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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Even getting slaughtered in WvW I had a blast for about 3 hours. I'm only LVL 13 so I assume I don't have all my OH SHIT buttons for a Guardian. But sometimes I would just get decimated by a single player while others I'd be able to stay up and survive and kill them.

One problem I had is catching people, it seems I just get kited around and have no way of stopping the person once I leap to them (using Greatsword and shield/scepter). Is there something I'm missing that can stop them? Those entangling vines are almost useless because it seems to not even go ON the target unless they stand still (very rare when somebody is running from you) and they will just appear where the person is.

I try the 5 skill (throw the sword twice to bring them to you) and try and snag them with vines but it almost never catches unless the person isn't moving.

Any ideas of how to keep a person rooted or crippled? I seem to be rooted or crippled a majority of the time.

I'm a noob but specter 3 attack should root someone for a bit, and both sword (2) and greatsword (4) have leaping /teleporting attacks that should get you right in front of someone. There is also the judge intervention utility skill, which teleports you to the target and burns them.
Equally important is knowing when to give up. Nothing breaks up a group like chasing down a kill. Even if their health is low, sometimes it's not worth losing ground and risking others not following you. So try not to get too caught up in finalizing kills. Staying together and dealing with invaders as they come is often more important.

So true. I don't usually run after people because whatever the group dynamic I am in it really helps with damage mitigation and healing. I try and heal and do the same for our groups. Especially when taking a wall I'll just keep my healing and damage mitigation boons up as much as I can.

I think you are on to something though, my build and mindset should be completely different for WvW as opposed to small PVP and I'm trying to do both. I think I will stick to support (even though you get less for that it seems than just killing shit).

I'm a noob but specter 3 attack should root someone for a bit, and both sword (2) and greatsword (4) have leaping /teleporting attacks that should get you right in front of someone. There is also the judge intervention utility skill, which teleports you to the target and burns them.

Yeah, the teleport was awesome but I never had a root to stick them once there. I didn't realize the 2 stuck them, I'll have to pay more attention.
Îf the stupid TP could stay up long enough, an economy could develop maybe. Month from launch almost and its still a mess.

Most of the problems with the economy are more due to basic supply and demand than the TP's reliability. Supply massively exceeds demand for pretty much everything except certain crafting materials and high-level gear/upgrades, so everything crashes to near-vendor prices.

Any fix would need to either limit supply (reducing drop rates, making crafting more difficult, etc.) or increase demand (adding new recipes like they did with the Mystic Chests). Or they could leave it as-is where it's a great market for buyers and not so great for sellers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well I thought i was absolutely steam rolling stuff on my necro already, but I'm not going to turn down more buffs :p
He is of course referring to the necromancer fixes in the patch last night, by far the most significant changes to come to any class as of yet:
• Taste of Death: This skill’s healing fact has been updated.
• Spectral Wall: This skill has been updated to apply the correct amount of vulnerability (10).
• Vampiric: Fixed a bug with this trait so that it now functions with projectiles.
• Close to Death: This trait has been updated to provide its listed 20% boost instead of the previous (unlisted) 10% boost.
• Banshee’s Wail: This Curses trait has been updated to apply extra swiftness.
• Spectral Walk: This skill has been updated to be more active and to work properly with its recharge trait. Also, Sever Spectral Bond has been changed to Spectral Recall.
• Minion Master: This Death Magic trait has been updated to properly affect the elite skill Summon Flesh Golem.
• Putrid Mark: This skill has been fixed to make it properly unblockable with the Greater Marks trait.
• Mark of Evasion: This trait can now trigger the Soul Marks trait.
• Reaper’s Protection: This trait has been updated to properly work with a variety of crowd-control effects.
Makes me really interested to work on the Hawkian of Grenth a bit. Just have to finish getting my Mesmer to 80, then get my Elementalist from 1 to 80, then get my wereraven Ranger from 1 to 80. No problem...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Woke up late last night to these patch notes. Fuckin' BEAUTIFUL.

I can't wait to do some EXPLORABLES with THETRIN AND HAWKIAN.

You guys better be on tonight. :p Say around 9 PM / 10 PM EDT?

I will be available. :)

EDIT: I just realized CM and AC now offer lvl 80 gear. HELL YEAH. I should investigate the skins and see if it's for me.


Did CoF, got 60 tokens. Yay! Did TA, got 30 tokens. Boo!

Apparently, this is a common problem.

Also, for some reason the new tokens are different items from the old tokens.

This patch was tested just as well as the previous ones.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So I'm like level 28 now. When do I get armor that doesn't look like shit? How do I obtain this?

Like any other MMO, it's pretty much luck of the draw. There are plenty of heart vendors that sell decent looking gear, though.

Did CoF, got 60 tokens. Yay! Did TA, got 30 tokens. Boo!

Apparently, this is a common problem.

Also, for some reason the new tokens are different items from the old tokens.

This patch was tested just as well as the previous ones.



Current picture of Stormbluff's holdings in WvW:



Did CoF, got 60 tokens. Yay! Did TA, got 30 tokens. Boo!

Apparently, this is a common problem.

Also, for some reason the new tokens are different items from the old tokens.

This patch was tested just as well as the previous ones.

Like any other MMO, it's pretty much luck of the draw. There are plenty of heart vendors that sell decent looking gear, though.


Huh? I have a decent pile of tokens from 2 or 3 dungeons that I can't use now?


I will probably also be looking for dungeon groups tonight. Still need to do CoF story, will do any exp as well like AC or TA or other.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm down for any, that are level 60 appropriate, lol.

Hopefully we have a spot. If pyrandes and docbon run with us tonight, we'll be full. :/

We have a regular group that we run dungeons with, but we have open spots once in a while.


Hopefully we have a spot. If pyrandes and docbon run with us tonight, we'll be full. :/

Ill be on, and while Id love to go I can step (and start another group maybe) so you guys can get Vossler in on some action.

The more people who get experience, the better :)

I will probably also be looking for dungeon groups tonight. Still need to do CoF story, will do any exp as well like AC or TA or other

I still need to hit up CoF story myself, so Ill be down for that. Otherwise would get a TA or CoE explore group going.
So what are the implications of this:

World versus World
• Experimental Rifle: This item is no longer usable in World versus World.

Was there something about this that made it exploitable or something? I'm just curious as I don't want to see this kind of shit where stuff in PVE isn't usable in WvW and vice versa. Or is that already the norm and I just haven't been affected?


I can lead us through ghosteater in AC explore, as I have done that many, many times. I just haven't had time to get into TA or Sorrows yet. I'm really down for whatever you guys feel like.


Hopefully we have a spot. If pyrandes and docbon run with us tonight, we'll be full. :/

We have a regular group that we run dungeons with, but we have open spots once in a while.

What time are you guys usually running? I'd love to get in on an AC run sometime with my lowly lvl 30-something warrior


so whats the feedback on how GW2 affects WOW?

personally, and I have never been into online games and PVP type stuff, its kinda set my expectations to never pay a monthly sub. but then again, I just dont have the time to justify things like raiding.

I think it would benefit everyone to not concern themselves with "How does this game affect WoW?" or "Is this going to be the game to kill WoW?" or "Is Blizzard worried about GW2?" Guild Wars 2 will not "kill" WoW, and will likely never see the same level of success as WoW did. Some players will leave WoW to play GW2, then go back to WoW, some will stay with GW2, and some players will return to WoW for the expansion, play for a couple months, and then quit again. Business as usual for Blizzard, even if the numbers may (or may not) be slightly different this time around.

The more important point about GW2 is that it offers an alternative in the MMO space for the many many player who aren't interested in playing WoW (or are just sick of playing it and want something new). And, perhaps more importantly, it demonstrates that you can have a success in the MMO market without simply aping WoW, and without charging a subscription fee. If developers are looking at GW2 closely right now, the future of the MMO market might make quite a turn. If anyone is really worried right now, it's the people making The Elder Scrolls Online.


Edit: I think I misinterpreted part of your post here. I thought you were on the fence about buying this game, but it appears you already have it. Oh well, I'll just remove that part then.

So I am just doing hearts and story. Tending to be a bit too low for story and not find hearts fast enough..is the low levels go by really slow?

Are you doing events? Because Hearts are terrible sources of exp, events are where you get the real levels. While you definitely should clear out hearts if you have any interest in zone completion, hearts generally exist so you have something to do in between events.

Also, make sure you have all three gathering tools, and gather from every node you see, because that's a decent source of experience. Also, you may not have tried crafting yet, but you can get a pretty significant chunk of exp from crafting.


So I am just doing hearts and story. Tending to be a bit too low for story and not find hearts fast enough..is the low levels go by really slow?

Low levels aren't really any slower than any other point. The only difference is at lower levels you have fewer places to explore. Anyway, here are the standard tips for leveling. Pick a few that you like and you should start moving along faster.

1) Buy a hatchet, pickaxe, and sickle and harvest any resource nodes you find. Each harvest gives more xp than a kill, plus you can use what you get for crafting/selling.
2) Go off the beaten path. You'll discover new areas (xp), get waypoints/vistas/points of interest (more xp), and run into dynamic events. You also get bonus xp for killing enemies that have been alive longer (including neutral enemies) so it pays to go off the roads.
3) Eat food. It's really cheap on the tp and all of them give +10 xp per kill. Utterly insignificant at high levels, but basically doubles your xp gain from kills at low levels.
4) Do events. Events are the primary source of xp in GW2. If you see an event notification on your screen go do it.
5) If for some reason you're not finding events (I've heard this complaint, but never experienced it myself) try a different zone. If you are level 1-15 you have access to each race's starting zone. You can reach any of these areas by visiting your race's capital and taking an asura gate to Lion's Arch. From here there are gates leading to each capital city. You can also reach Lion's Arch through the hero menu by going to the mists and exiting through the portal.
6) Craft stuff. Crafting gives both crafting xp which allows you to craft better gear and regular xp. From what I've read taking a crafting profession from 0-400 will net 10 levels worth of xp.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Of course the number one rule is have fun. Don't feel like you have to do something (like say crafting) if you find it boring. The game doesn't change a great deal and the vast majority of the content is sub 80 so there's no reason to rush there. Keep in mind there's hidden content in each zone. Stuff you won't necessarily find just because you got 100% exploration of a zone.
isn't there a way to AUTO DEPOSIT in collection for all those raw materials? :( getting tired of having to sort them out manually since there's so many and my bags are full all the time


You only need to do story mode once. After that, you need to be doing explorables. Doing story mode has no merits beyond the first time.
I don't know why they don't open up Oceanic and Asian servers. It's pretty dumb that HoD has so many of their guilds/players and always end up capping a ton of stuff when people in the US are asleep or at work.
Bags -> Cogwheel -> Deposit Collectibles

thanks, that does help a little but you still gotta do that EACH time, it will just empty your bags all at once right?

What i meant is there no way to tell the game to AUTO deposit EACH collectible you find into your bags without having to do it manually once in a while?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
thanks, that does help a little but you still gotta do that EACH time, it will just empty your bags all at once right?

What i meant is there no way to tell the game to AUTO deposit EACH collectible you find into your bags without having to do it manually once in a while?

Nope, have to do it manually.

That's because collection caps to 250, and some people want to sell their goods immediately in TP and you can only do so with stuff in your inventory.


You only need to do story mode once. After that, you need to be doing explorables. Doing story mode has no merits beyond the first time.

I think that's the issue. As time time goes by, there'll be less and less people running story mode. Although, this too wouldn't be an issue if the game had a good LFG tool to form PUGs, especially once we can guest on other servers.


I think that's the issue. As time time goes by, there'll be less and less people running story mode. Although, this too wouldn't be an issue if the game had a good LFG tool to form PUGs, especially once we can guest on other servers.

I don't think that's the case. There's always people rolling alts, so you never know.


Are we still winning in WvW? Last time I checked, HoD was third.

ET and SBI entered offpeak hours and proceeded to lose almost everything on the map. HoD is currently in second and closing the gap fast. We don't have the manpower to even step foot in one of the borderlands at the moment. Feels bad man.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
ET and SBI entered offpeak hours and proceeded to lose almost everything on the map. HoD is currently in second and closing the gap fast. We don't have the manpower to even step foot in one of the borderlands at the moment. Feels bad man.

That's so stupid. :/

We need to team up with ET.
ok what about salvaging soul bound items, since that's not possible, what do you guys do with them when they are no longer useful? Destroy them to save inventory space or...?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
ok what about salvaging soul bound items, since that's not possible, what do you guys do with them when they are no longer useful? Destroy them to save inventory space or...?

I thought you could salvage soul-bound items, just not sell them.
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