Yeah I guess, I did however get 100% world exploration, leveled alts, 100% jumping puzzles etc so one can argue I got my money's worth(in short time period too), it's just I think I'm over MMOs completely, just don't have time or willpower to play them ( or games at all at this point) and I'm just trying to justify or make myself play it somehow :/
Super casual playstyle mixed with super hardcore things to do isn't working out unsurprisingly heh
Contrary to other opinions on this thread, I think Guild Wars 2 may not be for you. You want a goal-centric, gear-centric MMO, and that's the opposite of GW2's design. Dungeons are in a much better state now than before, but you already experienced Fractals, and rather than content to enjoy, you see them as a means to an end, more chores to grind to have best-in-slot; there's no way you're going to enjoy GW2 like that. :/
Further, it seems you have the notion that an MMO should take every minute of your free time, providing reasons to repeat the same content over and over and over. This made more sense with fee-based MMOs, but I don't really think it's neither healthy nor sustainable in the long run, and since GW2 has no fee, it's not like you have to justify playing it. Simply try all the new content and if something clicks, and you want to do it for itself, go ahead.
Molten Facility was the best dungeon I played on GW2 yet; while it was up, I didn't play any other dungeon, even though it has no token rewards. It was just plain fun from beginning to end.
Sorry, I've always felt that the reward-oriented model of old MMOs is pretty unhealthy, and having recently completed a Coursera course on Gamification, it really drove the point home. Extrinsic rewards are extremely limited in how they can motivate in the long run.
Ok so, why is it even called Crab Toss? There's no incentive to toss the crab whatsoever.
I do love the game in some sort of weird, manic way.
I was thinking the exact same yesterday. Perhaps because your objective is to make others toss their crabs? I think the real reason is that it was probably a mix of Keg Brawl and keepaway at some point, with player teams tossing the crab among themselves or something.