No way dude, I LOVE being able to spam Incineration Cannon!Sarcasm.
I wanted to have another crack at making a Goosetage for Halo 4, since splattering registers very nicely on the game and It's one of the only ways I can play Matchmaking. I went into a game, on Vortex, and there were no Mongooses. I then remembered that a lot of the maps no longer had the Mongoose on them.
I tweeted @HaloWaypoint and they said they would look into it which was surprising. I'd love to see Mongooses come back to some of the maps, even if it's one at each base or even a neutral one.
Something I felt like going back to Halo 3 is that the Mongooses (why is it not Mongeese, damn English language) and man cannons all seemed necessary because you move so slow. That's not the case in Halo 4--they're additions to your movement options, but you don't feel crippled in comparison.
I do like them for objective games, however I feel like they should be a little faster for their vulnerability.