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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Was reading this because it was at the top of the "top" section on Reddit since I can't play at work and all that.


This may or may not make sense but I can't think of other wording right now so:

The "guild" in Guild Wars doesn't seem to be about player guilds... so what does "guild" in this iteration of Guild Wars refer to...?

It's always been about the "Guild Wars" that took place long ago. They kept the name for the sequel for brand leverage instead of "Dragon Wars"

Also Belcher's Bluff is fucking awesome.


Still seems like a bit of a cop out to me. I'm pretty sure the titling of GW1 wasn't a reference exclusive to historical events, but it is so in the sequel because.


still, there's no denying that the guild systems in this game could use some serious improvement. it'll probably drop all at once in some patch down the line.


still, there's no denying that the guild systems in this game could use some serious improvement. it'll probably drop all at once in some patch down the line.

I agree! I have a long internal wish list of stuff I'd LOVE to see for guilds in GW2, and the Reddit post touches on a lot of them. Those suggestions are all solid, and they'd all go towards improving quality of life for GW2 players.

My fantasy with the living story is the slow introduction of all these new characters like Rox, Braham and Kasmeer Meade turns into a plot where they decide to work together on something and turn into their own guild like Destiny's Edge. At that point, ArenaNet says "BAM, they're a guild now, and this therefore this patch is dedicated to awesome stuff for guilds!" That would be awesome. But I have a feeling that it won't work out like that and they'll be dropping stuff as soon as it's ready. Which is even better, even if it's not tied up in a themed little package.

As far as the "Living Story" goes, I'll throw this in since Retro asked me why I haven't chimed in yet. I love the concept of the living story updates, but I recognize that it is very much a work in progress. There are some parts of each update that I loved, and some that I felt honestly needed improvement.

I think Retro's over the top WWII analogy was valid in that small things can and do turn into big things, and sometimes you can't put the pieces together until after the dust has settled. I think given enough time, ArenaNet will put out an excellent, compelling storyline. Right now, I can see the pieces, but they don't tie together enough yet for me to draw any conclusions.

Personally, I thought the Molten Alliance update's missions were a little bit more fun, because they involved helping the characters more in those little mini solo adventures. Helping Rox get through the devourer hatchery was more compelling than entering an instance just to watch a conversation in yesterday's update, for example (even though I thought the conversation was interesting, I wasn't actively doing anything). And it was definitely a lot more fun than 'Go to an NPC in Gendarran Fields and click on them' when we had to question Dragon Bash bombing suspects.

I think if they kept doing the same things, just maybe a little more "doing stuff," would be fantastic.


Could I get an invite to gaf guild? I'm coming back after ~half year break and would love to play with some people.

Also hope to find someone to lead me back into the game, answer my questions etc, I do play at euro times on US server tho. (JQ)


Could I get an invite to gaf guild? I'm coming back after ~half year break and would love to play with some people.

Also hope to find someone to lead me back into the game, answer my questions etc, I do play at euro times on US server tho. (JQ)

Invite sent. Pretty much anyone in guild should be able to answer your questions.
Still seems like a bit of a cop out to me. I'm pretty sure the titling of GW1 wasn't a reference exclusive to historical events, but it is so in the sequel because.
It was all in the GW1 manual if you bought the original box back in 2005(?).

Lore about the (pointless) Guild Wars.


I hate extremely the lag in jumping puzzles I get... It made the super fun box unplayable, and I cant even get to the stupid flying ship >.<

They need to test this shit out for Australia mother funkers.




shit yeah I'll have the hands and the shoulders. DOPE




a gem reward? super noice.

re: 9,000 achievement reward, ughhhh. gonna take forever.
I don't know how easily the gold is farmed these days but when I looked at gold to gem exchange, oh boy... I'd probably rather do achievements and fun stuff and get those gems eventually then grind gold. But gold might be plentiful now, I'm not up to date on that.
I don't know how easily the gold is farmed these days but when I looked at gold to gem exchange, oh boy... I'd probably rather do achievements and fun stuff and get those gems eventually then grind gold. But gold might be plentiful now, I'm not up to date on that.

2 gold per Citadel of Flame Path 1 run, takes about 10 minutes with any group.


I make plenty of gold and still find the exchange rather harsh. If there's a gem item I want I'd rather just throw down 5-10 dollars.

Wow, under 200 posts away.


Wow, under 200 posts away.

Yeah, I'm thinking in the interest of making sure the OT3 goes up correctly, depending on where we're at tomorrow night I may kick it off early, even if we're not quite to 20k yet. I'd hate for us to go over 20k and have someone step in and hijack it, like what happened with this thread. At the current rate seems like tomorrow evening will be about the right time.


Yeah, I'm thinking in the interest of making sure the OT3 goes up correctly, depending on where we're at tomorrow night I may kick it off early, even if we're not quite to 20k yet. I'd hate for us to go over 20k and have someone step in and hijack it, like what happened with this thread. At the current rate seems like tomorrow evening will be about the right time.

Settled on a name yet?

|OT3| By The Time You Finish Reading This, A New Update Will Have Gone Live

|OT3| Molten Alliances, Giant Crabs, Sky Pirates, Flying Sanctums, And Much Much More!


|OT3| Now With Beards, Again.


Settled on a name yet?

|OT3| By The Time You Finish Reading This, A New Update Will Have Gone Live

|OT3| Molten Alliances, Giant Crabs, Sky Pirates, Flying Sanctums, And Much Much More!


|OT3| Now With Beards, Again.

We have and it is pretty genius.


OT3 tonight? Can't wait to see what PRetro has been working on. I'm hyped!

You have no idea how hard it was to find an image host for my 1562 MB animated GIF of the full Manifesto Video, or how much time I spent getting sparkly hearts around Colin Johanson to look just right.


So after going back and forth since launch, I finally took the dive and bought the game yesterday.

So far I'm loving the UI improvements over other MMOs (I mostly have WoW to compare it to), and the events seem like there is opportunity for awesome. Loving the active combat, dodging, etc. Here's hoping the PVP keeps me drawn in for some time!

I don't post or play that often, but hopefully I can get up with a gaf officer and get a guild invite. As a side note, am I right in reading I need to purchase a transfer just to create a character on a different server?


So after going back and forth since launch, I finally took the dive and bought the game yesterday.

So far I'm loving the UI improvements over other MMOs (I mostly have WoW to compare it to), and the events seem like there is opportunity for awesome. Loving the active combat, dodging, etc. Here's hoping the PVP keeps me drawn in for some time!

Awesome, you're not alone; we've had 39 new members this week. You'll make #40.

The PVP isn't quite to the level of GW1 yet, but coming from WoW you're in for a treat. In GW2 PVP everyone is automatically leveled to 80, have all skills and traits unlocked (even if your character is level 1) and everyone is wearing per-determined armor; changing weapons and armor is purely cosmetic. All that comes through is skill, strategy and teamwork.

Or, if battlegrounds were more your thing, you're going to love WvW: 4 large maps with supply camps, towers, keeps and a castle to fight over using siege. Each week three servers are paired together and fight to control each others' Borderlands and a central "Eternal Battleground" It tends to be dominated by large groups, but a 5-man 'Havok Squad' can tear down most undefended supply camps / carriers, choking off the enemy fortifications and generally distracting/harassing while remaining nimble and difficult to stop. Good Havok squads can even kick open a tower door or two if they're fast.

I don't post or play that often, but hopefully I can get up with a gaf officer and get a guild invite. As a side note, am I right in reading I need to purchase a transfer just to create a character on a different server?

Just post your character name or username (name.####) and we'll get you invited. We don't have any requirements on how often you play, but sometimes we have to make room and the more inactive players end up dropped. If you play often enough to notice you were removed, you play often enough not to get removed in the first place.

As for playing on different servers, unlike WoW all of your characters are on one server. However, at any time you can click "World Selection" at the character select screen, click any other server (for example, Stormbluff Isle if you want to play with the majority of GAFGuild) and click "Guest". It's basically a free, temporary server transfer. The only restrictions are that you can't engage in WvW for another server (for obvious reasons) and you can't guest outside your region (Europe cannot guest on NA servers and vice-versa)

That said, if you want to roll on Stormbluff Isle, you can buy a transfer (it's about what you'd pay in WoW, since the price is determined by population and SBI is usually High or Full) OR, if you just started, delete your existing characters; the game thinks you're a new player so you get to pick your home over again.

If you take the later option, make sure you stash any weapons or money you've earned into the bank; that's account-wide and won't be deleted. Any character names you have are also reserved for 24 hours.


I hope it doesn't come as a disappointment to anyone, but the new OT title is pretty tame.


The PVP isn't quite to the level of GW1 yet, but coming from WoW you're in for a treat. In GW2 PVP everyone is automatically leveled to 80, have all skills and traits unlocked (even if your character is level 1) and everyone is wearing per-determined armor; changing weapons and armor is purely cosmetic. All that comes through is skill, strategy and teamwork.
This and the battleground stuff you mentioned sounds great, I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this quite a bit. I assume you can gain exp through pvp, so I will likely be doing a good bit of it.

My username is Sanjuro.7624, I have a level 3 necro so far. I may end up re-rolling thief, as I am still getting used to the combat. It will be nice not worrying about class composition in groups, memories of a lvl 60 rouge LFG in WoW still taunt me.
You have no idea how hard it was to find an image host for my 1562 MB animated GIF of the full Manifesto Video, or how much time I spent getting sparkly hearts around Colin Johanson to look just right.
Please OT3 don't kill my bandwidth.

Based PRetro post it already so I can get hugest post count while I am at work.


This and the battleground stuff you mentioned sounds great, I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this quite a bit. I assume you can gain exp through pvp, so I will likely be doing a good bit of it.

My username is Sanjuro.7624, I have a level 3 necro so far. I may end up re-rolling thief, as I am still getting used to the combat. It will be nice not worrying about class composition in groups, memories of a lvl 60 rouge LFG in WoW still taunt me.

Someone with more sPvP knowledge will be able to confirm but I don't believe it nets you any XP. You're upleveled and have access to everything. Only thing you'll gain is PvP ranks.
WvW also uplevels you but does not unlock everything and you gain XP. Its more an extension of PvE than straight up PvP and the maps count toward character map completion (which a ton of PvE only people complain about). However, as an upleveled person in WvW, make sure you keep updating your armor as you level. If you're still rocking the starter armor and have reached level 30, you'll probably be dying quickly in WvW. I generally keep a character out of WvW until I've unlocked the skill bars (elite unlocks at level 30). The lack of traits and top armors will already make you weaker so don't expect to frontline a zerg with a low level untraited character. EB is quicker and safer than BL for leveling imo too. You'll get items from kills so you can probably keep armor near max level with your drops.
And just an fyi, canons in WvW are effing awesome. If you're defending in a keep with canons (its an upgrade so they won't always be there), man a cannon if no one else is on it. It does a lot of damage and you'll tag a ton of guys for XP/bags. Another server was attempting to take out our trebs at our Eternal Battlegroups (EB) keep and I had at least 12 bags drop within 10s shooting at the middle of the zerg with a canon.


If you want to jump into World vs World as a low level, find a set of weapons for your class that allow you to do AoE and have lots of CC. I use Bow/Dual Pistols on my Thief, and I can help out whenever the big fights start and run away whenever it's a losing battle. It's not bad XP either.


I have a decent number of PVP skins but I've never bothers to use them since functionally nothing changes. I should try swapping things out just so I don't look like a complete scrub
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