User 73706
It was all dem conservative tweets. Something something Bungie trickled down on his employment.
It was all dem conservative tweets. Something something Bungie trickled down on his employment.
This is the perfect opportunity for 343 to get back to Halo's music roots, if O'Donnell working with Davidge, Tojima and Jinnouchi together (maybe just Jinnouchi and Tojima), one can only imagine. MS if Halo is truly your number one game to sell, you gotta throw all the monies!
snag him back to 343, Halo 4's ost was crap. Only one track was good (117)
snag him back to 343, Halo 4's ost was crap. Only one track was good (117)
The mix was just not right.I thought the ost was quite good, however during the campaign I felt it's delivery was far too muted.
THIS! Although I assume he was tired of Halo music hence leaving Halo behind to make new music for destiny?
Really shitty situation for both Marty and Bungie, I think, but perhaps an opportunity for 343 here... Speaking of which, where is that Music of the Spheres album?
Hands off my ugly duckling AA loverHalo 3 Scout was the ugliest helmet of any Halo game IMO.
Explain why it's shitty for Bungie.
What really? Do you have a link?I was actually watching a pre-release map walkthrough the other night where 343i said that the main counter to the Mantis was the other team's Mantis... eh?)
snag him back to 343, Halo 4's ost was crap. Only one track was good (117)
How isn't it shitty? Marty has been heavily involved with every aspect of Bungie's audio for a damn long time. Both internally, to not only Bungie-corporate, but to his audio team - and the rest of the Destiny team at Bungie, and externally, to his fans.
It was one of the IGN ones for Ragnarok, I think. I'm probably misremembering but I'm sure said something like thatWhat really? Do you have a link?
What did I tell you about Elzar's curse? It's real. It destroyed us, now it's destroying companies and next is console makers. Pray he never gets into PC gaming.343 its working full steam ahead with Neil for an equally dull and unmemorable score for Halo 5. Marty will have all the time in the world to shit on abortion on twitter now
I'm legit shook. RIP Borderlandswhat?
Marty: I'm saddened to say that Bungie's board of directors terminated me without cause on April 11, 2014.
Never thought I'd say this but I'm not sure if I like Bungie anymore. First Staten and now Marty. *sigh*
HA!Hands off my ugly duckling AA lover.
I think it makes more sense to judge Bungie on the strength of their output, rather than on their personnel changes.
That said, Bungie without Joe's writing, Jaime's design and Marty's music is saddening to think about, but people do move on, and Bungie is a very big studio now (which actually worries me, but that's another story). But of all the departures, I can't think of one that will be more immediately noticeable than Marty's. Really hard to imagine Bungie's games without his score. Destiny's is sounding really great, too.
I think it makes more sense to judge Bungie on the strength of their output, rather than on their personnel changes.
That said, Bungie without Joe's writing, Jaime's design and Marty's music is saddening to think about, but people do move on, and Bungie is a very big studio now (which actually worries me, but that's another story). But of all the departures, I can't think of one that will be more immediately noticeable than Marty's. Really hard to imagine Bungie's games without his score. Destiny's is sounding really great, too.
You don't know the story do you of the ugly duckling? It turns into a beautiful swan.
You don't know the story do you of the ugly duckling? It turns into a beautiful swan.
Not this one
Palmer not even classical literature is safe...Not this one
Hi guys.
I think the intent with the HaloGAF thread lock was clear, but this is the Halo 4 thread. So long as everything remains on topic (that would be Halo 4) and civil, that's fine. If everyone piles in here and turns it into the HaloGAF thread with another name, complete with the same problems, it'll meet the same fate.
I should note so far, so good on that front.![]()
I think it makes more sense to judge Bungie on the strength of their output, rather than on their personnel changes.
That said, Bungie without Joe's writing, Jaime's design and Marty's music is saddening to think about, but people do move on, and Bungie is a very big studio now (which actually worries me, but that's another story). But of all the departures, I can't think of one that will be more immediately noticeable than Marty's. Really hard to imagine Bungie's games without his score. Destiny's is sounding really great, too.
Something i'm making in Kerbal Space Program:
The Longsword is the best UNSC vehicle of any type. I didn't like space combat in Reach because why do we have to fly such a boring... thing, instead of a proper space fighter? The Broadsword in Halo 4 is better* than the Sabre but still ain't as good as the Longsword.
The thing flies surprisingly well in KSP, not counting some instability (needs more duct tape ), and it doesn't actually have enough fuel for anything.
*Perhaps i should say the mission is much funnier rather than that the Broadsword is better than the Sabre, it is, after all, almost identical, not counting shape.
EDIT might try to make the Shortsword too. Don't even have to make it space-capable to match its Haloverse functionality (it is merely an atmospheric bomber).
EDIT do note that this Longsword is made with mods (B9 Aerospace pack and another i can't recall), though making one with default parts should be possible too. Just ain't as pretty.
EDIT with some slight changes, i actually got it to space too. No weapons of course. Also, haven't tried re-entry, don't have any fuel left.
My issue with the Broadsword in Halo 4 was it felt a little unnecessary. We had fighters established that also looked less like modern fighters. I would have loved to fly a Longswords after all this time.
Also, I didn't notice the first time but they use anti-grav to lift the nuke into place on the broadsword. Reverse-engineering those grav lifts, I guess.
Actually, are there any interesting, easy to execute campaign/co-op glitches at all in Halo 4? I know there is one where you get outside the UNSC station in The Composer but not sure if it is easy.
Halo 4 is like a pretty looking game.Is this a community thread or what like? haha
It's pretty easy and neat but gets old real fast.
Also that Game Of Thrones episode. #Hailhydra
[Agent of Shield spoilers]Why hail me? I was only in Vikings. Although GoT does film further up north but I was already traveling a distance for the other series hah.
[Agent of Shield spoilers]So in one of the episodes Hydra has infiltrated Shield.
Didn't even make the connection with your name, which is retrospect is now totally hilarious.
OH SEMANTICS, MAN.Hidra sponsored Shield since the beginning so....