I've passed 13 of them that I confirmed, much more that have passed without me knowing. The last one I had required surgery because it was too large to pass (8mm). Don't listen to anyone saying that there are ways to prevent them, because there isn't. There are specific types of stones that may be prevented, and you can be tested to see if you have other issues and in those cases you have bigger problems than the stones. I'm perfectly healthy, have been tested numerous times, drink at least the suggested amount of water every day, avoid sodas, took citrus supplements - all that bullshit.
I currently have 3 stones inside me, but they are small so I'll likely pass them no problem - all I can do is get scanned every few years to make sure they aren't getting larger or I'm producing any more. I have passed so many that I have a routine that I start immediately when the pain begins, and for the most part I can function normally so it doesn't interrupt my life that much. The pain is bad, but your first one is usually the worst since you are scared. Once you're a vet, it isn't really a big deal anymore - it's just annoying.
Welcome to the club.
I currently have 3 stones inside me, but they are small so I'll likely pass them no problem - all I can do is get scanned every few years to make sure they aren't getting larger or I'm producing any more. I have passed so many that I have a routine that I start immediately when the pain begins, and for the most part I can function normally so it doesn't interrupt my life that much. The pain is bad, but your first one is usually the worst since you are scared. Once you're a vet, it isn't really a big deal anymore - it's just annoying.
Welcome to the club.