If Spartan Ops is going on a mid-season break, do you think there's any chance of putting the older episodes back in matchmaking at legendary difficulty?
Why is concept art always much cooler than the final product? I hope Halo 5's Prometheans look more like this.
Why is concept art always much cooler than the final product? I hope Halo 5's Prometheans look more like this.
People think the automatic weapons are OP? If anything they are underpowered. But Legendary Solo may of screwed my opinion. The Storm Rifle is better than i expected in MP.
The auto weapons in this halo are the best the series has ever had especially in balance between all the guns, while some minor tweaks should happen here and there it's one of the best weapon lineups since the first game.
Is there a confirmed break? I know they have something at the VGAs, but since that's this Friday when the trailers are released anyways, I figured they'd just put out a mid-season trailer..
I really like this game but shield regeneration time is hilariously long.
The auto weapons in this halo are the best the series has ever had especially in balance between all the guns, while some minor tweaks should happen here and there it's one of the best weapon lineups since the first game.
Automatic weapons do not need a nerf, you need to stop encroaching on their effective range with a DMR, or just run from the encounter.
C'mon, people. The first Halo ever to have competent automatic weapons in MP and all you want is nerfs nerfs nerfs
Have you played the game? You have entire teams now just running laps around the maps spraying. What I want is to have a chance in a one on one battle. That's Halo. Not teams whipping by just spraying and throwing grenades. Of course then they all wind up with Saws somehow. The AR especially has long range. There is supposed to be a negative to a auto matic weapon, its supposed to be weaker because it requires a lot less skill.
Have you played the game? You have entire teams now just running laps around the maps spraying. What I want is to have a chance in a one on one battle. That's Halo. Not teams whipping by just spraying and throwing grenades. Of course then they all wind up with Saws somehow. The AR especially has long range. There is supposed to be a negative to a auto matic weapon, its supposed to be weaker because it requires a lot less skill.
True. Go back to Reach and try spam the AR at the same distance used in Halo 4. You will never get a kill.
True. Go back to Reach and try spam the AR at the same distance used in Halo 4. You will never get a kill.
It is weaker, it's effective range is not as great as the DMR or BR. How hard is it to comprehend automatic weapons being more powerful in close-to-mid quarters?Have you played the game? You have entire teams now just running laps around the maps spraying. What I want is to have a chance in a one on one battle. That's Halo. Not teams whipping by just spraying and throwing grenades. Of course then they all wind up with Saws somehow. The AR especially has long range. There is supposed to be a negative to a auto matic weapon, its supposed to be weaker because it requires a lot less skill.
Other players didn't spawn with DMRs and BRs in reach when you could spawn with an AR.
It is weaker, it's effective range is not as great as the DMR or BR. How hard is it to comprehend automatic weapons being more powerful in close-to-mid quarters?
I don't even understand the argument your trying to make here.Its not weaker if you are spamming sprint/camo and carrying 2 auto weapons. If you are being rushed down you have not chance mid/close with a DMR. What I am saying is this is the nature of the imbalance. Chances are you did not encounter an AR spammer in Reach because everyone had the same weapons spawns. Think about it, AR starts you would probably have to finish a guy off with the pistol in past Halo's. Not the guy has a suppressor and a shotgun(boltshot) right in his loadout. How is that not op? Even if he is a wingman he is picking up kills from cleaning up just from spamming.
The AR actually works in this game and is something that should be feared in close quarters, which is fine by me. If you're losing to them maybe you need to keep your distance more? If you're getting rushed, don't you have the advantage from landing shots while being sprinted at?
This is exactly what I'm saying. The disengaging from sprint animation actually gives you an advantage, especially if you have a BR at that range. You see this happen all the time on Haven, one of the smallest maps.The AR actually works in this game and is something that should be feared in close quarters, which is fine by me. If you're losing to them maybe you need to keep your distance more? If you're getting rushed, don't you have the advantage from landing shots while being sprinted at?
the only things right now that i wish were different about multi (infinity slayer is what i play)
fix the damn sticky det. and needler on haven. i can't believe they're still stuck in the map.
and i'm kinda indifferent either way, but i sorta miss the 5 second respawn time.
Have you played the game? You have entire teams now just running laps around the maps spraying. What I want is to have a chance in a one on one battle. That's Halo. Not teams whipping by just spraying and throwing grenades. Of course then they all wind up with Saws somehow. The AR especially has long range. There is supposed to be a negative to a auto matic weapon, its supposed to be weaker because it requires a lot less skill.
Is this a high level thing? I am a level 25 and I rarely see people doing this. Hell, most of the time I feel like I am the only one using the AR.
Once you get to level 50, your done regular levels and have to pick from a specialization for the next 10 levels. Without a code, you will only have access to 2. With the code, you have access to about 8.So you have to be level 55 to unlock LE specializations? Because I put in the code but nothing
I'm one of those people, but even I think the new AR is perfect. It's powerful at short range, but is consistently bested by the precision rifles at medium range and beyond. I don't want it in purist competitive settings or anything, but I love the role it plays in the larger sandbox.To a lot of people, classic Halo is solely one headshot weapon, the power weapons, and a small, symmetrical map.
the only things right now that i wish were different about multi (infinity slayer is what i play)
fix the damn sticky det. and needler on haven. i can't believe they're still stuck in the map.
and i'm kinda indifferent either way, but i sorta miss the 5 second respawn time.
The AR actually works in this game and is something that should be feared in close quarters, which is fine by me. If you're losing to them maybe you need to keep your distance more? If you're getting rushed, don't you have the advantage from landing shots while being sprinted at?
A simple loadout I'd recommend is either DMR or Battle Rifle primary (your preference), Magnum secondary, Frag grenades, Thrust Pack as your armor ability, with Mobility (endless sprint) and Dexterity (quick reloads/weapon swaps) as perks. Its as vanilla as you can get in this game and you may just keep it long term. But if you end up wanting to make changes its a solid baseline.I really don't care about this customizable load out crap. I just want to play some Slayer on Halo.
After 150 hours of Halo 4, I would say:Could someone just tell me the 'ultimate' load out agreed upon?
I really don't care about this customizable load out crap. I just want to play some Slayer on Halo.
We sound like old codgers, but I agree.I really miss the 5 second respawn timer, it made the game more exciting. It made me care more about the life I was currently on. Who cares if you die if you can immediately pop back into gameplay and most likely run to your killers position and kill him.
I appreciate it.A simple loadout I'd recommend is either DMR or Battle Rifle primary (your preference), Magnum secondary, Thrust Pack as AA, with Mobility and Dexterity as perks. Its as vanilla as you can get in this game and you may just keep it long term. But if you end up wanting to make changes it s a good baseline.
This is more or less what I have now, save the thruster for the jetpack.I would say:
Bolt Shot
Thruster Pack
Human Grenades
I don't think I've watched a Kill Cam since the first day, I just manically push X. Even when I want to change load outs my muscle memory kicks in and hits X before I can do anything. Usually takes me 2-3 deaths before I can force myself to change load outs.Also, it keeps me from going on tilt; it was a time-out to catch your breath and regroup in your mind.
Here, I go on tilt and become a 'X' pressing monster and end up dying more than I would normally just because I'm out for blood.
Everything that has a perk for it is tuned to be weak without it. I use the explosives perk for maps where I expect to spend most of my time running through corridors, otherwise I use ammo or dexterity as my go-to perks. Awareness comes in real handy if you expect a lot of long range gun fights.You wouldn't recommend the grenade damage upgrade because they're extremely weak?
Why is concept art always much cooler than the final product? I hope Halo 5's Prometheans look more like this.
wtf is with the MP map that shows a Needler on the upper level but has the weapon never to be found? Annoying bugs get me killed.