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"Halo 2 projected to sell 10 million units" GTA SA doomed?


GTASA am cry. i up my bet. 5 million this year. 3-4 million launch month.

"I'm calling a $100 million day on Halo today," Peter Moore, a corporate vice president in Microsoft's games division, said at the Harris Nesbitt investment conference in New York.

"In the first 24 hours we'll have an opening that's (more) popular than any motion picture has ever had in history," Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said at a shareholder's meeting Tuesday.

Analysts expect Halo 2 to sell a total of about 10 million units, with some projecting up to half of those sales coming in November. The original Halo sold 5 million units and remains the best seller on the Xbox to date.

"We think that this will be the biggest launch in the history of EB, perhaps the biggest launch in the history of video games," said Jeff Griffiths, chief executive of games retailer Electronics Boutique, at the Harris Nesbitt conference.

Greg Kasavin, editor at the video game website Gamespot.com, attributed Halo's popularity to its story, which is rich for a video game and has been further chronicled in a series of novels and spawned an array of fan offshoots, such as the short Red Vs Blue internet films.

Wow. This shit is like Mario 3 redux. :eek:

All that's necessary is the "The Wizard" equvalent. Halo: The Movie?

"This summer, Fred Savage is Master Chief. In 2005, one man will totally BLOW SHIT UP."

Obviously, this would have to be directed by Uwe Boll. For street cred, y'know.
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