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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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We should already start saving up influence for Guild Hall upgrades. :)

Because we all know it'll happen (hopefully soonish).

You know, you joke about that, but they've been silent to the point of suspicion about housing. I'm wondering if they're cooking something up for the anniversary... I mean, I know they are, but I dunno if it's housing / halls.

Would love to see it though.
Guild Chat: Rika, hold the button... it's in the tooltip.

I never read it. I have no idea how I won't by just pressing 3 and not holding.

Pro and extremely important tip. Have you noticed how all skills that require you to set an AOE marker after clicking them have a red crosshair around the number key on the button? Well, ALL skills that have a different effect if you hold them have a white circle around it!

Pah! Tossing the crab is a totally valid move when you're out of dodges and cooldowns and have people on you. You can either clear the crowd and try to get to it again before anyone else, or throw it directly to someone. It will knock them down, get the timing right and then you can immediately steal it back before they have a chance to do anything.

Plus they toss the crab into the arena!

I have to read somewhere what the 1-2 crab skills do, as I never have time to check them when I'm holding it. I didn't have a clue you could actually toss it. :D
I've not done this yet (barely played 4-5 matches), but since the bottles restore your stamina bar, it's in your best interest to save one for when you have the crab, so you can have four dodges.

So Flames & Frost is completely over right? I still have some refugee items and sonic audio logs in my inventory... guess I'm stuck with them?

Yes, you can safely destroy them.
Wait, there are skills that do something different if you hold it down versus pressing it? Is there a list somewhere? Curious if any abilities my Mes uses can do this.


Wait, there are skills that do something different if you hold it down versus pressing it? Is there a list somewhere? Curious if any abilities my Mes uses can do this.

It's for the karka toss activity. I assume what he was saying applied to the items that you could break out of the crates like for the fishing rod.
It's not a good idea to just state that this happens. I'm one of those officers making those statements and it doesn't always work let alone work with consistent levels of attendance. Sometimes people will come out in force within 3 minutes; sometimes no one will show up except Xeris. I am not speculating, I know this because it was me asking and it happening. Sometimes it's WvW and we can't get a full party of 5, sometimes it's PvP (same, for tourneys), sometimes people are just busy and don't feel like going out of their way to do a more obscure group event (though Fire Shaman with 3 people has its own charms). Most recently, I had an enormous amount of trouble summoning people to help others get their commendations for a makeup Guild Challenge (and, if you were there, you'll remember our ragtag group failed three in a row). I'd love to believe that any of us can just throw up the bat signal and instantly have a group of 30 surrounding us, and it's fantastic when it happens but it just isn't reliable, especially for something like what lol51 is talking about where he'd like GAF to help legitimately impact our server's chances in WvW.

There is a disconnect, I think, between what people perceive to be necessary to have a genuine effect in WvW and what is actually needed. It doesn't take half the organization and effort to take or defend a tower as it does to flip an event in Orr. Don't get me wrong, organization can help but it really isn't necessary and sometimes having a scheduled block of time and a rigid plan of attack actually hinders progress in WvW. It's not a static event but a constantly changing landscape that needs flexibility. As I said earlier even just a quick 20 minute run through a map flipping some towers and camp before a tick can be very effective. We also won't be the only people out there and as little as 10 Gaffers hitting a tower on the opposite side of a map while a zerg is hitting/defending Bay or Hills can be enough to change the outcome of battles and in some cases change the whole face of the map. Every single body is a benefit.

We simply must agree to disagree; these occasions of "hey we're doing x, if anyone wants to come help" are unrelated to what I'm talking about and cannot possibly have the same impact.

They can and do have impact. Taking camps and killing yaks can mean the difference between successfully conducting a siege on a Tower or Keep. It's not always about the instant effect of wiping an enemy group or taking a fully upgraded Tower/Keep to reset their progress. It can be about those things and that's what most people think is effective but it's much more than that. The times that we held on to one camp while harassing Bay when fighting Meguuma meant that Meguuma had to shift forces from another map to deal with us which gave our server an advantage in that other map. It was a very meaningful contribution that was done with 10-15 Gaffers on a whim.

It's great when just making a spontaneous announcement of something already occuring in-game works to increase the numbers participating. But organization and planning is important not just to bolster attendance but to ensure that the people who happen to be on when you mention that something is occurring aren't the only ones who know that they can take part. Planning in advance allows you to reach everyone who might possibly be interested and enables people to log on specifically to participate. People can plan errands around it, so that they have an open window at the start time. It is absolutely crucial to give time in advance, make multiple announcements and frequent reminders up until the event commences. Our largest scheduled guild events, like Tidal Sword, our first T3 Bounty, Mission, and Puzzle, and Occupy Orr, have had over 40 members in attendance in a single location. Please believe me that this wasn't simply because it was an officer putting them together. I say this not only as an observer of other guilds from the perspective of a member but as the officer who has organized the majority of this guild's events.

All of that is true but WvW contribution doesn't require the same things. Especially not at our Tier. Our most successful Commander, Bannok, doesn't schedule anything. He doesn't systematically pick targets or use any sort of rigid structure. He simply moves fluidly about the map with whoever is willing to follow and reacts. And he almost never loses with that tact. We can be similarly effective on a smaller scale in the Borderland maps simply by being a medium sized havoc squad.

I hate to disagree again, but it's not that they don't get "the same attention," it's that they have not existed. I am absolutely not criticizing our guild membership and I honestly have no problem with the number and frequency of the events we put on ourselves, so it's not even close to a big deal. There just haven't been any. With regard to WvW specifically Monstadon, Kvothe, and I believe Moondrop before transferring had attempted to ask around about support before and gotten positive responses, but stuff just fell through. Monstadon, for example, made a thread about having a Weekly WvW event where he would rep GAF, very early on. At the end of the post it says "I'll edit the top of this thread with the official details for the event in bold." This never occurred. All three found, one assumes, other guilds (and/or servers as in Moondrop's case) where they could find the WvW-centric organization they wanted without having to put it together themselves. And that's really good- that's exactly what the guild system empowers players to do.

But if we want more out of it as a guild, we need actual organization and initiative. Kos Luftar's post about Kvothe's event (Kvothe doesn't post here himself, which isn't ideal for what we are talking about here, but this is a start) was the first, literally the first time, I'd seen a non-officer post that they were hosting a scheduled event, with date and time, in this thread or on gafguild. It just hasn't happened. Informal stuff can be a lot of fun, but that level of planning is necessary to make things happen on a larger scale. And like I said, the officers are totally willing and happy to assist with that aspect.

Those previous attempts fell through because of a lack of interest expressed. You can plan and schedule as much as you'd like but if no one shows up what good is it? And without a doubt events, even minor ones, arranged by Officers garner more interest and attention and that is more valuable for WvW then scheduling two weeks in advance.

I understand that fielding large groups of Gaf is easiest when everyone can set aside the time to attend. We don't need large groups though. And putting all that time into organizing and amassing a large group doesn't mean that group will even be effective as even with large numbers there's a likelihood that one or both of our enemies can mobilize just as large or larger a group. What's necessary for Gaf to get moving isn't planned events but support and a lead voice that members will take heed to, even if they choose not to take part.
Happy birthday! And Happy Un-Junior!


Un-Junior? I've not been a Junior since a few months after joining GAF (2012, I think). :D

It's for the karka toss activity. I assume what he was saying applied to the items that you could break out of the crates like for the fishing rod.

Nope, there's always been more:
All have a circle around them. Right off the top of my mind I don't think there's any class skill that can be held, but there's more bundles in hearts/events that have them. Also, most siege weapons have you hold the button to determine range.

Edit: Silly me, of course there are class skills; I use the Bear and Snow Leopard Form's all the time. :p

Edit 2: Added Sonic Blast to the Charge Skill wiki page, and spruced it up a bit. There's more skills out there that can be charged, I'll hunt for more.



Un-Junior? I've not been a Junior since a few months after joining GAF (2012, I think). :D

Nope, there's more, and all have a circle around them. Right off the top of my mind I don't think there's any class skill that can be held, but several bundles in hearts/events have them.

I must be blind then
It's for the karka toss activity. I assume what he was saying applied to the items that you could break out of the crates like for the fishing rod.

Ah, good, I'm not a complete derpest. I would have felt like a complete moron for not noticing that with the hours I've put into the game.

Happy Birthday, Weltall
About that ehmry bay thing. I heard about that, but was under the impression that it was only SoS that wanted it to happen.

Also in regards to wvw, there are many individuals that have a tag that I assume can step up to lead a weekly to biweekly incursion into wvw. I do agree with ash that it is a huge time investment to actually feel like something was accomplished. But in terms of people leading, I , ventus (who I believe doesnt post on here since he doesn't have an acc), hypno and others. Some other ways of getting into wvw on this server is to use the ts3 and look into the stormbluffisle forums. Yesterday yulo ran a sort of training event (wasnt the most effective) and thursday if the certain person that runs it ever has time is the bigger training session.

Kiwi has started a new sort of guild along the same vein as SBI guild called TMO (the midnight alliance) which is all about wvw training. I believe they had a training session on tuesday night.

I was thinking about switching / getting a new acc on sor or tier 1 just to see whats up, but just didnt seem to be worth the effort especially with transfers and what not.


Also, way to spoil your events through achievements, Anet.

They really should use ??? in them, or just put "Beat the 'monsterous villian' lurking in southsun".

It really kills the mystery to reveal stuff like that.



Un-Junior? I've not been a Junior since a few months after joining GAF (2012, I think). :D

Nope, there's more, and all have a circle around them. Right off the top of my mind I don't think there's any class skill that can be held, but several bundles in hearts/events have them.

Happy Birthday as well.

It makes sense that these things are bound to bundles as the items in karka toss are essentially that as far as I'm concerned. I don't know of a lot of regular bundle use minus items like spy kits but I don't think they're bundles? The only one I know of is the engineer pack you get in one of the Plains of Ashford maps for the grenades but I was so happy just to be able to toss grenades at that point of map completion that I wouldn't have noticed anything else.

Do elaborate.

Edit: I think the most noticible implementation of them would have been in karka toss because they haven't had much attention otherwise. Y'know... with most people wanting the achievement points for completionist reasons or something?


Also, way to spoil your events through achievements, Anet.

They really should use ??? in them, or just put "Beat the 'monsterous villian' lurking in southsun".

It really kills the mystery to reveal stuff like that.

Well considering the latter half doesn't even happen until "Last Stand at Southsun" it would've been wiser to hide them until that patch.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's for the karka toss activity. I assume what he was saying applied to the items that you could break out of the crates like for the fishing rod.
I just remember one from capturing ghosts in plains of ashford, you held it for a multiple hit beam.
Serves them right for not taking care of their shit. :D

Also, my previous post was made 2 minutes into my birthday (Spain timezone). :)
¡Feliz cumpleaños amigo!
Also in regards to wvw, there are many individuals that have a tag that I assume can step up to lead a weekly to biweekly incursion into wvw. I do agree with ash that it is a huge time investment to actually feel like something was accomplished. But in terms of people leading, I , ventus (who I believe doesnt post on here since he doesn't have an acc), hypno and others. Some other ways of getting into wvw on this server is to use the ts3 and look into the stormbluffisle forums.
Absolutely true and you may have missed that Kvothe (ventus) is leading a GAF group on Monday; I'm psyched because he's a really good commander. We're doing small ground composition but I've kind of always wanted to see him lead a zerg :p

What I got out of lol51's post (unless he was literally just talking about the buff) seemed to imply a desire to incentivize more coordinated GAF-only impact in WvW. But anyone in GAF who is WvW-inclined and wants to participate in a more structured manner than our guild alone provides should definitely hit up the SBI forums. The community there really seems pretty good. Teamspeak (www.teamspeak.com) is pretty necessary for their infrastructure.

Anyway, again just to clarify, if all that really concerns anyone short term are the buffs, then just give us a little bit of time and we'll have a new schedule for them. In fact, please have a look and feel free to offer suggestions as to what you'd like most. Note your opinion may be completely disregarded, and we also reserve the right to steal credit for your ideas.

Most likely we'll have them running during the weekend Friday night to Sunday night.

Note that despite our size, we do not earn enough influence to have buffs up continuously without downtime. This is due to a number of factors, foremost among them that we don't force members to represent, play with guildies, make donations, attend events, etc. or even really play regularly. Though we are going to be culling the true inactives again rather soon.


Note that despite our size, we do not earn enough influence to have buffs up continuously without downtime. This is due to a number of factors, foremost among them that we don't force members to represent, play with guildies, make donations, attend events, etc. or even really play regularly. Though we are going to be culling the true inactives again rather soon.

This. We have a metric now (achievement points gained) we can use to cull people who are not playing now, and it's been a couple months since leaderboards were added to use this.

Another of my big problems is the splintering of voice chat programs for WvW. I have a huge reluctance to download teamspeak just for a specific group of WvW, when we are entirely capable of running a WvW group on our own mumble. The problem being, none of our commanders really do this, but I can see why: working on teamspeak means you work with SBI at large, and not just GAF. It's more a server thing then a "guild" thing.


Note that despite our size, we do not earn enough influence to have buffs up continuously without downtime. This is due to a number of factors, foremost among them that we don't force members to represent, play with guildies, make donations, attend events, etc. or even really play regularly. Though we are going to be culling the true inactives again rather soon.

people shouldn't expect perpetual buffs from a family and friends guild like this one. i'd say having them on weekends is good enough since the most people are online then.

as for repping and playing regularly, people's schedules change so it's definitely good to have a more laissez faire policy there. i know that i have been real busy recently so i log on to check out a guild mission or an event like MF or the latest southsun stuff and then i have to run.



New Guild puzzle:

Also, I don't know if this was posted or not, but the lead WvW dev essentially alluded to Ascended gear coming to WvW on the 28th.


With the missing ascended gear promised in November?


Wouldn’t you like to know?

All I’m saying is, remember this conversation in a few weeks. And that’s all I can say right now.

Another thread

Player said:

you’ll never be able to buy ascended items for badges.

1) badges are kitten easy to get on high tiers, this is so you can buy lots of siege.

2) waaaay too many people are stuffed senseless with badges and are too selfish too buy lots of siege and want rewards for themselves, aka ascended items.

It’s not ever going to happen, and you can quote me on it

Devon response

Will do.


you're not going to see me online as much in the coming days leading up to Saturday (when I fly up to Minnesota). Right now I'm packing and throwing away all the junk I don't need so I'm all packed up and ready for the move.


you're not going to see me online as much in the coming days leading up to Saturday (when I fly up to Minnesota). Right now I'm packing and throwing away all the junk I don't need so I'm all packed up and ready for the move.

Don't forget your Fedora, you'll want to keep the sun off your ears and the ladies impressed.


Nice to see I sparked some discussion about WvW within the guild.

Anyways, I can't possibly respond to everything said, but I do want to make it clear that I am not angry or frustrated at GAFs lack of presence in WvW. It's clear that the guild is PvE focused, not by design, but by the composition of it's players. And that's fine, do whatever you want to do and have fun, because that's all that really matters.

For me, the only fun I'm having on GW2 right now is in WvW. And call me lazy or selfish, but I don't have any interest in trying to cultivate the SBI community anymore. I go to school in the mornings and work at night, so when I finally log on, I just want to see an active WvW landscape. That's why I left and nothing more.

I wish you guys the best of luck, and like I alluded to before, I'll still be repping GAF and guesting to SBI for guild events.

See ya around.
Another of my big problems is the splintering of voice chat programs for WvW. I have a huge reluctance to download teamspeak just for a specific group of WvW, when we are entirely capable of running a WvW group on our own mumble. The problem being, none of our commanders really do this, but I can see why: working on teamspeak means you work with SBI at large, and not just GAF. It's more a server thing then a "guild" thing.

Actually being on our own mumble is really problematic in wvw when we can just sit in w/ the rest of people. It's practically the same as people having mumble and not when running guild bounties. It gets frustrating when guilds use their own ts/mumble/vent and don't stand in the community one because the breakdown of communcation is extremely frustating. I will say this, I'd rather use the community ts3 than mumble for wvw since it's alot easier to either work w/ or around those people. Even kiwi who never really joined ts3 started due to an incident and lack of comm on days like reset.


Actually being on our own mumble is really problematic in wvw when we can just sit in w/ the rest of people. It's practically the same as people having mumble and not when running guild bounties. It gets frustrating when guilds use their own ts/mumble/vent and don't stand in the community one because the breakdown of communcation is extremely frustating. I will say this, I'd rather use the community ts3 than mumble for wvw since it's alot easier to either work w/ or around those people. Even kiwi who never really joined ts3 started due to an incident and lack of comm on days like reset.

It's probably my introvert part of me that's being reluctant then. I get this idea there's a huge amount of people on TS and it would be so intimidating.
It's probably my introvert part of me that's being reluctant then. I get this idea there's a huge amount of people on TS and it would be so intimidating.
To be honest, I feel more comfortable addressing 100 people than 10 people.
Anyways, I can't possibly respond to everything said, but I do want to make it clear that I am not angry or frustrated at GAFs lack of presence in WvW. It's clear that the guild is PvE focused, not by design, but by the composition of it's players. And that's fine, do whatever you want to do and have fun, because that's all that really matters.
For me, the only fun I'm having on GW2 right now is in WvW. And call me lazy or selfish, but I don't have any interest in trying to cultivate the SBI community anymore. I go to school in the mornings and work at night, so when I finally log on, I just want to see an active WvW landscape. That's why I left and nothing more.
All this is why I transferred to JQ back in april just before Anet started charging for them. It was a lot of fun wubwubing with JQ and I got a lot of things I wanted done. For now, I'm done with wvwvw and wanted to have less issues with the guild events, which is I transferred back.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If the only fun you are having in GW2 is WvW GAF has to be an incredibly frustrating guild to represent. Sorry about that to all affected. At least you don't have to leave the guild.


Edit: Added TLDR at end.
Thanks for all the replies, gonna answer to some:
It'd possibly interest you that you can get your daily/monthly laurels from PvP now.

I don't know though man. If you just want to "gear up" and don't care about looks just get Karma/TP pieces. What do you want it for? If you expect the process and result of acquiring statistically better gear to be particularly satisfying in this game, you'll be totally disappointed.
I do care about looks the most actually. I want the stats, top damage etc because I don't know better, it is what I'm used to and what I've been thought to want.
During my WoW years I would spend shitload of time on elitistjerks(min/maxing and theorycrafting site) getting and trying to be best I can, and without that I'm kinda lost, had no one to tell me what else there is in GW2.

I didn't expect that from GW2 though, I expected many many things, probably overinflated expectations and was very disappointed when I reached endgame because it felt exactly like WoW with some better and some worse things. Some things probably changed but still don't think it's where I'd want it to be.
Give it some more time. Maybe in a year or so there are more legitimate and consitent ways to achieve laurels. the game is really fun if you are not playing it you are. I would hate the game if I did dungeon after dungeon after dungeon. path to misery right there. the ascended gear is supposed to take a long time. i personally dont even think about it. I just get laurels in the background.
Yeah I've been giving it some time, haven't really played much this year at all so decided to see how things are now.
And that did get me to hate it, having to redo dungeons, no proper way to find group beside gw2lfg site, having terrible party and wipes uh, then waiting for hours to get group and then spending hours on failing in arah, yeah that made me quit the most.
It's not really what I wanted, but I did want arah gear for looks and I don't remember now but I needed to do huge number of runs to get it, and with slight patch change stats wise it would be useless, not the looks I guess but making other gear look like it costs those tokens that cost real money iirc... And as I said above, besides getting best gear and stuff I don't know what to do, except PvP of course, but spvp felt very pointless and wvwvw got boring after doing same thing like with dungeons without any progress whatsoever.
That's how I see everything really. It all comes in time, there's no reason to grind yourself into the ground by doing dungeon after dungeon. The nice thing is there's so many ways to do everything in the game that you can mix up your "progression" so nothing becomes stale. If you're the type who MUST min/max, you'll burn yourself out very quickly like any other MMO.
I don't need to, but for example I want arah set and I need to spend like 100 hours in there to get it :|
I crafted, I tried gearing up but that didn't work, got bored of doing same world events for daily or chests, finished JP, pvp and wvwvw were lacking, might check up changes now, and what else am I supposed to do? I think I have 100% exploration or close to it and after that leveling even more alts is annoying. I liked SWTOR and main storyline of character but couldn't be bothered to level 2nd one because everything was the same.
Contrary to other opinions on this thread, I think Guild Wars 2 may not be for you. You want a goal-centric, gear-centric MMO, and that's the opposite of GW2's design. Dungeons are in a much better state now than before, but you already experienced Fractals, and rather than content to enjoy, you see them as a means to an end, more chores to grind to have best-in-slot; there's no way you're going to enjoy GW2 like that. :/

Further, it seems you have the notion that an MMO should take every minute of your free time, providing reasons to repeat the same content over and over and over. This made more sense with fee-based MMOs, but I don't really think it's neither healthy nor sustainable in the long run, and since GW2 has no fee, it's not like you have to justify playing it. Simply try all the new content and if something clicks, and you want to do it for itself, go ahead.

Molten Facility was the best dungeon I played on GW2 yet; while it was up, I didn't play any other dungeon, even though it has no token rewards. It was just plain fun from beginning to end.

Sorry, I've always felt that the reward-oriented model of old MMOs is pretty unhealthy, and having recently completed a Coursera course on Gamification, it really drove the point home. Extrinsic rewards are extremely limited in how they can motivate in the long run.
I know I'm repeating myself at this point but doesn't matter. It's not that I want gear or stats oriented MMO it's the only thing I know of. Goal yes, I could never get into minecraft because I was bored as fuck, creating for no reason wasn't my thing ( I know they added stuff later on but never bothered to go back), I do need something to work for(but not kill myself grinding for it), something reasonable doesn't have to be legendary weapon which I never wanted for example, goal in sense get full gear by running 1 dungeon a day or something like that, but it turned out I'd need to do like 10 runs a day for a week or something with ideal group which was too much for me, and that's just for arah set and not ascended stuff.

Dungeons I like but at this point after I do it few times I don't want to do it again, I don't see the point, fractals too and that did make me not enjoy gw2.
It reminds me of WoW, endless grind of this and that, and those years are ones I probably most regret wasting on a fucking game and having it consume my life, and now I want to be as far away from that, and I expected gw2 to be different but it was the same really. It's probably because I was still used to that mentality and wanting things that require too much time but I don't know..
I built new high end PC few weeks ago and I spent like 30 min playing an indie game since then. I really seem to have stopped wanting to play games, or well I kinda do want to play them but I have other priorities now, which is good because i need to make up for those 6 years WoW took from me lol. Now I just want to log in GW2 and have something to do, doesn't matter if its 30 min or hour, every day or once a week and I can't seem to find it. I tried doing dailies every day but after almost a month I gave up, got too annoying. This was all last year when I was spending way too much time with GW2, kinda like I was with wow back in the day, but then as winter approached things started changing and stopped playing completely.

I don't know about the reward model, people and well I, need a reason to play, something to get be it achievement, new gear etc. It might be unhealthy if it turns into 2nd job or like in vanilla WoW I had friends drop out of high school to grind rank 14(pvp)... If there isn't something to work for what's the point? Now this is where I'm conflicted because there is something to work for which made me quit in first place because it was unreasonable, but I don't know what else is there and I want YOU(anyone really) to tell me. And just running around, helping people and generally hanging around in game doing nothing isn't what I'm after.

Aaand I know I probably made this post confusing and too big but it's 3 am and wanted to write it tonight, should do TLDR in edit

TLDR: I don't want another WoW, I have no time or patience to grind endlessly but that's only way I know how to play, tell me what else is there to do that is not just hanging around in game for no reason whatsoever.
(and I mentioned some things I've done above like leveled alt, got 100% or near exploration, all jumping puzzles etc.)


Arah isn't the most friendly dungeon in my experience. It's easily the most time consuming one depending on your group, fast or not.


Just joined a guild who were doing an open mission session. Sadly we only completed a bounty. Failed a rush and puzzle but still fun times. Those puzzles though, pretty damn tricky.
Edit: Added TLDR at end.
Thanks for all the replies, gonna answer to some:

I do care about looks the most actually. I want the stats, top damage etc because I don't know better, it is what I'm used to and what I've been thought to want.
During my WoW years I would spend shitload of time on elitistjerks(min/maxing and theorycrafting site) getting and trying to be best I can, and without that I'm kinda lost, had no one to tell me what else there is in GW2.

I didn't expect that from GW2 though, I expected many many things, probably overinflated expectations and was very disappointed when I reached endgame because it felt exactly like WoW with some better and some worse things. Some things probably changed but still don't think it's where I'd want it to be.

Yeah I've been giving it some time, haven't really played much this year at all so decided to see how things are now.
And that did get me to hate it, having to redo dungeons, no proper way to find group beside gw2lfg site, having terrible party and wipes uh, then waiting for hours to get group and then spending hours on failing in arah, yeah that made me quit the most.
It's not really what I wanted, but I did want arah gear for looks and I don't remember now but I needed to do huge number of runs to get it, and with slight patch change stats wise it would be useless, not the looks I guess but making other gear look like it costs those tokens that cost real money iirc... And as I said above, besides getting best gear and stuff I don't know what to do, except PvP of course, but spvp felt very pointless and wvwvw got boring after doing same thing like with dungeons without any progress whatsoever.

I don't need to, but for example I want arah set and I need to spend like 100 hours in there to get it :|
I crafted, I tried gearing up but that didn't work, got bored of doing same world events for daily or chests, finished JP, pvp and wvwvw were lacking, might check up changes now, and what else am I supposed to do? I think I have 100% exploration or close to it and after that leveling even more alts is annoying. I liked SWTOR and main storyline of character but couldn't be bothered to level 2nd one because everything was the same.

I know I'm repeating myself at this point but doesn't matter. It's not that I want gear or stats oriented MMO it's the only thing I know of. Goal yes, I could never get into minecraft because I was bored as fuck, creating for no reason wasn't my thing ( I know they added stuff later on but never bothered to go back), I do need something to work for(but not kill myself grinding for it), something reasonable doesn't have to be legendary weapon which I never wanted for example, goal in sense get full gear by running 1 dungeon a day or something like that, but it turned out I'd need to do like 10 runs a day for a week or something with ideal group which was too much for me, and that's just for arah set and not ascended stuff.

Dungeons I like but at this point after I do it few times I don't want to do it again, I don't see the point, fractals too and that did make me not enjoy gw2.
It reminds me of WoW, endless grind of this and that, and those years are ones I probably most regret wasting on a fucking game and having it consume my life, and now I want to be as far away from that, and I expected gw2 to be different but it was the same really. It's probably because I was still used to that mentality and wanting things that require too much time but I don't know..
I built new high end PC few weeks ago and I spent like 30 min playing an indie game since then. I really seem to have stopped wanting to play games, or well I kinda do want to play them but I have other priorities now, which is good because i need to make up for those 6 years WoW took from me lol. Now I just want to log in GW2 and have something to do, doesn't matter if its 30 min or hour, every day or once a week and I can't seem to find it. I tried doing dailies every day but after almost a month I gave up, got too annoying. This was all last year when I was spending way too much time with GW2, kinda like I was with wow back in the day, but then as winter approached things started changing and stopped playing completely.

I don't know about the reward model, people and well I, need a reason to play, something to get be it achievement, new gear etc. It might be unhealthy if it turns into 2nd job or like in vanilla WoW I had friends drop out of high school to grind rank 14(pvp)... If there isn't something to work for what's the point? Now this is where I'm conflicted because there is something to work for which made me quit in first place because it was unreasonable, but I don't know what else is there and I want YOU(anyone really) to tell me. And just running around, helping people and generally hanging around in game doing nothing isn't what I'm after.

Aaand I know I probably made this post confusing and too big but it's 3 am and wanted to write it tonight, should do TLDR in edit

TLDR: I don't want another WoW, I have no time or patience to grind endlessly but that's only way I know how to play, tell me what else is there to do that is not just hanging around in game for no reason whatsoever.
(and I mentioned some things I've done above like leveled alt, got 100% or near exploration, all jumping puzzles etc.)

I totally understand you matey.

I too have not had a good time in dungeons in general, and for me it's a combination of things.

First of all;

1) Instanced dungeons are archaic (IMO) and goes against the open world principle of MMOs. But that's me. I'm a believer in that we should strive for the things MMOs can do that normal games can not. Dungeon crawling is easily achieved by games like Diablo and such. I think Dungeons should be an open experience. It should be unpredictable, never the same twice.

2) Dungeons are linear and thus they feel strange to me in GW2. Quite simply, it's the one game system along with the personal story that does not feel like they are serving GW2s goal.

3) Dungeons in all MMOs are very trial and error. It's one way, or the highway. Rarely do you get this option where you are punished for failing but still allowed to continue over some alternative circumstances. If you think about it, this is what Dynamic Events are.

You still win, even if you fail a dynamic event. Something else will happen that unlocks other events. That is why it is worth doing an event even if you know failing is going to happen. You will get rewarded with Coin, Karma and Experience anyway. To me this is great design, because more different stuff can happen, and I don't have to play on terms where the game dictates me like it's a chore. And I do think dungeons often are a chore.

4) Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 are not very good at explaining the players how to beat certain elements in the game. Theoretically a player should be able to get a good assestment on how to do something by just having hints and in-game explanations inside the game. But that seems almost impossible when a vocal part of your player base demand extremely hard and rewarding content.

5) It's true that almost any setup of individuals can do all the dungeons. At least in storymode. But the average player is not taught the kind of support or teamwork required for these through dynamic events, personal story and so on. Thus the entry curve for Dungeons is way, way, way to high in my opinion.

This was one of the things World of Warcraft did very well. Deadmines, and other of the early dungeons where fantastic at easying you in. They where well designed, well adjusted difficulty wise, and you just saw the experience of their everquest approach to game design.


Also having listened to your tale, and your desire for Arah Armor. If you get a good guild, and you can totally achieve this, you can find someone who wants to do Arah Path 1 and 2 with you. You go on youtube and you watch some guides and you spend some time altering your necros traits and runes to reflect a good support strategy for these two paths. Then you can get your Necro Armor. Within three or four days you should have enough for two pieces. Then get the most rewarding ones. IMO that is the leggies and feet (for heavy).

Alternatively, I think that just like all the folks who want a Legendary but who don't want to do it... Don't! I mean, any person will hate anything if they have to do things they have a strong dislike for. I want Arah Armor too, but like you, my Arah runs have been a abysmal failure and I have only done half of all dungeon paths. Perhaps 15-16 paths.

There is hope: This new Molten Facility Dungeon we witnessed was SIGNIFICANTLY. and I mean, SIGNIFICANTLY better designed as a gameplay experience than any other dungeon in the game bar none. We can discuss difficulty, rewards and even the backdrop, but the flow of enemies thrown at you was great and they spiced it up enough to make it exciting.

But even with this new found praise for their dungeon design, it still had that duel set of bosses that just sucked. I just hated those guys and our group got so angry with it.

Your a Necro. You can find other armors that look really cool for them too. The new back piece with the tentacles looks amazing on Necros. You can aim for the staff too, with the eye inside of it.

I just think that this game has many gameplay systems and they simply can't fix all of them. We need better dungeon feel. we need a LFG tool and we need a more seamless and easy transition and better experience for dungeons in general.

I get the explorable paths need to be difficult. But story mode should be introductory and fun for even casual gamers. It's only done once, contains storytelling, and there is no reason to offput people because of it.


Man, hadn't played GW2 in a single sitting that much in about 3 weeks.

Have both Southsun Cove back pieces. Them tentacles are absolutely going to my necro. I take it the sclerite (sp?) weapons are gonna be RNG, though?


Neo Member
Man, hadn't played GW2 in a single sitting that much in about 3 weeks.

Have both Southsun Cove back pieces. Them tentacles are absolutely going to my necro. I take it the sclerite (sp?) weapons are gonna be RNG, though?

How are you people getting the back pieces so quickly ? I can barely move around on the islands as is...


How are you people getting the back pieces so quickly ? I can barely move around on the islands as is...
What Reknoc said in regards to getting the achievements. In fact, after completing half of the ones I needed on my own, I found this guide to help me with the other samples:


If you wanna get them quick and easy, follow that guide! One of the scans involves the jumping puzzle, so it works best during prime time hours since mesmers often will be doing portals for the JP.

It also helps being a PvE god - warriors are great for killing a lot of things in there. Greatsword or */warhorn is awesome for mobility to just outrun stuff that you can't kill.


I think southsun may be one of my favorite zones right now, at least while the event is going on. I actually like difficulty of the island, as it forces you to travel in packs and leads to some great encounters with Karka. There's a lot of harvesting nodes, and events are all over the place. The increased gold bonus is nice too. I didn't see much difference with the increased Magic Find boost though.

I'm honestly trying really hard to move on from this game, but Anet is making it impossible.


Something annoys me about using dulfy. I can't say what it is or even if it's a rational feeling. I dunno, something seems a lot more cooperative about finding things on your own and then others working together to fill in the blanks. At the very least I hope no one opens dulfy first thing and follows it like some sort of itinerary, though it's one's own decision.


Something annoys me about using dulfy. I can't say what it is or even if it's a rational feeling. I dunno, something seems a lot more cooperative about finding things on your own and then others working together to fill in the blanks. At the very least I hope no one opens dulfy first thing and follows it like some sort of itinerary, though it's one's own decision.

Only time I ever used Dulfy was for some of the initial bounty paths. I remember I got put on Brooke duty in my first bounty and was like "holy crap how in the world am I going to find her here".


Neo Member
Something annoys me about using dulfy. I can't say what it is or even if it's a rational feeling. I dunno, something seems a lot more cooperative about finding things on your own and then others working together to fill in the blanks. At the very least I hope no one opens dulfy first thing and follows it like some sort of itinerary, though it's one's own decision.

This is what I am trying to avoid, but previous to GW2 my only MMO played was WoW years ago. So I have been trained to look for the bright and shiney and have things so obvious. Slowly but surely the adjustment has been happening, but dang mang.
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