I think its okay but not 5 years after a massive universal war okay. If Halo 4 was like 100+ years in the future then sure why not.
Elites probably feel bad but I don't picture humans are too forgiving even though they knew they were tricked, I mean they destroyed planets with billions of people on it and nearly drove us to extiention.A war which they were tricked into killing Humans just so the Prophets could stay in power. After that I doubt most (not all), Elites don't harbor much hatred.
I seriously think people underestimate how much can change in such a short time, especially on a galactic level where there are many factors to push change.
Elites probably feel bad but I don't picture humans are too forgiving even though they knew they were tricked, I mean they destroyed planets with billions of people on it and nearly drove us to extiention.
Its just the idea of integration this early is so odd.
Edit: even if its not UNSC I still find it odd.
A war which they were tricked into killing Humans just so the Prophets could stay in power. After that I doubt most (not all), Elites don't harbor much hatred.
I seriously think people underestimate how much can change in such a short time, especially on a galactic level where there are many factors to push change.
Plus considering the planet the bar is on isn't UNSC owned, the bar tender is most likely not part of the UNSC. Not like the bar is located on Earth or even a Human colony.
I seriously think you overestimate how quick things can change, especially after almost certain interstellar extinction. A 27 year war, countless colonies and planets destroyed, Reach glassed, Earth fallen, billions killed, and magically 5 years later, there is humans serving drinks to Elites in bars? It's a bit much. I mean I can buy human/elite cooperation, pacifying brutes, quelling any major problems, but I just don't buy it.
Elites have less reason than humanity to harbor hatred. Oh, but the Elites were under false pretenses. I guess the survivors of humans will accept that right. It's just seems hokey and stupid. I mean I made a joke about Mass Effect, but if you follow that story, even decades after a small conflict between first contact between humanity and turians, people are still mistrustful.
You know what made sense? How at the end of Reach, they showed that nearly 30 years after the war, they went back and started to rebuild it. What doesn't is showing that 5-6 years, how everything is hunky dory in a sense, especially for humanity, how they have almost certainly rebuilt everything. Where did they get the manpower, the materials, the sheer money, and time. Even with "forerunner/engineer" help. Whatever, it's space magic. It's like the previous trilogy never happened, let's focus on the new "ancient evil".
Like I was saying though, most likely this Human is from either the insurrection or from a world untouched by the war. Less likely to harbor hate than someone from New Mombasa. So my speculation is wrong compared to your speculation? You're just guessing yourself. Why would any human harbor less hate? Have you ever known anyone who was affected by genocide to be over it? Especially 5 years from it? Even in the furthest reaches of human colonies, they're going to be okay with the people that almost exterminated them, because hey, they listened to a group of people who were wrong?
Also Space Magic? Really? No, sorry it's not funny and it's wrong. Humanity is not fully rebuilt but it's getting there. Is the population numbers there? Hell no. Is the Human's fleet as big as it was pre-war? No. More advanced? Yeah, they got both Covenant and Forerunner technology to work with and Humans aren't stupid they will use that and use it quick.
It's actually very funny to me. It is space magic. It's one or more writers just saying, hey before the war ended, Infinity was already designed and funded, here it is.
During WW2, when America was brought into the war, they began to produce ships faster than they were being destroyed. That was back in fucking early 1940's. This is 2558. You underestimate how fast things can be rebuilt, and yes Engineers and Forerunner help, it makes things go a lot faster because they're now allowed to do things they couldn't do before.
Did you really just compare a fictional Halo war to World War II? Okay, for shits and giggles, was the US nearly exterminated, it's cities destroyed? Were their resources gassed/destroyed, it's population destitute? Why not compare how long it took Germany to rebuild, especially Berlin. And that required MASSIVE aid/help from other nations. Just ask yourself, if my city was destroyed tomorrow, would it be rebuilt almost good as new in 5 years?
What do you think the UNSC has been just sitting on their asses for six years doing nothing? They have all the reason to build up as fast as possible, their enemies are down on the ground and they want to make sure they won't get jumped on again. When push comes to shove. That and they also have to worry about the rising Insurrection which basically started up as soon as the war ended.
They can have all the reason in the world to build up as fast as possible. Doesn't mean their fucking fleets weren't destroyed, their military might, the population nearly exterminated. Where are they going to get the manpower, materials, especially in 5 years. In 5 years, they should barely be able to get their food and population stabilized, let alone traverse the galaxy as a superpower.
Also stop assuming Humanity is some sort of hive minded race, that all Humans must detest the Covenant. Hell during Halo 3 when the Arbiter comes you actually hear Marines cheering for him, and just months ago they were at each others throats. Yes, not all Humans are going to change their tunes and be all happy with the Covenant species hanging around.
You're doing the same thing I am, assuming and speculating. Humanity would be fucking "hiveminded", most likely most humans aren't going to change their tune, some might. I can't say, but neither can you. It's more likely that humans won't be able to forgive so easily. So because a few marines cheered for the Arbiter, changes Master Chief immediately putting a gun to his throat, or Admiral Hood saying "I remember how this war started, what your kind did to mine. I can't forgive you, but you have my thanks..."
One last thing of note about the bar... Money. Really that's all that's need to be said, Sangheili are in disarray and they've been warming up to the idea of Human Capatalism (even said by one of the characters just a page or two later.) And when money gets involved, people can stop caring about past hatreds.
Oh so, "magically" there is some form of international currency as well now? How would that work? How many Elite bucks does it take to make a human dollar?
Edit: I saw your second post... Your assumption now is that Humanity was that lowered from the war... Not even in Halo 3 where Humanity that down in the dirt.
Answered in bold. At this point, I really don't care, you believe what you want, I'll believe what I want. Have a nice day.
I... I give up. Keep your irrational hatred along with so many about post-war Halo.
Give up what? You do know people can believe different things right? Very nice to dismiss others criticism as "irrational hatred". I don't even know what you're trying to prove? I simply posted my own thoughts along with everyone else and you're the one replying to everyone trying to prove we're wrong when you're doing the same thing the rest of us are, which is guessing. Like I said, have a nice day.
Opinions are fine, you can hate the new stuff all you want. All I was I was trying to prove was the facts of the situation in the universe, but it seems like like you want to use facts and simply use opinions. (Granted some of the stuff I said was speculation, however most wasn't.)
I honestly have no clue what you're even arguing about? You weren't trying to prove anything except what you believe is right, and that me and whoever else you replied to is wrong. How is any of the BS you said "facts"? Actually almost all of what you said was speculation and guesswork as well. Go back and read what you wrote.
Finally, if opinions are fine, and we can "hate the new stuff all we want", what are you so worked up about? Relax. Let's not derail and go off-topic any further. This isn't the Halo thread. This is the Halo 4 thread about the game and gameplay. Anyways, cheers.
Oh man the comics are just amazing. I mean amazingly stupid.
Also 6 years after a long war is nothing, especially after the elites glassed dozen of planets of humanity and comitting genocide.
Do you think 6 years after WW2 a Nazi in SS dress could just hang out in a jewish bar?
Also Palmer smh.
Also Halo 4 ugh.
No offence, but just because people don't like what 343's view of post war Halo is doesn't make them irrational.I... I give up. Keep your irrational hatred along with so many about post-war Halo.
No offence, but just because people don't like what 343's view of post war Halo is doesn't make them irrational.
Personally, I don't mind some Elites branching out into trade or whatever with humans.
I think having a drink at a bar at this stage is a bit far and kinda stupid.
"Hey human how's earth going? Oh to soon? What's that I killed your family on Reach, sorry. Here drinks on me".
Also has it been mentioned earlier if Elites even drink alcohol?
Facts are of course undisputable. What 343 have made can't be argued with as it's established canon.Okay, irrational maybe a bit much, but honestly I feel like I'm sitting down with a history book (Halopedia), reading the facts and being told they're wrong. Feels like the only way to "fit in" is to hate anything 343.
Facts are of course undisputable. What 343 have made can't be argued with as it's established canon.
However it doesn't stop fans (myself included) getting frustrated because of some jumps in logic which are confusing.
Example been Elites and Humans at a bar, it's happened, it's canon. However for some of us it's a bit jarring to see and try to understand it after all that's happened.
I'm not trying to start a argument just putting it out there.
He was just asked what he thought of future Halo games involving Palmer.This will get some use
hahaPictured: the rest of the defense team after the banshee spawns on Invasion: Spire
You need to unlock the Happy Ending Survivor perk. If your Hog explodes, you'll burst with white confetti (think Grunt Birthday Party) as your Spartan awkwardly shakes his legs and clamps his toes, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
lol wtf
And now all I'm imagining is a Mass Effect type game in the Halo universe... Now that would be awesome.I hope none of them are droids...
Bar fight for halo 5?
The electrical thing is operated by buttons. Push both of them and it works apparently.How do you activate the electric thingies on Vertigo? I need to get that stupid achievement but have no idea what I'm looking for as I've played on the map once
Ninja'd mah edit!The electrical thing is operated by buttons. Push both of them and it works apparently.
You gotta shoot both buttons. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ9lBxYglJk
hahah Get your sleep man!Yea. Maybe it's the lack of sleep talking but I totally lost it at that myself.
I could see it now...
Sarge: "Drink up split lip!"
Arby: "You're on, human"
Than they get a hotel room.
Sarge: "This is it baby.. Hold me.."
Arby: "Were it so easy..."
I could see it now...
Sarge: "Drink up split lip!"
Arby: "You're on, human"
Than they get a hotel room.
Sarge: "This is it baby.. Hold me.."
Arby: "Were it so easy..."
the mistake being Halo 4. shitty multiplayer with not needed "modern" elements. and an overall shitty story.
2014 gun be interesting for people on this page.
2014 gun be interesting for people on this page.
2014 gun be interesting for people on this page.
Just posted on HBO, Halo 4 AI Battles
Initiation ish 5 is interesting. We get a lot more on Hood's backstory, as well as the explanation for why nobody knew where the hell Spirit of Fire went off to.
Also, this.
2014 gun be interesting for people on this page.
I'm ok with space cantina but why is that elite butt naked, do shangeli cocks hang or they rest inside a cloaca like with lizards. Hanging cock would make it awkward as fuck to be there.
I really hope this question gets answered in the next bulletin FAQ Frankie.
Are we even sure Shageili have cocks? I mean, deviantart seems to think so, but maybe they just fertilize eggs or something.
So, is Spirit of Fire discovered by the UNSC or what? Sounds pretty cool.
That would add 3 more alive Spartan-II's to the canon, right? Along with a rival scientist for Halsey- Anders.
Interesting if this is the case.
Also, was playing Halo 3 last night for the first time in a while and DAMN did I get schooled.
Calling Overdoziz to bookmark this post.2014 gun be interesting for people on this page.