So they make Ricochet 4v4 but they leave CTF as 5v5. Why?
Gotta keep the experience of 5v5 Skyline CTF Spawn On Other Team's Flag Action alive.
So they make Ricochet 4v4 but they leave CTF as 5v5. Why?
This works, if you allow for assumptions. Which i don't allow for. Don't know 'bout you. EDIT or are you basing this on the comics? If so... well, fuck 343i for not making stuff clear in the game.
As i noted, she is a major character yet we don't know much about her really. If we knew more...
Is Joe Staten at 343 or is he just with Microsoft Game Studios? It would be cool if he works on Halo 5.
Let's make a proper poll. Ask mods to setup one on gaming side, or community or whatever. Or use one of those sites that allow making surveys. We should be able to get a good indication how people like her rather quickly, and after a few hundred votes, there won't be massive changes in percentages anymore*. Probably.
Halo fan, how do you feel about Sarah Palmer?
A-love her
B-she's ok
C-no opinion
D-not fond of her
E-Jar Jar Binks level hatred (slow painful death needed for cleansing purposes of franchise)
-- I never said irrelevant. I said I don't have a strong feeling about her. Given what you've said in this thread, I don't believe you have any real interest in seriously discussing this topic.If she is so irrelevant for you, why do you care that others dislike her?
Yep, thanks for your help. That ricochet one is tough to get to happen legitimately, it's hard to set up to be able to assassinate the dude right before he scores. Or I suck, it's one of the two.GGs Zoso. Sorry we couldn't get the Ricochet achievement, but I'm glad you got Pitfall / Vertigo.
It's pretty fun, but I don't think I've seen it in matchmaking since the Bullseye playlist until today. At least that Squad DLC playlist is coming soon!
F - Actively do not like her, or most of the Spartan IV's.
She was fine in the Campaign, but then again, so were most of the Halo 4 characters. My disagreements started in Spartan Ops.
She's arrogant and disliked anyone more intelligent than herself, with an exception to Lasky. She had terrible aim for a Spartan (she managed to hit Halsey in the shoulder, not the head). She also had the urge to not wear a helmet in combat zones until the end of Spartan Ops, which was somewhat bizarre. Her instinctual response to pacify the Forerunner artifact was to kick it.
It doesn't have to be this way. 343i has shown that they know how to do characters with the Master Chief-Cortana episodes in the Campaign. Why wasn't this the case in Spartan Ops?
-- You seem incapable of understanding a nuanced opinion when it comes to Palmer. I don't feel strongly about her at all.
-- I haven't done a count, but a handful of people taking every opportunity to say she sucks in this thread or on Waypoint isn't a powerful point of data. I would be interested to find out the continuum of feelings about her character, but it's not something I lose sleep about at night.
Standart protagonist never wear a helmet, Halo was an exception in so many things until Reach happened to show us a human side from the spartans which I never wanted to see.
Spartans were perfect soldiers, why suddenly put us a entire cast of spartans who prefer to take off their helmets in the middle of a discussion and being less militar than the marines itself, where are they going with this idea.
Halo fan, how do you feel about Sarah Palmer?
A-love her
B-she's ok
C-no opinion
D-not fond of her
E-Jar Jar Binks level hatred (slow painful death needed for cleansing purposes of franchise)
-- I never said irrelevant. I said I don't have a strong feeling about her. Given what you've said in this thread, I don't believe you have any real interest in seriously discussing this topic.
No amount of rewriting of palmers character can help her. She is a horrible one dimension character that is beyond redeeming.
Why she continues to get the spotlight in comics/games is confusing.
I think at this point it would be to little to late, the damage is done. Fleshing her out would require more game/novel time for Palmer and as you know the general community either out right hates her or doesn't care for her. It would feel like we are been spoon fed Palmer stuff yet again, why waste game time/another book fleshing out a character that is very disliked by the community when 343 could use it to further the universe with more interesting and likable characters.I wouldn't call her irredeemable, but it must be done in a game, not expanded universe material. And whatever is done, should explain her previous mannerisms and actions and motives. Flesh her out. If that doesn't work, if 343i thought that would make her likeable but didn't, then kill her off.
Or just kill her off. Wasting time fleshing her out isn't probably worth the time.
I don't care either way really.
Hopefully that's an early Halo 5 build.![]()
Really? Well if whiny and annoying are your thing who is to prevent you from desiring that...Palmer was kinda hot tho so....
'Tis what I've been saying all along!Palmer was kinda hot tho so....
What was wrong with this game Bungie? ;'[![]()
F - Actively do not like her, or most of the Spartan IV's.
She was fine in the Campaign, but then again, so were most of the Halo 4 characters. My disagreements started in Spartan Ops.
She's arrogant and disliked anyone more intelligent than herself, with an exception to Lasky. She had terrible aim for a Spartan (she managed to hit Halsey in the shoulder, not the head). She also had the urge to not wear a helmet in combat zones until the end of Spartan Ops, which was somewhat bizarre. Her instinctual response to pacify the Forerunner artifact was to kick it.
It doesn't have to be this way. 343i has shown that they know how to do characters with the Master Chief-Cortana episodes in the Campaign. Why wasn't this the case in Spartan Ops?
Well, Spartan Ops was written by someone different than the campaign.
As to the helmet thing, I don't see why 343i (and Bungie) have to relearn this. They figured out the perfect way to see character's faces in ODST--polarize/depolarize their visors. If you design large Chief-style visors then there's no issues.
Palmer was kinda hot tho so....
The little things go a long way.Such a cool thing to add. For some reason helped everything feel more badass.
Really? Well if whiny and annoying are your thing who is to prevent you from desiring that...
Crimson! Crimson! *climax*More like giant amazon athletic women with dark hair are my thing.
Unless she's yelling "Eeeeegggggheeaaaaaaaaaaads" while in the bedroom, I think I could do it.
Oh god she probably does that. "PUSH THAT BUTTON SPARTAN!"
Anyone here still hop on Halo 3? I just picked it up for $4 at a local resale shop and I found a free 3-month gold pass lying around.
Wouldn't push that button then Crimson! Crimson! Make more sense?Crimson! Crimson! *climax*
Crimson! Crimson! *climax*
Then afterwords, "I thought you'd be bigger".
Crimson! Crimson! *climax*
Then afterwords, "I thought you'd be taller".
Ugh. HaloFollower is posting fake ads for H2A on other gaming videos (this one was Minecraft related?)
Customs still a go for tonight, 9PM eastern. Be there. Aloha.
Halo 5, a Microsoft console exclusive, is a pre-release general shooter game to be released in December of 2014.
More information is on the way! Check back soon!
Infinity Slayer, if anything, ought to be a social slayer, not ranked slayer. The reason is that Infinity slayer is much more based on casuals, thus it makes no sense to have a system (ranking) in which you are matched up against better and better players if the playlist's (infinity slayer) very purpose is to level the playing field
I'll join inJust put my poopsock on for the next few hours. Would love to get a team for extraction and dong on all these scrubs.
Palmer, chief and egghead love triangle confirmed, tba 2014. Buy the LE and get a season pass for DLC such as "cwwwwwwwimssson" and "button-mania".Palmer was kinda hot tho so....
So I went to go see what little old HaloFollower was up to, and man, his voice is way different. Anyway, he mentioned this. Kind of...interesting. I mean, usually he just reports a lot of dumb speculation, but this is interesting:
What the heck does that mean? This is the official Walmart site too.
-- Amazon does the same thing. Sometimes they're so lazy they don't want to change their asspull release dates after the fact (more of a problem for books than video games).This means fucking nothing. Basically Walmart decided the E3 Halo announcement was Halo 5 and set the last month of the year as a date so they can start taking preorders. Then they just push it forward when something new is announced.
This means fucking nothing. Basically Walmart decided the E3 Halo announcement was Halo 5 and set the last month of the year as a date so they can start taking preorders. Then they just push it forward when something new is announced.
Stop giving that halo follower guy clicks.
Going to try to join the customs tonight.