can we get these in a game pls
Maxing out Forerunner Ordnance commendation gets you these as alternate Gravity Hammer / Energy Sword skins pls
Directly edit Reach and Halo 4 gametype files via an XML converter
for those that want to get down to the core of editing gametypes. (does not allow you to cheat)
writeup on halomods
It lets you write Megalo scripts for BOTH Reach and Halo 4. In a really brute force way, he's working on an IDE so you can more naturally write them.
I haven't looked at any of the code, but is there a way that I could spawn the flagnum/flag in a non-ctf gametype and attribute specific traits and abilities to the flag carrier?
Say, limiting only the flag carrier to being able to arm an extraction point, or some such.
Because Assault.
<Filter labelIndex="ctf" name="ctf"/>
<Filter labelIndex="ctf_flag_return" name="ctf_flag_return" min="1"/>
<E type="Action" name="CreateObject">
<Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">flag</Param>
<Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="Team.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Team">TeamObject1</Param>
<Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="Team.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Team">TeamObject0</Param>
<Param type="ObjectFilterIndex">NONE</Param>
<Param type="CreateObjectFlags">NeverGarbage</Param>
<Param type="UInt24">3</Param>
<Param type="NameIndex">NONE</Param>
Directly edit Reach and Halo 4 gametype files via an XML converter
for those that want to get down to the core of editing gametypes. (does not allow you to cheat)
writeup on halomods
It lets you write Megalo scripts for BOTH Reach and Halo 4. In a really brute force way, he's working on an IDE so you can more naturally write them.
I don't understand something about Halo 4. Some days it's a blast to play but other times it just sucks. It might just be the mood I'm in who knows. I wish it was fun all the time because
I got nothing else to play.
I feel the same way. Depends who you get team wise. Sometimes I get a great group of guys and for like 5-6 matches in a row I have a blast. Sometimes I get a bunch of losers who don't do much just do random stuff, no team work.
343 is nailing the gameplay aspect. Now they need to focus on matchmaking. Pre/Post game chat, both teams, teams only face teams etc.
It's good they got a much better post-launch sustain team. Though all this shit with XbOne, who knew the biggest threat to HaloGAF wasn't the halo game but the fact MS will drive off fans to another console.
Sole reason I want XbOne is because I just couldn't stand having a ps4 and seeing Halo 5/Halo One released. I don't even know if I want to support two consoles, two different subscriptions etc. I can easily afford it, just seems pointless. I have a huge feeling gears will be timed exclusive or even multiplatform next gen.
I think my problem is just big team battle has a lot of lost potential. It shows great moments of awesomeness with epic vehicle battles then shortly goes away with stupidness. The game is just not consistent with me. I can't tell you how many things have happen that just drive me crazy. The game shines when a big team battle game is going good with great vehicle battles. Also Slayer Pro is awful. Should never be in big team, never!
We can never be friends now, sorry. I think Slayer pro is the best thing to have ever happened to big team battle in Halo 4. No more infinity bullshit, no more stickies and plasma pistol every map. Vehicles are useful again, gunplay is improved etc. The addition of radar again will make it perhaps one of the best playlists in the game.
It's gotten to the point where I don't vote at all now and if I see infinity going to win, I back out. If it happens 3 times, and I'm forced into a match and its infinity, I won't lie, I just turn off my 360 then.
Someone made the right decision somewhere along the line.![]()
can we get these in a game pls
the storm rifle is the only main that doesnt have a skin even on preorder dlc I think
Sweet! Can we please put Multiflag in there at some point?
Directly edit Reach and Halo 4 gametype files via an XML converter
for those that want to get down to the core of editing gametypes. (does not allow you to cheat)
writeup on halomods
It lets you write Megalo scripts for BOTH Reach and Halo 4. In a really brute force way, he's working on an IDE so you can more naturally write them.
Let's agree to disagree my friend. I like Slayer Pro, it's just that no radars is dumb for big team. That's my only complaint! You can call me a casual, but I dun care! I hate no radars with a passion. It just ruins the games for me. I do admit Slayer Pro does offer the best vehicle mayhem. lol
the storm rifle is the only main that doesnt have a skin even on preorder dlc I think
I'd think you could. It certainly makes sense you could, because you could spawn the flag object whenever in each game. Also an example in Reach would be Headhunter and Haloball using the oddball skull as a generic object, even though the gametype wasn't Oddball.
This appears to be where the object is set up:
Code:<ObjectFilters> <Filter labelIndex="ctf" name="ctf"/> <Filter labelIndex="ctf_flag_return" name="ctf_flag_return" min="1"/>
this seems to be where the flag object is spawned
Code:<E type="Action" name="CreateObject"> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">flag</Param> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="Team.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Team">TeamObject1</Param> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="Team.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Team">TeamObject0</Param> <Param type="ObjectFilterIndex">NONE</Param> <Param type="CreateObjectFlags">NeverGarbage</Param> <Param type="UInt24">3</Param> <Param type="NameIndex">NONE</Param>
At that point I think what you'd want to is check to see if the flag carrier is intersecting with a Hill and then go from there.
One of the new figures comes with it. Either the Jackal or the Ranger Elite.
If I could get rid of the waypoint it would mean the return of one-bomb Assault.
- Spawn one team with a flag (Kornman's already released a Halomods 1 Flag CTF gametype, so I know this is possible).
- Set the sole extraction zone in the enemy base.
- The conversion time would act as a stand-in for the arm time. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I could make it so that the defending team could then disarm the "bomb", due to the restriction of requiring a flag to arm/convert extraction zones, which would make it Halo 3/Reach Assault as opposed to glorious Halo 2 Assault.
- Reducing both damage dealt and damage resistance would make it so that when the shockwave emitted when the extraction point is extracted would kill those in the immediate vicinity while also ensuring that players do the same damage to each other.
If you ctrl-f for (edit - wait, I have that wrong, give me a moment) there's a spot in the XML where it rigs up the waypoint. You should be able to get rid of it.
Halo 3/Reach Assault did have a disarm. It was the Halo 2 one that didn't.
Well I know what I'm doing this weekend. Petrichor to be the first Assault compatible map.
Feels like Halo.
Halo 3/Reach Assault did have a disarm. It was the Halo 2 one that didn't.
Well I know what I'm doing this weekend. Petrichor to be the first Assault compatible map.
Feels like Halo.
Even better. I think. I probably played Assault in 3/Reach less than ten times, and I can't remember if that's a good or a bad thing.
If this makes an assault type into a matching or test playlist I have some MS points to give you mate. Tashi any chance of presenting an edit script gametype? Has such a thing been put forward to 343i with any success?
Submitting modded or outside-scripted gametypes is not allowed
Directly edit Reach and Halo 4 gametype files via an XML converter
for those that want to get down to the core of editing gametypes. (does not allow you to cheat)
writeup on halomods
It lets you write Megalo scripts for BOTH Reach and Halo 4. In a really brute force way, he's working on an IDE so you can more naturally write them.
So what can that thing do what I can't do with the Horizon editor? Serious question I have no clue.
Is the ditor from the seven sins guys out yet? I am really interested in removing aim assist and more ( strafe speed )
halo is saved
343 should just release an official gametype creator already.
What's up with all those languages in the gametype editor?
Что, это серьезный вопрос?
No no, not saying casual at all. And I agree about no radar being a huge turn off for a lot of people that's why they're bringing it back for Slayer pro big team in the next update. Hence why I said in the post above:
"The addition of radar again will make it perhaps one of the best playlists in the game."
There is no way any true Halo fan, especially one who loves the zanyness of big team and the vehicles, will hate Slayer pro with radar on. It makes the game so much better. Better teamwork, better map control and weapon control, no power weapon spam, no stick grenade spam.
Can someone please use that gametype editor to make a Halo Anniversary style gametype for Halo 4. I'm not asking for perfection just get it as close as reach.
Take for example these values as they appear in CTF before the full blown weapons tuning roll out in matchmaking:
HTML:<WeaponTuning> <OneBarrelWeapons> <WarthogGunner_Gauss> <Value6>14.0004559</Value6> <Value7>11.9996414</Value7> <Value10>11.9996414</Value10> <Value11>9.999781</Value11> </WarthogGunner_Gauss> </OneBarrelWeapons> </WeaponTuning>
Valid elements in the <WeaponTuning> element are: "TwoBarrels", "OneBarrel", "OneBarrelWeapons", "TwoBarrelWeapons". The first two modify barrel-related data for such weapons. The latter two modify purely weapon related data for such weapons. I will leave it up to Lord Zedd to explain the values of each...Value# element should he chose to do so. Here are the weapon names you can use:
Code:BurstGun // suppressor SpreadGun // scattershot AttachBeam // binary_rifle ScaleshotRifle//IncinerationCannon MagnumPistol AssaultRifle MarksmanRifle // DMR Shotgun BattleRifle SniperRifle RocketLauncher StickyGrenadeLauncher LMG Needler Carbine BeamRifle StormRifle ConcussionRifle FlakCannon // FRG Ghost Wraith WraithAntiInfantry Banshee BansheeBomb WarthogGunner WarthogGunner_Gauss WarthogGunner_Rocket Scorpion ScorpionGunner // turret MechChaingun MechRocket MagnumPistol_CTF FloodTalons
Code:HomingRifle // light rifle StatisGun // bolt shot SpartanLaser RailGun PlasmaPistol PersonalAutoTurret
Example of how to modify the DMR's barrel tuning:
HTML:<WeaponTuning> <OneBarrel> <MarksmanRifle> <!--stick to using whole numbers in the 0 to 32767 range for these values--> <Value0>1</Value0> <!--rounds per second lower bound--> <Value1>1</Value1> <!--rounds per second upper bound--> <Value8>1</Value8> <!--bloom reset speed--> </MarksmanRifle> </OneBarrel> </WeaponTuning>
These are the values for OneBarrel/TwoBarrels:
Code:value0 = rounds per sec lower value1 = rounds per second upper value2 = spin up acceleration time value3 = spin up deceleration time value4 = shots per fire lower value5 = shots per fire upper value6 = fire recovery time value7 = soft recovery time value8 = bloom reset speed value9 = damage error lower value10 = damage error upper value11 = idklol value12 = idklol value13 = idklol value14 = error angle value15 = base bloom value16 = bloom increase rate value17 = Heat Generated Per Round value18 = Charge Percentage Subtraction value19 = idklol, Area of Effect Radius? value20 = damage lower value21 = damage upper min value22 = damage upper max value23 = proj damage range lower value24 = proj damage range upper value25 = buckshot accuracy value26 = buckshot spread
These are the values for OneBarrelWeapons/TwoBarrelWeapons
Code:value0 = Heat Recovery Threshold value1 = Overheat Threshold value2 = Heat Loss Per Second value3 = Heat Illumination value4 = Overheated Heat Loss Per Second value5 = autoaim angle value6 = autoaim long value7 = autoaim short value8 = autoaim minimum value9 = magnetism angle value10 = magnetism long value11 = magnetism short value12 = magnetism minimum value13 = idklol, deviation angle?
**autoaim referring to when the reticule turns red, magnetism referring to how the reticule automatically follows moving enemies. The Long/Short refers to distance, and Minimum being a "safe" radius before autoaim and/or magnetism kicks in.**
**anything labeled 'idklol' is named as such because there wasn't any noticeable changes when modifying them, even on weapons that use them. They DO have a purpose, but we just don't know what it is at this time. If there is a name after it then that is an educated guess based on the tag structure in the mapfiles.**
As far as how to modify them in a sincere manner, it will be tricky if you do not have access to the mapfiles to see their original values. The values present in the gametype will override their original mapfile values.
You could grab to a matchmaking gametype though, as that will have the new tuning values you can use as reference.
My main issue with Slayer Pro in BTB is that on certain maps vehicles just become way too powerful and difficult to kill. The mantis is the biggest offender here. Especially on Ragnarok. The update just made it worse really.
You can stay alive in the Mantis for nearly the entire match without much difficulty if you have half decent team mates. You guys talk about the DMR limiting map movement but it's nothing compared to the Mantis on a map like that.
The only viable way to take it out is to get the Splaser that spawns on the hill every once in a while. But that is much easier said than done when the mantis is right on the other side and the other team is ready to shred you with team shot from all angles. So basically you end up with people hunkering down on their side of the map trying to pick each other off from long range. It's terrible.
Directly edit Reach and Halo 4 gametype files via an XML converter
for those that want to get down to the core of editing gametypes. (does not allow you to cheat)
writeup on halomods
It lets you write Megalo scripts for BOTH Reach and Halo 4. In a really brute force way, he's working on an IDE so you can more naturally write them.
Ragnarok is a flawed map. It still baffles me that it got a remake for Halo 4
Haven't played this in months...I guess now would be a good time to jump back in, with the new updates and whatnot? Vast improvements?
Can we nerf the fucking Assault Rifle now? If I'm not staring directly at him and pulling the trigger to fire my first burst as soon as he starts to pull the trigger then I lose, and there's nothing I can do about it because all he has to do is just hose me down with bullets and the player inertia is still too high to strafe properly. There's no excuse for this. The automatics were fine before the patch, and now they're all godless killing machines that fear no beast or man, especially the SAW.
At least take it out of fucking Slayer Pro.