Noisy Ninj4
He's got all the khold hard facts on Rangering.
We should probably keep guild punishment inside the game. Otterwise people will weasel out befur we can badger them in guild chat.
He's got all the khold hard facts on Rangering.
So are the limited-time gem-expensive gathering tools at all worth it?
Considering getting the Consortium Harvesting Sickle while it's still around, but if it's a silly purchase I'm not going to pull the trigger.
Your order of "Guild Wars: Sea of Sorrows" has shipped!
I almost gave up on it because of the first Clicker encounter...I kept failing over and over again...only had one shiv. Finally sneaked took out the clicker with a shiv and then the rest was just spray and pray.Guys.
I cannot escape from The Last of Us. It is stealing all of my time.
How far are you?Guys.
I cannot escape from The Last of Us. It is stealing all of my time.
You'll get better. Single clickers will barely even be a threat by the middle of the game. Let me know if you ever need any tips, hope you're playing on hard with listen mode off.Yeya! Can't wait!
I almost gave up on it because of the first Clicker encounter...I kept failing over and over again...only had one shiv. Finally sneaked took out the clicker with a shiv and then the rest was just spray and pray.
How far are you?
It wasn't tough to escape from because i just had to complete it as feasably soon as I could.
Haven't even tried the Mp..
I need Tuesday like I need pizza
I see what you did there...
... you're alright.
Haven't even tried the Mp..
You'll get better. Single clickers will barely even be a threat by the middle of the game. Let me know if you ever need any tips, hope you're playing on hard with listen mode off.
You seem to know a lot about Rangers.
What would you say is the best build for leveling to 80?
I'm running with the greatsword right now (level 69) and I feel like the damage output is less than the shortbow but I don't have anything to actually record DPS.
worth it for that at least but this is freaking me out.Can now toggle spoiler and images on click instead of holding
Call me crazy but I think it looks alright. Does this site not change often?
When you see it...
Also, if you notice, he is HIGHER RESOLUTION than everyone else
What the fuck is going on
Hmmm is GW down? I keep getting an error msg.
My wife just tried. Same here.
Edit: Roxie already said this. Well. She changed her avatar and I didn't notice. Awkward.
When you see it...
Also, if you notice, he is HIGHER RESOLUTION than everyone else
Twitch going haywire. GAF's redesign still needs tweaking. GW2 servers dying. Aaaaaa.
Mobile dark still works. But hell even going from Vanilla old GAF to nuGAF feels a bit
Whenever someone quotes an image, clicking it never keeps it maximized, I have to hold it down and then if it expands pass the screen, scrolling and keeping it held down is impossible.
New GAF has solved this for me. All hail Gamefaqs.
Can't do the damn effigy event. At level 15 my damage is nill.
Is that how many mmo players feel when they play mmorpg? The lack of having a role in a trinity means they dont feel special? Do these guys even enjoy what ever the fuck they are playing?a guildie sent this to me... (a quitters reason for leaving guild wars) ;
and I thought this place during e3 was bad. jesus tap dancing christ.
Is that how many mmo players feel when they play mmorpg? The lack of having a role in a trinity means they dont feel special? Do these guys even enjoy what ever the fuck they are playing?
a guildie sent this to me... (a quitters reason for leaving guild wars) ;
Is that how many mmo players feel when they play mmorpg? The lack of having a role in a trinity means they dont feel special? Do these guys even enjoy what ever the fuck they are playing?
It's hard to believe these people exist in the thousands.
If the Trinity is what they need to be able to enjoy an MMO, then by all means. But it's definitely not something that I think is a legitimate negative about GW2.