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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO

I'd have to see how it plays, but I don't really like the sound of wall running in Halo. At the most, I'd be cool with wall jumps and double jumps.

Can't argue with it being possible in the lore, though. Then again, Spartans can't swim in the video games like what the fuck?

It's more because they're too heavy. I'm sure Chief can swim, but even being a supersoldier isn't going to let you "swim harder" to the extent that you can propel a metric ton of space-age polymers without proper grounding. If anything, the ninety minutes of oxygen in his suit's reserve tank means that Chief could probably just run / fight underwater.


It's more because they're too heavy. I'm sure Chief can swim, but even being a supersoldier isn't going to let you "swim harder" to the extent that you can propel a metric ton of space-age polymers without proper grounding. If anything, the ninety minutes of oxygen in his suit's reserve tank means that Chief could probably just run / fight underwater.

Yeah, I'm sure that is why. I doubt water would really add anything to the games at all, I'm mainly just picking fun at those people on twitter and Waypoint who think there should be sprint because the lore calls for it (wasn't trying to make fun of you in this situation, by the way.)
Yeah, I'm sure that is why. I doubt water would really add anything to the games at all, I'm mainly just picking fun at those people on twitter and Waypoint who think there should be sprint because the lore calls for it (wasn't trying to make fun of you in this situation, by the way.)

Underwater lower gravity MP map.


So as for my controversial Halo opinion:

I still maintain that wall running could be really cool in Halo.

Like maybe relegate it to a spin off, like Halo 5: ODST (slowly becoming my pet game for some reason). Have it as only people like spartan 4s in their special armor can do (which is why chief can't). Also have it in firefight and campaign. Moving up the base speed to say 150% of Reach's speed or whatever, would help. No jet packs (except as things you can pick up and have limited fuel like guns and things, and never in multiplayer.

Then if everybody loves it, put it in Halo 6.

The main reason I'd want something like this is because of how much it opens up options, especially verticality like people have been mentioning.


You make a compelling argument.

I could see verticality and parkour without ADS really adding some dimension to Halo. Sounds fun actually.

Sure thing. I'm all for more movement options as long as everyone has them off start or they are a map pick up.

I can't see anything as ridiculous as Titanfalls parkour, but I could see something more akin to Brink or the Crysis ledge grabs. Might make some of the halo purists, especially those who liked the jumping mechanics, a bit mad but eh, the base game comes first.

Add in default thrusters that can double jump, negate fall damage, allow for short wall runs (maybe) and lateral quick strafes. Even if wall runs arent in the game I'd love for there to be wall bounces. I can totally see a spartan doing a parkour esque hop off of a wall.
Yeah, I'm sure that is why. I doubt water would really add anything to the games at all, I'm mainly just picking fun at those people on twitter and Waypoint who think there should be sprint because the lore calls for it (wasn't trying to make fun of you in this situation, by the way.)

I could see an amphibious vehicle being fun, but something tells me your typical jetski wouldn't like having to ferry one or two thousand pounds of Spartan.

Underwater lower gravity MP map.

This is exactly why swimming doesn't happen in Halo games.

343 pls

Metroid Prime-style Downed Frigate area with a destroyed sunken covenant / alien ship with a 90-minute countdown due to oxygen could be good fun in campaign tho


This is interesting...
Add in default thrusters that can double jump, negate fall damage, allow for short wall runs (maybe) and lateral quick strafes. Even if wall runs arent in the game I'd love for there to be wall bounces. I can totally see a spartan doing a parkour esque hop off of a wall.
Yes. My wish list:
  1. No sprint
  2. Base speed increased by 5-10%
  3. Thrusters are the only Armor Ability
  4. Powerups brought back in place of Ordnance drops (Custom powerup in lieu of Damage/Speed Boost)
  5. Weapon drops back to pre-H4, with the possibility of a 5 second waypoint when they refresh
  6. No custom loadouts; gametype only (applies to custom games as well)
I would be very happy to play that multiplayer.


I am definitely not an alt. I signed up here like what? 2 years ago? At the time I was in the middle ofa multi-website spanning internet fight with another user on here, Enfinit. Things got heated between the two of us and he wouldn't stop texting me insults and what not so I told him if he didn't stop texting me I was going to stock pile personal info on him and sort of hold it over his head (hopefully to get him to stop) and it did for a little bit. But when he saw I was here he followed me around every single thread making snide comments and egging me on to more public drama. I gave him a warning via PM and he ignored it so I made my avatar his IRL picture then went out to lunch. By the time I got back he spun the whole thing in his favor and all of HaloGAF INCLUDING FRANK O'CONNOR HIMSELF were against me. I figured the damage was done and any defense I played now would fall on deaf ears. So I let him have NeoGAF. I often lurked and wondered if I'd ever be able to come back from something like that but as I have seen nobody remembers that shit and probably won't until reading this post. Funny thing is, me and Enfinit play Xbox daily now. Go figure.


Unconfirmed Member
If Major Williams had his way every FPS would be a shallow aping of the previous years' most popular FPS.


Ads would be bad, but default thrusters and some ledge grab stuff would be pretty great IMO.

Default thrusters would be glorious. Oh and double jumps, that could just be a vertical thrust after all.


Man, that Pelican flying glitch in Reclaimer... fun!
Halos should have more things like that, but intentional, something you can use to complete missions.
This glitch is limited to rather small area, the Pelican despawns at certain loading zone.

Also, the Pelican's laser has ridiculous recoil.

Ads would be bad, but default thrusters and some ledge grab stuff would be pretty great IMO.

Default thrusters would be glorious. Oh and double jumps, that could just be a vertical thrust after all.

I want that. Ledge grabbing, sliding, double jumping, all thruster powered would be neat.


Unconfirmed Member
Ads would be bad, but default thrusters and some ledge grab stuff would be pretty great IMO.

Default thrusters would be glorious. Oh and double jumps, that could just be a vertical thrust after all.
Yeah, I could imagine both those things working with Halo. Ledge grabs seem pretty pointless, though.
Yeah, I could imagine both those things working with Halo. Ledge grabs seem pretty pointless, though.

Eh, I think Crysis 3-style window-hopping or building-climbing could be helpful vertical movement options and simultaneously eliminate the usefulness or need for Jetpacking in general. Just imagine someone doing acrobatic fucking pirouettes with a Sword in hand flying around Prisoner and destroying people.


Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.


Are you serious? what are you going off of that Halo 5G will have ADS?

The deliberate change from the BR standard scope to a close range right, I.E.- red dot sight, in the only piece of official visual material we have to go on. What else could it possibly mean? If it's not the precursor to ADS then it is most certainly a sign of weapon customization which means the return of custom classes. It's one or the other. Cancer or tuberculoses, you pick. But in reality it's probably both.


Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.

Exactly why wall climbing and grabbing should not be added :)
I suppose. Would be interesting if it wasn't contextual. As in you had to hit the jump button again to do it.

I'd always figured that you'd have to use a dedicated parkour button in similar vein to the "What does the X button do this game?" features like Equipment starting with Halo 3.
For titanfall the ledge grabbing really is slow when someone who can aim is around ready to kill them during the ledge climb. There are actually skill based maneuvers you can do to avoid ledge grabs. Jumping toward a ledge, turning to the left or right, kicking off the wall and immediately boosting over the ledge. Cuts a bunch of time off of traversing. I Almost never have to ledge grab anymore.

I'm not going to pretend I haven't imagined halo having the kind of mobility titanfall has. The ADS and horribly random spread of weapons when on the move really makes me mad. A static cross hair and that kind of movement in halo would make for so many insanely intense fights. Gears of war with its wall bouncing mechanics to me stand to be the most intense gunfights i can have on consoles. Halo is 2nd and I don't really put titanfall in the list cause the random spread makes me lose fights sometimes =/
Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.

You're not the only one.


Unconfirmed Member
Eh, I think Crysis 3-style window-hopping or building-climbing could be helpful vertical movement options and simultaneously eliminate the usefulness or need for Jetpacking in general. Just imagine someone doing acrobatic fucking pirouettes with a Sword in hand flying around Prisoner and destroying people.
I like the idea, but you giving an example of it breaking a classic map isn't exactly persuasive, haha. I could see it being a cool addition if new maps were built around it.

Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.
Yeah, this is my inclination, too.


Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.
I'm the same too introducing features that limit this are bad ideas to me.


Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I don't really like the idea of wall climbing and ledge grabbing, mainly because at every given moment in the game I want to be able to shoot my gun (objective holding is different.) Not sure if that really makes any sense.

Not impossible. Just have the Spartan hold the gun and be able to shoot while doing these things.
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