I have no desire to ever go back there! I have been traumatised for life.
The JP isn't new. It's nice that so many people are just now doing it for the first time because of this new content though (and sort of making the gears in my head turn with the possibilities for future arcs). It's one of my absolute favorites and very satisfying to portal people through that need help.
Awesome, thanksJust get 25 achievements from the Living Story category. Considering talking to people nets you something like 6, finding the Samples nets you another 11 and the crabtoss game earns you a bunch too, it should be pretty easy.
Part of me wishes I was more into WvW, but I'm just not. I don't feel much of anything doing it.
I have to do a WvW rant - sorry guys:
We are really hurting in WvW right now. I am fairly certain that CD and SoS have made an agreement not to attack each others' Borderland maps in an effort to bring Ehmry Bay into this tier and drop us down a tier.
You are probably thinking `I don't do WvW who cares! I'd rather the guild spend influence on something that affects me.`. Well here is why you should care: There is a Guild buff where you spend 300 influence for +5% gold for 24 hours. Thats great, but helping in WvW can raise Scavenger Buff (Bonus gold per kill +X%) too. And that buff is already at 6% on a wednesday while we are in 3rd place and will increase higher if we do a good job in WvW. The payoff for influence is much better. And thats not the only buff, just open the WvW pane and look at all the bonuses that bleed into PvE (defense against monster, maximum health, endurance regeneration, additional gathering node usage, etc)
GAF also schedules the weekly Makeup Missions on the exact time WvW resets. Thats the time the server needs us the most to be there. Doing these events now can take up to 2-4 hours: Bounty -> Puzzle -> Challenge -> Rush. If servers gets a strong lead on friday we are struggling to catch up and our WvW participation numbers plummet for the entire week. We are one of the biggest guilds in SBI, why is our presence in WvW so weak? While I understand that WvW reset was moved 3 weeks ago from 8PM EST to 9PM PM, has there been any discussion to shift the scheduled makeup missions to not conflict with this time or is everyone else not interested in SBIs WvW performance?
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is I feel GAF is doing a bad job catering to the WvW crowd. There is a disincentive to represent GAF in WvW since we don't have any buffs, and SBI can really use the GAF presence on friday nights.
rants done. Thanks.
I have to do a WvW rant - sorry guys:
We are really hurting in WvW right now. I am fairly certain that CD and SoS have made an agreement not to attack each others' Borderland maps in an effort to bring Ehmry Bay into this tier and drop us down a tier.
You are probably thinking `I don't do WvW who cares! I'd rather the guild spend influence on something that affects me.`. Well here is why you should care: There is a Guild buff where you spend 300 influence for +5% gold for 24 hours. Thats great, but helping in WvW can raise Scavenger Buff (Bonus gold per kill +X%) too. And that buff is already at 6% on a wednesday while we are in 3rd place and will increase higher if we do a good job in WvW. The payoff for influence is much better. And thats not the only buff, just open the WvW pane and look at all the bonuses that bleed into PvE (defense against monster, maximum health, endurance regeneration, additional gathering node usage, etc).
GAF also schedules the weekly Makeup Missions on the exact time WvW resets. Thats the time the server needs us the most to be there. Doing these events now can take up to 2-4 hours: Bounty -> Puzzle -> Challenge -> Rush. If servers get a strong lead on friday we are struggling to catch up and our WvW participation numbers plummet for the entire week. We are one of the biggest guilds in SBI, why is our presence in WvW so weak? While I understand that WvW reset was moved 3 weeks ago from 8PM EST to 9PM EST , has there been any discussion to shift the scheduled makeup missions to not conflict with this time or is everyone else not interested in SBIs WvW performance?
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is I feel GAF is doing a bad job catering to the WvW crowd. There is a disincentive to represent GAF in WvW since we don't have any buffs, and SBI can really use the GAF presence on friday nights. We are a big enough guild to be able to cater to PvE, PvP, and WvW - especially now that major unlocks are out of the way.
rants done. Thanks.
Ha beat you to it. The officers need to meet about this, but generally, expect things to be more spread out and for there to be more chances during the week to get your comms.I don't want to speak for anyone, but I know that we were talking about moving the make-up events to a different day because the reset cuts into participation for both the events and wvw. If we move the makeup events to a different day, I don't see why we can't designate friday as a WvW centric day.
Goddamn, Varix dropped a fucking knowledge bomb in the Angelina Jolie thread.
(Sorry if that is random. I guess I just notice it more when I see guildies posting in other places. I feel safer posting here, too)
I dooo need some badges of honor so MAYBE I'll WvW soonish...but just a little bit.
I would love it if an officer would step up and take that role as well, but it hasn't happened. Of the lot of us, I think I'd probably be the closest but I'm simply not that focused on WvW. It's something I want to devote more time to longer term and I very much want to command one day but I just know I'm not there yet. I'd legitimately feel like I was holding us back by asking to lead one at this point.That's my two cents on it anyways.
Yeah that is not good stuff. Props to hockeypuck.Why did I click on that thread? God damn that is a high concentration of shitposting, even for OT.
I'm watching the stream of southsun cove right now.... Noticed some familiar names in the Party list!!
Ivogar, Docbon, TheShoes, andI invaded the twitch stream with Robert Hrouda![]()
I think one of my personal problems with WvW is how much time you have to invest in it compared to anything else in the game. It literally takes you over 4 hours to cap multiple points, with no guarantees you'll hold it because the commanders I run with are just moving from place to place. The other problem being zergs are too easy to gather and take down a spot. Even with the new traps, which cost 15 badges (how fast are you getting them? 2 an hour?), it is impossible for a squad who wants to bolster a keep and keep it from the zerg unless they have a source of badges they can farm to keep traps on hand and siege.
And then, guarding a tower takes ages. No one might come in hours, or a zerg shows up and takes the tower just for points, and you flip it right back.
For me, personally WvW is very bad for short term excursions, which most of the guild does NOT have the time for. Most of us are only online around the night time, and the nature of life means that dinner is being made, SOs want attention, or kids, or whathaveyou. WvW is way too time intensive for someone like me. Some nights I can pull it off, but other nights I feel like my time could be more productive elsewhere in the game.
GAF also schedules the weekly Makeup Missions on the exact time WvW resets. Thats the time the server needs us the most to be there. . . We are one of the biggest guilds in SBI, why is our presence in WvW so weak? While I understand that WvW reset was moved 3 weeks ago from 8PM EST to 9PM EST , has there been any discussion to shift the scheduled makeup missions to not conflict with this time or is everyone else not interested in SBIs WvW performance?
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is I feel GAF is doing a bad job catering to the WvW crowd. There is a disincentive to represent GAF in WvW since we don't have any buffs, and SBI can really use the GAF presence on friday nights. We are a big enough guild to be able to cater to PvE, PvP, and WvW - especially now that major unlocks are out of the way.
If there is a desire from our leadership and there's a member willing to step up the best way to bolster WvW participation would be for there to be a WvW Officer. They would need to be on equal footing in decision making in all areas of the game as the other Officers as well (to make sure there's no signals being crossed or overlapping events planned).
Definitely open the invitation in guild chat and on Mumble, and when you want to get a group to show up in advance, post here and on the GAFGuild site, and remind people. You want to raise awareness everywhere that you can when you want to get people to attend something, and do it with increasing frequency as the event approaches. And of course the officers can assist with this aspect. It's the actually creation and hosting of the events that I would love it for someone else, who is highly WvW-centric, to organize.I will blame myself for not actively recruiting for WvW participation in guild when theres some of us there already, so I will do more of that in guild chat. I appreciate Kvothe's commitment to expanding interest in WvW - I have spoken to him about participating in this event.
You're referring to getting one 12-hour buff, once a week...? That will be well within our budget going forward. Please tell us the timeframe that would be ideal and I bet we can make that happen. You may have wanted to open with this, if that's really what this was about.In the end, I'm just begging for a weekly 200 influence buff to keep members representing the guild who WvW, but it seems much easier to just spend gold and buy influence for other guilds than convince the officers to provide support for an aspect of the game that GAF Guild originally advertised to "have our hands on". Sure we are mostly PvE (apparently), but we are also a 450+ person guild and we can't afford 200 influence for +5 supply where we can help our server for 12 hours but we can afford 30 minute banners where only 1-5 people use.
Yeah, no chance it's happening this week.Regarding dropping a tier so users can get world completion: Our rating is 1,562 points and EBs rating is 1,489. Last week we dropped -3 and EB dropped -18 points. It could take weeks or months of 3rd place and EB first place to drop a tier. But fear not! Anet is discussing a new method that adds a bit of randomization to the weekly matchups.
No fair >:[fixed for accuracy
And when you say "when our current Officers have joined WvW and made the call, they show up," I mean, they do and they don't. It just depends on the day. You're talking about spontaneous, unplanned things when one of us felt like jumping into WvW. Sometimes it's an awesome group of 10+, sometimes it's 3 of us flipping a few camps and picking off stragglers. We change the scope of what we're doing on a whim and generally are just there having fun, not really aiming to do anything in particular.
That's not what I meant by having events. The events hosted by the guild are well-attended not because they are conceived and hosted by Officers, but because they are planned in advance, organized with their own event threads and repeated announcements of the date and time here, in-game, on Mumble. They have a specific purpose and those attending are doing so to aid in that cause. I think that is what the WvW crowd needs in the context of the conversation, because lol51 did not approach the situation from an angle of "hey I think it'd be fun to have some GAF groups in WvW sometimes" but a direct appeal for us to help Stormbluff Isle's chances in WvW. He began his post "We are really hurting in WvW right now." If the desire is to actually have GAF make a regular impact on that level, it will take organization.
You don't need to be an officer to host an event or do any of the above, and we've always been clear about that. I feel like you very much glossed over this fact in your consideration. It hasn't happened that someone other than an officer has hosted an event yet, but I've been okay with that because everyone seemed happy for the most part and the events we've thrown ourselves have been very successful. But lol51's post indicates that there is a desire for something more with regard to actually making a competitive impact for our server.
If that's the case, someone has to step up, and I have no qualms with the concept of a WvW officer to oversee operations in this area (though I disagree that they would necessary have equal say in other areas of guild administration). But there's no need for that, all that's necessary is for a member to be vocal and take the initiative. The officers will be happy to support anyone who wishes to host one, and even help with logistics and announcements to encourage attendance. And on that note, I will again mention Commander Kvothe, who has taken the initiative to lead a group on Monday, May 20th at 7:00PM. Be there!
Our plan from very early on, even before launch, was to keep an eye on members and offer those who organized things or stood out officer positions. For a long time, we wanted Arken to be our "PVP Officer" since he was excited about it and played it a lot. Likewise, we've had a Commander's Book in the bank for months now. None of us current officers want to touch it for the reasons Hawkian posted; we just don't know what we're doing and we want someone who does to step up. I agree that we haven't had any non-officer led events, but we've always offered to help anyone who does. We've always said that anyone who wants to step up and organize something would have our full support... maybe it's just buried in mega-posts like this.
We'll discuss it at the officer meeting, because we haven't really covered that aspect of the game (All the people we were watching / approaching jumped ship and it kind of turned us off to the whole affair). If anyone wants to be considered, nobody will be annoyed if you speak up... and yes, a WvW officer (or PVP officer, or anyone else we make an officer) would have the same access as the others. There's really not that much TO it anyways beyond inviting people and chatting in the officer lounge.
Maybe I feel differently from the others, but I see no reason why anyone who wants to step up and lead the charge into any aspect of the game, be it PVE, PVP or WvW (or even stuff like jumping puzzles like Keoni / Jepsen were doing). The officers in GAFGuild are really only officers because we know our shit and nobody else spoke up; that's really all it takes. Maybe they disagree, but that's how it's always felt to me.
In the end, I'm just begging for a weekly 200 influence buff to keep members representing the guild who WvW, but it seems much easier to just spend gold and buy influence for other guilds than convince the officers to provide support for an aspect of the game that GAF Guild originally advertised to "have our hands on". Sure we are mostly PvE (apparently), but we are also a 450+ person guild and we can't afford 200 influence for +5 supply where we can help our server for 12 hours but we can afford 30 minute banners where only 1-5 people use.
It's not a good idea to just state that this happens. I'm one of those officers making those statements and it doesn't always work let alone work with consistent levels of attendance. Sometimes people will come out in force within 3 minutes; sometimes no one will show up except Xeris. I am not speculating, I know this because it was me asking and it happening. Sometimes it's WvW and we can't get a full party of 5, sometimes it's PvP (same, for tourneys), sometimes people are just busy and don't feel like going out of their way to do a more obscure group event (though Fire Shaman with 3 people has its own charms). Most recently, I had an enormous amount of trouble summoning people to help others get their commendations for a makeup Guild Challenge (and, if you were there, you'll remember our ragtag group failed three in a row). I'd love to believe that any of us can just throw up the bat signal and instantly have a group of 30 surrounding us, and it's fantastic when it happens but it just isn't reliable, especially for something like what lol51 is talking about where he'd like GAF to help legitimately impact our server's chances in WvW.JestChillin said:When an officer actually makes a statement in Gchat that "Hey we're doing X activity in Y location" people show up. This has happened whether it's WvW or chain event running. Of course when an officer simply decides to go do X activity and doesn't announce it in Gchat, people don't show but that's because the inherent difference in the reception. People show up for activities not just because they're planned but because if an Officer says "We're doing X" people believe there will be a substantial group attending. It's not that Officers are demanding people join or even telling people to join but it's the effect that being a leader has.
We simply must agree to disagree; these occasions of "hey we're doing x, if anyone wants to come help" are unrelated to what I'm talking about and cannot possibly have the same impact.Organization and planning helps bolster attendance but Officer involvement is what is generally key. There's plenty of times that normal members have mentioned "hey we have a group out in WvW and we could use some more bodies to do stuff" and they get largely ignored. That plainly never happens when the same statement is made by an officer. The closest I've seen to that happening with non-officers is when Easy, Doc, Wallach, Tross, etc.. are in a PvP server having a blast and others join them because they hear how much fun is being had over Mumble. And I believe Wallach is an officer anyways right? He just doesn't wield it very much.
I hate to disagree again, but it's not that they don't get "the same attention," it's that they have not existed. I am absolutely not criticizing our guild membership and I honestly have no problem with the number and frequency of the events we put on ourselves, so it's not even close to a big deal. There just haven't been any. With regard to WvW specifically Monstadon, Kvothe, and I believe Moondrop before transferring had attempted to ask around about support before and gotten positive responses, but stuff just fell through. Monstadon, for example, made a thread about having a Weekly WvW event where he would rep GAF, very early on. At the end of the post it says "I'll edit the top of this thread with the official details for the event in bold." This never occurred. All three found, one assumes, other guilds (and/or servers as in Moondrop's case) where they could find the WvW-centric organization they wanted without having to put it together themselves. And that's really good- that's exactly what the guild system empowers players to do.I didn't gloss over it, I just don't think that member made events get the same attention as officer made events and I think I've shown enough examples of that thus far. This isn't the first time that Kvothe has tried to organize WvW activity for Gaf either and he's generally only received lukewarm attention in the past.
But I like T3 Bounties :'(Ash said:stuff