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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Someone with more sPvP knowledge will be able to confirm but I don't believe it nets you any XP. You're upleveled and have access to everything. Only thing you'll gain is PvP ranks.
WvW also uplevels you but does not unlock everything and you gain XP. Its more an extension of PvE than straight up PvP and the maps count toward character map completion (which a ton of PvE only people complain about). However, as an upleveled person in WvW, make sure you keep updating your armor as you level. If you're still rocking the starter armor and have reached level 30, you'll probably be dying quickly in WvW. I generally keep a character out of WvW until I've unlocked the skill bars (elite unlocks at level 30). The lack of traits and top armors will already make you weaker so don't expect to frontline a zerg with a low level untraited character. EB is quicker and safer than BL for leveling imo too. You'll get items from kills so you can probably keep armor near max level with your drops.
And just an fyi, canons in WvW are effing awesome. If you're defending in a keep with canons (its an upgrade so they won't always be there), man a cannon if no one else is on it. It does a lot of damage and you'll tag a ton of guys for XP/bags. Another server was attempting to take out our trebs at our Eternal Battlegroups (EB) keep and I had at least 12 bags drop within 10s shooting at the middle of the zerg with a canon.

If we have nothing in SBI BL and there is a zerg starting to get everything, it is good exp. 1 exp bar for a tower and 2 exp bar for a keep.


Would berserker gear be the best for a glass cannon elementalist build? I'm trying to mix things up from my soldier aura build.


This and the battleground stuff you mentioned sounds great, I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this quite a bit. I assume you can gain exp through pvp, so I will likely be doing a good bit of it.

In PVP, you actually gain a unique, PVP-only form of experience called Glory, which you use to unlock new skins and the like.

Please OT3 don't kill my bandwidth.

1.3 MB total across 6 images. It would be a hell of a lot lower if I didn't have to account for Light / Dark Themes. If this sounds too high for folks, I can give the finger to Dark Theme GAF and cut that in half.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I got to log in for 15 minutes this morning. The cliffs are beautiful, and I can't believe how awesome the vertical design of the area is breathtaking. So up my alley... I can't wait to get the chance to explore it leisurely.

From the Priory golem, people seen this already?

edit: I just switched to dark theme too. It's so.... snazzy


I know some people who swear by being berserker and others who feel that you become way to easy to down if you do that. Maybe split the difference and try a knights or cavalier set? Or you could just work on a zerker set anyway because they can be "cheap" (CoF...) and have a few armors to switch between depending on the fight or instance. My ele is still in soldier's with celestial trinkets. Someone with more ele experience can speak up..

Edit: White theme is too GameFAQS for me. I didn't dislike the old vanilla NeoGAF but now it's too much.


From the Priory golem, people seen this already?

We were speculating last night that the Aetherblades might actually be exiled Zephyrites.
- Mai Trin is definitely of Canthan descent.
- Airships.
- Both have an excellent command of Lightning.
- Zephyr / Aether are both Greek, the former being "Wind" and the latter being "Air" or "Sky."
- Showing up about the same time, and the Aetherblades are even attacking the Sanctum.​
I felt a little too glassy with full berserker gear so I went with knights for some toughness. Others will recommend a mix and match with ele's for some balance, I haven't tried this yet but I probably will since I have both sets.


Glad to hear so many folks are actually using the dark theme, since I went to a lot of trouble to get things like banners and such looking right in both.


Small patch.

  • Rewards in Sanctum Sprint have been updated to once again give quartz and to reward the winner with extra karma and coins.
  • Added the correct minimap to the final Belcher’s Bluff contest against Poyaqui.
  • Adnul Irongut has calmed down, no longer insisting on critiquing at every possible moment.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Aspect Master to sometimes send you to PvP.
  • Drinking on an empty stomach is the only way to play Belcher’s Bluff. Food buffs are now removed when the match begins.
  • Updated the Deliver Supplies event in Labyrinthine Cliffs to be easier to complete.

  • Achievements that can no longer be completed will not appear in the nearly completed section of the Achievement Panel.

Yay @ the Achievements panel change. I don't want LS things I've couldn't quite complete showing up there.
Phew, had to find two Shiverpeak and Maguuma areas for their respective explorer achievements. This is not easy when you've already achieved 100 percent WC so there's no marker associated and you've done every JP so you know it's not any of those. That feel when you find them though...glorious. Apparently I already had all the others, thankfully.

Also, huzzah to getting 100 WvW tokens in the achievement chest, I might not have to bother with that mode again after all if I get a few more from the retroactive chests haha Made up for the PvP gear that I'll never use. Then again, I suspect the way to have high achievement points is to play WvW and such, eh? Otherwise wait for new content and keep getting those but 10k is so far out of reach right now haha I know it's meant for long term though.



Yeah, I picked up on a lot of this through my deep playthrough last night, and there's a bunch of other interesting lore goodies hidden throughout the new zone as well. Stuff about the Aetherblades, the dragons, and the aspects themselves.

I think I'm beginning to see a thread behind *all* of it now, but there just needs to be a bit more substantial evidence. I think I know what the Aetherblades are after, and why they want it. Also, why they teamed up with the Inquest in the first place. It's all making much more sense.

My current theory:

The Zephyrites are hiding the offspring of Glint on their ship. Glint is the crystal dragon, and she had the power over many aspects, which is why the Zephyrites have these aspect crystals. The Aetherblades are former Zephyrites who are now working under the employ of a dragon, or simply have evil designs for the baby dragon. It's important to note that the Aetherblades have teamed up with the Inquest, who we all know have put much of their efforts into studying and profiting off of the powers of the Dragons. Both the Aetherblades and the Inquest want Glint's offspring, so they've teamed up in order to get it. The only unclear aspect of this theory is why the Aetherblades sabotaged the Dragon Bash. It's possible they wanted to cause more chaos before grabbing Glint's Offspring, or perhaps they wanted to fill the council with some of their own. I think we'll find out more there.


I've been running 30/25/5/10/0. Common marks traits include better signet cooldown, damage + 10% when endurance is full, might on signet activation, piercing arrows, longbow range, and signet of the beastmaster. Common skirmishing traits include Pet+30% damage on criticals, ciritcals grant might 5s to pet, +10% crit damage when axe wielding, or bow skill cd improvement. Natural Vigor. Nature's protection. You can deduce which traits to flip to based on the weapon sets you are wielding.


So, the OT3 is basically done and ready. Previewed it in a new post earlier today and everything fit together just as I had planned. Short, informative and visually interesting without being loaded with images. The OT3 title won't be an in-joke or reference as a lot of people liked, so I went ahead and made something special to tuck in at the bottom of the OT. Oooooo, You guys are gonna love it.

Man, this new zone just makes me want to set up a Miyazaki/Skyward Sword playlist for running around.

NERD ALERT: I actually have playlists for specific characters, and my Sylvari Thief has a lot of Joe Hisaishi. Coincidentally, she's the character I took to Labyrinthine Cliffs first.
So, the OT3 is basically done and ready. Previewed it in a new post earlier today and everything fit together just as I had planned. Short, informative and visually interesting without being loaded with images. The OT3 title won't be an in-joke or reference as a lot of people liked, so I went ahead and made something special to tuck in at the bottom of the OT. Oooooo, You guys are gonna love it.

NERD ALERT: I actually have playlists for specific characters, and my Sylvari Thief has a lot of Joe Hisaishi. Coincidentally, she's the character I took to Labyrinthine Cliffs first.

that is pretty nerdy


So, the OT3 is basically done and ready. Previewed it in a new post earlier today and everything fit together just as I had planned. Short, informative and visually interesting without being loaded with images. The OT3 title won't be an in-joke or reference as a lot of people liked, so I went ahead and made something special to tuck in at the bottom of the OT. Oooooo, You guys are gonna love it.

NERD ALERT: I actually have playlists for specific characters, and my Sylvari Thief has a lot of Joe Hisaishi. Coincidentally, she's the character I took to Labyrinthine Cliffs first.

Joe Hisaishi is excellent for Guild Wars. The Nausicaa and Spirited Away soundtracks are perfect for the Labyrinthine Cliffs, particularly the village song from Nausicaa.


Why did I decide to get this game right before 10 days straight of work, and before my trip to miami

Also, for people with bad computers, can i play this game on my semi decent laptop? Does this run well on bad machines


I play on a laptop i7-2670 with a slightly oc 555m. I can play with a good number of settings on high with some concessions in shadows/reflections no post processing and smaa from an injector and maintain something close to 30 outside of large events. Oh I also have to keep v-sync off to maintain that, but often play in a full sized window anyway. My screen is also only 900p so it might be a rougher time if you want to play in 1080.



I play on a laptop i7-2670 with a slightly oc 555m. I can play with a good number of settings on high with some concessions in shadows/reflections no post processing and smaa from an injector and maintain something close to 30 outside of large events. Oh I also have to keep v-sync off to maintain that, but often play in a full sized window anyway. My screen is also only 900p so it might be a rougher time if you want to play in 1080.


Itll play on 1600x900

Also, is there any good controller set ups for this game, i find it hard to hotkey on my laptop keyboard
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