Tengu invasion!My completely pulled-out-of-my-ass theory: Dragon Bash festival. Lots of fun. Lighthearted content. Big gathering/party event at the end. Another Elder Dragon makes an appearance, perhaps attacks. Dragon Bash is ruined by the tragedy.
Expansion announcement directly after.
Tengu invasion!
LOOK AT IT...of course Ashodin will get one of the damn things after spending $500.
Yes, sadly the Jade Axe looks exactly like I expected it to, which means I need to go RNG fishing. Wannnnnnnnt.
The Tengu area outside Lion's Arch is razed in the attack. This makes them realize that their only hope is to join the other races.
Tengu race announced for next expansion as well.
I really want that new dragon shield on my engineer!!!!
they produce a lot of content, but very little quality of life things. it's like opposite of blizzard.
Well that's just it - why include these markers if that's not what's in the zone? Why tell me I have "100% completed" the zone and give me a reward for doing so if that isn't all there is to it? I'm not disputing your claim - I'm saying it's a bonkers design decision. The game is actively TELLING me there's nothing more in that zone. It's going out of it's way to tell me the map is 100% complete - it's a completely mixed message.
From ArenaNet's facebook page:
Some people can say it's from Cantha and more specifically - Kaineng City. But I don't think it's GW2 related...
I just can't see ANet doing another game, though.
A single player game? There's no way they would make a second MMORPG. I can't even imagine the reaction of some people currently playing GW2 if ANet suddenly announced a second, completely separate game.
I have no reason to believe Anet isn't big enough to have two different teams working on two different games.
Lions Arch is the bustling epicenter of the Dragon Bash festivities. The Captains Council has spared no expense in decorating this proud, battered city, as evidenced by the giant holographic dragon harmlessly soaring overhead.
I dunno if it's implying a guarantee or it's more like the Mad King/BLC thing. Either way it does look like you have a better chance of acquiring one somehow than you did for the Fused weapons or ScleritesEDIT: I suppose it could be the rich coffers, which are probably bought from the store. It does imply that there is a guaranteed ticket in there.
that's a nice looking shield.
it's going into one of those low chance rng boxes isn't it
you know it...
Dragon Bash is looking awesome. I particularly love the Mystic Forge, very smart.Those hyperdetailed fireworks also look great.
- Sell junk button, a feature that was from day one in GW2, took like, what, six years of begging in WoW? Remember how fun it was selling junk without it?
- Not losing chat when changing characters.
- Trading post buy orders and direct selling.
- Tradeskill material collections.
- Send to collections.
- Checking your contact list before selecting a character, so that you may choose the appropriate one depending on who's online.
- Waypoint chat linking.
- Actual map zooming and panning.
- For that matter, waypoint travel.
- Mail anywhere.
- Even the LFG tool was introduced in WoW with its first expansion, well over two years after release.
I'm not trying to sound like ArenaNet defense force or start a GW2 vs WoW war, but really, saying that Guild Wars 2 has "not many quality of life things" sounds lacking in perspetive at best.
No, the game is telling you that you discovered all waypoints, vistas, etc. of the zone. That's not all the zone has to offer or everything there is to see, and there is not even any way that you as a player can make that mistake, because by the time you've completed a zone, you have run into quite a few events, and will know that they're not always on, nor always in obvious places. As well, to my knowledge, not one single jump puzzle is marked by a marker of any kind, to make them that much harder to find. I find it hard to believe you yourself haven't found anything else aside from all this, even by accident.
The game has to provide a baseline of marked content for people to at least have an idea where to go to (hell, as it is, people often complain that they don't know what to do anyway). Most of the times, those are intended to lure you there to make you explore around a bit more, and possibly get involved with events, etc.
Think of it this way. The way the game is made, it gives you the option to play exactly how you want. just turn off all the map markers and discover the game world. If you can't bring yourself to turn them off, why is that? You say that you feel "the game is meant to play with them on", but if that's the case, why would it have the option to turn them off at all?
Conversely, though, YOU don't get to tell all the other players how to play the game; if they want all these markers in their game, who are you to say they shouldn't?
"You can find weapon tickets inside Rich Dragon Coffers and (rarely) in Dragon Coffers, and exchange them for weapon skins from Black Lion Weapon Specialists in every major city!"
Don't think this has been posted yet.
And now don't all of you feel a little bit bad? I know I don't. Damn thing's still a Quaggan.
A lot of neat stuff coming, looks like. Can't wait to look at this in more detail when I get home!
that's a nice looking shield.
it's going into one of those low chance rng boxes isn't it
you know it...
Oh ye of little faith
From the page it is pretty clear that you can grind out candy for whichever type of chest you want - guaranteed skin, or chance of skin.
Also as drops as well.
If any of this was BLTC, you would see the headers for it on the page already.
Ambitious adventurers who collect a large amount of Dragon Bash candy can obtain these exclusive holographic festival wings.
Man how is that even close to clear.![]()
Shh. It's as clear as I want it to be.
Still, the evidence still stands that they would have put up the black lion stuff if it was purchasable.
Oh ye of little faith
From the page it is pretty clear that you can grind out candy for whichever type of chest you want - guaranteed skin, or chance of skin.
Also as drops as well.
If any of this was BLTC, you would see the headers for it on the page already.