It's stupid to add survivor, to fix the mistake they made loadout wise.
Escalating never works.
Mechwarrior Online is a good example of this flawed design philosophy. Overpowered equipment, ECM. How do they deal with it? Nerf it? Of course not, that would be too easy. Instead, they add an expensive marginal module (read: perk) that gives you slight countermeasure for ECM. One that they can sell for real money...
Survivor is not that bad, i mean compared to all the shit in MWO. Still annoying, and doubly annoying because it doesn't work for me.
Plasma Grenades and Plasma Pistols in loadouts are OP, the correct fix to this is to disallow them, or nerf them (of course, in practice you can't do the latter, for it breaks their place in the sandbox, or nerfs them superficially but not their actual use).
I really, really hope 343i is studying their (and Bungie's, let's not claim they didn't make big mistakes) mistakes. I don't care if they admit them or not, just make sure they don't repeat these mistakes in Halo 5. (And also take steps to make post-launch fixing and patching easy in case there are other mistakes, and react fast).