Gabotron ES
That was literally like 10 years ago.
Here we go.
dem eyes and lips.
That was literally like 10 years ago.
Here we go.
Why is invis still in loadouts.
And jetpack. I can't even begin to count the number of times that I've been behind cover and someone has just floated on above it and killed me. Just eghhh
If either of those things are still available in Halo 5 then any faith I had left in this series will be gone. People have complained about this crap for two games now. That's like 5 years. There's no excuse for 343i to keep bringing them back as is
This is what is going to happen and I'm taking bets now: They are going to release a HD collection with the campaigns of 1-4 all re-done possibly with the exception of 4 as it was pretty good looking as is. They are going to include the multiplayer of 2 and only 2 on this set. It will be everything you remember it was 10 years ago. It will be the return of classic Halo. Then they will put out 5 which will have weapon attachments and ADS on top of everything 4 brought to the table (you know, the bad stuff). The reasoning behind this is they already gave you classic Halo with the HD collection and therefore they won't feel obligated to keep it going. It will be enough to satisfy series purists while they go for another fresh audience cash grab. "Don't like new Halo (5)? Well lucky you can play old Halo (2) then!"
It does especially as there's limited things to take them outt. There's some places they shouldn't of been like the inside of shutdown.The Banshee AI in this game is super irritating. Being saying it since launch. It's like they've got hax aimbots and not one of their shots ever misses. They're also very aggressive so you literally have like 2 seconds to react to one coming at you before you're dead
Absolutely ruins certain encounters for me. No idea how anyone tested parts of Halo 4 and thought "hey, this is fun"
Yes. I thought she player her part well.It does especially as there's limited things to take them outt. There's some places they shouldn't of been like the inside of shutdown.
Wasn't Anna Poppelwell in forward unto dawn as a marine?
Why are loadouts still in Halo 4?Why is invis still in loadouts.
Halo 2's AI is leagues worse. I have never had an instance of CE's AI (CE and CEA and CE PC) in which the AI just stood around.
I can only remember the Jackel with a needle rifle killing her.Yes. I thought she player her part well.
There seem to be a lot of rumoured projects for Halo lately.
Although it would be cool to see them all, I honestly can't believe that if 343 tried to release a remastered collection of Halo CE, 2, 3 and 4, while working on Halo 5 and allegedly being involved in a TV series, we would get high quality across the board.
I would rather they just focused on making a Halo 2 anniversary reboot worthy of the original (and of the Halo CE reboot) and making sure Halo 5 takes a more interesting take on the FPS this time around.
Hopefully Titanfall made enough of an impact with its return to arcade-style gameplay mechanics that we will see a more fast-paced, less armour-ability and killstreak dependent design choice from 343.
Think about it, they were johnny on the spot to dispel rumors about the new Spartan being female or a robot Cortana. Literally within the hour they were active on twitter and such denouncing such claims. Then the hour after that when everyone starts losing their shit about ADS and weapon attachments they mysteriously go quiet. If anything needed damage control it's that over what gender a new character is. They know that and because they are silent on it you can pretty much guarantee ADS coming to Halo 5 with the return of custom classes now with weapon attachments. The funny part is I called this over a year ago. It's what I got banned on Waypoint for (that and I was a bit of rude asshole, which I like to think I've dialed back on it since then).
Think about it, they were johnny on the spot to dispel rumors about the new Spartan being female or a robot Cortana. Literally within the hour they were active on twitter and such denouncing such claims. Then the hour after that when everyone starts losing their shit about ADS and weapon attachments they mysteriously go quiet. If anything needed damage control it's that over what gender a new character is. They know that and because they are silent on it you can pretty much guarantee ADS coming to Halo 5 with the return of custom classes now with weapon attachments. The funny part is I called this over a year ago. It's what I got banned on Waypoint for (that and I was a bit of rude asshole, which I like to think I've dialed back on it since then).
Seriously who gives a fuck what they do with Halo 5 if we get H2 multi remade ? If it's done right (hell even half right, the anni playlist in Reach was prob the most fun I've had in a Halo game since 2), then I'll be playing it until they shut down the servers like H2.
I mean I can see what they were going for with H4 multi and as a creative team, I can't fault them if they make another run at showing us their vision.
Sweet Christ...![]()
This is the best I could do in 10 seconds. That is all my fucks allow for.
That was literally like 10 years ago.
Here we go.
Sweet Christ...
9.8/10 would marry the shit out of her and make lots of babbies.
Also, happy birthday to Wahrer!
I wonder how they are going to pull off the beginning campaign missions for H5G if Chief really is alone in the wild. Chief has historically been a silent fellow. Maybe we'll get depressed Chief who talks to a non-existent Cortana during the missions.
I expect Chief to get some sort of companion at some point in the game, but I doubt in the first few missions.
Think about it, they were johnny on the spot to dispel rumors about the new Spartan being female or a robot Cortana. Literally within the hour they were active on twitter and such denouncing such claims. Then the hour after that when everyone starts losing their shit about ADS and weapon attachments they mysteriously go quiet. If anything needed damage control it's that over what gender a new character is. They know that and because they are silent on it you can pretty much guarantee ADS coming to Halo 5 with the return of custom classes now with weapon attachments. The funny part is I called this over a year ago. It's what I got banned on Waypoint for (that and I was a bit of rude asshole, which I like to think I've dialed back on it since then).
That's because they were only talking about the released images, the visual ID. They are not talking about gameplay or any in-game features, so you are drawing your own conclusions from that.
She was really good as Katniss.
Since it's not exactly a surprise anymore, do you guys think we might see the Arbiter on this cover, too? It'd be a neat juxtaposition and provide that blue-orange contrast so many visual IDs love nowadays.
So I just played Spartan Opsand that was actually pretty engaging. What's up with that?I watched the cutscenes on YouTube
The gameplay wasn't very fun in a few missions so I gave up on it back in 2012.
Definitely an alt.
So how would those benefit halo at all? Implementation of sprint and load outs leaves a rather acrid after taste of chasing after the wrong crowd. If you want those features why not simply play a franchise with them instead of wanting them grafted onto this one?I personally feel some of the things that have been added into the current marketplace with ADS, double jumping, sprint, etc, if implemented correctly, have a place in a game franchise that is seeking to remain fresh and still be the continued standard of excellence.
So how would those benefit halo at all? Implementation of sprint and load outs leaves a rather acrid after taste of chasing after the wrong crowd. If you want those features why not simply play a franchise with them instead of wanting them grafted onto this one?
So how would those benefit halo at all? Implementation of sprint and load outs leaves a rather acrid after taste of chasing after the wrong crowd. If you want those features why not simply play a franchise with them instead of wanting them grafted onto this one?
I've been thinking about this question. It's definitely not a bad question, but I miss Halo. I don't like Halo 4 as it stands (nor any of the other releases), because of competing titles or stale gameplay. I want to play Halo, and I want to have fun while doing it. I just can't seem to right now with the titles I have at my disposal, and this is my opinion of what may make this a better experience.why not simply play a franchise with them instead of wanting them grafted onto this one?
What you want doesn't sound like halo at all to be honest. You want some sort of amalgamation of different mechanics from other franchises because you think it is more fun.Verticality, further ways to strategize, and it sounds more fun to me.
I've been thinking about this question. It's definitely not a bad question, but I miss Halo. I don't like Halo 4 as it stands (nor any of the other releases), because of competing titles or stale gameplay. I want to play Halo, and I want to have fun while doing it. I just can't seem to right now with the titles I have at my disposal, and this is my opinion of what may make this a better experience.
Verticality, further ways to strategize, and it sounds more fun to me.
I've been thinking about this question. It's definitely not a bad question, but I miss Halo. I don't like Halo 4 as it stands (nor any of the other releases), because of competing titles or stale gameplay. I want to play Halo, and I want to have fun while doing it. I just can't seem to right now with the titles I have at my disposal, and this is my opinion of what may make this a better experience.
Verticality, further ways to strategize, and it sounds more fun to me.
I've been thinking about this question. It's definitely not a bad question, but I miss Halo. I don't like Halo 4 as it stands (nor any of the other releases), because of competing titles or stale gameplay. I want to play Halo, and I want to have fun while doing it. I just can't seem to right now with the titles I have at my disposal, and this is my opinion of what may make this a better experience.
We should just get a Halo 5 key art inspired cover for Halo 2A- MC walking on top with BR, Arbiter upside down below him with Energy Sword.
You asked for it! You can't un-ask for it!
Verticality, further ways to strategize, and it sounds more fun to me.
Here's the thing though, if you want current FPS tropes in Halo you aren't helping Halo fans or shooter fans.
What you're doing is just conforming all shooters to one style of gunplay.
CoD, Battlefield, Titanfall, Medal Of Honor, Far Cry, Crysis, hell even Destiny (though aiming from the hip seems a bit more viable) All have more or less very similar gunplay. They just differ in movement options, gun properties, and other abilities outside of the gunplay.
You remove the movement and titans from Titanfall, its just a CoD clone. You remove Battlefields scale of combat, its just a clunkier CoD.
Yes, the movement and titans of Titanfall make it really fun and unique. The scale of Battlefield defines the game, the abilities of Crysis and Destiny define its combat.
But their gunplay is very similar. Automatic weapons shine, you sprint in, ADS, shoot for a bit, and keep sprinting till you find another enemy.
Despite Halo 4 being disappointing, its gunplay is the most unique among the shooter landscape today, and personally, this is just an opinion, but Halo has the BEST gunplay of any shooter on the market now. The slow kill times, emphasis on headshots, being fully mobile, accurate and aware while not scoped in... This is what makes Halo unique to other shooters and fun.
If you start putting in these other mechanics then Halo will lose its edge and you'll see another Halo 4 population drop.
For how much I love playing Titanfall, the gunplay in it is really a chore. The parkour and titan combat is by far the best part. But despite these awesome mechanics in the game, I can feel myself getting bored of it. Whereas Halo, even Halo 4, can keep my attention because every firefight feels rewarding.