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Halo 2 in Japan: People can't even GIVE it away!!!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GamerXL said:
That's the point Blackace.

The XBOX is a brand new console made by a "hated" company with no experience in the area

what area? making games? making hardware? selling stuff?

MS is such a success story.. who knew such a no name company could have thrived so wonderfully in the video game market!!!


The better question would be. How has the Xbox manage to survived without Japan?

Regardless of the reason...IT HAS!!!

Nevertheless, Thank you Tecmo, Sega and FromSoft for your excellent games.


Blackace said:
No I am pretty sure the guy giving away Halo 2 likes it from behind...

With comments like that, I am pretty sure this is one big inside joke...It sure reads like one.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag

I will spoil this comedy and reveal that the
man in the picture is in fact a member of this very forum.


Fafracer forever
Using the PS2 as basis is skewing this I believe.
Same can be said for using XBox as basis - the thing is a failure everywhere outside US (ok, and Australia if you want to count it separately), so apparently the only market that's necessary is US. :p

Europe, Japan, etc. are all irellevant after all!

Dammit Lyte, you could have let them spin around in circles for awhile longer ;) !
That's fine. I personally couldn't list you 5 games from Japan I've felt were worth my money this gen. I say we enjoy our games, and they enjoy their "games".

On my PS2 I get games like Jak 3, Sly Cooper, etc. Very few Japanese games even on that system.


Fafalada said:
Same can be said for using XBox as basis - the thing is a failure everywhere outside US (ok, and Australia if you want to count it separately), so apparently the only market that's necessary is US. :p

Europe, Japan, etc. are all irellevant after all!

Dammit Lyte, you could have let them spin around in circles for awhile longer ;) !

Uh, yeah...ok.
The Japanese were far ahead of the NA or European game developers for a long while. When NA and Eur devs finally caught on how to make great appealing games the entire industry shifted.
kpop100 said:
Where do you live, I'm gonna take the first train tomorrow and come whoop your ass.

Welcome to try. In all seriousness Osaka is a pit - it's fortunate though that it is populated with decent Japanese people. If I didn't have to work in Namba/Shinsaibashi I would never go there - that place always manages to put me on edge and give me a headache. My girlfriend is a born and bred Osaka girl - the best girlfriend I've ever had. Her family are so kind to me as well given that I am a gaijin. My GF says the same thing, Osaka isn't a place you want to set down roots.


Warm Machine, that's only true for consoles. If you include non-console (especially thinking C64 and AMIGA here) into that equation it is not necessarily true anymore.


Dagon said:
Well, that island nation does have a population of 120 million.

True, but Europe and the U.S. have a bit more than double Japan's population. Otherwise, Japan is a strong second place and the UK is a distant third.

EDIT: Europe has 4-5X the population of Japan.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Wintermute said:
Welcome to try. In all seriousness Osaka is a pit - it's fortunate though that it is populated with decent Japanese people. If I didn't have to work in Namba/Shinsaibashi I would never go there - that place always manages to put me on edge and give me a headache. My girlfriend is a born and bred Osaka girl - the best girlfriend I've ever had. Her family are so kind to me as well given that I am a gaijin. My GF says the same thing, Osaka isn't a place you want to set down roots.

I understand that... Like I said my better half is from Osaka... but we live in Yokohama... Hahah but really if you are going to put your roots somewhere that way... look closer to Kyoto! :D


GamerXL said:
Sorry, I went played some more Halo 2 campaign and got stuck. Are we still not agreeing to disagree?

Yeah. How about you come back when XBox is profitible? Then you can say that they don't need the Jap market to survive. Xbox is not surviving on its own. Money from other places are keeping it alive. Halo 2 will probably give MS its first profit this quarter but Halo 2 doesn't come out every 3 months.


Wintermute said:
Welcome to try. In all seriousness Osaka is a pit - it's fortunate though that it is populated with decent Japanese people. If I didn't have to work in Namba/Shinsaibashi I would never go there - that place always manages to put me on edge and give me a headache. My girlfriend is a born and bred Osaka girl - the best girlfriend I've ever had. Her family are so kind to me as well given that I am a gaijin. My GF says the same thing, Osaka isn't a place you want to set down roots.

First off no Osaka native would admit somewhere else in Japan is better, even if they felt that way :p Not that I don't believe you of course, that's just very strange.

Second, cmon..on edge, headaches? Have you even been to a dangerous area? I'm originally from CT...Hartford, Bridgeport. those are pits my friend.

I mean Amemura is a pit I'll give you that. Umeda is nice though, and there are nice areas even in Namba/Shinsaibashi again outside of Amemura. So if you commute to Osaka where do you live (area, not address or anything :p). I mean if you're coming from Nara or some shit then I can understand how you feel maybe. I've been to Tokyo, Yokohama, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, they are all nice places, but none has the personality of Osaka from my experience. Great people, food, atmosphere. The only place I really want to check out one day is Sapporo, I hear great things.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
kpop100 said:
First off no Osaka native would admit somewhere else in Japan is better, even if they felt that way :p Not that I don't believe you of course, that's just very strange.

Second, cmon..on edge, headaches? Have you even been to a dangerous area? I'm originally from CT...Hartford, Bridgeport. those are pits my friend.

I mean Amemura is a pit I'll give you that. Umeda is nice though, and there are nice areas even in Namba/Shinsaibashi again outside of Amemura. So if you commute to Osaka where do you live (area, not address or anything :p). I mean if you're coming from Nara or some shit then I can understand how you feel maybe. I've been to Tokyo, Yokohama, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, they are all nice places, but none has the personality of Osaka from my experience. Great people, food, atmosphere. The only place I really want to check out one day is Sapporo, I hear great things.

My girl says she wants to work here... then, if you...we....ummm.....sett...se...se...t....settle down maybe we'll go to stay in Osaka...better known as O-town!



I wish I could sufficiently express how little I care about M$ being profitable. I mean, really, I do not care.

Besides, M$ knew they weren't going to make much money with the first XBOX. And as a gamer, I could care less.

This is where someone says "but if they don't make money they'll get out of the biz" and blah, blah, blah.

That's their problem. Give me the games and I'll play them until they don't make them anymore. Simple. I'll let people like fret over rise and fall of their stock.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This thread is an excellent example of a professional troll at his most inventive. Kudos to this international, special effects filled troll.

But this is the saddest part of the subsequent decay:

Her family are so kind to me as well given that I am a gaijin.

Now while I am quite aware this is a fact of life in Japan, it's still completely disgusting. If the poster had been in America, saying the same thing about his Japanese girlfriend, we would assume his countrymen were racist crackers.

Back on topic (kind of) does anyone know if Katamari of any sort is planned for PSP?


GamerXL said:

I wish I could sufficiently express how little I care about M$ being profitable. I mean, really, I do not care.

Besides, M$ knew they weren't going to make much money with the first XBOX. And as a gamer, I could care less.

This is where someone says "but if they don't make money they'll get out of the biz" and blah, blah, blah.

That's their problem. Give me the games and I'll play them until they don't make them anymore. Simple. I'll let people like fret over rise and fall of their stock.

Ok then, so you don't care about japan, you don't care about MS making money, good for you. Now if only you didn't care about other people caring about it then we wouldn't be here would we?. No problem thats why GAF is for. :)


Stinkles said:
Back on topic (kind of) does anyone know if Katamari of any sort is planned for PSP?

While I may actually consider buying a PSP if that were the case, I can't see why they would considering the lack of a second analogue stick on the PSP.


alejob said:
Ok then, so you don't care about japan, you don't care about MS making money, good for you. Now if only you didn't care about other people caring about it then we wouldn't be here would we?. No problem thats why GAF is for. :)

Of course I care about Japan. I have friends there and immensely enjoy Sega and Team Ninja games. Where'd you get that from.

No, I don't care if M$ makes money. Why should I? I don't work for them or own any stock.


Damn, I have to be really picky with the words to use.

It gave me the impresion that you didn't care about how Japan does when you said it doesn't matter.

And I didn't mean you didn't care about MS making money, I meant you didn't care if MS has a healthy/stable/self preserving videogame business, which is slightly different.


They shouldve hired this guy to give them away




explodet said:
He also got his ass banned.
What happened there?

He got banned from the "Eat crow" thread... He was making some good points. But his aggressive/combative nature got him into trouble I guess. He's still cool with me though. :D
Stinkles said:
Now while I am quite aware this is a fact of life in Japan, it's still completely disgusting. If the poster had been in America, saying the same thing about his Japanese girlfriend, we would assume his countrymen were racist crackers.

Have you lived in Japan before? The fact is that Japanese people are extremely xenophobic. People in Osaka aren't so bad but one day I went to Wakayama and I was actually spat at for no other reason I could think of other than my being a foreigner. I could tell you a lot of stories about uyoko vans that drive around as well. I had no intention of dating a Japanese woman because initially I didn't plan to stay longer than a year but plans changed and she is something special. I was worried about how her family would react to me given my previous experiences.

kpop100: I live about an hour away from Namba. America Mura is perhaps the worst part of Osaka (IMO) - I can't spend more than 30 minutes down there without feeling the need to bolt to the nearest subway entrance. It's more to do with the pollution and the amount of people in Namba that puts me off the place. Umeda is an okay place, it's busy all of the time but at the very least it is clean(er). I'm moving to Toyonaka in the new year which I'm pretty happy about - a nicer area that is close to Umeda. If I didn't have to commute to Namba each ay it would be a perfect scenario.
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