Protocol is post here, and you'll be on the list!, I was /w in game by a kindly guild member who told me to post here regarding realm transfer, some kind of fund for us lonely idiots who didn't check that the EU server was active before rolling on it...
Not sure what the protocol is, but thought I should ask.
Damn skippy. You'll find him out in the southwest end of blazeridge steppes (blightwater basin). There are some old ruins in the dragonbrand where the ghosts tangle with corrupted stuff.That was a GHOST PUA?
Protocol is post here, and you'll be on the list!
I think you'll actually be next up in line, and we've got enough raised for a transfer, so you shouldn't need to wait long!
Recent post on official forums by Colin Johanson says that LFG will be coming by the end of the year.
Putting this on the list, gotta see. Thanks!Damn skippy. You'll find him out in the southwest end of blazeridge steppes (blightwater basin). There are some old ruins in the dragonbrand where the ghosts tangle with corrupted stuff.
Take your thief and eavesdrop some time, it's pretty great. There also are ghosts planning a wedding, ghosts lamenting about losing a game, etc.
"By the end of the year" is Colin's codephrase for "in active development for the 2013 roadmap but with no slated release date." Stuff coming "by the end of the year" could honestly mean either in the second June patch or on December 31st.Acutally, few pages back (336), Hawkian posted some datamined info from gw2.dat referring to the LFG tool, so I'm hoping for a release in the next few updates.
In the last SotG, Chap confirmed that the PvP map Sky Hammer, which was datamined around the same time with the new skins and lfg references, will be coming "soon".
Of course he would be, ascalonian ghosts think it's still 1090 AE.
So, I was /w in game by a kindly guild member who told me to post here regarding realm transfer, some kind of fund for us lonely idiots who didn't check that the EU server was active before rolling on it...
Not sure what the protocol is, but thought I should ask.
Should have joined us on Stormbluff from the start!
I've never had to do this, but if you aren't very far, supposedly if you delete all of your characters you can choose another server. I have not done this myself, nor do I know if it would allow you to change regions entirely...I'll see if I can dig up an answer.
"By the end of the year" is Colin's codephrase for "in active development for the 2013 roadmap but with no slated release date." Stuff coming "by the end of the year" could honestly mean either in the second June patch or on December 31st.
I am taking it as a positive that it is far enough along in the dev cycle to include hooks in-game for the related text already.
I can confirm that deleting characters will allow you to free transfer servers in the same region. I had 3 chars on my previous server, saw that Gaf was active, deleted them all and hopped servers free.
Recent post on official forums by Colin Johanson says that LFG will be coming by the end of the year.
da fuck? when did that change. didnt' say a few weeks back it was fairly close? it's just a shitty broswing system. christ This should do the trick I think? I'm personally glad such a thing is not available by default in-game, it would kinda break my immersion to have the map dotted with them like my character was omniscient.Am I the only one who wishes you could see all (or at least more) of the events that are occurring in the zone you're in on the map? I think it'd make leveling a new character from scratch easier, and would help people who are looking for more direction out.
He wasn't saying that it was only in the same region, he was just saying that's all he can confirm... I think it would work even if you wanted to jump regions (which is to say, if you delete all your characters how could you be tied to any server anymore?)Ah, well if it's the same region I would be screwed either way.
It didn't...da fuck? when did that change.
nope, no clue what you're referring to.didnt' say a few weeks back it was fairly close?
I hope it's a decent browsing system instead!it's just a shitty broswing system.christ
He wasn't saying that it was only in the same region, he was just saying that's all he can confirm... I think it would work even if you wanted to jump regions (which is to say, if you delete all your characters how could you be tied to any server anymore?)
Am I the only one who wishes you could see all (or at least more) of the events that are occurring in the zone you're in on the map? I think it'd make leveling a new character from scratch easier, and would help people who are looking for more direction out.
Full post hereOn top of all this is still player preference. Not everyone wants a single right-click to perform default actions. This is why we’re adding a toggle for it in the next patch.
I have the weirdest sort of "outside looking in" sympathy for the people who have struggled with that right-click issue since launch. Having used a controller since before then I literally have never experienced it!
I'm sure they are related.
I'm trying my best to articulate it to my friends on Teamspeak, but to take a small example:
I was running my Level 20 Engineer to the Southsun event to get some phat l00t but I had to go through Lion's Arch to get there.
I ran past a little memorial on the beach, a shrine to those who had fallen defending Lion's Arch (I assume.) BING - 25 exp. I'd discovered a point of interest. A pre-determined point of interest. The game was telling me to be interested.
The game is rife with that sort of thing. The world of GW2 exists to be a game. There's 20 events in each area, 30 points of interest, 15 waypoints, 2 jumping puzzles etc etc - there's never any room to breathe.
In Guild Wars I found entrances to Fissure of Woe and Underworld by exploring. They din't have, nor did they need, waypoints or an artificial experience bonus associated with it. They were awesome and I knew they were awesome without being told.
The world of Guild Wars 2 just isn't believable to me; the lore isn't there any more. The story is spoon fed to you through awful, awful cutscenes and there's no tangible reward, from a personal perspective, to going out and seeing the world.
The world is merely a check list of things to complete and, for me, it completely kills any interest I have in the entire game.
I have to agree with Moobabe. Yes, there's still a world to explore, but I have to ACTIVELY ignore many of these gamification things. I'd be fine if every zone just had a handful of hearts with the primary purpose of letting you know where to zone in for a dynamic quest hub or something. But the sheer amount of hearts, PoI, vistas, and skill points is what turns it into a checklist.You can turn off the map markers entirely; maybe that would help with the perceptual shift you're attempting.
I disagree with your overarching point mostly because you appear to be interpreting the "checklist" of stuff in each zone as "the stuff there is in that zone," when in actuality the coolest stuff in each zone for me is not part of the map completion, not marked, and often not at all obvious to get to. Indeed, you can get 100% map completion without seeing several of my favorite things in the game.
The Hearts/POIs/Vista/Skill Challenges are there to point you toward something but they will not show you everything or even anything close. It's a little analogous to claiming there's nothing cool to see at the grand canyon because you don't like the tour guide, when there's plenty of stuff you could go off and see on your own.
But truly from my perspective the world just jumped out at me as dying to be explored, in basically the opposite of the way you're saying it constrains exploration (as if the documented points of interest are literally the only "interesting points" in an area). I saw the stuff on the map as things to aim at while getting constantly distracted on the way. The world's design just might not work for you and there's nothing wrong with it.
it looks like they are finally going to fix the right click targeting with a toggle. best qol update for this game
Anything they do with the scavenger hunt will be immediately wiki'd.
And as it stands, their solution of gamification in the world is just a method I absolutely hate. "I spent all this time on this, so I'm going to force you to look at it!" "Nah, I'll just skip through the vista cutscene." And they still went and put soooo much of it in, that people start seeing it more as a checklist. After spending so much time in a zone going from point to point to point, they're not going to want to stick around. The number one reason people fall in love with zones is because of their dynamic events and the NPCs surrounding them.
I can understand their reasoning, but you'd think that they'd have the smarts and humility to not go down that route.
I'm a little confused about how this keeps you from doing something the way you want. You're upset that other players are treating the game like a checklist? So what, that's how they want to do it? What's the alternative? Have none of that stuff and give players no incentive to see the world? I don't mean this condescendingly: I'm genuinely curious.
And as for the scavenger hunts, I personally have no idea how they would do it where it couldn't be wiki'd, unless there was some degree of obscurity or randomness to it. But that's the nature of any game. There's cheats and walkthroughs and maps out there for every game, including the skyrims, fallouts, and GTA's of the world.
First time I stumbled into the Hidden Garden/Diedre's Steppes... :OAll the marked interests in zones are for completionists like me. I loved having something to work towards and it feels good whenever I finish clearing a zone. In no way should this detract from exploring zones, there is so much more to see than just poi's and such, some really rewarding stuff visually and in some cases, more. When the game first came out I remember the elation I had whenever I discovered a more hidden JP on my own. When I found the Only Zuhl JP in Timberline Falls, not only could I not believe my findings, but everyone in map chat didn't either. I remember trying to ask for help for the group event boss at the end of the puzzle but no one believed me when I said I had to cross over lava and dodge lava balls and battle destroyers underground. There was nothing online about it yet so they refused to come help haha It was late at night so I logged out hoping I'd have better luck the next day and sure enough, got a few curious people to join meIt was a blast.
All the marked interests in zones are for completionists like me. I loved having something to work towards and it feels good whenever I finish clearing a zone. In no way should this detract from exploring zones, there is so much more to see than just poi's and such, some really rewarding stuff visually and in some cases, more. When the game first came out I remember the elation I had whenever I discovered a more hidden JP on my own. When I found the Only Zuhl JP in Timberline Falls, not only could I not believe my findings, but everyone in map chat didn't either. I remember trying to ask for help for the group event boss at the end of the puzzle but no one believed me when I said I had to cross over lava and dodge lava balls and battle destroyers underground. There was nothing online about it yet so they refused to come help haha It was late at night so I logged out hoping I'd have better luck the next day and sure enough, got a few curious people to join meIt was a blast.
I'm just commenting on the fact that a lot of their design decisions just feel wrong and don't seem to work or accomplish their purpose outside of a superficial level.
As for the scavenger hunt, I cut out a line from the post where I was thinking that there was one of two reasons it was taking so long to come out. They were either still deciding on and implementing the scope of it, or they were worried about it just being another checklist and possibly being unsatisfying because of it.
Hmm.. yeah. Interesting. I found attempting any structured world exploration in GW1 to be sort of insufferable (especially once I learned that "scrubbing" was basically the official practice to complete it) whereas I find both the "stuff do do" and general unguided exploration in GW2 to be very enjoyable.
Proven, are you taking into account the fact that you can turn off map markers at all? Seems like it would have improved the way the game world was presented to you, no?
Part of my frustration may be from the fact that all this world completion stuff is about all these static values that then have zero use after the fact when I came to GW2 for the dynamic world. Only Orr and the monthly updates have really done much to capitalize on that promise. There's also the fact that so much of PvE seems to just come down to farming nowadays. The majority of fun I get from it are from dynamic events with other players, and solo exploration. But people worrying more about loot than anything else make me wonder if I'm playing the right game or with the right people. And the type of people that play the game are molded by the incentives and design decisions implemented into the game.
New content can pretty easily be made while anet works on system issues and game mechanics. Somehow, I don't think the art team or level designers are really going to be able to assist much with the later.
Oh yeah, what a surprise that was! I kill an enemy and then a portal appears and I'm like where the heck does this go? My body wasn't ready. It took me a little while to figure out what to do/where everything was but it was fun figuring it outFirst time I stumbled into the Hidden Garden/Diedre's Steppes... :O
And of course I fell to my death and with no one around to res that's a game over on that one. When I got out the entrance was gone. Felt so satisfying to go back with the guild weeks later with a mission at hand and finally beat it.
I think that may have been the high point of the game for me. I get the WP out there and think, what a waste of land, there has to be something else. I go in the cave and it seems like it's a dead end, I convince myself there has to be more. I see that pillar that looks like I could maybe jump up it but am 80 percent sure it's nothing and I'm wasting my time and then...holy moley! I think that was the most careful I've ever been in the game. I was so afraid of dying because it was like 3AM and no one was with me to rez. That destroyer event was terrifying because of this and it was intense running for my life and getting up on a structure where I was safe, watching so many of them scurry about, looking for me. Thank god the time runs out haha Then I find the big daddy boss and didn't want to risk soloing it at that point. I was so glad that you can load the game up exactly where you left off, allowed me to get to bed with hopes of teammates the next dayI stumbled on this JP two nights ago and went through the exact same sense of awe you did. Unfortunately, there was no one around to help me with the group event at the end so I couldn't complete it![]()
See how one hole fits perfectly over the screw and one hole is dangling off the side and you can see the table? Yeah. The bolt through kit came with the wrong mounting plate.I ordered a 7366 kit and got a sealed bag with the plate for a socket 775.