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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Here's the chest and leggings; http://argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery/index.php?sex=1&weight=3&race=2&armorSet=defenei&color=3. They're pretty commonly available. I don't recognize the shoulders or gloves, give me a sec and I'll find out (will edit this post).

Edit 1: Here's the gloves; http://argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery/index.php?weight=3&race=2&color=3&sex=1&armorSet=plinti

Edit 2: No idea where the shoulders come from, I can find a match for them anywhere. Maybe it's the angle or something, but I don't see anything similar. I wonder if she's still in game and I can go take a closer look... hmm...

Awesome, thanks. Going to try getting back in to the game, haven't played since launch.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Although I haven't really gotten into PvP myself, I would really like to see this game blow up as an eSport. I know Anet originally had some intention of that, and I wouldn't mind seeing them focus their attention on it for the time being.

Very entertaining stuff.

Other than that, been playing a lot. Good to be back.
It will take time, but the Custom Arenas and spectator mode were a big step. Shoutcasting is noticeably picking up some steam and I hope it continues. Granted it'll only get more intimidating to get into, but it would be great to see.

Jira said:
..Pivot Point..

They're such teases about the Living World stuff... I can't believe they have literally a full year of arcs planned out at this point.

Sounds like they have a very interconnected arc planned following the Secret of Southsun. But I do hope we find out more about how the Molten Alliance formed and they don't just leave that hanging. You don't really expect loose plot ends in the ongoing story of an MMO if there is one at all, but this format is rife for it.

Speaking of which, as I was driving home from work today, I suddenly understood the full scope of ArenaNet's intent with the Living World stuff.

The "tune in to your favorite TV show" thing isn't just a metaphor explaining why some content will be temporary. It's the entire model they plan to follow in attempting to tell a cohesive story that actually changes the game world over time.

When you open the launcher now, there's a spot for a preview of the next "episode" along with the date it's "airing." This will always be there.

You can follow it to a blurb which gives you the "coming soon" in a few short paragraphs. There's no need to have been following the plot all that closely to understand the gameplay implications of what you see there, but of course it's more rewarding if you do.

From there you can get to the Full Releases Page. Don't be surprised if they start to really pretty this page up (embedded video, etc.) and make it more accessible from anywhere on the site. This is going to be ArenaNet's "programming lineup." See what's up, what's coming, what you might have missed. Look, they aren't even being subtle about it- "Now Playing"!

Heralds (marked on the map, in every city, along with audible dialogue to attract nearby players even if they've never seen one before) are your "Previously on Guild Wars 2..." It doesn't matter how long it's been since you played last- you might not get all the details and nuances of the plot, but in about 30 seconds you can find out what's going on and how to find the right "channel" to take part in the ongoing story if you want to.

If it isn't clear yet, this is a pretty ambitious thing to attempt. I believe that they can be successful if they adhere to a few key points with each release:
  • Stick to a consistent schedule. Pay very close attention to the dates of the Flame and Frost: Retribution release and The Secret of Southsun.
  • Make sure to touch multiple areas of the game each time. Even if a release focuses way more heavily on one aspect of the game over others, toss a bone to one or two others. Demonstrate that the "season" isn't just about the main plot points but reasons to hit content you just haven't done in a while or maybe never tried before even if it's always been there.
  • Don't neglect the implications of an arc as soon as the next one begins. Transitioning between story arcs is going to be clutch. ArenaNet won me over with their ability to pull this off with the fact that- simple as it was- the Lion statue didn't just simply pop back up fully formed after the Mad King destroyed it in October, but was gradually repaired over a month. Someone happening into the game and seeing the statue under construction might ask someone in chat what the hell happened. Inadvertently they'd be getting their fellow players to recap the last episode for them. Similarly, on a subtler but more important note, the refugees in LA have been mentioning that the Consortium was setting up a home for them on Southsun since February. There was no "wtf Southsun where did that come from?" if you've been paying attention. More of this.

At the moment, I have no reason to believe that they can't do those three things. If this works, and continues to work, so far as I know it will be the most revolutionary aspect of what GW2 has brought to the table. Beyond the altering of typical tropes like the Holy Trinity, gear-checking, world traversal travel, and so on... if they pull this off they'll have fundamentally changed the way storytelling works in MMOs, making it into something perpetual, something that can keep you guessing and get you excited on its own, rather than merely being "something that happens whenever an expansion hits." By this time in 2014, people could already have "favorite episodes," characters they'd like to see return or get more screen time, and a whole slew of "I-was-there" memories to share with new players and returning friends either by showing off a piece of gear, pointing out a change in the game world, or actually reliving the moment inside a Fractal.

Make it happen!


I might have to figure out a route for a small 12 (is that the monthly's requirement?) jump puzzle Tyrian world tour event before the end of this month later on. We haven't had one of these events in a while and doing the shorter, less complex ones even if they are repeats will get a portion of the monthly done for the folks.

Put in context, I went and did the 12 jump puzzles in a row in about an hour... hour half on my own. Now I just have to find a nice number to multiply it by for safety. I did not do any puzzle that required a lot of effort, just ones to burn through my monthly really quickly since I wanted the laurels for something.

Wheeeereee are yoooouuuuu Jepsen?
You mean that terrible server that came third this round?

The server that came in third for the first time since SoS was kicked out of T3 down into T4. The server that has better players but only loses to SoS and CD due to their greater numbers during NA's overnight hours. Yeah.. that server.


The server that came in third for the first time since SoS was kicked out of T3 down into T4. The server that has better players but only loses to SoS and CD due to their greater numbers during NA's overnight hours. Yeah.. that server.

Actually, I find that it's hard to comment about CD because if it's not us, it's SoS that kick CD back into the hole they came out of. It's just that this week our server has been like... burned out for lack of a better word or reason.


Also our server, sos, has always been 'oceanic heavy' thats why we could never beat JQ, we won at our prime time generally but they could cap everything when us Aussies went to sleeps. So much so that when we logged in our keep in eb would be fully upgraded by JQ with tonnes of siege alot of the time >.>

Instead of getting more however, more US teams would just quit, so eventually we dropped out of tier 1 and then it snowballed cause more people decided to quit for other servers, such as blackgate and sor >.<


You mean that terrible server that came third this round?

At about 45 mins, when his framerate dropped and they were in the tower that was simultaneously being attacked by SoS and CD our SBI zerg came in and wiped everyone. If you look closely 47:20 you can see Hypnotoad!

Anyway, CD and SoS were so dumb we took all the keeps on their borderland maps and still maintained ours while they just trolled ANETs havok tutorial at small camps and our spawn.


At about 45 mins, when his framerate dropped and they were in the tower that was simultaneously being attacked by SoS and CD our SBI zerg came in and wiped everyone. If you look closely 47:20 you can see Hypnotoad!

Anyway, CD and SoS were so dumb we took all the keeps on their borderland maps and still maintained ours while they just trolled ANETs havok tutorial at small camps and our spawn.

And you still came 3rd!

Oh well, thats not fair, I should say you came LAST PLACEEEEEEEEEE.


And you still came 3rd!

Oh well, thats not fair, I should say you came LAST PLACEEEEEEEEEE.

Must have sucked to be last place for months and drop from your tier for garbage mugoombas. Hope you can make it back there so you can continue to be last place instead of being with us sucks.


The server that came in third for the first time since SoS was kicked out of T3 down into T4. The server that has better players but only loses to SoS and CD due to their greater numbers during NA's overnight hours. Yeah.. that server.

Nailed it.

Also we didn't try for points on purpose last week because we wanted to change sides and spice things up a little.

And yes, we do have better players and commanders. Our zerg at prime time is nearly unstoppable; I don't think we've wiped in 6 weeks. All it would take is one oceanic WvW guild to pick up the night watch and we would be Tier 3, easy. Maybe higher.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Molten Alliance Weapons Facility dungeon race in ~3 hours. A cool Gold apiece for the winning team members!

This will be followed by our first Guild Puzzle. A challenge and rush will be attempted after that (still before reset) to help out anyone remaining who lacks commendations for the week. Please try to attend if you're available. Helping out your guildies is how everyone is able to succeed! Challenges, which require success for everyone to get commendations, take no more than 20 minutes at absolute max and are a lot of fun, but really do need a solid number to complete. Hopefully we'll get everyone their comms in time :)

However, I am still PC-less and pretty handicapped for the moment. May still not be able to get on mumble. It would be a huge help for anyone who is willing to step up and help me coordinate things and rely important information through guild chat. Unfortunately, Ash may not be able to attend today's events, so it will be tricky. Please bear with us!

Coming soon, we will be changing up the weekly schedule for Guild Missions dramatically, because having a once-a-week push for merits isn't as important now that we have all types unlocked, and we want more people to have more chances to participate in all the missions they want to. Soon, we'll be able to keep up a schedule of sweet new buffs as long as we do get a handful of merits every week.

I feel bad whenever guildies are not able to get their commendations for the week, and we always try to offer multiple chances. However, it's impossible to always make sure every session is well-attended and goes off without a hitch. As a last resort, I want to remind guildies that they are free and welcome to try a public Guild Mission of the type you need for your weekly commendations if you're missing some. These are often well-attended because of the public listings. Remember to represent the hosting guild once you arrive!

See you all in a few hours!


So, there's a second profession tournament, and it started 30 minutes ago. Sorry.


The casters I liked last time were replaced by http://www.twitch.tv/blu42

The casters I disliked last time seem to be better, or maybe it's just Zoose sounding better this time, http://www.twitch.tv/soacgaming

Right now there are two matches in progress, Warriors vs. Engineers (0-1) and Rangers vs. Thieves (1-0)

Edit: Thieves less than a minute from making their match (1-1)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Mesmers beating Eles on Khylo. I think this map favors them, but they do seem to be a better group than yesterday's mesmers. http://www.twitch.tv/blu42

edit: Thieves out in first round again they've been terrible matchups for them :'(

Engis beat Wars, awesome.

Guardian Necros coming up or going now (eep)


I didn't check all the rosters, but I recognize a lot of the same names, so I think it's just the same teams but seeded differently.

Warriors being knocked out in the first round after everything they accomplished on Thursday? Boo.

But it looks like Necros are going to knock out Guardians in the first round, so at least there's some justice in this world. Currently 1-0 in Necro favor.

Edit: Did they ever fix the lack of guild badges or whatever they're called for guild members that are guesting to play guild missions? I've skipped out on a bunch because of it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I didn't check all the rosters, but I recognize a lot of the same names, so I think it's just the same teams but seeded differently.

Warriors being knocked out in the first round after everything they accomplished on Thursday? Boo.

But it looks like Necros are going to knock out Guardians in the first round, so at least there's some justice in this world. Currently 1-0 in Necro favor.

They should keep doing these forever

Mesmer Eles round 2 about to begin. I think this map favors the eles whereas Khylo really worked for the mesmers. We'll see!@
Edit: Did they ever fix the lack of guild badges or whatever they're called for guild members that are guesting to play guild missions? I've skipped out on a bunch because of it.
Yes, two months ago ;P

Ahhh, Foefire is going way better for the guardians. I wonder how they split up differently and if the Necros have any strategy for the keep lord...


Great. I'll probably play for today's.

I'm following the Necro-Guardian fight, and it looks like the Guardians came with up with a better counter strat. Or it's because it's Foefire, a map where Guardians have excelled on with their toughness abilities, while Necros have been relying way too much on their wells and finding them harder to hit with.

If I see another panic well drop... Ugh. I wish I signed up for this.

Edit: Hearing from the casters that there were some roster changes. Mesmer and Eles are the two that they mentioned specifically, but there were other teams that shifted. So maybe they just had a couple people that played both days.


The Cryptarch's Bane
They're changing it up a TON (very good idea) for the next round against the Guards.

Mesmers sweeping the Eles in the first round here. This is pretty entertaining shit, I have to say.

edit: Wish I'd seen the first Necro win. The Guards switched up the counters and then vice versa for the third. The Khylo battle is pretty intense and close.

UHHH Wtf, an Engi entered the match? How?


Ok, so two guys jumped in and messed up the Guardian vs. Necro match halfway through. Bull.

Edit: More joined eventually, but because it was 7v5 for a good 60 seconds before evening out, and because Necros won anyway, there's going to be a decision made as to whether to do a full rematch or award the win to the Necros.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ok, so two guys jumped in and messed up the Guardian vs. Necro match halfway through. Bull.

Edit: More joined eventually, but because it was 7v5 for a good 60 seconds before evening out, and because Necros won anyway, there's going to be a decision made as to whether to do a full rematch or award the win to the Necros.
The Necros deserve it. The comeback was all competely before the Engi jumped in and the win to 500 happened when they were outnumbered.

They're going to do a rematch I guess, but the Necros had that shit.

Ugh, horrible connection issues here ATM...

Nice, guardians conceded it after all. Necros win, guardians knocked out in the first round.


They finally decided to give the Necros the win. Almost did the rematch there.

Warrior vs. Ele on the main stream now. Eles have the advantage; Warriors only beat a well played D/D Ele if the Warrior can bait all of the Eles defensive cooldowns.

Edit: Just as I finish posting this, three Eles get stomped in close succession.

Edit2: Ele dropped (D/C?) and came back as D/D Ele (allowed? or maybe a sub?)

Edit3: Some shit jumped into the Warrior vs. Ele match. Sigh.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Eles should sweep warriors if they play well, but they should do a rematch. I think there might be some connection issues.

Thieves vs. Guardians consolation match is happening..

Honestly if they don't all run S/X (maybe 3 daggers) on one set the thieves will probably get rocked.


They gave the win to the Eles. I think mostly because they don't want to spend the time on a rematch. The match was relatively close by that point, but I tuned out when the guy jumped in and got farmed, so I can't say who would have won. It looks like the Eles made a comeback, but the fact that a Warrior immediately jumped out of the game to keep it 5v5 and ruined the team cohesion makes me hesitant.

And I have Warrior bias.

Honestly if they don't all run S/X (maybe 3 daggers) on one set the thieves will probably get rocked.

Molten Alliance Weapons Facility dungeon race in ~3 hours. A cool Gold apiece for the winning team members!

This will be followed by our first Guild Puzzle. A challenge and rush will be attempted after that (still before reset) to help out anyone remaining who lacks commendations for the week.
Consider posting this on the GAFguild website, since this thread can move quickly. Although now I just realized that we have about two hours until guild puzzle, lol.


Mesmers vs. Engineers starting now.

Can probably go either way. Mesmers have better burst, but Engi AoE and versatility makes them surprisingly resistant.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You may want to subscribe to the Guild Events forum and get email updates. We try to do at least a few days in advance each time.

My connection is so fucked

The Thieves/Guardians match was better than I thought, but the Guards will take it. The thieves did impress me though. Their team makeup is way cooler than I expected. Shortbows and one guy has TWO S/D sets for onswap bonuses like Energy and 3 initiative every 9 seconds at the cost of only having 5 weapon skills. Thieves don't have cooldowns.

SUCH a close match on khylo.


You may want to subscribe to the Guild Events forum and get email updates. We try to do at least a few days in advance each time.

My connection is so fucked

The Thieves/Guardians match was better than I thought, but the Guards will take it. The thieves did impress me though. Their team makeup is way cooler than I expected. Shortbows and one guy has TWO S/D sets for onswap bonuses like Energy and 3 initiative every 9 seconds at the cost of only having 5 weapon skills. Thieves don't have cooldowns.

SUCH a close match on khylo.

I'm actually pissed I missed it. On the other hand Engi vs. Mesmer has been kind of boring. Mesmers have better teamplay and/or communication (they cover the map really well and call things out) and put in a bunch of projectile reflection into their builds. Mesmers look to win handedly 2-0.


The Cryptarch's Bane
My connection went out at two very inopportune moments tonight (before the end of the thieves/guard match and at the door to the big maze in the guild puzzle) but it was still a lot of fun. When there are enough of us on we really can take on anything in the game. I still see posts from guilds that have never beaten a t3 bounty.


I am like so scatterbrained at this game. Here I am all like "OOOH ICON!!!", so I follow the icon on my minimap. Half way there I'm like "OOH ANOTHER ICON!!!" and then I start following that. Repeat three or four times and I've accomplished almost nothing and forgot where the first icon is. D:

Also I just died while typing this post because I paused half way to an icon and now I have to go back to it.


Well I recorded the Guild Puzzle event for those that missed it yet want to still experience the guild's first time successfully completing a puzzle.

05-11-2013 Guild Wars 2: [GAF] "Proxemics Lab" Guild Puzzle

Some of my favorite moments:
- Accidently jumping to my death as soon as Ash reveals his Norn racism
- Climbing the stairs and then hearing/seeing everyones reaction to the Maze
- Seeing the legendary Tom cat wandering the maze and then fleeing
- The shape of the final chest :)

Still working on improving the quality of these videos. Its 1080p now, but i'm getting a sound mix issue when people speak the levels cut off for other stuff and it makes an annoying sound. Sorry in advance. I think i fixed it for next time tho!


I hate jumping puzzles. Dunno if its being a Charr, or just being bad at them, or likely both.

I mostly rep my small guild with my friends when they're around. So how can I contribute to gafguild and not feel like a leecher during the Saturday night stuff? Is buying influence generally enough?


I hate jumping puzzles. Dunno if its being a Charr, or just being bad at them, or likely both.

I mostly rep my small guild with my friends when they're around. So how can I contribute to gafguild and not feel like a leecher during the Saturday night stuff? Is buying influence generally enough?

GAF guild is as chill as it gets whenever we aren't yelling and calling each other horrible things. Don't worry about it, I'm sure people would love to have you along for any of our events.
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