Syphon Filter
I get to play with 343 at 5 FPS? Sweet!
what you mean 5 fps?
I get to play with 343 at 5 FPS? Sweet!
what you mean 5 fps?
Starts in about an hour from now
Oh, misread that as Seth Rogen for a second there. Imagined him playing Roland :lol
Starts in about an hour from now
Is there anything special about this or is it just one of those things where you can say "oh I played with some 343i employees"? It would be nice if they unlocked some of those DMR and BR skins in Halo 4...
They're literally the best looking ones in the game... and yet they're locked away. *shrugs*
-- If 343i employees don't get exclusive glowing particle halos and wings I'm going to be holding a protest sign outside the building until it happens.Noted.
Is there anything special about this or is it just one of those things where you can say "oh I played with some 343i employees"? It would be nice if they unlocked some of those DMR and BR skins in Halo 4...
They're literally the best looking ones in the game... and yet they're locked away. *shrugs*
buy the DLC?
I have all the DLC. Those two skins are locked for some reason. No one has them.
Okay, that's a lie. Ran into a hacker a few weeks back and he was using the BR skin. Was extremely jelly watching that kill cam
Good lord, Titanfall's matchmaking is absolute garbage.
Beta matchmaking, so good, such wow.
Also dedicated servers(on PC at least!) when your friends aren't local are pretty much shit, or at least Titanfall's are. Nothing like rolling with a 150+ ping with Exwife and 30 by myself.
Cool Destinylands stuff, watch it while its up!
Anyone interested in watching a Halo 3 Speedrun race :
Halo 3 is so pretty. I don't know how anyone can race through Tsavo Highway without looking at the scenery. Or at least the Covenant Cruiser that flies overhead
Are you playing on Easy?
Nah im not racing, just a couple of my mates. I was on earlier on tonight trying to get the WR on easy though
Ahh okay.
Is reverting back to checkpoint when you screw up a jump a normal thing?
50 seconds in and the words synchronised dancing have been used.Cool Destinylands stuff, watch it while its up!
50 seconds in and the words synchronised dancing have been used.
This will be good.
I haven't really had any problems with titanfalls matchmaking (Xbox one) as an individual yet, although trying to play with friends is 10x worse than the slight troubles we had in Halo 4.
Not sure what side the fault lies on, but it took use 45 minutes just to all join a party and team together which only lasted one match then some of us got returned to lobby and cut from the chat. The future truly is here.
JIP is as bad as ever. Is there actually a game that has ever got it right?Yeah - going solo on PC, matchmaking is fast and connection quality is generally better than playing with anyone who doesn't live in the same state. But teams are never remotely balanced and the JIP settings are stupidly loose (joining a game in the evacuation phase and getting a loss).
Playing with a lobby is simple enough, once you've got the lobby set up, but the horrible ping rates between the different dedicated servers (all in the US) can vary by hundreds of ms. It can be unplayable usually 1 in 4 matches for at least one of us. Xbox One has a stupid amount of issues with matching and chat and other stuff that 360 solved a decade ago and it just boggles my mind how much stuff the One didn't ship with.
In any case, after nights of Titanfall like this, I'm actually really looking forward to playing Halo 4. It's that much better and more reliable.
JIP is as bad as ever. Is there actually a game that has ever got it right?
I had less problems playing with US fellas in halo 4 p2p as a German than with those dedicated servers.
I seriously am scared that playing Halo with you guys will be a chore on the xbox One
I really wish they would make the DLC free. Having some of those maps pop up in BTB would be great.
Pliss.So the Halo 1 on Steam petition almost has more supporters than the SEGA games on PC one and its only been like a day
Progression ranks mean jack diddly squat (destroyed too many teams of high gens already), but I get your point. Matchmaking sucks most of the time for any game IMO ;]Don't worry guys, it's cool. We'll use our "improved matchmaking" to match you against a team of Gen 10 50's that are rolling together all with mics. Also, let's put a couple non-gen'd lvl 3s on your team that don't know how to shoot, run, or even jump.
Talking about things they killed and doesn't even bring up the Grenade Launcher.. For shame Gabo.That moment you realize 343 killed the best gametype (Invasion) and the best vehicle (Falcon) and now Forge is a downgraded mess with no space to Forge.
Talking about things they killed and doesn't even bring up the Grenade Launcher.. For shame Gabo.
That moment you realize 343 killed the best gametype (Invasion) and the best vehicle (Falcon) and now Forge is a downgraded mess with no space to Forge.
Talking about things they killed and doesn't even bring up the Grenade Launcher.. For shame Gabo.
Totally forgot about the Grenade Launcher. Reach wasn't actually awful, I don't know why it gets so much hate. By all means it wasn't great though.
We need more weapons with unique traits like the Grenade Launcher and Plasma Launcher. Halo needs cool weapons that feel very different from other games, not reskinned human weapons.Grenade and Plasma launcher were pretty great additions, I'll take the Plasma Launcher over the overpowered shitfest the Incineration Cannon is.
Using the halo 2 sword was sweeeeeet. Sentinel beans were underused in mp.We need more weapons with unique traits like the Grenade Launcher and Plasma Launcher. Halo needs cool weapons that feel very different from other games, not reskinned human weapons.
Halo CE and Halo 2 felt fresh for this very reason.
Solid Bungie talk. Genius system. Makes me excited to see the differences in detail between current and previous gen systems.
Hopefully Halo 5 has a pretty robust customization system. The whole bits and bobs thing reminded me a lot of Forge, minus the dyes.
If Xbox One prices don't go down in Canada by the summer, I'll probably just get a PS4 first to play Destiny beta and release.(really wish they would just announce an eventual PC version, though)
I really really hope halo 2 or halo 5 don't use Kinect
If it had done a bit more damage it would have been brilliant I just used it more as a suppression weapon really.Focus Rifle <3
Totally forgot about the Grenade Launcher. Reach wasn't actually awful, I don't know why it gets so much hate. By all means it wasn't great though.
Things that made Reach a poor man's Halo for me: bloom, bad armor abilities, below average maps, horribly slow base player movement, and poor jumping ability. But it had its moments. For me, I simply loved capturing clips and posting them to, which was really just an extention of Halo 3's Theater Mode. I still go back and watch clips every now and again. Hail Mary Grenade FinishI'm playing it right know, and seriously, the game is a lot of fun! It feels like Halo.
But damn, the Jetpack and the Armor Lock are so such frustrating when other players use them. It ruins the game. The sprint didn't (not so much at least).
Skills are not the issue. Everyone in that game is pretty derpy. It's the fact that my teammates don't have the better guns, burn cards, perks, kit, titans, scopes, etc. There's a certain futility in trying to win.Progression ranks mean jack diddly squat (destroyed too many teams of high gens already), but I get your point. Matchmaking sucks most of the time for any game IMO ;]
Beta focus rifle :O
Imagine a focus rifle with damage boost :O
They really do need more interesting weapons.
Not just different takes on Shoot this projectile comes out
To be fair, "shoot this projectile comes out" and "shoot this blunt impact comes out" could define just about every weapon on the planet, in-game and out.
Replace the pick up its cheap and easy.
Smash Brothers 4 has ranks.
Halo 4 does not.
is it still cool to hate on Halo 4 around here?