Watch it get nothing but mid 8's, 9's and mid 9's...
why didn't you add horizons - October 2012? it basically split 4 and 5. so its 4 games in 5 years
I kind of want the usual suspects to give out those notes, it will make it easier to shoot down their credibility in the future because everybody and their mom knows that ryse will be ass.
6/7's for ryse, 7's for DR3, 8's for killer instinct, and high 8's low 9's for forza. I think killer instinct and forza will be the standouts.
10's across the board from polygon. Every game is game of the generation already.
So, all the campaing would be about 3 hours?
I dont think so... this game have to focus on SP once its MP looks pretty bad. I trully dont believe the campaing is that short.
I am willing to put money on this. Polygon will rate this game higher than Killzone.
What if its actually a better videogame?I am willing to put money on this. Polygon will rate this game higher than Killzone.
What if its actually a better videogame?
Many of us guessed it would be short but if that keeps up holy shit. That's like COD length right there.
What if its actually a better videogame?
What if its actually a better videogame?
Wow. I asked a question and I get salt. Nice.In polygon's eyes it will defintely be so I'm sure you'll sleep well at night
I am willing to put money on this. Polygon will rate this game higher than Killzone.
Wow. I asked a question and I get salt. Nice.
I had to look that one up. LolNaCl'd
If there's a Jonathan Coulton song at the end credits everything is saved.
Isn't this what everyone expected?
Full preview from the OP (my translation, I am bilingual)--feel free to edit into OP or repost elsewhere, no credit needed except to the original source who wrote it:
7 hours is disappointing for any game (except the fighting ones), regardless of they being launch or not.Ouille! Still 7 hours for a launch game is kinda disappointing.
Isn't this what everyone expected?
I was about to take the bet then I saw only rated Killzone a 5. You are probably right. I could see them giving it a 6.5 just because. At what point do they get banned from GAF?
Why would a videogame site get banned? Because a subjective review bothered you?
Why would a videogame site get banned? Because a subjective review bothered you?
I was about to take the bet then I saw only rated Killzone a 5. You are probably right. I could see them giving it a 6.5 just because. At what point do they get banned from GAF?
Thanks a lot!Full preview from the OP (my translation, I am bilingual)--feel free to edit into OP or repost elsewhere, no credit needed except to the original source who wrote it:
Maybe the illusion that Crytek are a good developer will finally end?
There's a trend here. They gave TLoU a 7.5 for gods sake. How many times are they going to coincidentally shit on Playstation games and fall in love with Xbox games.
I'm not for them getting banned or even against having a bias but I dislike their denial that it's there.
There's a trend here. They gave TLoU a 7.5 for gods sake. How many times are they going to coincidentally shit on Playstation games and fall in love with Xbox games.
I'm not for them getting banned or even against having a bias but I dislike their denial that it's there.
Okay folks, because I hate myself I ran the numbers.
I looked through the reviews for all PS3 and 360 exclusives and compared the Metacritic to the Polygon reviews. I don't think I missed any but it's possible.
Last of Us
Deadly Premonition DC
God of War Ascension
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
LBP Karting
Ni No Kuni
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault
Metacritic PS3 Average: 78.11
Polygon PS3 Average: 68.89
Difference: -9.22
Conclusion: Polygon rates PS3 exclusives lower than the average critic by 9.22 points on a 100 point scale.
Gears of War Judgment
Halo 4
Witcher 2
Dance Central 3
Forza Horizon
Fable Journey
Steel Battalion
Kinect Star Wars
Metacritic 360 Average: 72.38
Polygon 360 Average: 61.88
Difference: -10.5
Conclusion: Polygon rates 360 games 10.5 points lower than the average critic on a 100 point scale.
Remove Kinect games from the equation and the Polygon 360 average is -8.5, which may indicate a slightly less negative bias toward 360 exclusives. However, this is based on only 4 scores, and that makes the estimated average a lot less precise. I would guess that a statistical test would reveal no significant difference between 8.5 and 9.2 based on this small number of observations.
Conclusion: Polygon scores both PS3 and 360 games lower than the Metacritic average. They score 360 games slightly lower, though probably not significantly so. In other words, NOT TEH BIAS.
Use this info however you see fit.
Only during a competitive console launch can you find a people arguing over a sci-fi shooter's review score on a website they hate, in relation to a 3rd person action game that takes place in ancient Rome.
I'm fine with seven hours, considering how simple the game looks, I will play it on the hardest anyway.This guy says it took him 7 hours. But he does work for MS.
Arguing over how the review is overly punitive. Killzone was bombed because it was a generic shooter which had a generic story to go along with it. Ryse is a generic third person brawler with what will more than likely be a generic story. Yet, I am rather confident that Polygon will not crap on Ryse for the lack of innovation. There is a extremely low chance that this game will get a five or below from Polygon.