone from another server to my contacts? so I can see if they are online and chat with them or no?
thanks guys.
Thanks for the guild invite. Found a PUG to do Arah story mode last night (4 guildies). I AFK'ed during the Zhaitan fight and ended up in midair (and being left behind by the airship; weird glitch). Drops were kind of disappointing (Champ drops were better than chest contents). Also took a really long time to do (are other dungeons that long?). But at least I finished the PS.
Yep, BG got a fair number of guilds from SoS. Supposedly, a couple of the larger(Oceanic) guilds on Kaineng are going to jump to SoR.
tl;dr: removing free xfers really didn't change anything, just requires "dat money" to do it now
I love Warrior, my first and favorite class after the official launch, and my biggest issue is the fact that they are one of the least sturdy classes in the game. They have incredible offensive options, but the game is so much about damage dodging rather than damage mitigation that everything comes down to burst... and then putting all of your efforts into staying alive between bursts. Combine this with the opportunity cost it takes for them to have vigor (use the warhorn, trait for warhorn if you want it up a decent amount of time, or replace the Mobile Strikes/Sweet Vengeance trait).
Warriors don't have a solid wear-you-down playstyle, and don't have the dodge+healing ability to make comebacks in most fights.
I would like to see a link to that build, as I run a warrior for my main.