Anyone want early specialization unlocks? I can trade them for some other pre-order bonus, not Forest HAZOP or Arctic BR though.
Hate to be a party pooper, but everyone who plays before the 14th gets them on the 30th.
Anyone want early specialization unlocks? I can trade them for some other pre-order bonus, not Forest HAZOP or Arctic BR though.
There were plenty of times in the mission(s?) leading up to the Didact's cryptum opeing that had three way battles. The three way battels were almost too intense, one side would win if you wait a bit then you have way fewer enemies to take out.
Motion capture, and animation are all much better, and the real stand out is the lighting. Halo 4's lighting is beautiful! But it comes at a cost. Texture quality is to be quite frank abysmal. Reach was a texture monster that invested a lot into that tech, while still keeping SOME of the elements of Halo 3's water which was just delicious.
Welp, the honeymoon's over. I'm already bored with the game. Graphics look nice for a console game, yeah, but that can only hold me for so long. It's very disappointing that they just went for shoot shoot shoot approach than to evolve Halo's strategic kill approach. Anyone want this copy? PM me. Otherwise, it'll be up on glyde.
Never again am I buying MS's hype.
Textures are fantastic, maybe even better than Reach. There's just no AF so they turn to mush when far away.
I think technically the game is doing more than even screenshots show. There's a real-time component to shadows when you get close, especially noticable with trees. And explosions near the screen still show some kind of motion blur.
Textures turn to mush up close too. The overall look is less consistent/noisier I think.
I don't think so. Theres really impressive detail almost everywhere. If only you could transfer saved screenshots to pc to show it off![]()
Hate to be a party pooper, but everyone who plays before the 14th gets them on the 30th.
Amazon LE arrived this mornin, whooo, serial in the 400000's.
Why is there no plasma rifle? Seems so odd to remove it for the storm rifle.
The textures on the (vehicule spoiler alert!)are baaaaaaaaaad.pelican
^yup the teleporting is awful
Especially the ghost section with everything collapsing.
Why did Reach have both the Plasma Rifle and Repeater? Absolutely no point.
At some point there is just too much reduntancy.
Arguably the Halo 4 sandbox suffers from this too, but that is, IMO, due to Promethean weapons being too much like their human and Covie counterparts, not alien enough.
From what I remember, the PR was intended to be campaign (so Elites still had something dual wielded) while the Repeater was intended to be it's replacement for multi.
- is there a reason there are black bars on the side for co op? its so damn annoying. Since Halo 3, keeps the aspect ratio for split screens correct.
- any way to do custom controls? Only preset once, this won't be changing anytime soon for Halo... been the case for 10 years.
- im having problems with textures loading and stuff in levels loading a few seconds after i get there. is anyone else going through this? im assuming its my xbox as im still using my 5 year old 20gb premium Game installed or not? If not, i reckon the pop-up is due that, i didn't notice any while playing my installed game.
Yep. But that wasn't the case for the retail product. They could have just tweaked the Plasma Rifle to be a reasonable counterpart for the Assault Rifle in MP and have it work normally in campaign (well, technically that would require two different weapons, no?, IIRC Halo 2 has two weapons for the Wraith, Plasma Mortar and Plasma Mortar_MP (slower to fire)).
Halo 2's is weird because the Wraith has different firing speeds depending on the difficulty you've selected in campaign. Easy = fires the fastest, Legendary = fires the slowest.
How man LEs did they print? I didn't pre-order this time around as the Cat Helmet and Reach Statue was still being sold well after launch.
Whaa? I swear this isn't true. Dammit. Now i need to re-play Halo 2 on Legendary...
I tend to do this to people with Halo 2 :lol
I tend to do this to people with Halo 2 :lol
Game installed or not? If not, i reckon the pop-up is due that, i didn't notice any while playing my installed game.
Since Halo 3, keeps the aspect ratio for split screens correct.
Yes! It's also fun to experiment, be a bit more ballsy (and mostly fail, lol). But if it works out you feel like a boss.
The lighting in this game is sooooo good. BTW, what sensitivity level are you guys on? I found 2 to be the most comfy one for me, and started doing better as well.
No Wai, is that really true? I want to test it
Dumb question - I choose the BR in multi and it only has a single shot like the DMR. How do I get the classic three-burst BR?
is there a specific way to get into legendary spartan ops mission online? everytime i play with others, it defaults to heroic.