Will culling be gone in PVE too? I always only see it mention for WvWvW only.
Colin Johanson said:The initial release of this system will be for WvW only. There are additional complications we need to solve with PvE due to the number and variety of creatures on screen that WvW doesn’t need to account for. Later this year, we’ll be expanding as much of the changes to the PvE open world as we can as well.
world events are the new hotness
Appreciate the acknowledgement, but I didn't help you with your legendary.I just bought the human T2 set for my Engineer. Looks much better on Rangers but it still looks cool I think.
I'm just collecting wealth so that I can help those who helped me with my legendary (by bro, Arken and Varix) when they are ready to craft theirs, if they want me to. If they do not want I'll just start buying more amour sets, converting some of it to GEMs.
what changed with them? just better loot?
Without fail, people on the official forums will find something to bitch about.
Appreciate the acknowledgement, but I didn't help you with your legendary.
That's a great change actually. Shame the patch hits the same day as bioshock. No culling and other wvw changes will have me checking it out for sureGuaranteed rare from all but the Megadestroyer (which will probably be fixed).
Classic vague ANet response on an issue. I don't see how they could have at any point thought the influence costs did anything but turn away small guilds.
Ideally, IN MY OPINION, you would want Guild Missions not only be there to give big guilds something to do, but to give small guilds a way to build up in size or activcity and accomplish something together. Right now, they pretty much turn away small guilds due to the influence cost and amount of people required.
Man, fuck this password bullshit that ANet is constantly pulling. You're not making things any more secure by making me go through so many passwords I just end up taping the damn thing up to the side of my monitor. Go blow yourself and anyone else who thinks we should be treated like a bunch of 12 year olds.
Think about how amazing it is they killed the bots. this game was in serious trouble back in november/december due to them!
Guaranteed rare from all but the Megadestroyer (which will probably be fixed).
Appreciate the acknowledgement, but I didn't help you with your legendary.
Uh, this is already a reality. Most (possibly all) of the events with the new rewards also have unique named exotic drops.That's a great change actually. Shame the patch hits the same day as bioshock. No culling and other wvw changes will have me checking it out for sure
Gates of Arah, as well. I can't wait for them to do this, both because they really should have the new rewards as they meet or beat all the requirements of the others, but also because it'll set the precedent for adding more to the list (the idea that the ones that have the new rewards so far are just the first set to get them).Hopefully at some point cuz goddamn son. Also Fire Elemental needs to unhook from Fire Shaman.
This hotel rules. Now I just need to find GuardianShips and EngineerRings.
This hotel rules. Now I just need to find GuardianShips and EngineerRings.
It would be nice if they implemented Alliances and somehow tied those into Guild Missions. So players in a small guild could ally with a larger one and somehow contribute with the larger one to accomplish the guild missions, and still get rewarded. Somehow.
Last patch my guild of friends ended up basically disbanding because there was no way for us to ever unlock the Guild Mission stuff. So now we are all trying out larger guilds, which is fine, I guess. But I miss the more personal aspect of our guild chat.
Speaking of guilds, how is GafGuild going? I am not on your guys server, but if there is room I'd be happy to join in case someone needs a party member for a dungeon.
My warrior is only level 40 but they seem to being very easy to use, high damage and armor, easy able to speedrun and often sought for just that. Even for non speed runs warriors just seem to make things die faster and are most of the time low maintenance. Basically what I am saying is that having a level 80 warrior is an nice thing to have.
You could do necro because there aren't enough of them and I rarely ever see any![]()
Warriors are very straight forward. Good damage and decent survivability. They're not the tankiest class but they're very solid. With the right build they can hit like a truck will Bulls Rush/100 Blades combo.
Necro's are still troubled last I heard. Very good mechanics though and when people master them they're VERY deadly. The ability to pull conditions off their party onto themselves and then transfer them to the target is amazing when used correctly.
Thief is difficult to play in PvE leveling due to low survivability and the go to weapon set being Melee. That said if you spec for mobility they can be quite deadly. I main a Thief myself and went with a Pistol/Dagger and Shortbow build that focuses on Mobility and Condition Damage. It takes me longer to kill mobs than a Dagger/Dagger or a Dagger/Sword Thief but I have lot more ways to avoid damage and can handle groups of mobs much better than Melee based Thieves. Even with all my escapes and the ability to damage at distance, I have to be very careful how I engage as there's nothing available to Thief to make them take damage better other than speccing for Vitality which doesn't make anything hit any less hard, just gives a bit more of a cushion before death.
Edit: So Warrior is a good class for just about anyone but if you like complexity, they'll end up boring you. Necro is complex and tricky to master due to being a bit underpowered/buggy but if you can adjust their should be a significant payoff. Thief can be frustrating until you learn which weapon set works best for you. They're the definition of Glass Cannon in most respects and can only feel less Glassy with quick reflexes and mobility used to avoid damage as much as possible. In certain encounters (dungeons and whatnot) you'll spend a good time trying not to get hit rather than doing damage.
Dual Pistol Thief is pretty great DPS and with stealth skills, quite survivable.
So I'm at a stand still in this game in the what class should I master. So I have 3 classes that I made of who I wanted to play the most thief (lvl 21), warrior (lvl 12), and necromancer (lvl 27). So I was wondering if someone who has maybe played most of the classes help me choose after giving this explanation.
Warrior - I really like how when I'm a warrior I feel like a powerhouse and unlike the other classes I've played I don't get scared of doing skill challenges by myself. The only thing I don't like is that their's so many warriors that I don't feel... different in a way. In other words when ppl see me they go "another warrior," instead of "hmm let's check this guy out." I know I personally do this when I see mesmer's or elementalist's.
Thief - I played this game with my friend for the first time with my thief, and when I did I died a lot. I like how I have to be mobile most of the time and the thief's agility, but I hate their lacking survivability. When I was playing with my friend I found myself having to rely on him more then myself. I like the thief's play style but I kinda felt like a liability in my friends group.
Necromancer - The necromancer I barely have any complaints. I'd say my only complaint would be that my minions aren't very good A.I. partners, which is bad when I rely on them in battle's and my damage output isn't that good (though this may just be my build).
So can anyone who's tried these classes give me some tips on a certain class, or maybe tell me which one seems like it best suits me. I'm still a noob at this game so as you can tell I'm being a little picky before I set out for a lvl 80 character.
You wouldn't happen to have your thief build on you? I'm interested to see what you did with it.
I try to dish out as much damage as possible with my thiefs double daggers before going in stealth and backing off with dual pistols.
Thanks for the help everyone.
Oh ;-;
Well now it's a neogaf thread
I don't want to strafe in my MMORPG.
Best quote from that thread about Guild Wars 2 getting too complicated!
*faceplaming* at all the people complaining about combat.
Some of you who are in there setting the record straight, good on you. If I post on there I think i'll end up calling some of those people very bad names, so I will not because I do not want to get banned a 3rd time.
Well that's unfortunate.Oh ;-;
Well now it's a neogaf thread
Instead of hiding away in the OT complaining about people posting their feelings about the game, why don't you engage in conversation with them. If they don't like the combat, they don't like the combat.
It's perfectly fine for people to not have enjoyed a game, just as it's perfectly fine for you to have enjoyed the very same game.
Please. I happily embrace all criticism of the game and freely acknowledge that I prefer this thread to main gaming threads because it's insular. Feel free to call it hiding away. We have an incredibly helpful, practical, friendly community that absolutely anyone is welcome to join. "Engaging in conversation with them"- meaning not actually doing that, but posting asynchronously in response to complaints in a thread specifically critical of the game by nature, will have no tangible benefit and does have enormous potential to degenerate into chaotic character attacks and baseless insults. As you note, if they don't like x, they don't like it, and that's perfectly fine. So what is the merit of discussing it in that context?Instead of hiding away in the OT complaining about people posting their feelings about the game, why don't you engage in conversation with them. If they don't like the combat, they don't like the combat.
It's perfectly fine for people to not have enjoyed a game, just as it's perfectly fine for you to have enjoyed the very same game.
This person does not know what the word linear means. GW2 is the most non-linear theme park MMO, it can't get any more non-linear without being a sandbox. GW2 is essentially what I like to call a Sandpark, content designed by the devs but presented in such a way that you can experience it or not experience it in any way that you wish."I haven't played in months but is the game still heavily guided and controlled? I remember it being one of the most closed and linear MMOs I've ever played. Even moreso than post-TBC WoW."
If it's not for you, it's not for you, and I understand.
Ugh let's not go the "you're denying me my enjoyment of the game!" persecution route, OK? I don't think it's that fun. You do. Different things give us different enjoyment. Do I really have to state the obvious and begin every sentence with "IN MY OPINION..."?
But if they have misinformation about how other parts of the game work, that needs to be addressed.
I think it's totally fine if people don't like the combat. For all intents and purposes, it is pretty basic and only really gets going in high level events and mechanic-specific bosses. And OF COURSE not everyone is going to like every game they play.
But if they have misinformation about how other parts of the game work, that needs to be addressed.
A noble sentiment, but dude... just bail out. You're not going to change anybody's mind in that thread when they're convinced they're right and see you as trying to proselytize. I'd like to remind people that Ashodin was banned for a month for simply mentioning Guild Wars 2 in a WoW thread.