Got a couple of us playing, come join us. Msg XBLYourExWife if you're not on my list already.
Dooooooo iiiittttt.
Dooooooo iiiittttt.
Is there anything else to do until E3?is it still cool to hate on Halo 4 around here?
He's talking about this:
You can buy them for 8-10 bucks.
Got a couple of us playing, come join us. Msg XBLYourExWife if you're not on my list already.
Dooooooo iiiittttt.
Jelly. I had to cut short last night. I still can't believe I actually got some of those achievements. When does DLC go away?
Think it ends on the 14th, replaced by Ninja Assassins.
The hell is ninja assassin's?
Looks complicated.
Eh, I have an xbone and digital games on 360. I don't need to buy and do console surgeryHe said it was easy.
Think it ends on the 14th, replaced by Ninja Assassins.
So melee only gametype. whaaa?
What the heck is ninja assasins?
They should have just remade Forge World and put a flat island in the water.
Though I guess they were already stretching the budget pretty thin in Reach... so I guess there's always Halo 5
Forge World's palette, while being an ugly grey shitfest also worked better than H4's overdesigned pieces. Reach's forge maps are much easier to the eyes.
They already reskinned some pieces for Forge Island which is a pretty good thing but most of them were kept the same.
I sort of go back and forth on it. A lot of 4's pieces are a bit too busy texture-wise, but so were Reach's--they were just more monotonously grey. The cleaned-up textures on the Forge Island pieces were very welcome. Hopefully with Halo 5 Forge they can give us some very simple textured pieces to mix in with the walls and floor block pieces--it's more an issue of variety than anything else.
And I have a hard time saying that Reach forge maps are much better looking than Halo 4 ones. If they can address the issues with crafting interior spaces (adding your own dynamic lights, etc.) to avoid Shadows: The Game, I'll be immensely happy.
Maybe add an option to make a piece unlit, you could use these pieces for roof pieces and the like...
A forge trick you can do to light indoor spaces in Halo 4 is to delay-spawn your roof pieces. 1 second is enough, they just need to not exist when the map actually loads, and they'll be skipped in the lighting pass. And nobody will notice them spawning in.
That's actually pretty clever.
I also experimented with scaling big objects like colliseum walls and Forge Island's rocks to 300% or similar to create bigger, cleaner looking flat surfaces, using green screens or grids placed below them since the collision model is kept the same.
Also, I have a test ready variant of Sabotage so maybe we could get a lobby going this weekend, I just have to get a couple maps ready to support it.
Did anyone end up using that green screen for actual machinema?
I'm sure some people did, but honestly machinima is pretty much dead insofar as a very busy medium in general. I think I can count the number of good machinima series on one hand since RvB/Codex/Fire Team Charlie. It just didn't take off like I guess everyone thought. Still awesome that they included it and I hope it remains standard in the next iteration.
I've actually used the greenscreen more for compositing and things like player graphics.
I'm sure some people did, but honestly machinima is pretty much dead insofar as a very busy medium in general. I think I can count the number of good machinima series on one hand since RvB/Codex/Fire Team Charlie. It just didn't take off like I guess everyone thought. Still awesome that they included it and I hope it remains standard in the next iteration.
I've actually used the greenscreen more for compositing and things like player graphics.
Machinima skyrocketed in Halo 2, mainly because community machinima groups flourished.
Then in Halo 3 they wouldn't let people lower their weapons online, and things weren't filmed in real time anymore. Just made making machinima a lot less fun. But theater did make things easier so machinima did pretty good in Halo 3 also, but more professional groups flourished.
By reach most people were burned out on halo machinima. Wasn't fun to make still, community dwindled,
Now its meh.
But its cool they added a green screen.
I remember in Halo 2 we tried using green screen by blasting a wall with explosives to turn it black. Or we got out of Containment for the glowing pure white background.
Good times.
What the heck is ninja assasins?
Is it impossible to get anything above a double kill then?The fruit of Tashi's labor.
Is it impossible to get anything above a double kill then?![]()
Killtalcular's for me I can never seem to get them even when I try.6 melee killstreak here in team swat
They should bring 1 flag back for most of the big team maps since they're quite lopsided.
Bulletin's up:
Ninja Assassins explained plus two new forge maps in BTB (plus the addition of Neutral Flag).
I miss 1 flag and 1 bomb the most of anything Halo.
It's really hard for me to get a good color selection from the H4 green screen. The way the lighting works in the game, it's almost like it cast's a green highlight around the player/vehicle, making it impossible to pull a clean selection. It's next to impossible to pull a clean selection for video. Maybe I'm just bad/doing it wrong?
-- Aye, what does it actually mean? "Community Meld" makes it sound like a cross-platform interface?The explanation for community meld isn't helping me as someone who doesn't play KI though. Is this essentially Waypoint-like functionality but in the game without having to launch something else?
The lighting in Halo 4 isn't exactly favorable to getting a pure green key but it sounds like your issue is green spill on the subjects. Just back up the green screen so it's not right against your actors. You might also want to boost the saturation to pull the key in post, then apply the matte to an unadjusted layer. Dunno what program you're using but After Effects and Motion both have excellent keying software with spill suppressors.
you don't say...Thats how I play every match.
While not quite the same topic, I was devastated when ranked BTB was removed from Halo 2. I loved 1 flag and 1 bomb games. Even team objective 1 flag and 1 bomb games were great. There's a certain high you get when everyone rushes the base or when you are anticipating the rush on defense. Armor abilities, instant respawns, and random ordnance really take away from the suspenseful build up in games.I miss 1 flag and 1 bomb the most of anything Halo.
"Standby for Mantisfall!"
Ya'll want this to happen in a new playlist update, right guys?
More Eject perks and AAs.