this is why I roam the land soloing any champs I see. It's not the boxes, it's the call of the challenge.
I usually kill Badazars champion alone in Plains of Ashford
this is why I roam the land soloing any champs I see. It's not the boxes, it's the call of the challenge.
SBI runs an organized one right after reset. Something went wacky yesterday and I guess he bugged out, but typically it goes really well. I was on the overflow with Arkanius and we crushed itEarlier today I was in the SBI overflow that tried to kill Tequatl. Surprisingly we had only like 10% left for a very unorganized effort. Though it was interesting watching the shitstorm and blame game that occurred after event failure.
When does gaf run Taco? I was removed for inactivity from the guild but that's to be expected. I don't really want a guild invite if you guys are full and I most likely will not be on consistently.
Fun to solo, he's like babby's first champion.I usually kill Badazars champion alone in Plains of Ashford
Did you get in on it?For the record SBI killed Teq after the first try after reset bugged.
Did you get in on it?
What do you want out of this game that you aren't getting?If I'm completely honest, the fact that this is the third living story update in a row with nothing for me in it irks me somewhat.
I'm really hoping the incoming return of the Mad King will resolve this.
Welp I know he doesn't care about SAB, finds large-scale open world bosses tedious, and one can surmise doesn't like dungeons, the three major areas covered by the last 3 updates. Just so happened three things he doesn't enjoy were focused on in a row.What do you want out of this game that you aren't getting?
SAB 2 wasn't really my thing, but the other two recent updates were great IMO. Could use some better storytelling, though. It might be coherent and make sense to the authors but when an audience doesn't have much of a clue what the hell is going on, they aren't going to be engaged in the story. An unengaged audience is about as good as not having an audience at all.Welp I know he doesn't care about SAB, finds large-scale open world bosses tedious, and one can surmise doesn't like dungeons, the three major areas covered by the last 3 updates. Just so happened three things he doesn't enjoy were focused on in a row.
Bound to occur every now and then, really.
Well like I said, he said "nothing for me in it" which is more or less an aversion to the kinds of content the most recent 3 releases focused upon, quality notwithstanding. I liked all of them personally and actually wish I had a teeny bit more time to poke around the Box, but I'm in a minority there.Noisy Ninj4 said:SAB 2 wasn't really my thing, but the other two recent updates were great IMO. Could use some better storytelling, though. It might be coherent and make sense to the authors but when an audience doesn't have much of a clue what the hell is going on, they aren't going to be engaged in the story. An unengaged audience is about as good as not having an audience at all.
Anet, use more conventional storytelling techniques, kthx.
And Kos,
That secret better get explained. It wasn't just an offhand line of dialogue, there's a freaking achievement tied to it. Such a tease.
New Zone!Wait so, in the past 3 living story updates, we had new open world events, new achievements, changes to WvW, SAB update, and a new dungeon path. I kind of feel like all bases were covered here.
What is it that you're looking for, PvP content?
Welp I know he doesn't care about SAB, finds large-scale open world bosses tedious, and one can surmise doesn't like dungeons, the three major areas covered by the last 3 updates. Just so happened three things he doesn't enjoy were focused on in a row.
Bound to occur every now and then, really.
Storyline instances, open-world quests and events that are not bosses, jumping puzzles, new zones, minigames, guild missions, and "stuff we haven't had yet." No clue which or if any of these fall under the category of things he enjoys, just fleshing out the list with the areas that were not mentioned and not touched by the updates in questionBut what else is there? Other than dungeons, world bosses, WvW, and PvP?
Heck, there was even new crafting stuff to do. I mean, I'm in the same boat as Levyne: I've mainly just done the new stuff once or twice and then I check out for two weeks. But still, I feel like all the content spots are being covered.
I think we can filter out tedious achievements as by nature I cannot imagine something already guaranteed to be tedious as something anyone would enjoy but otherwise I think you have put your finger on the button. It would appear that you like different kinds of fruit.Once again, not calling you out or being a dick (at least I hope i'm not). I've had my share of updates where I've checked out completely with one big "meh." Namely updates that focus on mini games, tedious achievements, and jumping puzzles. Ironically, these are usually the holiday updates, which is what you're waiting for. XD
Storyline instances, open-world quests and events that are not bosses, jumping puzzles, new zones, minigames, guild missions, and "stuff we haven't had yet." No clue which or if any of these fall under the category of things he enjoys, just fleshing out the list with the areas that were not mentioned and not touched by the updates in question
I think we can filter out tedious achievements as by nature I cannot imagine something already guaranteed to be tedious as something anyone would enjoy but otherwise I think you have put your finger on the button. It would appear that you like different kinds of fruit.
Alright guys, my friend and I made a podcast about balance from a Guardians perspective. It's rather long (2:45 minutes long).
Alright guys, my friend and I made a podcast about balance from a Guardians perspective. It's rather long (2:45 minutes long).
That secret better get explained. It wasn't just an offhand line of dialogue, there's a freaking achievement tied to it. Such a tease.
I'm gonna go with no, mainly because I don't remember what you're talking about.Having not done the new TA yet, could it just be that she just knows what you find out around level 40 or so with the pale tree PS instance? Considering the people involved in both old and new TA I was making that assumption.
I missed out on a vista each on red and blue BL sooooooo either way.I hope we get a good match up for once.
The Scarlet Invasions were 4 updates ago!
But yeah, it's not a failing to perceive the living story updates that way. I mean, for one thing, as we're discussing now, sometimes they're going to focus on content TYPES that you just don't enjoy. For another, they vary quite widly in size and scope, so you never really know meaty an update will be and if you look at them as the "main game" with everything else a side feature, you're gonna have a bad time.
For my part, I guess I consider everything that is explicitly not a minigame as part of "the main game." So there's a lot of overlap back and forth with Living World releases. Sanctum Sprint no, but exploring Labyrinthine Cliffs and hunting for Sky Crystals yes. Survival and Aspect Arena no, but Candidate Trials yes. SAB no all around; the last two updates, yes all around.
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Dungeons are my favorite, so I'm perfectly fine if that's all they add.
Surprising because you are terrible at dungeoning. You are the Siafra of the guardian profession.Dungeons are my favorite, so I'm perfectly fine if that's all they add.
Surprising because you are terrible at dungeoning. You are the Siafra of the guardian profession.
But what else is there? Other than dungeons, world bosses, WvW, and PvP?
quality of life, fix bugs, fix camera, take out shitty passive traits and add in more interesting ones, more skills.
I'm gonna go with no, mainly because I don't remember what you're talking about.
edit: If you try and press Caithe for it in the dungeon, she's all "I'm sorry, I can't reveal that just yet"
Not sure how widely known that is to other sylvari. If it's a big secret, that could be it. Sorta hoping it is just to tie up that little plot thread a bit.You find out that Caithe was the lover of the main baddie in TA, Faolain, who was also the head of the nightmare court. In the PS where you see into a possible future you can stick around to hear the shades of Destiny's Edge give up and/or bitch at each other. Caithe tells Faolain that since the end times are there, she'll fall to nightmare so she can spend the last days in Faolain's arms.
Oh shit I remember that. That just might be what Scarlet refers to. She did see pretty much everything, apparently, even possible futures.
Oh shit I remember that. That just might be what Scarlet refers to. She did see pretty much everything, apparently, even possible futures.
Not sure how widely known that is to other sylvari. If it's a big secret, that could be it. Sorta hoping it is just to tie up that little plot thread a bit.You find out that Caithe was the lover of the main baddie in TA, Faolain, who was also the head of the nightmare court. In the PS where you see into a possible future you can stick around to hear the shades of Destiny's Edge give up and/or bitch at each other. Caithe tells Faolain that since the end times are there, she'll fall to nightmare so she can spend the last days in Faolain's arms.
Can Sylvari have kids? Maybe Scarlet is Caithe and Faolin's daughter from the future.
There are no, Sylvari children. Everyone is born as an adult. They do not even mate like humans.