...Don't you mean "Why wasn't IWHBYD skull in the game?" Or what are you saying?
And the reason it wasn't included in the game is because Halo 4 handled skulls awfully. Instead of being things you find, nah, they had to make them just things in the menu, thus removing the IWHBYD skull, since they didn't want people turning that on their first time through.
And plus, most of the Covenant doesn't speak English in 4 anyway, so good luck with that.
I'll remind you that Reach handled the skulls like Halo 4 did (actually, i should say Halo 4 handled them like Reach did...). The skull was utterly pointless in Reach too...
huh? There an actual long speech monologue about a marine shooting a elite in new alexandria, a marine who cheers Kat in Sword base and a marine who wants to be a spartan
I think you're in the minority on this. Perks and loadouts in the next game is going to be an automatic pass from a lot of gamers who dropped 4 after that first week. I can't imagine the clusterfuck of ideas that are going to get crammed into the next game as Microsoft attempts to sell consoles on the back of Halo. And without halo being a truly unique (throwback) experience who needs it over than fall, COD, or Battlefield? The next game in all honesty is going to have way too much pressure put on it.
Personally, I think you're misinterpreting the data somewhat. Halo 4 had a massive opening and massive sales, and I bet a lot of that was due to the CoD people giving it a chance.
Of course, as soon as the next CoD came out it would appear that those people all abandoned Halo and never came back.
So insofar as perks being in Halo 5 would be an automatic dealbreaker, I don't think it's those initial 100,000 people that would be the ones to pass.
That's not disputing the validity of your point, just an underlying assumption.
More germane to the future, is the question of what those remaining 20,000 players who have remained with Halo 4 faithfully for the past year want. Are they there because Halo 4 became the experience they wanted, because they like Infinity settings, because they just like Halo for Halo's sake? There's no real way of knowing.
It shouldn't be a surprise that most Halo fans are not playing the latest Halo titles. Why is it most of HaloGAF is playing Battlefield, CoD:Ghosts, TitanFall over Halo 4? Why has every community seen a decline in not only participation, but actual Halo playtime. You can ask the people who run fan sites, communities as to how active their community is, how many page views they're getting now.
Halo fans talk about Halo, more than they actually play it anymore. That's the biggest take away and hard to dispute that. I'm one of those 20,000 who plays. I play because I like Halo, I'll still play some bastardized version of it, rather than move on to other games. But that's because I already have Halo 4. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't have bought it.
I had guys on my friends list since the Halo 2 days. I probably had 40+ guys play Halo 3 regularly until the launch of Reach. I had at least 15+ friends play Reach at least a year or two after launch regularly. I had ZERO friends play Halo 4 by January 2013, which is like 1.5 months after launch. This is all anecdotal sure.
If H2A/HX1, does not have its base gameplay based off of CE/2/3, I'll automatically pass as well. I'm not against playlist diversity or whatnot. But infinity is the antithesis of classic Halo. Team Slayer, Big Team Battle, Team Objective, Team Doubles, FFA/Lone Wolves, if these playlists have perks, loadouts, armor abilities, I won't buy it. Anyways probably rambling now.
It can be summed up pretty simply. Why should play an immitation COD when I can play the real COD? Why should I play a game that is less of a Halo when i can play the real Halo?
The only reason I'd do the latter is because I've played my mind out of all the other real Halos and I'm starving for more, and I'll do anything I can for more, half-breed or not.
It shouldn't be a surprise that most Halo fans are not playing the latest Halo titles. Why is it most of HaloGAF is playing Battlefield, CoD:Ghosts, TitanFall over Halo 4? Why has every community seen a decline in not only participation, but actual Halo playtime. You can ask the people who run fan sites, communities as to how active their community is, how many page views they're getting now.
It can be summed up pretty simply. Why should play an immitation COD when I can play the real COD? Why should I play a game that is less of a Halo when i can play the real Halo?
The only reason I'd do the latter is because I've played my mind out of all the other real Halos and I'm starving for more, and I'll do anything I can for more, half-breed or not.
It shouldn't be a surprise that most Halo fans are not playing the latest Halo titles. Why is it most of HaloGAF is playing Battlefield, CoD:Ghosts, TitanFall over Halo 4? Why has every community seen a decline in not only participation, but actual Halo playtime. You can ask the people who run fan sites, communities as to how active their community is, how many page views they're getting now.
Halo fans talk about Halo, more than they actually play it anymore. That's the biggest take away and hard to dispute that. I'm one of those 20,000 who plays. I play because I like Halo, I'll still play some bastardized version of it, rather than move on to other games. But that's because I already have Halo 4. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't have bought it.
I had guys on my friends list since the Halo 2 days. I probably had 40+ guys play Halo 3 regularly until the launch of Reach. I had at least 15+ friends play Reach at least a year or two after launch regularly. I had ZERO friends play Halo 4 by January 2013, which is like 1.5 months after launch. This is all anecdotal sure.
If H2A/HX1, does not have its base gameplay based off of CE/2/3, I'll automatically pass as well. I'm not against playlist diversity or whatnot. But infinity is the antithesis of classic Halo. Team Slayer, Big Team Battle, Team Objective, Team Doubles, FFA/Lone Wolves, if these playlists have perks, loadouts, armor abilities, I won't buy it. Anyways probably rambling now.
With you on this.
Me and my friends talk about halo lore and the good ol' online days a absurd amount. Halo 4 is usually the end of that conversation. Non of them played halo 4 2 months after release. I tried so very hard to like it, even to a point of denial that I liked it, because it was halo and well what else would I play. Now I'm over it. After the step down in quality of lore and games I really couldn't care about a halo 5.
Tell me 3 years before 4 that I would see a forerunner in a halo game, I would have gone into nerd overdrive. Dug up every scrape of old content relating to them and prepared myself. Now that magic for me is gone, you could tell me a precursor is in 5 and I wouldn't think much of it.
After (if it's true) H2A, if 5 doesn't turn it around and the books/comics don't either I would have to say I'm finally out. That's just my 2 cents.
Build a classic halo and they will come
I was hoping we would get to utilize her more in the game as a sort of sandbox weapon in a way.
In the books having an AI with a spartan made them really powerful. They increased reflexes, called out threats more etc etc. That one time in Fall of Reach where Chief and Cortana bitchslapped an incoming missle? Yesss....
It'd be cool if you could optionally let cortana hack into something to open rooms/doors or activate things around the level. Or use a special ability where she would slow down time for you (reflexes) or something.
Why has every community seen a decline in not only participation, but actual Halo playtime. You can ask the people who run fan sites, communities as to how active their community is, how many page views they're getting now.
Would it be too far-fetched to think 343 willingly scrapped the "classic" Halo they had so that if their new vision failed (which it did), then they can blow us away with the next one?
I don't think so. Sure it was a gamble, but on the cusp of a new generation of hardware I think they might have been planning for just that, or at the very least was conscious of it. Even if they didn't plan it that way, it's certainly playing out that way. I said this several times before launch, "What if 343 gave us a subpar Halo experience, whether deliberately or just knowingly based on where they saw development heading, and said, 'Screw it, let's ship this game and take our punches now, learn what we need to learn and blow them away with the next one. In this franchise, redemption never hits the snooze button..'"
I may be giving them too much credit, but I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about this down the line, how they were conscious of what would happen. It's just when you hear things like "We had classic Halo but we scrapped it.." it makes you question what their intentions were beyond the devs wanting to copy CoD. Was it that simple? Could they really have made such a obvious mistake that many Halo fans would have explained in detail why it would harm the franchise? The answer is most likely yes, they're only human, but what if it wasn't? Not that it changes anything except maybe how we perceive 343's leadership, but it would sure be interesting to know.
The whole We scrapped traditional Halo thing was related to the singleplayer campaign. Seems like the multiplayer was from the get-go a large reworking. Its not too surprising, because the campaign and the multiplayer had different lead designers, Brad Welch headed up MP and the Scott Warner the SP.
I find it fascinating that the next Halo will be shipped by a mostly new team. I mean, most of the campaign team is gone, new creative director, new narrative director, new narrative designers, new system designers, new multiplayer designers, new lead programmer and so forth. That is just crazy.
The whole We scrapped traditional Halo thing was related to the singleplayer campaign. Seems like the multiplayer was from the get-go a large reworking. Its not too surprising, because the campaign and the multiplayer had different lead designers, Brad Welch headed up MP and the Scott Warner the SP.
I find it fascinating that the next Halo will be shipped by a mostly new team. I mean, most of the campaign team is gone, new creative director, new narrative director, new narrative designers, new system designers, new multiplayer designers, new lead programmer and so forth. That is just crazy.
I think that's the downside of their "open to all ideas" approach to hiring. They picked up a lot of people who wanted to work on a Halo and move on, rather than be invested in the continuing franchise (disregarding the people who were going to be temp hires during crunch, and the people who we know probably left for better offers, etc.)
I think that's the downside of their "open to all ideas" approach to hiring. They picked up a lot of people who wanted to work on a Halo and move on, rather than be invested in the continuing franchise (disregarding the people who were going to be temp hires during crunch, and the people who we know probably left for better offers, etc.)
To be fair, a lot of those people stayed with the company for 3 to 4 years. That is nothing to balk at, and them wanting to move onto something else can hardly be used against them.
However, I get your point that there should be some stability within the development.
Bungie won our hearts by being an awesome company that made awesome games. That's really something 343 needs to try to do. If I were them (though that's more because I'll do really sweeping huge things when I feel it necessary), I'd stop being 343. I'd start being Bungie. Start setting my headquarters like them. Encourage a similar culture as to what they had. Don't try to be a carbon copy, because that never works. But take notes. Perhaps you don't have to be so drastic. At very least start listening to fans and being awesome. That's he important thing. I mean, in doing that you could even end up being better than Bungie. There's lots of ways to do that...
Everyone knows halos population declined because you couldn't aim down sights or put different attachments on your guns. What's the point of playing if you don't unlock cool shit for your gun?
I find it fascinating that the next Halo will be shipped by a mostly new team. I mean, most of the campaign team is gone, new creative director, new narrative director, new narrative designers, new system designers, new multiplayer designers, new lead programmer and so forth. That is just crazy.
Bungie won our hearts by being an awesome company that made awesome games. That's really something 343 needs to try to do. If I were them (though that's more because I'll do really sweeping huge things when I feel it necessary), I'd stop being 343. I'd start being Bungie. Start setting my headquarters like them. Encourage a similar culture as to what they had. Don't try to be a carbon copy, because that never works. But take notes. Perhaps you don't have to be so drastic. At very least start listening to fans and being awesome. That's he important thing. I mean, in doing that you could even end up being better than Bungie. There's lots of ways to do that...
Come on man.. This is a crazy post lol. How do you know 343's culture isn't already like that? What proof do you have? If anything, with the information we have and the people we know, we can probably assume that they have a great studio full of interesting people. Some of the poor design choices and franchise's mishandlings don't necessarily mean their culture is crap.
Any time their streams are up it seems like they are having a blast. It's too bad there aren't more of them; interacting with the community is crucial.
Are you implying that Bungie never lied to or mislead us? And whose heart did Bungie win?? Bungie's been killing Halo gameplay since Halo 2 (competitive/fun/casual
(Yes, casual. With the changes made in Halo 2, the skill gap was drastically lessened as players couldn't see as much improvement to their skill the longer they played, leading to stale gameplay comparatively. Halo 2's saving grace was both XBL and the extremely positive word of mouth that came from CE.)
). People say Reach and Halo 4 are completely different games from the first three, but it actually goes further than that. Thanks to Halo 4 though, people forgot about this as everyone seems to be united under the same umbrella that "original trilogy is one thing, everything else is completely different" when it was really Halo 2/3 are very similar, and CE was a completely different game. Sure they had the "fight for control, time power-ups and weapons, spawn equal," but the changes to actual gameplay were quite radical.
This list can get pretty extensive, but hey.. at least at the end of the day most Halo fans are united in wanting the next one to share similar fundamentals to the first three. And to bring it back home, 343 at least seems genuinely concerned with bringing us a faster, more visceral Halo which is shown through the team they've created. Nice people (aside from Frankie*), seemingly excellent hires.. Halo on Xbox One better be in good hands ;]
*Anyone who makes fun of my darling, my love, my everything is no good.
EDIT: I should also note that I too really like Bungie as a studio, just not as
ring bearers of Halo multiplayer. Destiny seems like the game they were.. -cough- destined to make; it allows for them to flex those creative muscles more freely.
Stupid idea maybe... But anyone else think they'd enjoy a Halo with Crackdown style traversal?
Chief already jumps pretty high, imagine if he could climb up shit too, like they do in Crackdown.
You could build levels with massive vertical objects to climb, then reign fire down from above. Would also add a lot to multiplayer.
Halo is kind of half way there already in the sense that multiplayer levels have things to climb etc. Just up the ante, have even bigger structures to climb and then have Spartans jumping building to building Crackdown style...
Oh, come on ExWife, you know my posts have been all that crap since I came back. Just that one really. I've had several people compliment my posts lately, so I know I'm not totally crazy.
Come on man.. This is a crazy post lol. How do you know 343's culture isn't already like that? What proof do you have? If anything, with the information we have and the people we know, we can probably assume that they have a great studio full of interesting people. Some of the poor design choices and franchise's mishandlings don't necessarily mean their culture is crap.
Any time their streams are up it seems like they are having a blast. It's too bad there aren't more of them; interacting with the community is crucial.
Didn't mean it like that. And I don't have proof, but I remember reading that 343 is simply a very different company internally. That's not bad thing necessarily. I was suggesting maybe try to emulate Bungie. I never once suggested that it's bad studio. You seem to imply that I said that their culture was crap, meaning that the people in it are unhappy. I was basically going off of the more casual, irreverent style the Bungie gives off. 343 doesn't give off that vibe at all. They're a much more serious company, especially externally, and look what happened to their game. Halo 4 is one of the most serious games in the series. No funny lines from the grunts and elites. No more sassy but hilarious and awesome characters like Sgt Johnson. Just bitchy, unlikable characters like Palmer. Basically, I've heard it said that games (and other productions like that) reflect the studio they are made in. Halo 4 is a very different game in a lot of regards, mostly referring to it's tone and style. I believe that's because of how the studio works. I will give you that the post was crap, though. My apologies. I didn't convey my thoughts clearly at all.
Are you implying that Bungie never lied to or mislead us?
No. They lied too, but not at all in the same way, and certainly not so blatantly. I think they misimplied somethings rather sneakily, but nothing on what 343's been doing, that I can remember. Remember the DLC fiasco? Did Bungie ever do anything quite so blatant? And then handle it in the worst way possible?
And whose heart did Bungie win?? Bungie's been killing Halo gameplay since Halo 2 (competitive/fun/casual
(Yes, casual. With the changes made in Halo 2, the skill gap was drastically lessened as players couldn't see as much improvement to their skill the longer they played, leading to stale gameplay comparatively. Halo 2's saving grace was both XBL and the extremely positive word of mouth that came from CE.)
Lot's of people. You're one of the few I know who continuously pines for CE style play. I've never disagreed with you that CE was a fantastic Halo, even better than 2 and 3. And boy would I love CE style play online (PC play has been great). But I don't agree that 2 and 3 are bad games in the least. They're some of the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer shooters.
And do you not see all the posts in gaming side about "without Bungie is just isn't Halo." Or "Destiny will be better than Halo because Bungie. Halo is dead."? People love Bungie. All the hype for Destiny I've seen seems more because Bungie is making it. Honestly the actual pictures and trailers are...uninspiring. I myself am really only excited because it's Bungie.
People say Reach and Halo 4 are completely different games from the first three, but it actually goes further than that. Thanks to Halo 4 though, people forgot about this as everyone seems to be united under the same umbrella that "original trilogy is one thing, everything else is completely different" when it was really Halo 2/3 are very similar, and CE was a completely different game. Sure they had the "fight for control, time power-ups and weapons, spawn equal," but the changes to actual gameplay were quite radical.
They were, I agree. CE is a very different game. It's a fantastic game, as I said. I also agree that people saying we should return to the original trilogy is rather silly. What I think they're really saying is just return to 2/3, but don't realize it. Cuz their dumb, or just forgot or whatever reason. You decide. It doesn't really matter. You know what they mean.
This list can get pretty extensive, but hey.. at least at the end of the day most Halo fans are united in wanting the next one to share similar fundamentals to the first three. And to bring it back home, 343 at least seems genuinely concerned with bringing us a faster, more visceral Halo which is shown through the team they've created. Nice people (aside from Frankie*), seemingly excellent hires.. Halo on Xbox One better be in good hands ;]
*Anyone who makes fun of my darling, my love, my everything is no good.
I really want to emphasize that I wasn't trying to say 343 is a bad company. Just suggesting that they might try a bit more casual approach than they seem to have. They seem to be a much more structured company, and maybe that's how they work best, which is why I said "ehh, maybe changing too much isn't the right thing to do." I was even careful to mention that I most certainly didn't mean they should carbon copy Bungie, just relax a little bit. Be a little more casual and irreverent. Halo 4 really almost seemed like an "uptight" game that focused on being cool and being "Halo." 343 was under a lot of stress to make a good Halo game, and it showed in their work. Bungie just seemed more focused on making fun games because they wanted to make them, and it showed too. Thus, Bungie's games are much more beloved. The Halo series has always been that "just plain fun; put a stupid grin on my face" series for me. Halo 4 wasn't really like that at all.
343: serious, have-to-make-this-game-Halo (which I don't blame them for. We put them under a lot of stress, but I really think that got to them a bit too hard).
Bungie: Let's have fun. Make a fun game. Let's call it Halo, just cuz we want to.
Very different companies. Very different games.
EDIT: I should also note that I too really like Bungie as a studio, just not as
ring bearers of Halo multiplayer. Destiny seems like the game they were.. -cough- destined to make; it allows for them to flex those creative muscles more freely.
Indeed, which is why they didn't want to make Halo anymore. Totally makes sense. Reach was obviously more what Bungie was wanting to do, so since they had to make another Halo, they took some liberties. Halo Reach is still a pretty good game (I mean, hey, it's Bungie), but it's not so much as much of a Halo game as those previous because Bungie was tired of making Halo.
Since 343 wants to make Halo, they really need to look to more what Bungie was and did when they made the good Halos, like Halo 3.
I don't think 343 is a bad company. I love how Frankie participates in discussions here sometimes and obvious reads HaloGAF. I love that. They're trying, and that's totally cool, but I dislike the blatant dishonesty.
Halo 4 is one of the most serious games in the series. No funny lines from the grunts and elites. No more sassy but hilarious and awesome characters like Sgt Johnson. Just bitchy, unlikable characters like Palmer.
True. And Palmer is most certainly a bitch. A bitch that I would still love to take out to dinner just to have her toss me around later that night.
No. They lied too, but not at all in the same way, and certainly not so blatantly. I think they misimplied somethings rather sneakily, but nothing on what 343's been doing, that I can remember. Remember the DLC fiasco? Did Bungie ever do anything quite so blatant? And then handle it in the worst way possible?
If my memory serves right, wasn't it only Phil Spencer and/or Microsoft execs that said this? I don't remember anyone who works at 343 saying it.. To be fair to 343, they are practically one in the same as Microsoft since they're a first party studio built from/within/by Microsoft.
Lot's of people. You're one of the few I know who continuously pines for CE style play. I've never disagreed with you that CE was a fantastic Halo, even better than 2 and 3. And boy would I love CE style play online (PC play has been great). But I don't agree that 2 and 3 are bad games in the least. They're some of the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer shooters.
I actually really liked Halo 2, just in a different flavor than CE. Halo 3 is more the "bad" [Halo] game, but Halo 2 was alright in my book (can't deny those maps!).
And do you not see all the posts in gaming side about "without Bungie is just isn't Halo." Or "Destiny will be better than Halo because Bungie. Halo is dead."? People love Bungie. All the hype for Destiny I've seen seems more because Bungie is making it. Honestly the actual pictures and trailers are...uninspiring. I myself am really only excited because it's Bungie.
Yeah I know Bungie has a large following, and I'm part of it, but the whole "without Bungie, this isn't Halo" mentality is crazy to me. IMO people who say that are being way too biased.
They were, I agree. CE is a very different game. It's a fantastic game, as I said. I also agree that people saying we should return to the original trilogy is rather silly. What I think they're really saying is just return to 2/3, but don't realize it. Cuz their dumb, or just forgot or whatever reason. You decide. It doesn't really matter. You know what they mean.
In terms of gameplay, I think Halo 4 was probably (my opinion changes on this) the best game since Halo 2. I was just so burned out by Reach that loadouts and other CoD elements quickly turned me away from that game. Halo 3 was just too damn sluggish and inconsistent for any real enjoyment outside of reaching a 50.
Stupid idea maybe... But anyone else think they'd enjoy a Halo with Crackdown style traversal?
Chief already jumps pretty high, imagine if he could climb up shit too, like they do in Crackdown.
You could build levels with massive vertical objects to climb, then reign fire down from above. Would also add a lot to multiplayer.
Halo is kind of half way there already in the sense that multiplayer levels have things to climb etc. Just up the ante, have even bigger structures to climb and then have Spartans jumping building to building Crackdown style...
Nahh, I wouldn't like it. Climbing ledges breaks the flow of combat and breaks map design. In a game like Halo where positioning is key, things like climbing ledges and Jet Packs off spawn would be overkill IMO.
That being said, I would love to see wallrunning and other parkour elements like ^climbing ledges in either a spin-off game with this in mind, or a separate mode that isn't 2v2/4v4.
Yeah I know Bungie has a large following, and I'm part of it, but the whole "without Bungie, this isn't Halo" mentality is crazy to me. IMO people who say that are being way too biased.
Yeah, I know they're biased. That's not the point. The point is that Bungie has tons of people who profess to love them, and that's all I claimed in the first place.
Yeah, I know they're biased. That's not the point. The point is that Bungie has tons of people who profess to love them, and that's all I claimed in the first place.
Yeah, I know they're biased. That's not the point. The point is that Bungie has tons of people who profess to love them, and that's all I claimed in the first place.
In terms of gameplay, I think Halo 4 was probably (my opinion changes on this) the best game since Halo 2. I was just so burned out by Reach that loadouts and other CoD elements quickly turned me away from that game. Halo 3 was just too damn sluggish and inconsistent for any real enjoyment outside of reaching a 50.
I honestly have to say H3 was the most fun I've had online of any Halo game. More so than Reach or 4, although I didn't have live during 2, just played LAN with CE and 2 with friends. (Which is actually the most fun I have had with Halo ever, tournaments in middle and high school, but I digress.) H3 was amazing to me, and it had a lot more of a learning curve than Reach or 4. I guess count it as nostalgia or whatever but I really loved 3. That's honestly why I am so excited about H2A, because I'll finally get to play it on live when the population is high.
It's not entirely nastolgia. I entered all three at approximately the same time. 3 is easily my favorite, though I like Halo 2's maps much more. (Though I love Guardian.)
Reach wasn't CoD-ized, though. The loadout functionality was per-gametype, not universal, and I didn't have to unlock basic stuff like my own emblem. 90% of the time, the loadouts had all the same weapons, just different AAs. And everyone had access to the same loadouts. Reach also had the ability to remove AAs and any loadout popup completely. The progression system only offered you cosmetics to unlock - no gameplay advantages existed between an Inheritor and a Recruit of the same skill.
Where the CoDization goes awry is how it was implemented in Halo 4. Locking basic emblems for the sake of the progression system. Locking away AAs for the sake of the progression system, meaning people have a material advantage in matches that I CANNOT counter at ALL unless I've played as much as them or have paid money to unlock them faster. Locking away weapons for the sake of the progression system. Making loadouts universal, so now it's impossible to remove weapons or AAs that don't work from certain gametypes without nuking the entire loadout system. Reach never painted itself into a corner, Halo 4 did. Reach started having AAs that didn't work out deleted, Halo 4 added more perks to counter the other perks it already had.
Need I remind you - if you start Halo 4 as a new player, you're stuck with an AR against people with DMRs, Lightrifles, Carbines, and BRs. You cannot counter people off spawn because they start with better weapons that the game says "no, you can't have this until you've been pooped on enough"
I honestly have to say H3 was the most fun I've had online of any Halo game. More so than Reach or 4, although I didn't have live during 2, just played LAN with CE and 2 with friends. (Which is actually the most fun I have had with Halo ever, tournaments in middle and high school, but I digress.) H3 was amazing to me, and it had a lot more of a learning curve than Reach or 4. I guess count it as nostalgia or whatever but I really loved 3. That's honestly why I am so excited about H2A, because I'll finally get to play it on live when the population is high.
Object splatters are such fun always.
Or getting splatters with vehicles when you're not in one... Pulse Grenades have this fun force impulse, once i threw one, and its detonation slammed a Warthog to an enemy, getting me a splatter medal...
Object splatters are such fun always.
Or getting splatters with vehicles when you're not in one... Pulse Grenades have this fun force impulse, once i threw one, and its detonation slammed a Warthog to an enemy, getting me a splatter medal...
Lack of Halo news is killing me. I think it's going to be easy to tell early this time what the final game will be like. So many people I know bought Halo 4 expecting a continuation of Halo 3 as far as multiplayer is concerned, this coupled with the fact that this time not only would they have to buy Halo 5 they would have to buy an Xbox one as well is going to make them a lot more cautious. Could be time to move on.
Lack of Halo news is killing me. I think it's going to be easy to tell early this time what the final game will be like. So many people I know bought Halo 4 expecting a continuation of Halo 3 as far as multiplayer is concerned, this coupled with the fact that this time not only would they have to buy Halo 5 they would have to buy an Xbox one as well is going to make them a lot more cautious. Could be time to move on.
You think that might have had something to do with the fact that, according to those rumors, 343 recently started over on Halo 5? As in, they were previously continuing the direction of 4 but said "screw it, we can't do this now what with all the disapproval of Halo 4 by the fans" to some degree?
I feel as though H2A will get people buying the Xbones before H5 even comes into play.
Also some thoughts on the Plasma Pistol: Overheat time should be at least as long as the EMP effect on a vehicle to prevent spamming it. Maybe consume more battery as well. Place one or two on each map for those BTS games and remove it from the carbine loadout in BTS.
I'm writing music for some stuff, and I think I accidentally stole a chord progression. My best guess is either Halo or Star Wars. Does anyone recognize it? http://vocaroo.com/i/s12y71LNUorh
You think that might have had something to do with the fact that, according to those rumors, 343 recently started over on Halo 5? As in, they were previously continuing the direction of 4 but said "screw it, we can't do this now what with all the disapproval of Halo 4 by the fans" to some degree?
I just don't see how they can afford to continue in the direction they took Halo. Look almost anywhere on the internet where there is anything Halo related and you can see that people just didn't like Halo 4.
If theres one thing Halo 4 did it is unite most of the fan base under one banner of a 1-3 style Halo... no longer are people so divided about going back to Halo 1, 2 or 3 in particular, it's all about even starts, good maps , no annoying and unnecessary mechanics, and having to fight for map control and power weapon control to win. I just hope they respond to this and don't just force their vision down our throats again. Halo needs to be Halo.