Any good starter guides out there? I'm starting a computer build and a buddy and I were gonna jump into this.
Any good starter guides out there? I'm starting a computer build and a buddy and I were gonna jump into this.
1. Roll the class you think looks interesting and fun, not which you think will be most useful. If one doesn't click with you, try another. Whatever choice you make, you won't be penalized further down the road (i.e. you can get into a group no matter what class you pick now). Every class can contribute, even breaking MMO-tropes; Guardians (the Paladin-like class) have a couple ranged attacks, Rangers are good in melee, etc.
- That said, most people say the Guardian, Warrior and Ranger are good classes to start with, while Mesmers, Elementalists and Engineers have a bit of a learning curve. Seriously though, try what sounds cool to you, as all of the professions are pretty approachable and you can always ask for help here or in-game.2. Race has no statistical advantage; it will only give you a few race-specific utility and elite skills (none of which stand out over the others). Otherwise it is entirely cosmetic. Be aware that the "Tauren Effect" is in play here; the two large races, Norn and Charr, feel like they move slower than the others even though run speed is normalized. Likewise, Asura feel like they're flying. Some people (myself included) find it detracts from the game, YMMV.
- For what it's worth, Norn look insanely cool in full armor (especially plate) and Charr have an awesome four-legged run animation, so there's silver lining everywhere.3. Buy a copper Mining Pick, Harvesting Sickle and Logging axe as soon as you have the money; there's no gathering professions, everyone can gather everything so long as they have the tools. Resource nodes show up on your mini-map (Grey rock, green leaves, brown log pile) and are instanced for everyone; don't rush to mine a Copper node just because someone is running towards it, you will have your own copy waiting just for you.
4. Likewise, buy a basic Salvage Kit. This is similar to Disenchanting in WoW, but you actually get resources like cloth, leather and metal rather than dusts/essences. This is the primary method for getting cloth and leather, actually. You will get items from enemies that serve no purpose other than to be salvaged, and will be labelled as such.
5. You don't need to be at a waypoint to travel; you can open your map and travel to any waypoint you've previously visited at any time.
6. If you want bags, take up any of the armor crafting professions (Armorsmith, Leatherworker, Tailor) as all three can produce bags right away. You may also want to check the Trading Post (shortcut: o) because the prices there are pretty low.
7. You get weapon swapping at level 7 (unless you're an Elementalist or Engineer), and unlock utility slots at 5, 10 and 20. Elite skills unlock at level 30.
8. For a quick level or two, explore your race's starting city. When you open your map there will be a checklist of the waypoints (Diamonds), Points of Interest (Small squares), and Vistas (Two Red Triangles), all of which give you XP just for visiting them. It also nets you some money and goodies for fully completing the map.
9. Learn to dodge early, it will save you forever. Most enemies have a 'wind up' animation just before they deliver a large attack. The default dodge key is V.
- Red Circles on the ground are enemy AOE attacks; dodge out of those too.10. When your health reaches zero, you aren't automatically killed; instead you enter a 'downed' state where you can defeat an enemy (or heal yourself if none are around) to rally back at half health. Keep an eye open for a blue "V" symbol over other players, or on your mini-map; this indicates another played who has been downed, and you can revive them (default key: f) and get some experience.
11. Wander around and do stuff. One of the biggest complaints people new to the game have is that there isn't any direction it shoos you towards. There are traditional quests (marked with hearts on your map), but the real meat of GW2 are events which can happen anywhere at any time. Pay attention to your surroundings; people will often run up to you and ask for help, or you'll see signs that something is amiss (people are sick and the well water is green? Follow the pipes to investigate the water supply.)
12. Whisper any of the officers for an invite to GAF guild where your questions will be answered. Ferny, Ashodin Venteal, Hawkian The Blade, Gojira, Nephenee Reginleif, Professor Retro, Wallach or Arken Elric. You can be part of GAF Guild regardless of which server you are on (We play on Stormbluff Isle, but it is often full), and you can join multiple guilds as well (so if you have friends already playing, you can switch between them as you like).
13. We use Mumble, and have a GAF server just for our guild; talking is optional but being able to listen helps, especially in dungeons. We also tend to hang out and get overly excited about new features:
Server Address: atl.eoreality.net
Port: 64742
Use your GAF Name as your username to avoid confusion.
14. You can also register at GAFGuild.com, we post all sorts of events and discuss things a little more indepth than we do here, just to keep this thread open for general discussion without getting bogged down in theorycrafting, event notices and such.
AWESOME TIPS (i.e. "Why don't other MMOs have that?!")
- There are no mailboxes anywhere, because you can send and receive mail anywhere via messenger pigeons.
- Likewise, you can buy and sell on the trading post from anywhere. However, any items you buy, or any money you make from selling, can only be picked up at a Trader NPC (marked as a golden scale icon on your map).
- You can click the small gear in the upper right corner of your inventory and select "Deposit all Collectables" to automatically send any crafting materials to your bank. These items appear on the "Collectables" tab at your bank, a special space that holds all of that stuff for you instead of forcing you to hoard it in your regular storage space.
- Your bank space is shared between all of your characters, and there is a space on the lower right to deposit money.
- There is no mob tagging in the traditional sense; as long as you do above a certain threshold of damage, you will get credit and looting rights regardless of who attacked first.
I thought NCSoft had said something similar a few months ago at an investors meeting.
Colin's statement has been that his team is not working on an expansion. That doesn't rule out the possibility that another team is working on an expansion. Honestly, for all we know, the investors report could be referring to the living story updates as there's honestly no other comparison that investors could immediately understand.
Ultimately, it's an MMO. An expansion is coming sooner or later, whether Colin is working on it right now or not. NCSoft needs to meet certain quarterly and yearly sales goals, and an expansion is the best way to get new people involved and to get existing users to double down.
Odd that Anet would actively deny making an expansion if they are intending to do so.
Not odd at all if they're not actively making one at the moment. The NCsoft earnings call claim that they're preparing an expansion pack is just corporate talk. It's like saying a Movie series is planned to be a Trilogy before the work on the first one is even complete. It's easy and obvious that it's coming eventually.. but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near being worked on.
I can't imagine that they'd have a section of a team working on an expansion when so many small groups of teams have to be working on Living Story segments as well as major content patches. Also, releasing an expansion before the SPvP is anywhere near settled down and ready for a serious push would be a bad idea and there seems to be at least a segment of Anet that really wants Esports legitimacy out of that game mode.
To me, the call screams earnings statement lingo for "GW2 has done well for us and we're going to capitalize on that with more GW2."
I expect it to be more similar to a traditional MMO expansion than GW1's campaigns, which were a pretty unique approach (there was no "base game" and players could play a "complete" experience from creation to level cap only owning one campaign). However, I do expect, based on their record so far of adding ongoing development platforms in addition to new content, that an expansion will include some kind of major new feature that none of us will be able to predict.What has me a little excited to see is what kind of expansion it will be. Usual expansions for the cookie-cutter MMO's have always been, massive content infusion along with the extra fluff (level cap increase, new class, new race... yada yada). With the unique way Anet is doing things (superior in every way possible) an expansion is probably going to be ... I have no freaking idea... *cries*
Stealth Edit: Level 62 ! I'ma comin !
That is how the earnings release reads to me, basically. I wonder how much NCSoft even dictates or knows ArenaNet's plans in this area. I suppose if they issued an edict ("You will roll out an expansion in 2013), ANet would have to acquiesce, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that's happening.To me, the call screams earnings statement lingo for "GW2 has done well for us and we're going to capitalize on that with more GW2."
That is how the earnings release reads to me, basically. I wonder how much NCSoft even dictates or knows ArenaNet's plans in this area. I suppose if they issued an edict ("You will roll out an expansion in 2013), ANet would have to acquiesce, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that's happening.
Josh Foreman said:Indeed. I’ve been in this industry for 16 years and worked with a several publishers including Interplay, Sierra, THQ and now NCSoft. And for what it’s worth, the amount of creative freedom that NCSoft gives ArenaNet is MASSIVE compared to the others. NCSoft is crazy successful for a reason. They recognize the talent here and support us with a very hands-off policy in general. They give us a LOT of feedback and data to work with, but I’ve never got the impression that they are overlords like I have with the other publishers I’ve worked under. (source)
That doesn't sound like NCSoft, at least according to ArenaNet comments;
There have been a few others like this, but that's the only one I remembered well enough to find quickly. I don't think NCSoft orders anyone around, at least not at that level.
That's not exactly true.
The relationship between NCsoft and Anet is exactly as Josh describes it and always has been. However, that's a special snowflake of a relationship. NCsoft has a much more "normal" relationship with it's other Dev companies, especially those that are homegrown. They push games to release early, pressure for numbers, etc.. just like any other Publisher. They just don't do it to Anet.
Anyone know any game journalists ? There really should be an article somewhere that properly encompasses what Anet has done over the past months in GW2. Seriously this needs to be done....
come on elona expansion, with a crystal desert living story to build up to it.
I think the dragons deserve an expansion. Ultimately, I agree with what's been said: It's too early for Anet themselves to comment on an expansion, since it defeats their efforts with the Living Story. Honestly, I'd say we shouldn't even think about an expansion coming out until the second or third anniversary of the game. I'd personally say late 2014 at the earliest.
I don't play PvP so that map is no good to me![]()
Crystal Desert is definitely coming, I just hope it's sooner rather than later and definitely not through an expansion
(More details here). I've been to a few of those, they definitely look like they're temporary barriers designed to be removed someday. He also doesn't include areas that already exists, but don't have any way into them. For example, the floating castle in Kessex Hills or the Ruined Nolani Academy in the Black Citadel.
And he apparently found the Cloverfield monster in GW2!
I, personally would like them to pretty much repeat how they did the expansions for Guild Wars. Only this time with living stories to build up to it.
I, personally would like them to pretty much repeat how they did the expansions for Guild Wars. Only this time with living stories to build up to it.
As long as they keep the brunt of their content in living stories I would like this as well. Just set the plate with the expansion and let the living stories do the rest.
Absolutely my preferred method of content delivery. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if, given how successful ArenaNet has been so far without charging any money for content, they just hang the idea of expansions altogether and just say "You know what? We had all of this content planned for an expansion, but we're just going to release it for free over the span of half a year."
Content doesn't get dumped all at once, but is instead carefully layered in. The story proceeds towards exciting new frontiers without immediately invalidating them in a matter of days or even hours. The storyline can end on cliffhangers until the next update (which, if this whole thing in May works out, would only be two weeks away).
It's like... instead of paying for 2 hours of a movie, you just watch a season of episodes. That's actually not a bad example, because you pay all at once to see a movie (and it tends to be expensive), but for television you really only have to resist buying all of the stuff they show on commercials (Granted, it's much easier to resist buying a Slapchop at 4 in the morning than it is to avoid buying adorable minipets that serve no purpose... yet....).
Off-Current-Topic: Was showing my gf how the game works last night and she saw the baby lion mini pet. Her immediate reaction was "how do you not spend money on that cute thing", followed by a "You need to buy that right now"...
I believe they've said in the past they won't be doing what GW1 did with the stand alone campaigns, and that it'll be normal expansions for GW2 (like Eye of the North was for GW1). Though that was a long time ago and things could obviously be different now.
Personally, I'd rather they go the expansion route, but include the original GW2 plus previous expansions with every new expansion. Make sure the userbase isn't split at all.
Absolutely my preferred method of content delivery. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if, given how successful ArenaNet has been so far without charging any money for content, they just hang the idea of expansions altogether and just say "You know what? We had all of this content planned for an expansion, but we're just going to release it for free over the span of half a year."
Content doesn't get dumped all at once, but is instead carefully layered in. The story proceeds towards exciting new frontiers without immediately invalidating them in a matter of days or even hours. The storyline can end on cliffhangers until the next update (which, if this whole thing in May works out, would only be two weeks away).
It's like... instead of paying for 2 hours of a movie, you just watch a season of episodes. That's actually not a bad example, because you pay all at once to see a movie (and it tends to be expensive), but for television you really only have to resist buying all of the stuff they show on commercials (Granted, it's much easier to resist buying a Slapchop at 4 in the morning than it is to avoid buying adorable minipets that serve no purpose... yet....).
Absolutely a technical limitation and one that's probably unsolvable based on how exactly it mirrors GW1. Definitely a pity, I love completely open worlds without borders, but the tradeoffs are worth it.Looking at That Shaman's super zoomable lore map.. I noticed/realized something. Nearly every zone is forced to have physical boundries that only allow for zoning to happen at specific points. This is obviously necessary for some reason.. perhaps it's even a limitation of the Anet's server tech... but I sort of miss the ability to cross from one zone to the next without having to be a road or see a loading screen.
It's not a deal breaker at all but it's a cool bit for immersion.
I don't really see them doing this unless selling gem store items linked to each LS bring in more cash than and expansion ever could.
Even then, expansions generate hype and get new people interested in the game. The LS won't do the same thing, even if it is the same amount of content. It simply won't be covered by gaming media or displayed in places like GameStop the same way an expansion would be.
Also ANet couldn't give any less fucks about the status quo and "expansions make people buy more!"
The ideal is to make the game compelling without having to "drive" new sales through expansions. New crazy things added to the game (SAB) have already done that without an expansion hype.
Also ANet couldn't give any less fucks about the status quo and "expansions make people buy more!"
The ideal is to make the game compelling without having to "drive" new sales through expansions. New crazy things added to the game (SAB) have already done that without an expansion hype.
I disagree but even if Anet "couldn't give any less fucks" about expansions.. they're going to make a boxed expansion and put it out eventually because it makes a large amount of money. More money than what they get with the gem shop stuff because everyone who is actively playing must buy an expansion to continue with the new content.
I disagree but even if Anet "couldn't give any less fucks" about expansions.. they're going to make a boxed expansion and put it out eventually because it makes a large amount of money. More money than what they get with the gem shop stuff because everyone who is actively playing must buy an expansion to continue with the new content.
Actually, I think if they really wanted to be clever about it, there won't be one during the length of this story arc (however long it is), but then a new permanent one will be there once it ends. They know that people will flock to the zone to do the new temporary content, and a new Bonus event would be a great way to keep people coming back.Really looking forward to tomorrow.
Wonder if there will be a Meta Event in Southsun with a bonus chest.
What I'm telling you is that Anet is so hands off'd by NCSoft I am sure they could sell NCSoft that having no expansions but huge content pushes would be just the same. You could market it similar to an expansion. But what if it didn't cost a thing? That would be a radical idea.
I want a future where the only money I paid for Guild Wars 2 was the $150 at the beginning. Free expansions for all!
Anet's got some charismatic staff but I don't think they're so good as to make NCsoft's Accountants forget math.
Why so many of you against expansions?
I feel like some of you think that the bi-weekly updates will end because they are working on an expansion but I don't think that is the case at all.
They'll definitely do both the LS, bi-weekly updates and expansions. They'll complement each other well, too.
They'll definitely do both the LS, bi-weekly updates and expansions. They'll complement each other well, too.
I'd like to think that the initial drop off of people who will "pause" their playing to wait for an expansion will balance those who buy in at an expansion release.
I don't like the splintering of the community into "those who are waiting for the good stuff" and "those who are still playing like zealots". Each side will argue with the other, one saying the game is already good, keep playing, and the other saying "nah the best stuff is in expac, im waiting"
You got people like markot who already believe the game will just inherently be "better" in an expansion and that is ludicrous thinking.
Agreed. They need to be careful with expansions, though. With more area on the map that players can be in, you run into sparser populations in general. (more zones+flat concurrency of players=less average players per zone)
Basically, they need to not introduce too many zones or too many zones too quickly or they risk depopulating the older zones.
Agreed. They need to be careful with expansions, though. With more area on the map that players can be in, you run into sparser populations in general. (more zones+flat concurrency of players=less average players per zone)
Basically, they need to not introduce too many zones or too many zones too quickly or they risk depopulating the older zones.