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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die

My initial favourable impressions of SP aside, I really am not happy with MP and think I will probably move on to something else. I have really enjoyed Halo MP in the past, but this is just too different and too much like gameplay that I just don't want to participate in.

I enjoy the DMR, but I am not very good with it. Unfortunately, it is used in 90% of encounters and if you aren't wielding one then you will lose in a face off. The problem for me is that it is effective at every range so I just experience constant frustration from getting picked off from every angle and every range and the 3-4 hits it takes seem to come far too fast to react if caught out in the open (which is many places on these maps). I think 343 should increase the time between shots, but I also don't think that is going to change too much.

Random ordnance is shit. After the initial drops I can never find anything to use and then have to rely on personal ordnance to get a power weapon. However, because you can get to a personal drop so quickly, there are too many snipers, SAWs and needlers around to fuck up gameplay even more.

Haven and Ragnarok seem to be the only maps people play. Haven is fun enough, but if you get separated from your team then you are dead. Ragnarok is also o.k., but because it is so focused on long sight-lines I am constantly getting sniped from every angle.

Promethean vision though is the reason why I think I am going to just move on. Wall hacks are stupid, poor game design and what 343 says about this going forward will determine if I even bother to get another game from them again. It doesn't matter that I can tell if you are using it. I still can't see you as well as you can see me and I am forced to flee. But if the entire team is using it then I have nowhere to run to. I don't know why so many developers are implementing this shitty mechanic. It is obvious that people like to use it, but I don't know that a developer should pander to that type of player. I am a prude about this type of mechanic. I will never use it, and if it is used against me I view it as cheating and will usually just quit the game and look for another one where people actually give a damn about a relatively even playing field (skill levels not withstanding). The only implementation of this I have seen that I could appreciate was the Sniper secondary skill in KZ2, but even that could be used too frequently.

It has only been a week, and I do like the SP. I will give Spartan Ops a chance. I gave this game a blind buy because I have historically enjoyed Halo, and 343 didn't disappoint with SP, but MP is where I invest most of my time and so far this game is a fail in my book.


Part of the issue might be that the enemies have very similar silhouettes. It appears you're only fighting grunts, jackals, elites, hunters, knights, watchers, and crawlers, but you're actually fighting several subtypes that all have different behavior patterns.

I think you nailed one of the main problems right there. At distance, you can't tell the difference between the different classes of Knights or Crawlers - they all look almost identical. Even the elites have this problem as well, with the only exception being the captain with their slightly larger fanned out headpiece. It is very difficult to tell the standard elites from the gold from the ranger elites, unless you're close enough.

I think this gives the illusion that the enemies aren't different, only that they're wielding different weapons. I also find the knights entertaining to fight, but they are also easy to break their AI. On my Legendary playthrough, they mostly stood still and let me hit them with power weapons. I guess AI is a whole other issue though...
My initial favourable impressions of SP aside, I really am not happy with MP and think I will probably move on to something else. I have really enjoyed Halo MP in the past, but this is just too different and too much like gameplay that I just don't want to participate in.

I enjoy the DMR, but I am not very good with it. Unfortunately, it is used in 90% of encounters and if you aren't wielding one then you will lose in a face off. The problem for me is that it is effective at every range so I just experience constant frustration from getting picked off from every angle and every range and the 3-4 hits it takes seem to come far too fast to react if caught out in the open (which is many places on these maps). I think 343 should increase the time between shots, but I also don't think that is going to change too much.

Random ordnance is shit. After the initial drops I can never find anything to use and then have to rely on personal ordnance to get a power weapon. However, because you can get to a personal drop so quickly, there are too many snipers, SAWs and needlers around to fuck up gameplay even more.

Haven and Ragnarok seem to be the only maps people play. Haven is fun enough, but if you get separated from your team then you are dead. Ragnarok is also o.k., but because it is so focused on long sight-lines I am constantly getting sniped from every angle.

Promethean vision though is the reason why I think I am going to just move on. Wall hacks are stupid, poor game design and what 343 says about this going forward will determine if I even bother to get another game from them again. It doesn't matter that I can tell if you are using it. I still can't see you as well as you can see me and I am forced to flee. But if the entire team is using it then I have nowhere to run to. I don't know why so many developers are implementing this shitty mechanic. It is obvious that people like to use it, but I don't know that a developer should pander to that type of player. I am a prude about this type of mechanic. I will never use it, and if it is used against me I view it as cheating and will usually just quit the game and look for another one where people actually give a damn about a relatively even playing field (skill levels not withstanding). The only implementation of this I have seen that I could appreciate was the Sniper secondary skill in KZ2, but even that could be used too frequently.

It has only been a week, and I do like the SP. I will give Spartan Ops a chance. I gave this game a blind buy because I have historically enjoyed Halo, and 343 didn't disappoint with SP, but MP is where I invest most of my time and so far this game is a fail in my book.

Something tells me your mind was made up a long time ago.


Holy Masochistic Jesus. I could never play like that.

Just know your weapon strengths well, know your cover locations so you don't walk into multiple fields of fire, and take it slow. The Plasma pistol is your savior, save the heavy weapons to strip the shields of the tough guys, learn to scavenge the field for weapons and AAs like your life depends upon it, and nail those headshots.

I was exaggerating. If i miss my first shot after checkpoint on Legendary, i do reload. But not if i've made nice progress afterwards. Which is often. Indeed sometimes i've played quite badly but still roll with that and manage to get to next checkpoint
Of course, if asked whether i miss often, "I won't".


Holy Masochistic Jesus. I could never play like that.

Just know your weapon strengths well, know your cover locations so you don't walk into multiple fields of fire, and take it slow. The Plasma pistol is your savior, save the heavy weapons to strip the shields of the tough guys, learn to scavenge the field for weapons and AAs like your life depends upon it, and nail those headshots.

My main problem with the sandbox has been pointed out a few times already, but its the linear priority of targets when facing prometheans. There is never any reason not to take out watchers first, for instance. 343 needs to mix the behavior up more, so that different combinations of enemies form better strategies together, and force you to re prioritize your targets as the combat goes on.

Once I used the plasma pistol to take out shields on my recent replay of the first level, things were definitely somewhat easier, but it still only takes a hit or two before I'm dead, which is somewhat aggravating. Bam, sniper hits me, suddenly three grunts appear, or maybe a jackal with a handful of needles, and I'm toast.

I could tolerate it if my shields didn't take... what, seven-ten seconds to recharge? I believe it was three in Combat Evolved. I liked that.

I think you nailed one of the main problems right there. At distance, you can't tell the difference between the different classes of Knights or Crawlers - they all look almost identical. Even the elites have this problem as well, with the only exception being the captain with their slightly larger fanned out headpiece. It is very difficult to tell the standard elites from the gold from the ranger elites, unless you're close enough.

I think this gives the illusion that the enemies aren't different, only that they're wielding different weapons. I also find the knights entertaining to fight, but they are also easy to break their AI. On my Legendary playthrough, they mostly stood still and let me hit them with power weapons. I guess AI is a whole other issue though...

Remember in Marathon and Combat Evolved how the enemies were immediately distinctive? A black grunt was definitely more dangerous than a red grunt, who was more dangerous than a blue grunt. It was extremely easy to see, instantly, what kind of enemies you were up against, allowing you to target whichever ones you needed. Jackals with yellow shields were more dangerous than the guys with blue shields. Gold elites always had swords.

Halo had this super intelligent way of communicating information to the player that does seem somewhat lacking in Halo 4, but that's not quite it. I still maintain that part of the problem is simply that the game does not want players to move around the space. They should have upped the challenge by giving enemies more behaviors (dodging more, throwing grenades, etc) and spawning more of them, not by making them do so much damage that players were forced, instantly, back into cover.

What I wouldn't give to sit down and talk with the guys at 343 for an hour or two. I'm really curious about some of their decisions, I'd like to praise them for others, and then there are some, like these, that genuinely confuse me.


I could tolerate it if my shields didn't take... what, seven-ten seconds to recharge? I believe it was three in Combat Evolved. I liked that.

It took 7 seconds before they started to recharge and then some 5 seconds to fully recharge. Or was it other way around? Anyway, that game had quite slow shield recharge, Halo 2 and 3 had faster shield recharge.
Once I used the plasma pistol to take out shields on my recent replay of the first level, things were definitely somewhat easier, but it still only takes a hit or two before I'm dead, which is somewhat aggravating. Bam, sniper hits me, suddenly three grunts appear, or maybe a jackal with a handful of needles, and I'm toast.

I could tolerate it if my shields didn't take... what, seven-ten seconds to recharge? I believe it was three in Combat Evolved. I liked that.

The slow recharge time is really hurting my enjoyment of multiplayer.


Dear Halo 4 matchmaking.. when I join a game with 1 other friend.. we would like to not be down 5 vs 3 for most of the match. I checked.. plenty of people were online. At times the matchmaking is straight broken.


Passing metallic gas
I honestly cant believe im saying this. Slayer pro is my favorite playlist. Infinity should be but holy fuck is it overrun with stupidity.
The slow recharge time is really hurting my enjoyment of multiplayer.

Use the Regeneration Field if it's hindering your playstyle.

I'm glad they don't recharge too quickly, especially now with sprint. Chasing a guy down only to have him at full shields 3 seconds later would be obnoxious. Also, I appreciate that I can callout "one shot" and be accurate for a reasonable amount of time.


hmm you're one of the guys in here that defends the ordnance drops in slayer.

but if there's one thing we can all agree on its that swat kicks ass

Do I have to hate one to love the other?

I actually like ordinance but I looooooooooooooooooooooooove SWAT.

Pure, classic, TRULY skill based shooter fun.

No radar, no shields, everyone has the same gun (not anymore though, it's DMR v BR). Love it.


Use the Regeneration Field if it's hindering your playstyle.

I'm glad they don't recharge too quickly, especially now with sprint. Chasing a guy down only to have him at full shields 3 seconds later would be obnoxious. Also, I appreciate that I can callout "one shot" and be accurate for a reasonable amount of time.

Long time to start recharge is nice. Actually slow recharge is not.



Agreed - it definitely felt like a was playing whack-a-mole except that I was the mole.

Additionally, I think part of the frustration I felt with Knights is that they appear to be bullet sponges because there is almost zero feedback that you are damaging their shield. There is an extremely subtle blue glow indicating that their shield is active (Does this even draw at long range?) and when the shield is popped, it looks more like a stagger from extensive damage than an indicator that their shield is gone. It took me awhile to even find out that Knights even have shields, let alone know when I made him vulnerable to headshots.


I dislike both.

Just get rid of sprint if you dont want people being able to sprint away when 1 shot. I think Sprint has ruined the maps anyway.

after playing 4, I think i'd actually prefer sprint as an armor ability like it was in reach.

Pure, classic, TRULY skill based shooter fun.

No radar, no shields, everyone has the same gun (not anymore though, it's DMR v BR). Love it.
yeah it's awesome. i shouldn't have to resort to playing SWAT all the time though, i didn't have to in previous games, skill was still rewarded in slayer playlists. not so much this time round.


I dislike both.

Just get rid of sprint if you dont want people being able to sprint away when 1 shot. I think Sprint has ruined the maps anyway.

My point does not change whether there is sprint or not. Assume 20% higher movement speed, which would allow getting to cover easily, fights could go on until one party runs out of ammo.
Upping the weapon power would help here then... but, well, it will lead to other issues. And yes, there will be issues from high powered non-power weapons.

Personally i'd prefer no sprint and higher base speed, but it doesn't bother me.


-- Yeah, Spartan Ops are pretty lame so far. You can tell it's really just a vehicle to make the cutscene stuff sort of applicable to the gamers.


Passing metallic gas
apparently it's called an even playing field and balance now.

I got nothing. I like all the new mechanics. I hate FFA in all games but i think i should make that my primary playlist from now on, that and slayer pro. I opened my mouth before the game came out but i forgot that in a team context XBL will ruin everything.


yeah it's awesome. i shouldn't have to resort to playing SWAT all the time though, i didn't have to in previous games, skill was still rewarded in slayer playlists. not so much this time round.

Sorry I feel the opposite.

Now that the opposing team has to actually take me on without whoring power weapons I do far better in regular slayer than I ever have in any other Halo. Including Reach.

My performance increases even further in Reach SWAT where the playing field is well and truly 100% level. It's great.


Beat all of the spec ops missions online but didn't get the challenge complete thing. When you play co-op it defaults to heroic right? Should have gotten it.

Those cut scenes are great. Although is that Phillips from the Traviss novels? Er, spoiler for that cutscene I guess-
What a shitty way to go out.
Man they made him sound like a complete incompetent fool too.


What is the difference between the dmr and the light rifle anyways? Does one require less shots to kill than the other? I haven't really used the light rifle in mp because I felt it was kind of underwhelming in single player.


Sorry I feel the opposite.

Now that the opposing team has to actually take me on without whoring power weapons I do far better in regular slayer than I ever have in any other Halo. Including Reach.

There was always a way to counter power weapons, if only due to the fact that there was only a limited number of them on any given map. Can't say the same for Halo 4.
Beat all of the spec ops missions online but didn't get the challenge complete thing. When you play co-op it defaults to heroic right? Should have gotten it.

Those cut scenes are great. Although is that Phillips from the Traviss novels? Er, spoiler for that cutscene I guess-
What a shitty way to go out.
Man they made him sound like a complete incompetent fool too.

I think its only at heroic when you have 4 people. When you have 2 it goes to normal, I'm pretty sure. Not sure how it goes for 3 people.
the multiplayer is a fucking blast. i dont care if im replaying ragnarok and exile over and over again, every game ends differently. theres also a nice feeling when you take down a mantis by yourself

i also forgot just how funny halo online is. i cant think of any other shooter that has made me laugh my ass off just from how stuff plays out in the game.
Only the first two or three are recycled from the Campaign in the first batch.

and it's episode 2 of 10...

Even if they do move away from recycling maps, having some in the second episode is not the way to get people excited for your content. Two should be the strongest week so people know that there's good stuff coming.


This game desperately needs more good arena based small maps.

I love Haven, Adrift and Abandoned and like Solace but that's about it...


Here's hoping the DLC brings it.


This game desperately needs more good arena based small maps.

I love Haven, Adrift and Abandoned and like Solace but that's about it...


Here's hoping the DLC brings it.

Same. I think we're alone though. All of my friends hate Haven haha.


There was always a way to counter power weapons, if only due to the fact that there was only a limited number of them on any given map. Can't say the same for Halo 4.

Maybe I'm the exception to the rule. All I know, is that I got much better in Reach, then I'm even better again in 4.

Mind you I suck at CoD, so Halo can't be too CoDified.


Who thought not balancing SPOPs for different player counts was a good idea? Playing solo Legendary is a pain in the ass, sometimes you die literally a second after spawning because there are a dozen+ Fuel Rod Gold Elites and the spawn system is fucking awful.

Also yeah, 4 out of 5 areas recycled for Episode 2. :lol

At least you don't fight as many Binary Crawlers this time.
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