HD porn streaming would be great with that.
those censored pixels will be awesome.
HD porn streaming would be great with that.
HD porn streaming would be great with that.
Definitely will be.those censored pixels will be awesome.
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
You need to add the last level of Delta Halo. Plenty of nice scenery before going into the control room.
Put my revised minimalist sandbox in image form:
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
Rather have a single shot weapon than a burst for loadout. maybe the BR has selective fire.
Very nice Wahrer wouldn't both the grenade launcher and railgun be redundant?
I had to just explain to speedy what an aerola was...
I just want Halo 2 MP in my Xbox One right now, is that too much to ask?
I just want Halo 2 MP in my Xbox One right now, is that too much to ask?
Halo 4 w/ Halo 2 maps incoming
Halo 4 w/ Halo 2 maps incoming
The way I envisioned it, you'd pick one firearm and one sidearm for your loadout. Everything else would be predetermined, and generally speaking you'd receive two Frags in addition. The Magnum is the single shot loadout weapon; in this case, it and the BR are designed to be a midpoint between the Halo 4 Turbo BR and the Combat Evolved Magnum. The only difference besides ammo capacity (accounting for the fact that the BR would naturally have thrice as many bullets) is that the BR is burst-fire, while the Magnum can either fire semi-automatically or automatically as it did in the original. Generally speaking, Magnum / Plasma Rifle would be the most effective combination of the four possible, but have the highest learning curve.
I didn't realize you were a Homestuck fan.
No more redundant than having the slew of explosive ordnance weapons in Halo 4. The sandbox in general has a bit of dual-purposeness to it where one weapon is slightly better in smaller encounters while the other's better in big team, for example Rockets in 4v4 compared to Plasma Launcher in 8v8, and so on. The Grenade Launcher does have a small-team role as someone who wants to control the map itself, while the Railgun is oriented more towards controlling the players on the map. GL allows you to pull bank-shots and lay traps with a slightly lesser degree of accuracy compared to the Sticky Detonator, meaning you have to work bottom-up by keeping an eye on spawns, weapon placements, and so on. The Railgun, conversely, works in a top-down fashion where you directly target vehicles and enemies and try to scare them in the direction of your choosing, or kill their momentum altogether by pinging them from afar.
It really boils down to personal preference, and in this sandbox the GL / Railgun would have really, really good synergy when used by dual players.
Halo 4 w/ Halo 2 maps incoming
Why is that a bad thing again?
I mean I love Halo 2 as much as anyone else - if not more than most as I still play it somewhat regularly - but with some tweaking to the Halo 4 sandbox I wouldn't be complaining at all. And they could just add the weapons from the campaign into the multiplayer space so it's not like we'd be missing out on anything
I guess the biggest hurdle would be dual wielding
Variance between those two is a good thing to have it would hopefully encourage map movement to obtain the players weapon of choice. And if you get both of them the more the merrier.No more redundant than having the slew of explosive ordnance weapons in Halo 4. The sandbox in general has a bit of dual-purposeness to it where one weapon is slightly better in smaller encounters while the other's better in big team, for example Rockets in 4v4 compared to Plasma Launcher in 8v8, and so on. The Grenade Launcher does have a small-team role as someone who wants to control the map itself, while the Railgun is oriented more towards controlling the players on the map. GL allows you to pull bank-shots and lay traps with a slightly lesser degree of accuracy compared to the Sticky Detonator, meaning you have to work bottom-up by keeping an eye on spawns, weapon placements, and so on. The Railgun, conversely, works in a top-down fashion where you directly target vehicles and enemies and try to scare them in the direction of your choosing, or kill their momentum altogether by pinging them from afar.
It really boils down to personal preference, and in this sandbox the GL / Railgun would have really, really good synergy when used by dual players.
Wahrer are you gonna do something similar to that but with vehicles
I'm willing to bet my account this isn't the case. No knowledge, but they're not that dumb.
Why is that a bad thing again?
I mean I love Halo 2 as much as anyone else - if not more than most as I still play it somewhat regularly - but with some tweaking to the Halo 4 sandbox I wouldn't be complaining at all. And they could just add the weapons from the campaign into the multiplayer space so it's not like we'd be missing out on anything
I guess the biggest hurdle would be dual wielding but eh
You won't get that satisfaction. Halo 2 scrubsSO pumped can't wait. I want to read all the salty posts.
Ranked 3 BTB?Vehicles and competitive don't mix.
Vehicles and competitive don't mix.
Does the xbone's controller use different wireless spec than the 360's controller? When they release the PC driver, how will you use a wireless controller with the PC?
if its a new dongle, I hope its tiny like these $5 usb bluetooth stubs you can buy.
Ok. If you're wrong you have to contribute your $20.
Ok. If you're wrong you have to contribute your $20.
we're never going to see that $20.
"just paypal it to heckfu"
"i dont have paypal lol *buys star wars art*"
Why must I pay $40 when everyone else paid $20??
we're never going to see that $20.
"just paypal it to heckfu"
"i dont have paypal lol *buys star wars art*"
Does 343i have the files for Another Day at the Beach? It'd be pretty cool to see this redone with improved textures and models.
just the thought of that...
That usual requires a lengthy visit to a GP.Would Flood her Halo
Didn't notice this before, but can't wait for some Big Brother ;]just the thought of that...
FUBAR, that was beautiful.She would eat your sawft, gentle heart.
Didn't notice this before, but can't wait for some Big Brother ;]
Ranked 3 BTB?
I know, I meant more as in how would you revamp them. For example, the Mantis clearly doesn't work as it is, and I figure it would be removed entirely if you did a competitive vehicle mash up.
Didn't notice this before, but can't wait for some Big Brother ;]
It's the best reality show ever, no shame!!