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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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So are the limited-time gem-expensive gathering tools at all worth it?

Considering getting the Consortium Harvesting Sickle while it's still around, but if it's a silly purchase I'm not going to pull the trigger.

I'd say it's worth it; you never have to worry about running out of gathering tools again, and gathering everything you see nets you XP (which, even at main level, means skill points).
Your Amazon.com order of "Guild Wars: Sea of Sorrows" has shipped!

Yeya! Can't wait!



I cannot escape from The Last of Us :(. It is stealing all of my time.
I almost gave up on it because of the first Clicker encounter...I kept failing over and over again...only had one shiv. Finally sneaked took out the clicker with a shiv and then the rest was just spray and pray.


The Cryptarch's Bane


I cannot escape from The Last of Us :(. It is stealing all of my time.
How far are you?

It wasn't tough to escape from because i just had to complete it as feasably soon as I could.
Yeya! Can't wait!

I almost gave up on it because of the first Clicker encounter...I kept failing over and over again...only had one shiv. Finally sneaked took out the clicker with a shiv and then the rest was just spray and pray.
You'll get better. Single clickers will barely even be a threat by the middle of the game. Let me know if you ever need any tips, hope you're playing on hard with listen mode off.
I see what you did there...

... you're alright.

I aim to please. ;p

Haven't even tried the Mp..

I would only really recommend it if you have someone to co-ordinate with online. It can get frustrating when the enemy team uses teamwork and takes you down one by one because your teammates don't understand that you just might stand to win the match if you stick together instead of sprinting off solo like in CoD.
You'll get better. Single clickers will barely even be a threat by the middle of the game. Let me know if you ever need any tips, hope you're playing on hard with listen mode off.

Totally turned the listen mode off right away. I got passed it now I'm in what looks like subway but I had a Molotov so it helped a lot.
The first encounter with 1 clicker and 5 infected pissed me off a lot but when I finally got passed I was so happy and it was with barely any health which totally would make sens in that type of situation.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The best gameplay moments on Hard come when you have low health, inventory, limited ammo, etc., and have to figure out what would help you out the most to craft and how you're going to make it out.


You seem to know a lot about Rangers.

What would you say is the best build for leveling to 80?

I'm running with the greatsword right now (level 69) and I feel like the damage output is less than the shortbow but I don't have anything to actually record DPS.

I try to pretend I do anyway...fake it until I make it I suppose..

You are already level 69 so I'm unsure how useful a leveling build is at that point. What I would tell someone of a lower level is that the absolutely easiest build to use while leveling is shortbow. That's it. Just pew pew, watch your pet kite dumbass pve enemy mobs around while you get off scot-free most all the time. Shortbow 3 is a free instant cast extra evade, plus 5 points into Wilderness survival usually means you will be able to evade whenever you want. You can go condition damage sharpening stone flanking shots Keen edge (Marksmanship Adept III) or straight damage/bezerker with as much of a burst as possible with Quickening Zephyr and Zephyr's Speed (BM Adept Minor). Though the later may be changing soon. The shortbow is a good weapon choice for a sigil that activates on critical hit in this way due to the rather rapid autoattack speed. I like to use generosity on my shortbow so that I feel ok with only Healing Spring as my usual condition removal skill and only putting Signet of Renewel on the bar in cases where I know there are heavily repeatedly applied conditions. I've never traited 30 into Wilderness Survival for Emphatic Bond..

However...it is probably in your best interest to not do this (stick to shortbow). At least not exclusively. You fail to learn nuances of many mechanics and feel safe simply because you are farther away. Plus you are more likely to not be benefiting from party member shouts/boons in general.

I believe the great sword is the second highest damaging weapon choice. And it's probably a safer melee option than sword for a couple reasons. While sword 1 is higher damage and has the added bonus of cripple and pet might, the 2nd and 3rd attacks of sword 1 are not able to be cancelled. This makes dodging with a rapid enemy tell a potential pain, but can be dealt with. While the sword gets two nice evades (though with a cast time unlike shortbow), the GS has the instant block which is nice and a free evade on autoattack. GS 3 is a leap finisher and is useful for mobility in a ton of cases...wvw...gravel tunnels in AC...it's just an awesome skill! Just try not to be auto attacking with it too much.

Sword has a higher learning curve but I've learned to love it, and higher potential damage output. Do not enable auto attack with the sword. Sword 3 is great for the evade and positioning, and sword 2 is a perfect bail out to switch to range if needed. You could potentially even sword 2-1, about face and lose target, and sword 2-2 to put so good distance between you and the enemy. Two of the sword attacks being cripples (1-2 and 2-2) are nice. Couple with warhorn for fury uptime, axe for more attack options, vuln, and reflect, dagger is an additional evade, or torch if you like fire fields and aren't traited into traps. The rooting thing is a problem but you can learn to deal with it.

I know I haven't touched LB or Axe but this post is long enough ;-;

I usually run Sigil of Strength (% Self Might on Criticals) and Accuracy (higher crit chance). Self explanatory.


Digest from left to right top to bottom:

The minor traits in Marks basically mean that you and your pet can get an easy 10 vuln on a target and are each guaranteed a free critical. The free crit is synergistic as it is and you can couple with Longbow 3, Axe 5, or simply a cat auto for some high vulnerability relatively fast.

Major I is 10% damage while endurance is full. Fairly easy to keep up with Natural Vigor and using SB/S/D/GS evades over a dodge roll.

Major IV and XI are that signet effects affect you and your pet and decrease the cool down. I always keep this and I feel that the stability alone on Signet of the Wild is reason enough to do this, let alone +25% damage from that or a 6 second invuln from Stone.

Other good options are Keen Edge (III) if you are condition and of course if you are using a bow without Piercing Arrows (VIII) then you are doing it wrong...

Supposedly, Beastmaster's might (IX) may be getting a large buff from 1 Might for 5s on a signet activation to 3 might for 15s on activation. This could potentially replace I if you like to dodge. Right now I'm unsure it's worth slotting.

The 2 minor traits in Skirmishing give you swiftness and fury for swapping weapons in combat. Swiftness is gravy and you can already see on this build how fury is useful.

I gives pets plus 30% damage on critical hit. Cats have enough precision for a base 60% critical chance anyway, according to the formula on the wiki. Jaguars critical all the time while stealthed (and do not lose stealth until the whole duration is up.) Even if the nerf is true lowering the bonus to +25%, you see how this really isn't a big issue.

The second major slot is fairly variable. Go for VI for pets to move faster in WvW, VII for them to gain health on criticals if you are worried about up-time. Or V if you want to stack up their might even more. Coupled with Rampage as One, which gives pet might on every hit AND fury...giving them extra might on every critical...it's really nice. This is also rumored to be getting a large buff.

Natural Vigor, the 5 points into WS, is awesome. Don't leave home without it.

Minor traits in beastmastery increase pet swapping and give you both quickness on swap....basically more chances to critical.

Either go I or V to let pet F2 skills re-up faster or their own skills. Depends what level of micromanaging you like.

If Zephyr's speed really is going to jump all the way from 5 points to grandmaster...this is where the most after patch tweaking will need to take place I imagine.

Usefull utilites in this build are Quickening Zephyr, Signet of the Wild, Stone Signet, Sic'Em, flame or frost trap. Rampage as One is the Elite of Choice.

Sorry I can't give more discussion on Condition Builds. I've never touched much into them. Uh, Sharpening Stone and Entangle would be your best friends there.
Had my first foray into wvw tonight. Pretty fun. I can see that taking up more of my time.

I really need to get back into TLoU. But gw2 takes most of my gaming time.


Looks like the Pro Dark thread in OT has been bumped with a fix (?)

I thought you could access the mobile site on a desktop, must have misremembered.

Now just quick reply and autoload ...


An entire hour working on SBI bay and they're just whittling what's left of BP down at this point before rushing in to take it. One hell of a run.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Whenever someone quotes an image, clicking it never keeps it maximized, I have to hold it down and then if it expands pass the screen, scrolling and keeping it held down is impossible.

New GAF has solved this for me. All hail Gamefaqs.


Finally played through the new Dragon Bash story material. I really like the sort of noir PI theme, and the writing was far superior to previous Living Story ideas. Nice to see ANet continuing to evolve how the produce this content.
Whenever someone quotes an image, clicking it never keeps it maximized, I have to hold it down and then if it expands pass the screen, scrolling and keeping it held down is impossible.

New GAF has solved this for me. All hail Gamefaqs.

That's actually an intended change rather than a fix; you indeed had to hold down the mouse button before NewGAF. I mean, it's not only you. :D

Can't do the damn effigy event. At level 15 my damage is nill.

You should be scaled appropriately, make sure your weapon is current-level (as close to level 15 as possible). It's a hard event, in any case, especilly if the caravan derps and starts leeroy jenking everything; with a level 40+, I wiped an embarrasing number of times. Don't hesitate to ask for help on guild chat! I'll go online to see if you're still one and having problems.
Is that how many mmo players feel when they play mmorpg? The lack of having a role in a trinity means they dont feel special? Do these guys even enjoy what ever the fuck they are playing?

there is something psychosymatic self victimization going on here. it's incredible. no really, the guy plays for 800 hours, rolls a warrior, finds out there is no two-handed axe, and immediately grows desperate and discontent from the game.

this is not over sensitive. this is ArenaNets fault. followed up by twenty pages of tears about how games used to be better. I can't.. I.. It's hard to believe these people exist in the thousands.
People grow accustomed to certain things and I suppose, for some, the traditional roles make them feel needed? The idea that, "My group needs me to heal or they'll all die!" becomes ingrained in the experience and without being able to tell themselves that statement they feel a lack of identity.

I've never experienced such a thing but I can sort of follow it. It does seem like it's symptomatic of some greater issue though. A personal one, not a game design one. But you know.. to each their own. If the Trinity is what they need to be able to enjoy an MMO, then by all means. But it's definitely not something that I think is a legitimate negative about GW2.


a guildie sent this to me... (a quitters reason for leaving guild wars) ; http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/382466/page/1.

His entire post boils down to "Oh my god there's no great axe my warrior is ruined oh my god my mesmer feels the same as my warrior /uninstall." I disagree; when I'm on my Thief I play completely differently from how I play my Warrior, which is completely different from the way I play my Engineer. I approach situations completely differently; my Warrior will jump in and grab a bunch of enemies at once and just melee them to death with huge cleaves and Whirl attacks. My Thief will pick one enemy off at a time (scorpion wire <3) and burst them to gibbets. My Engineer sets traps in advance; mines, turrets, even a few healthpacks and an antidote if it looks rough.

Same with dungeons; my warrior runs heavy support (healing/condi remove shouts) and toughness. I'm traited to revive faster and buff better. I've done the raid tanking thing, and I could never go back to stacking sunders and doing the tanking tango. It's effective and reliable and fucking boring. The best times I ever had in WoW was when shit went wrong and it was touch-and-go, seat-of-your-pants madness. Pulling a raid from the clutches of a wipe is the best feeling in the world, but that's completely counter to what the majority of MMO players want. They want a smooth, easy ride so they can get content on farm so their chances of getting the loot they need improves.

I feel like GW2 probably appeals to the same type of gamer who loves Demon/Dark Souls. The kind of people who aren't happy just mindlessly filling bars but want to be in the thick of a shitstorm and actually challenged by the fights because they're hard, not because xXRoflcopterXx was alt-tabbed watching videos, SePhIrOtHhHh didn't read the boss strategy on the wiki, and jjCopKillasjj doesn't have the latest version of the addon that tells him exactly where to stand and what to do when. Other MMOs, at least for me, always amounted to "Pray the other guys don't screw up".

That's why the worst part of GW2 for me are the grindy achievements, because they're just filling bars doing simple tasks (eating candy, killing holograms). That it's temporary, holiday content is the only reason I'm not more concerned. There's a few complaints here and there, but nothing they can't fix and nothing that breaks the game for me.

Is that how many mmo players feel when they play mmorpg? The lack of having a role in a trinity means they dont feel special? Do these guys even enjoy what ever the fuck they are playing?

For some it might be about the special nature, though I would rebut that complaint by pointing out that in most MMOs, there is one main tank (maybe an off-tank depending on the encounter), one main healer (again, depending on the encounter, 2 or 3 more healers) and then GOBS of faceless, easily-replaceable DPS. So not everyone gets to feel special; only certain classes do, and only if they've spec'd their character to do so, and even then only if they've worked their ass off to have the right gear, gotten in good with the guild/raid leader and made themselves irreplaceable by virtue of spotless attendance.

I also think a part of it is that the trinity is literally a system for breaking an encounter down to basic mechanics. Standard MMO gameplay is about avoiding the unexpected as much as possible. Tank does X, Healer does Y, DPS does Z. The boss will always react the same way to the same triggers, none of which are especially complex, and if all of the math adds up, there is no reason for failure. It paints people into very specific roles with very specific tasks in every encounter; if the raid wipes, it is always because person X has the wrong gear, stood in the wrong place, or pressed the wrong button.

In other words, the Trinity makes encounters safe and boring when everything goes right. Unless WoW was completely overhauled since Cataclysm, the best 'tank' isn't the one with the most skill; it's the one who reads the wiki, farms the gear, knows the stats and shows up on time. The best healers (again, unless the game was completely changed) are the ones who have the best UI addon for clicking healthbars. The best DPS is the one that doesn't fuck up by pulling aggro or standing in the fire ("You had one job to do!" springs to mind).

It's hard to believe these people exist in the thousands.

Don't let the internet fool you. The people who bitch are a tiny vocal minority; the people who are happy don't go looking for forums to whine on. Thousands is also probably on the high end; ArenaNet has commented that the majority of negative posts on their official forums are tied to the same 100 or so accounts.

If the Trinity is what they need to be able to enjoy an MMO, then by all means. But it's definitely not something that I think is a legitimate negative about GW2.

There's no shortage of MMOs that use the Trinity... in fact, GW2 is one of the few that doesn't. Lots of games on the horizon (Wildstar, ESO) will use the Trinity as well. There's no lack of games for people who want that sort of thing... for some reason, the fact that some people can enjoy GW2 just seems to drive some people up the wall. GW2 was heavily advertised as changing MMOs, and a lot of people probably jumped on board thinking that was what they wanted. The problem is, a lot of people don't want change, they just want the same game with better graphics, bigger worlds and cooler features while keeping the fundamental game mechanics the same. That's not just an MMO-thing, it's across the entire spectrum of gaming (Zelda fans, for example).

For some people, the change wasn't a good one. But that doesn't make GW2 a bad game. The fact that it's still pretty popular (we just did a culling and it only took us down to 350 members) and successful proves that it's not. I think it's attractive to a different type of player than the majority of MMO players though. Lots of people who previously disliked MMOs are on board with GW2, and some old school MMO fans have embraced the change, but for too many it doesn't deliver what they want out of the MMO experience and they've left... or stuck around to make a lot of noise.


There is something true about the argument that the game suffers due to a lack of defined roles.

I hate the holy trinity. I really applauded Arenanet's attempt to break away from it. But ultimately in PvE terms it doesn't quite work. Fights end up with everyone running round doing their own thing in chaos, group skills not being used and fights lasting forever doing the same thing whilst someone kites a boss around.

Before the game launched Arenanet outlined the 'roles' each class could take in fights - earth specialised elementalists as control, engineers as support etc. That hasn't played out at all - other than the guardian class for buffs. Now it's possible that at the very high levels of play you need to work better together and play like that but up to fractal 15 and most dungeons it doesn't.

I don't want a return to the holy trinity. But they could make some good changes to help:

- a better UI for buffs and debuts
- clearer notifications where buffs are coming from - think it would really help group orientated specs if people could see where and why they have buffs from! Right now you can play a buffing / support class in a group and people won't even now what's happening.
- clearer different ions between roles. The original idea for the game wasn't that there would be no tanks, it was that you had 'control' characters instead who could fulfill that role through a variety of ways. Instead we just have semi-random aggro, mad kiting and chaos. 5 dps just results in unfun chaos.
- clearer notifications in general. Combo fields are great but a lot of effects are hard to see and hard to react too in time and they should promote group play a lot more.
- enemy AoE marks on the ground could be a thousand times better. Just copy Secret Worlds system - it's so much clearer and helps group combat immeasurably.
- clearer notifications on enemy casts and abilities.

Again, my comments are purely for PvE - I wouldn't want to change things for PvP as I know that seems to work well. I just feel group PvE really suffers because of the direction the game ended up taking away from the original vision.

(And lets not talk about the big dragon fights, which are honestly some of the worse content I've seen in an MMO).
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