The MMO status quo isn't a strong argument when Anet is concerned seeing as how they're bucking the trend in almost every way. Also Ascended items were added to facilitate Agony and Agony resistance. It was easier to simply create new items than it would be to add AR to existing items. It also provided the players with something to earn by progressing through Fractals.
Fractals were only added to appease the "I need dungeon progression" crowd and it's been a very minimal change in that regard.
I can't wrap my head around the fact you understand the bolded and not realize how a much more numerous crowd
will demand progression through further expansions. You seem to think this instance of progression is an isolated, once upon a lifetime occurrence, a mistake that ArenaNet "have learned their lesson" about and won't ever do it again. I hope you're not offended, but I can't parse that as anything but denial. :/
The argument isn't about Ascended as that Tier is already in the game. Also, adding a new tier of materials would mean the ability to craft Ascended..
Of course not! A new tier of materials would mean the ability to craft Blues to Oranges of level 81-90! Perhaps you misunderstood (or I miscomunicated, although "tier" is the exact term used in the Wiki) "new tier of materials"? I didn't mean rarity, I meant level, i.e. Jute -> Wool -> Cotton, and so on. In other words, moving from Orichalcum to another type of ore, found in the new zones and used to craft 81-90 equipment.
I'm skipping the rest since it all builds up from there. Let me know if we're on the same page.
To further support my argument I point you to the quote I posted just above your reply. But I'll link it here instead.
Re new tiers of nodes:
How does "we have no plan either way" (especially when he himself is requoting an user as a joke) support your argument? Especially when they've also said they have "no current plans" of an expansion, i.e. the exact same wording.
As for "we'll see one or two years from now," that's a pretty open ended qualifier that benefits only wild speculation as so long as the game is alive, there's always a possibility of X change. By that logic I could make the claim that mounts will eventually be added somewhere down the line. Yet we know that Anets stance is currently No Mounts.
Let me rephrase. "We'll see the instant the new expansion is released". Is that closed ended enough?
Anet has said officially that there are no new tiers planned or being worked on. That statement was made today. So your thoughts on vertical progression are unsupported.
Again, I'm not sure if you missed that, but a poster there said:
You wont get a dev response confirming, the response you will get is We have no plans do add higher tiers right now, nor are we working on it. We cannot guarantee we will never add tiers, but it is currently not being worked on or considered.
Then ArenaNet quoted him and replied:
This sums it up pretty well:
We have no plans do add higher tiers right now, nor are we working on it. We cannot guarantee we will never add tiers, but it is currently not being worked on or considered
Not only the response uses the exact same wording about there not being plans either way than their current stance towards an expansion (which I think all of us realize is coming, right?), but the wording itself is a smiley-appended
requoting of a previous poster. Reading meaning that isn't there, into the wording that isn't theirs, in a post that is rather tongue-in-cheek, seems like confirmation bias.
But really, this discussion is fruitless. We will not know either way until the expansion rolls out, and by then it will be proven without a shadow of a doubt. Let's just leave it at that.
WoW didn't scale players up or down to match the intended level of the content either. I can see them adding additional paths to the existing dungeons, Fractals, revamping zones to reflect the Living Story, etc. for years to come.
Excellent point, tying back to what I was saying earlier: In WoW adding a new tier of content mean making the previous one obsolete. In GW2 that doesn't happen, it's all additive. This means they have even MORE of an incentive to increase the level cap, and virtually zero reason to avoid it.
(My wording was inaccurate; I said "obsoleting" as shorthand for "adding new content that makes the previous highest tier not highest tier anymore". In all other MMOs both are synonimous; not so in GW2, which is kind of the entire point.

I really can't wait for this particular fix, they've already said it's coming which just makes the waiting worse. Just after they re-tuned Orr I was doing the 'Defend Pact Tactician Megill from the Risen' event after GAF stomped Rotbeard, all was well until one of the enemy waves turned out to be three Rotmouths. It took longer to do that wave than the two previous waves of lovely condition-prone Risen. Did that, quick detour to rescue a dead Hawkian that was nearby, went back and killed some more Risen, final wave was more Rotmouths.
I had no clue they were going to add conditions to inanimate objects, that's really awesome! It will be a bit weird seeing objects "poisoned" and "bleeding" (unless they're smart and rename them to something equivalent, of course), but ah well.