Oh I think Crytek are good developers, Crysis 1 (when you threw good hardware at it was impressive technically). The issue is that some development teams are not good at making good games, they may be technically impressive but simply not all that fun.
There are a number of developers like that.
iD - there is no denying that iD (Carmack) has totally defined the first person shooter and game worlds in 3D, the thing is, the games themselves weren't all that great. To me anyway. Don't get me wrong, I liked Doom, Quake, Q3A, but as far as making a compelling single player game they really have a shitty track record
Guerrilla - again, Killzone 2 was very impressive, considering how close they came to the target renders, but the game itself was pretty mediocre, once you looked past all the eye candy the game was shallow as hell, the story wacky and the characters totally forgettable (or memorable for how bad they were, Rico)
I'd put Crytek in the same boat, technically they're top of the pile, but they really struggled to put together a good actual game, beyond the technical aspects.