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Halo 2 matchmaking features - revolutionary or flop?


Halo 2 has a unique matchmaking system when it comes to FPSs. Instead of having normal servers where people can join and leave at will, you have a "level" which represents how skilled you are and can go up and down, and the matchmaker arranges a game with equal teams based on rank. You can also stick with your friends across multiple games using the party system.

There is NO way that you can force yourself to play ranked matches against lower level players. I don't exactly know how the party system matches you against other players, let's say if you have a lvl 20 and lvl 1 in the same party.

Since the game hasn't been out long, I believe people haven't reached their "natural" level yet. Once that happens, I believe we will have a very even battleground. I would like to see how the level distribution would be.

Also you have no control over game modes and maps, which ensures all game modes and maps get even usage (cough cs_dust cough) . This can also be a disadvantage of course if you just don't find some maps/modes to be fun.

I can understand why somebody would be unhappy bungie's system, because you can't keep playing with the same people over and over and you can't choose the exact type of game or map you will play.

I think this is a truly revolutionary system, in addition with clans, logos etc that seems to be what MS envisioned Live to be all about, and this kind of matchmaking service would be impossible to pull off in the open nature of online PC fps games. It is the ultimate equal playground, everybody has the same hardware, same controller(if you don't count the tiny minority that will be using the mouse adapter, shame that it was released) and voice chat and roughly the same skill level. It is also essentialy hack-free.

It will be interesting to see if any other FPS or any other kind of games will try to follow Bungie. The only problem I see is that for this system to work you need a large number of players. A racing game where you get matched against people who have similar times in a given track with a given car/car class? bring it on!
Really, really like the party system, don't like the lack of being able to just hop into a game within seconds. Couldn't give a shit about rankings.
I really do like the system, but if more statistics could be tracked and accounted for when grouping people together...say, like, a teamwork rating partly derived from tracking how many times and how often players decide to teamkill...

Arranged custom or clan matches seem to be the best, most enjoyable methods of play...at least, in consistency.

So, the matchmaking system is definitely not a flop...but not as good as it could be, but nothing's perfect and this is as good a solution, for what it is, as has ever been. There is definitely still some room for improvement and I'm mostly confident that Bungie will work to fix it. And, yeah, I guess, it's innovative in its own way...but, as has been mentioned before, the party (virtual couch) feature is revolutionary for online gaming and needs to be implemented into EVERY single online game out there.

I want more options for specific search criteria, such as specific maps and distinct modes of play. The matching wait is also in need of some tweaking...but Bungie is apparently looking into that. Additionally, it'd be so nice if we could have matchmaking for non-ranked custom games.


I doubt anyone would be making a big deal out of it if it wasn't so slow. They are working on a fix for it, so it should be much better soon.

That said, I think it's a great idea.


my reputation is Shadowruined
At first I was confused by it and didn't like the long wait times. Now that I understand whats going on and have had some experience with it, I think it's definatley a big step in the right direction. Overall it has some really good ideas, it just needs to be fleshed out more.


thorns said:
Halo 2 has a unique matchmaking system when it comes to FPSs. Instead of having normal servers where people can join and leave at will, you have a "level" which represents how skilled you are and can go up and down, and the matchmaker arranges a game with equal teams based on rank. You can also stick with your friends across multiple games using the party system.

well, it can't be revolutionary since it's exactly what warcraft 3's non-custom games are on battle.net, but it certainly sounds like it's actually working better (can't count the number of times i've gotten matches in war3 against someone 5 or more levels above me).


Too dumb for the internet
Maybe people don't want to scroll through a billion pages of the Halo2 thread to read about one specific topic dude. Or maybe they are trying to avoid all spoilers. You don't like the thread, don't read it. Shut your yap.
I think the matchmaking thing would be fine if they didnt just Kick you out right after the match. They should let everyone stay in the game and just go to a lobby after the game, like after a Game in the party system and let the players decide if they wanna play more against each other, or Leave and do another Matchmaking thing.



works for Gamestop (lol)
Joe said:
didnt like it at first, love it now.

Same here, especially when it comes to clan matches. No longer do you have to scout and find a clan that is willing to play against yours, and then spend additional time just setting the match up. Now it's very easy to start...just invite players from your clan to your patty and hit the start button. Very cool.

I would probably hate the matchmaking mode if I didn't have GAFFers on my friends list though


Yeah, but that would require effort on my part. :p

I'll do that as soon as I get this gargantuan torrent done.
Azih said:
Yeah, but that would require effort on my part. :p

I'll do that as soon as I get this gargantuan torrent done.

well making a friends list always require effort.

if you dont wanna put in the effort, then dont complain. And if I were you, id Put in the list now during the torrent, being that once ur torrent is done, ul be able to just start playing.

and my gamertag is out4dolo.


You're fucked without lots of friends or a clan. I understand why they have it like this, but I would like the option of having both. You cannot create a custom game with random people, you can only invite people to those games. And arranged games aren't ranked. Lame.
SKluck said:
You're fucked without lots of friends or a clan. I understand why they have it like this, but I would like the option of having both. You cannot create a custom game with random people, you can only invite people to those games. And arranged games aren't ranked. Lame.
it's pretty obvious why arranged games aren't ranked...


0G M3mbeR
Matchmaking is retarded. Just another babying feature for the average casual gamer.

I want to be the boss of my game. If I want to play CTF I play CTF, not just take the roulette wheel of oddball, king of the hill, carry the bomb, or whatever.

Easily the biggest dissapointment of this game for me.


It needs two things: more specific optimatch playlists (so I could select "Big Team CTF Zanzibar" or whatever), and after a match the timer should begin to count down again after like 30 seconds so you aren't forced to leave and do another search.


4 of us (from another site) got together last night and formed a party. We then reeled off 10 minor clan matches against clans of equal skill and it rocked. Yea there were different types of games (they all rocked). When we were done I, the party leader moved all 4 of us (with one command) to a CTF custom match on my friends list that already had 12 players in it. The functionality rocks. I'm sure Bungie will address the game type thing in the future.


thorns said:
It is the ultimate equal playground, everybody has the same hardware, same controller(if you don't count the tiny minority that will be using the mouse adapter, shame that it was released) and voice chat and roughly the same skill level. It is also essentialy hack-free.

Wouldn't the ultimate equal playground also require everyone to be equal from an internet connection point of view?


Chili Con Carnage!
I think its a good idea, its the only way rankings could be fair, it does need to allow people not caring about their rank to pick there games though (without starting a custom one and having to fill it with their own friends, even with a 100 person clan like GAF, there never seems to be more than 10 people online).
Fixed2BeBroken said:
I think the matchmaking thing would be fine if they didnt just Kick you out right after the match. They should let everyone stay in the game and just go to a lobby after the game, like after a Game in the party system and let the players decide if they wanna play more against each other, or Leave and do another Matchmaking thing.

You can actually add people from the Postgame Carnage Report into a party if you would like to play with people you just played a matchmaking game against. Say you have a good team and would like to keep them together for a few names, just select their name from the PCR and add them to the party.


That isn't the point, the point is to avoid the waste of time searching for gametypes or "matchmaking". It would be nice if you could stay with the SAME PEOPLE and it just went to the next map on the playlist in a second. Not another 4 minutes of making another stupid match that will probably play the same map you just played.
SKluck said:
That isn't the point, the point is to avoid the waste of time searching for gametypes or "matchmaking". It would be nice if you could stay with the SAME PEOPLE and it just went to the next map on the playlist in a second. Not another 4 minutes of making another stupid match that will probably play the same map you just played.

But being able to play against the same people would break the ranking system, defeating the purpose of the playlist in the first place.

I agree matchmaking takes too long though, and that there should be someway to join up random people for custom games.


I don't know what RSS is, but I've definitely been checking out my bungie.net personal stats. They even have screenshots of the map for you with who and where you killed or got killed. Amazing stuff. Maybe not quite as detailed as HLstats or other stat programs for Counter-Strike, but similar in nature.


Chili Con Carnage!
RSS is XML, basically means you can get your stats (and anyone else who'll give you their XML link) on your own site (so in theory we could have a GAF clan list which would rank our single player levels)


they call me "Man Gravy".
thorns said:
Halo 2 has a unique matchmaking system when it comes to FPSs. Instead of having normal servers where people can join and leave at will, you have a "level" which represents how skilled you are and can go up and down, and the matchmaker arranges a game with equal teams based on rank. You can also stick with your friends across multiple games using the party system.

There is NO way that you can force yourself to play ranked matches against lower level players. I don't exactly know how the party system matches you against other players, let's say if you have a lvl 20 and lvl 1 in the same party.

Since the game hasn't been out long, I believe people haven't reached their "natural" level yet. Once that happens, I believe we will have a very even battleground. I would like to see how the level distribution would be.

Also you have no control over game modes and maps, which ensures all game modes and maps get even usage (cough cs_dust cough) . This can also be a disadvantage of course if you just don't find some maps/modes to be fun.

I can understand why somebody would be unhappy bungie's system, because you can't keep playing with the same people over and over and you can't choose the exact type of game or map you will play.

I think this is a truly revolutionary system, in addition with clans, logos etc that seems to be what MS envisioned Live to be all about, and this kind of matchmaking service would be impossible to pull off in the open nature of online PC fps games. It is the ultimate equal playground, everybody has the same hardware, same controller(if you don't count the tiny minority that will be using the mouse adapter, shame that it was released) and voice chat and roughly the same skill level. It is also essentialy hack-free.

It will be interesting to see if any other FPS or any other kind of games will try to follow Bungie. The only problem I see is that for this system to work you need a large number of players. A racing game where you get matched against people who have similar times in a given track with a given car/car class? bring it on!

uhh, battle.net has been doing this for years. RTS's have very similar on-line game structures to FPS games, so it's hardly revolutionary.


RSS is sort of a preformatted version of XML, so that newsreaders know exactly what they're getting into. XML in its pure form, on the other hand, isn't really standard; you have to figure out what information it's presenting on a case-by-case basis.

That's your worthless lesson of the day.


my bungie.net isnt working. i emailed them and supposedly they're fixing it, but no response in 2 days.


RSS= Really Simple Syndication. From xml.com:


RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS: the "recent changes" page of a wiki, a changelog of CVS checkins, even the revision history of a book. Once information about each item is in RSS format, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and react to the changes in an appropriate way.

It's the wave of the future. Firefox supports it in browser. Check out this screenshot of my RSS reader and you can see how it tracks my games (I picked the one game I won to highlight of course. :)):



What a lot of people don't understand is even if this was in warcraft 3 or any other Blizzard game, it does not matter because that is on the PC. This stuff is "revolutionary" in the sense that it is on a console.


First tragedy, then farce.
teepo said:
*cough* WARCRAFT3 *cough*

yeah, but the party system is different.. plus on Warcraft 3 I often cant find someone of my skill and get raped by someone MUCH better than me.. Halo 3 hasnt had that problem yet. Also it very cooly ranks you based on each game type.. so if you kick ass at CTF but suck at deathmatch, it wont average your overall play out and stick you with people better than you at DM and worse than you at CTF, you get a nice even match up.
apparently I suck so much they cant place me with players of my own level and stick me with every player thats better than I am
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