Anyway, I messaged Tashi yesterday but apparently I wasn't in dire need of coordination so he didn't want to play Halo 4 with me (presumably).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not true that the 24p standard was chosen in the late 1920s because it used the least amount of film while maintaining proper synchronization with sound tracks? So the film standard we use in 2014 was born out of economical and technological limitations of the 1920s? And because it has been used for almost a century now people just associate a low framerate with the look of film even though it's blurry as fuck in any sort of fast-paced action scene?
Um, disparaging gaming side was explicitly discouraged when HaloGAF got shut down... and we're going OT, so get pumped for getting shut down again.
Anyway, I messaged Tashi yesterday but apparently I wasn't in dire need of coordination so he didn't want to play Halo 4 with me (presumably).
In other news Titanfall makes me appreciate Halo 4 for not being 10,000% babbified. Pretty fun game though. It makes me want to give thruster pack another go instead of my normal regen loadout, too.
Wouldn't typical halo require this game to be completely different?Oh, I see that the 343 stream of the pros vs. studio games are up. Worth watching or just typical Halo?
Wouldn't typical halo require this game to be completely different?
Yeah I'd happily take 720 and locked 60fps.
Those resolution argumenta on gaming side is some of the corniest nerd shit I've ever seen.
The majority of the market don't care about it
Um, disparaging gaming side was explicitly discouraged when HaloGAF got shut down... and we're going OT, so get pumped for getting shut down again.
Anyway, I messaged Tashi yesterday but apparently I wasn't in dire need of coordination so he didn't want to play Halo 4 with me (presumably).
In other news Titanfall makes me appreciate Halo 4 for not being 10,000% babbified. Pretty fun game though. It makes me want to give thruster pack another go instead of my normal regen loadout, too.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not true that the 24p standard was chosen in the late 1920s because it used the least amount of film while maintaining proper synchronization with sound tracks? So the film standard we use in 2014 was born out of economical and technological limitations of the 1920s? And because it has been used for almost a century now people just associate a low framerate with the look of film even though it's blurry as fuck in any sort of fast-paced action scene?
I actually liked the throwdown system where there was a choice of thruster, hard light, and hologram. You earned them as your ordnance and had to pic between one of the three, and all three had their uses. I seriously wouldn't mind if that's how halo 5 did AAs.Thruster pack is the only AA that should survive the AA purge.
Just get rid of them all would be the best and have better movement like it should be in the first place. Treating the symptom instead of the illness is AA's in a nutshell.Thruster pack is the only AA that should survive the AA purge.
Sorry about that! I had a full party for a while, lost a couple games and then got off. I'll be on tonight though!
Yeah, I hate that it seems to change the hitbox though, I'd like it to be more like an extension of movement instead of sprint as a button-press AA.Thruster pack is the only AA that should survive the AA purge.
Yeah, I hate that it seems to change the hitbox though, I'd like it to be more like an extension of movement instead of sprint as a button-press AA.
It would be way better, and add much more depth, than sprint ever could.
Hey maybe you could also wall run and stuff with thruster pack![]()
bad opinions!
60 FPS for shooters please. See the light people
What about instead of introducing a wall run mechanic they just allowed thruster packs to ricochet? So you could use it to bounce yourself off of walls for more height or to suddenly change direction.
I swear that would break all the maps so hard.
They should re-implement the Halo 2 Sword Glitch.
I swear that would break all the maps so hard.
They should re-implement the Halo 2 Sword Glitch.
I think at the very least having a vault mechanic would be cool for Halo 5. Then again maybe I'm just high on Titanfall and it's insane movement right now.Steal from Titanfall. Halo could use some cool mobility options. I just want to be able to shoot accuratley while doing them which is the only thing disappointing about Titanfall wallrunning
It's not a good mechanic neither are any of the armor abilities, Reach and 4 should be enough evidence that they are fundamental bad ideas that shouldn't be there in the first place. Just have over shield and active camo as on the map power ups instead of them.I still can't understand how thrust is a great mechanic while sprint isn't.
I still can't understand how thrust is a great mechanic while sprint isn't.
It's a one-off that doesn't cover nearly as much distance as sprint, and you can pull off some crazy tricks with it to change your momentum (ie: off lifts).I still can't understand how thrust is a great mechanic while sprint isn't.
Yeah, basically instead of something that lets you move around maps faster and whose usefulness in an encounter is limited to running way instead of ending it decisively, thruster pack is something that gives you more options while actually fighting someone. And it should have less of an impact on map design since spaces don't need to be scaled as aggressively to account for the fact people can sprint to traverse them more quickly.
Ok, so definitely better than sprint I agree.
But there are still a couple issues that remain. The first is along the lines of predictability.
See, if you see someone with a sword, yeah, you know they can get you from a greater distance from you than with normal melee. You see a needler, you know you need to strafe. You see a sniper, if you can, get close to them or behind cover as quickly as possible. See a rocket launcher...just get the heck outa there.
With thrust, there's really no way to know they have it. And if you do (say, everybody had them), it still makes things extremely unpredictable. While not legitimate "chance," it still has the a lot of the characteristics of a game ruled by chance. It makes things inconsistent. I can see it having it's place, but overall I think it would disrupt the flow of gameplay as a standard thing across gametypes like default slayer.
Secondly, there's the issue of allowing people to escape fights. Part of what I always liked about Halo was you couldn't run from a fight. It was refreshing after having played a bunch of multiplayer games with sprint before that. Sprint allows you to do that. Thrust allows you to do that.
This.Also, lol if anyone seriously thinks we won't have sprint. Best you can hope for is a way to disable it in customs. Sprints here forever now. RIP small maps.
Was about to post this very thing.Thrust is just added mobility/strafe. It's no more random than someone jumping in a strafe or crouching or going the other way. Thrust is just another thing in their arsenal. Fights will be determined by a combination of who has the better ability to throw off enemy aim while having the best aim themselves. Thrust won't change that.
and its just COOL.
OR if they make the animations ~instant so when you transition to/from sprint it'll be quick and snappy, removing that jarring sluggish feeling in high action situations.Also, lol if anyone seriously thinks we won't have sprint. Best you can hope for is a way to disable it in customs. Sprints here forever now. RIP small maps.
I doubt this will happen. Isn't that whole risk/reward aspect of sprint? Burst of speed but can't do anything else?I want to be able to sprint to a spot, press LT while sprinting to STOP my sprint and to ~instantly throw a grenade, and vice versa. Halo needs to feel faster in every aspect of the game, but that doesn't mean the actual movement speed has to increase drastically. The animations have to be faster, everything from sprint to reloading; it all needs to be faster and feel more responsive.
Thirty frames per second means Spartans move at most 30 times in a second, which sounds like a lot but in actuality barely suffices for a medium paced shooter like Halo. The result is jerky movement leading to undeserved missed shots.
There have been times where I could've sworn I got the snipe headshot. I would then go into theater and see my reticle on the other player's forehead on the frame right before I pull the trigger. I then progress frame-by-frame holding the right trigger as lightly as possible and notice the enemy Spartan almost violently jerk away from my reticle as soon as I fire, making me miss by a hair. It's as if the enemy player teleported away from my shot. If the game ran at double the frame rate (60 fps), the enemy Spartan would've jerked away from my reticle at half the distance, which would not have been far enough to cause a miss; the hit would have registered. I can guarantee everyone here has missed shots due to game's shoddy frame rate and not due to poor aim. If they took a game like Halo 4 and upgraded it to 60 fps with everything else kept the same, the number of undeserved missed shots caused by the game's frame rate would drop by at least half. Hitscan is only as good as the game's frame rate (eg 30 fps would be 1/30th of a second ~ 33 ms)
Do moments like the above even occur often enough to give a shit? I would definitely say so.
As an aside, my personal hypothesis is that Bungie and 343 implemented a concept of movement and strafe acceleration (to the dismay of many competitive players) in Halo to mitigate the problem of jerky movement given a 30 fps game, and/or for the sake of realism. To further point this out, imagine if Bungie and 343 gave us an insta-crouch where there are no intermediate frames between standing and crouching a la Quake? While I would love instant movement for the orgasmic 1:1 mechanical feel and subsequent skill gap provided, the jerkiness would be too much to bear without a high frame rate, causing poor clarity on the battlefield and many undeserved missed shots. This is why a lightning fast game like Quake is simply unplayable at 30 fps while Halo is.
So I encourage any critics of 30 fps -- or anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about -- to enter a man cannon on any map in H3/HR/H4 and then watch the film with the slowest playback speed possible and notice the absurd distance your Spartan jerks with every frame and then imagine what it would be like if the Spartan moved twice as often and at half the distance for every movement. That's the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps.
Halo is an FPS, not a movie. Performance is king.
Doesn't have to be. In a game where you have fast kill times and everything feels incredibly responsive, sprint becomes less important. Take CE for example, if that game has sprint and people used it during a firefight to run away, they'd be dead. If you're engaged in that game, your best option is to fight back unless you were aware enough to set up in a position that has cover nearby.I doubt this will happen. Isn't that whole risk/reward aspect of sprint? Burst of speed but can't do anything else?
Thirty frames per second means Spartans move at most 30 times in a second, which sounds like a lot but in actuality barely suffices for a medium paced shooter like Halo. The result is jerky movement leading to undeserved missed shots.
There have been times where I could've sworn I got the snipe headshot. I would then go into theater and see my reticle on the other player's forehead on the frame right before I pull the trigger. I then progress frame-by-frame holding the right trigger as lightly as possible and notice the enemy Spartan almost violently jerk away from my reticle as soon as I fire, making me miss by a hair. It's as if the enemy player teleported away from my shot. If the game ran at double the frame rate (60 fps), the enemy Spartan would've jerked away from my reticle at half the distance, which would not have been far enough to cause a miss; the hit would have registered. I can guarantee everyone here has missed shots due to game's shoddy frame rate and not due to poor aim. If they took a game like Halo 4 and upgraded it to 60 fps with everything else kept the same, the number of undeserved missed shots caused by the game's frame rate would drop by at least half. Hitscan is only as good as the game's frame rate (eg 30 fps would be 1/30th of a second ~ 33 ms)
As an aside, my personal hypothesis is that Bungie and 343 implemented a concept of movement and strafe acceleration (to the dismay of many competitive players) in Halo to mitigate the problem of jerky movement given a 30 fps game, and/or for the sake of realism
Also, lol if anyone seriously thinks we won't have sprint. Best you can hope for is a way to disable it in customs. Sprints here forever now. RIP small maps.
I'm pretty sure Sprint is going to be removed in Halo 5.
I just have to somehow get hired first...
You confuse the smoke and mirrors of online game networking/mechanics compensating for latency with 30fps. You're entire post is inaccurate at best.
1. Quite often 60fps is a stitching process not simply double the framerate as you state.
2. Latency and host/server feed authority is generally what causes the skipping.
3. Many Halo games are sub-30fps and not a locked 30fps again another avenue for skipping.
4. Increasing the framerate may help with some histcan but player movement is not hitscan and the host/server will continue to have such jerkiness.
5. Host/server decisions decide many factors around movement e.g. network prediction, rejecting one client over another, re-syncing gameplay etc.
6. In terms of online dedis will create fairer play/mechanics/replays far more than 60fps ever could. LAN is a different kettle of fish.
7. What you see in a reply is your version of the game and not the host version.
I was just pointing out a minor problem with 30 fps in Halo. I 100% agree that input latency is the biggest problem.The largest benefit of 60fps is not movement in-world in terms of actual speed but input latency. The only downside of 60fps is you're no longer competing in the graphics department with 30fps games, but that's an easy trade to make with action games.