Well, I'll try entering the FUD code when I fire up the game again today.
Just want to make I got everything from the LE.
anybody else feel that the grenades are really underpowered and sound like crap when they explode? I swear they never felt this weak in all the other halo's. (1,2,3)
Just got to thecrash site.
It may be too early to say this but...this fucking game.
Thanks for the help bud. All of this unlock stuff is weird. Wish they just showed the full locked list instead of just popping up.No once you first begin there are only a few u can use. It sounds like you got everything. It feels a little light but that is because the biggest amount of content isn't available until December I believe. Its essentially the season pass that sells separately for 2000 MS Points.
I think it was like that in Reach as well, you have to resume your checkpoint for it to work properly.
Lol you guys...
"Graphics are the best I've seen on consoles."
"Jaggiez, low res textures, etc"
"OMG the weapon sounds are amazing, the music is great"
"Weapons don't sound that good, bring Marty back"
Fuck, which one is it!?
Lol you guys...
"Graphics are the best I've seen on consoles."
"Jaggiez, low res textures, etc"
"OMG the weapon sounds are amazing, the music is great"
"Weapons don't sound that good, bring Marty back"
Fuck, which one is it!?
Event: Delivered - November 6, 2012 1:16:00 PM
Well, I'll try entering the FUD code when I fire up the game again today.
Just want to make I got everything from the LE.
The graphics are amazing but you can tell what shortcuts they took to reach there(there are jaggies but their AA solution is pretty damn good, the textures are low res in many places but are hidden by good art design and great lighting/post process effects). There is also some pop-in in certain places even with the game installed but it's very minor and unnoticeable for most people I feel.
The sound design is great but it's not as punchy as Reach's sound effects and the music although amazing doesn't match up to Marty's.
I feel pretty much the exact opposite. Aiming and shooting feels really good, better than ever, and the guns feel more powerful. The sound is amazing, the warthog sounds meaty and mean, all the guns sound great, and the ambient sounds are wonderful too. Only thing we agree about is the graphics, holy crap. They're imcredibleSorely disappointed before level 1 ended. AI doesn't seem to be anywhere near as good and the feel of aiming/looking is bad. There's a larger dead zone than halo had and the acceleration curve is too slow. Raising the sensitivity doesn't help as I haven't found a setting that fixes the issues it has.
The guns are weaker and as someone else stated, the hit reactions aren't as good.
There's also small things missing that Bungie always seemed to feel was important such as dirt being kicked up by the Warthog or rolling down a hill/cliff after a gun shot. Do vehicle huds still animate based on your driving speed? The sound and music aren't as good either.
Graphics are beautiful though. At times it seems amazing that these graphics could be powered by a 360.
Agreed with all of this. The game overall has a much better sense of weight and physicality to it that the previous Halo games lacked imo.I feel pretty much the exact opposite. Aiming and shooting feels really good, better than ever, and the guns feel more powerful. The sound is amazing, the warthog sounds meaty and mean, all the guns sound great, and the ambient sounds are wonderful too. Only thing we agree about is the graphics, holy crap. They're imcredible
But all halos have some low res textures, we are talking about a 7 years old console, even the top PS3 games have low res textures.
Exactly. Every game has had to make shortcuts. This is bar none the best looking console game out there and i've played all the big ones on 360 and PS3. And this one actually has online campaign co-op and sandbox vehicle sections unlike the other big graphically impressive games on consoles.But all halos have some low res textures, we are talking about a 7 years old console, even the top PS3 games have low res textures.
But all halos have some low res textures, we are talking about a 7 years old console, even the top PS3 games have low res textures.
I wish they'd release Halo 2 anniversary
I'd love to go from Reach all the way through Halo 4 with the games![]()
- Ability to drop the flag
- Static weapon timers
- Assault gametype
- Join-In-Progress toggle
- Sprint toggle
- Visible ranks (I know, I know)
- Auto-pickup toggle
- Playlist overhaul (snipers, doubles, merge Obj playlists, etc.)
- Active Roster in alphabetical order
- Theater for Campaign/Spartan Ops.
- Campaign scoring/timers
- Spectator Mode
No...no no no no nooooo.
Me: "Awww yea game time tonight after work!!"
Wife texts: "Hey honey, is it alright if we invite ________ and ______ over for dinner tonight?"
Me: "What...b-b-but...but- FFFFFFF UUUUUUU!!!!!!"
Oh wow Infinity Slayer is awesome.
The needler it rained death and spat out needles at twice the speed I'm used to.
What we like out of a patch if possible
- Ability to drop the flag
Guy that did sound design for MGS4 and Castlevania: CotM worked on Halo 4.The sound design, on the other hand, is superb. Weapons sound meaty, voice actors do a very competent job, everything sounds right.
Finished it on Heroic.
First off, the non-spoiler bits.
The game plays very nicely, though it can be very unforgiving. Prometheans are tough as nails, and don't seem to have a real weakness. Having one take your shields down and then charge you can be infuriating. Heck, I'll be honest, I didn't really enjoy fighting them on Heroic. They were too tough, imo. Maybe it just takes some getting used to, or maybe...
It's because I couldn't find any good weapons anywhere. I seriously spent half the game running around with a goddamn Supressor and Boltshot, simply because all my other weapons ran out of ammo that quickly. Prometheans take an ungodly amount of punishment before going down. There were a lot of weapons I enjoyed playing with, but the game pretty much made it impossible to keep carrying them around.
Vehicles, on the other hand, are extremely well done. Loved them all, from the Mantis to the old favorites. Haven't tried a Wraith yet, but I'm sure it's fine too.
Now, on to presentation: the game looked good. Really good. Yes, some weird design decisions (I'm still not a fan of the Chief's armor), but the game itself looks really good. Two missions in and I was already lamenting the loss of campaign theater even more. Some truly spectacular sights in there.
But: those cutscenes can't have been in-game. Most of them, anyway. You could see it in the way they were made, heck, in the way the sound was compressed. It sounded awful, didn't look right either. Music hardly ever fit to what was onscreen either, and when it did it was full of noise. Very disappointed in that regard, though I shouldn't be surprised. Guess I'm glad we don't have to watch those from Waypoint.
Music in general was very disappointing, definitely not mixed as well as Marty and Jay did. You often only had one long track playing, which didn't react to the player's actions at all. A very far cry from the previous Halo games.
The sound design, on the other hand, is superb. Weapons sound meaty, voice actors do a very competent job, everything sounds right.
Now, the spoilered thoughts. Do NOT read this if you haven't finished the game yet.
Ending was. Seriously.fucking underwhelmingIt also explains nothing. How the hell did Cortana, a freakin' hologram, get the Chief out of that Forerunner ship when the nuke detonated in his hands? And don't get started about 'luck'. Having the game end with the Chief just standing there, I dunno. It wasn't good. That post-credits sequence should've come before them. Maybe they could've given us something actually tantalising as a gift for sitting through them then. For all the care that went into it, it all felt very sloppy, and very much not-Halo. Maybe Halo Wars.
On the other hand: the Forerunner story was well-presented. I'm interested in the rift between the Didact and the Librarian, it'll be very interesting to find out what happened when we get Silentium in our hands. Also, I'm suspsecting players who haven't read the books are going to be fucking lost. The Didact needed more exposition: 343 tried to make him the Chief's nemesis, but they kinda failed. We just didn't know what drove the guy, except for a hatred for humanity.
The Didact and the Librarian also looked ridiculous. Good thing both of them are dead. No idea what the rest of the Reclaimer trilogy is going to be about, but they threw their big bad into a black hole, there's no coming back from that.
Then again, the Chief did detonate a nuke in his hands and walk away unscathed. There's precedent.
I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything right now.
So, all in all, I'm kinda torn on this game. It plays like a Halo game. I had a lot of fun beating it, and I'll gladly do so again. I'll probably bump the difficulty down to Normal once I'm done with Legendary, but I'll definitely play it again. 343, congrats, you made a game that plays like Halo.
The presentation, however, was not Halo. The way the cutscenes and music were implemented wasn't very good. It just didn't do it for me.
Tl:dr: Gameplaywise, I'm happy: I got more Halo to play. Storywise, however, I feel let down.
They are activists. Some of the 0's are there solely to "balance the overly positive reviews." So it's not just children, it's full grown man children. In any case, most exclusive games go through that issue. User reviews are largely useless on Metacritic for video games. I can read a book or film review on Amazon and get very good information. I cannot say the same for the largely idiotic video game audience.
They're all correct.Lol you guys...
"Graphics are the best I've seen on consoles."
"Jaggiez, low res textures, etc"
"OMG the weapon sounds are amazing, the music is great"
"Weapons don't sound that good, bring Marty back"
Fuck, which one is it!?
Yeah, I loved Needler before, but now. Oh boy.
If you haven't already, watch the terminals. They contain vital story content that directly addresses a lot of your issues, and I desperately wish the game had included and forced people to watch. That doesn't excuse the lack of those things in the main game, though, because I felt the same way you did.Now, the spoilered thoughts. Do NOT read this if you haven't finished the game yet.
Ending was. Seriously.fucking underwhelmingIt also explains nothing. How the hell did Cortana, a freakin' hologram, get the Chief out of that Forerunner ship when the nuke detonated in his hands? And don't get started about 'luck'. Having the game end with the Chief just standing there, I dunno. It wasn't good. That post-credits sequence should've come before them. Maybe they could've given us something actually tantalising as a gift for sitting through them then. For all the care that went into it, it all felt very sloppy, and very much not-Halo. Maybe Halo Wars.
On the other hand: the Forerunner story was well-presented. I'm interested in the rift between the Didact and the Librarian, it'll be very interesting to find out what happened when we get Silentium in our hands. Also, I'm suspsecting players who haven't read the books are going to be fucking lost. The Didact needed more exposition: 343 tried to make him the Chief's nemesis, but they kinda failed. We just didn't know what drove the guy, except for a hatred for humanity.
The Didact and the Librarian also looked ridiculous. Good thing both of them are dead. No idea what the rest of the Reclaimer trilogy is going to be about, but they threw their big bad into a black hole, there's no coming back from that.
Then again, the Chief did detonate a nuke in his hands and walk away unscathed. There's precedent.